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Not gonna eat over it. Nope. Not gonna do it.

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Had a hellish summer that is ending much better than it began. My divorce is in progress and I'm putting one foot in front of the other. Tomorrow my girls return to college and although we've been cramped where we're currently living, I will miss them terribly. Scared of what the next few months will bring. I won't eat over this. I won't! I'm telling everyone here, right now, that I'm focusing on taking good care of myself and will continue to make progress in my weight loss while I face these scary challenges. That is all.

I don't know if that's a rant or a rave but I needed to say it!

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Great attitude! I'm also going through a difficult divorce and I'm determined not to let all of the stress make me revert to my default setting of eating my problems away.

You keep up the good work and stay fierce!

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Great attitude! I'm also going through a difficult divorce and I'm determined not to let all of the stress make me revert to my default setting of eating my problems away.

You keep up the good work and stay fierce!

Thanks! Good luck to you too. I'm nervous whenever my lawyer emails me something, but more nervous when there's been no news for a week. Ugh!

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Divorce can be so liberating and empowering. Don't let it bring you down.

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Use this time to focus on YOU!! How cool would it be for your girls to come back from college to see a healthier you in a little while?! When you feel the urge to cheat, go out and walk or take a nice warm bath. Do things for YOU. Find some kind of group to keep up your social life, too, so you won't feel lonely. GL!!!

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Wishing you all the strength and determination you need to come out the other side successfully. You certainly have a great attitude going in. We're behind you.

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summer ending better than it began.


glad life is going in the right direction :)

don't let the divorce "win" causing you to mess up on food :wacko:

easier said than done, but do your best

if you slip a bit ( like many of us do) pick yourself up

after all, theres less of you now to lift ;)

87 lbs down :)

thats wonderful :)

keep up the good job :)

good luck



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I am always amazed at how many life changes can take place in the span of one year.

One year ago my husband and I divorced. I moved to a new state/home with two daughters. I was crushed, defeated, depressed, and in deep deep mourning for the end of my relationship and family. Just getting from one day to the next was difficult. My heart was broken and I felt lost in the pain and grief.

Today I am 10 weeks post-op, 30 pounds lighter, SO MUCH HAPPIER, very energetic, strong, powerful, sexy, confident, independent, and in love with myself. I love my 'single' status. I love that, for the first time in my life, I am devoting so much focus to taking loving care of myself. I am a happier person, a better mother, a better friend, and a stronger woman.

The changes I have made to myself in the span of one year have been stunning. Independent of the WLS I have worked on my inner self, really loving and caring for me, so much so that the inner Happiness and Love that I feel shines outward. It's visible to others.

Just you wait....just you wait for one year and you shall be amazed at yourself too.

Good Luck on your Journey!!

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You are facing your emotions so that is a great job on your part. Though I've never been through a divorce, I shared the pain and uneasiness when both of my sisters went through theirs. Change is so difficult when you don't know what is on the other side but you have to believe that it will be better....different and better. Make yourself a priority and practice the positive affirmations that will help you get through the day. I've always been a stress eater and stress is a constant in my life so when I am faced with stressful situations and I want to eat to self medicate.... I pull out some of my old clothes and put them on. This reminds me that I don't want to go back.... Then I put on a new pair of pants that I can't quite wear yet . I purposely bought them too small to help motivate me. This helps put me in a good frame of mind... I see where I came from and where I am going. Eating off plan is then the last thing I want to do. I feel so much healthier, and I feel like I am more attractive, even to myself. My self confidence is higher than it has been in years and...... I don't mind having a photo taken. LOL You will do well, just remember to put yourself first and love yourself and your quickly changing body. Don't look back...look forward...that is where your future is.

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I just got back from my road trip taking my girls back to school, and read these replies. Thank you all so much for your raw honesty and encouragement. I am blessed with a best friend who made the trip with me and we had a good talk in the car about life in general. I know the future is bright. A little icing on the cake today was checking my FitBit tonight, and with moving two girls into two college apartments, I climbed 36 floors and walked over 9000 steps today. And didn't get out of breath once. Truly a miracle.

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      Day 1 of pre-op liquid diet (3 weeks) and I'm having a hard time already. I feel hungry and just want to eat. I got the protein and supplements recommend by my program and having a hard time getting 1 down. My doctor / nutritionist has me on the following:
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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