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ISO Low BMI Sleeve Mentor

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I have a low BMI (35.6) and truly only one co-morbity issues (border line BP). I'm actually one of those truly healthy fat people. I only want to lose around 50 pounds although by BMI standards, I should be around 120. I do suffer from chronic pain in my knees and feet which is the result of any attempt to exercise as I get older. I just turned 40 an have ben contemplating this for 2 years. I decided that I don't want to live the next 40 years in a constant state of yo-yo dieting....I've been doing that for at last 30 years and I'm done! I need a mentor that can help guide me and support me through this process.. My doc has already told me to stop all attempts at weightloss until my surgery since I can't afford to lose any and still be approved. I won't lose 40 pounds in the first month like others so I'm looking for someone that had a similar experience that I can relate to.

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Wow. I had to reread your post to see if I had written it! I am in a similar situation. Have been obese forever. But with BMIs in low 30s. A hysterectomy and lack of attention to exercise and eating well caused me to balloon up and I have been miserable. My BMI is around 36.5 to 37.

I have no obvious diabetes or sleep apnea so co morbities were high blood pressure and gerd.

I did not think I would be approved and just in the last half hour, received a call that I was indeed approved! I am in shock. I am

52. So may be too old to be a buddy to you, but, I am so glad to know others are pursuing this before all hell breaks loose in the body.

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No, you are too old. I will take advice from anyone. I'm hoping that I get approved. I feel like I'm gaining weight everyday since I can't lose any which is killing me b/c I don't remember the last time I wasn't on a diet. I hope his isn't all for not.

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I hear you about not remembering the last time you were in a diet... When I began this process in March, I stopped "dieting." Have had some food funeral moments, but really, I have spent my whole adult life dieting, but not dieting in the right way. I needed something drastic, something I could be passionate about, and something that was all about me. Having the medical team behind this is huge for me. I think I am a compliant patient...I want to do what medical people say, although the "hey, just exercise and eat right" from my marathon running doctor and nurse never hit the right chord! I have not been dieting and have gained I think in the last 6 months. Not a ton but consistent. If I were not doing this now I would just continue to grow. I think the research is on our side... The low BMI folks.. as long as we view this as an amazing opportunity to get our psyche and lives on a good track to healthy. There is a lot of good stuff on this site. Just dig in and look around!!!!

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Im in the same boat - 42 years old, BMI 36, I can run 10k without trouble and I cycle a lot. I am 'fit' in that I exercise all the time. I have perfect BP, no co-morbidities at all except I had early menopause (fertility problem). I am SICK of FAILING at losing weight.

I am an ambitious professional in my work with a lot of determination, but when it comes to losing weight? Nope I fail all the time. Cant keep it off.

I am questioning going for the operation quite a bit. The real truth is I can lose 15-20 lbs at a time and gain it back, over and over again but I will never ever get down to a "normal" BMI range without surgery. I haven't been a single digit pant size since about grade 8.

When I told my mom I was considering this I was shocked that she was totally against it. "I just need to be more disciplined about eating". OMG. this is the lady who put me in weight watchers for the first time when i was TEN years old. Clearly, her strategy does not work for me.

I am interested in talking to someone of a similar BMI and activity level who has undergone sleeve surgery.

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Wow! I read each post with awe, because, except for minimal differences here and there (age, BMI), these posts are ME!! My PCP finally sent my letter and my 3-month supervised diet to the surgeon today, and according to them, my packet will be sent to my insurance company, BCBS Federal, next week. With all the waiting, I can't even let myself get too excited. My blood pressure will be through the roof! It's already "too damn high"! I'm worried I'll be denied, with a BMI of 39.1 and consistently HBP for the past three years...we will see...Congratulations and best wishes to all who have been approved.

Edited by OnePhatWhoDat

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Hi! I am really in no position to be a mentor as I am just fumbling my way through recovery and readjustment to this new way of living, but I can share with you my experiences.

I was sleeved apx. 9-10 weeks ago. I am 5'6", weighed an average of 214 with BMI of 34ish. I was 197 day of surgery with a BMI of 32.

I've lost 30lbs since then. Over 50% of my excess weight. I'm down two pant sizes (almost a third!). Recovery was pretty easy...I was able to sleep normal after just two days, drink pretty easily, no pain at incision sites.

Mt two biggest adjustments have been learning when to stop eating/take small bites/chew & eat slow...and learning new stress coping skills since I can no longer "eat my feelings away".

I kept my surgery secret from everyone in my life...at first. The day before surgery I told my best friend and my mother. Just today I told my sister. I feel like I had to do more in-depth explaining and justifying of my decision than perhaps a higher BMI persons who has co-morbidities has to explain.

Here are some of my main points:

1. The science is showing that the surgery has more successful long term results for lower BMI individuals.

2. Low BMI'ers have an easier recovery and less complications.

3. Lot's of people have cosmetic surgeries everyday....this is a surgery with real health benefits in addition to cosmetic improvements.

4. I need something to physically keep me from binge eating. I NEEDED a smaller capacity stomach.

5. Having this surgery has been like hitting the "reset" button on my life-long eating habits and psychological attachment to food. I've been released from a 1000 pound emotional anchor I've been dragging around for decades.

6. It may seem very extreme but it's really not. It's a laproscopic surgery not a full blown operation, quick recovery time, does not reroute the digestive system, and allows me to eat any food in limited quantities. We're not loosing an organ...we're just making it smaller!

7. The research shows stomach cancer survivors who've had a complete surgical stomach removal have normal life expectancies after surgery (bar any other cancer related complications). Living with a smaller stomach will not affect life expectancy.

8. In this worldwide battle against obesity, pre-emptive steps are becoming more important. Why wait until our BMI is 40 and we're 100+ pounds overweight with co-morbidities when the medical profession can now step in before it's gets so out-of-hand?

Today I am still learning so much about my new body. Being aware of my Last Bite has become much better. At first I was eating a few too many bites and felt miserable. Getting in the recommended Protein and liquids is an everyday focus. Eating every few hours has been a challenge, especially when I'm at work. Replacing food with other coping methods has been challenging as well.

There was some time around weeks 4-5-6 that I had moments of regret. Mostly it was when I could only eat three or four bites of food. I just wanted to eat something! I just wanted to take a bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow without all of the thought and uncomfortableness. Suddenly around week 7 my stomach swelling must have gone down a lot and I could eat more....not a lot, but enough that I can feel almost 'normal' when going out to eat.

I have found so much POWER in the fact that I can eat just a small amount of food and be satisfied, that I can leave food on my plate, and that I can order the healthy Protein rich item instead of the junk-food carby menu item. I finally feel like I control my eating, nit that my eating controls me.

This was expensive...$14,000 out of pocket, but it is the best decision I could have made for myself. I see it as an act of Self-Love. I love myself enough to make this very tough and serious decision. I love myself enough to sacrifice my comfort-zone food habits and embark upon this wls journey.

Good Luck to you in your journey!! I've learned so much from reading other's experiences and have a lot of appreciation for those who've taken the time to be a supportive part of this community. Please continue to share your questions and experiences.

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Wow. You have a blog? Or maybe should look at writing a book. I so appreciate what you wrote and shared!

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I have something in common with each of you. I too exercise - not rigorously but I am active. My weight does not slow me down, its my head. I know that, no matter how hard I exercise, it will be all for not because my diet with sabotage it. Dieting your whole life truly affects your relationship with food. I am so needing a tool that can help me focus on my diet other than people and books telling me what i already know. I've told my mom, husband and best friend but no one else. If I lose the weight, everyone will want to know my "secret" but I'm not sure what I'm going to say. My mom is supportive but clearly against it. I have to do this for me....no one else. ITs time.

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I'm in a similar situation. BMI at about 38 depending on the day. Other than some sore knees at times and asthma in extreme cold weather or with allergies, I am overall pretty darn healthy. Never had issues with blood pressure or cholesterol. At one point I felt kind of bad because I was the smallest person in my bariatric orientation. It was almost like I didn't belong there. I would be happy with a 50-60 lb weight loss. My dietician said we should aim for a weight of 120-130, I said 150-160 was good enough for me, she wasn't buying it so we'll see what happens lol. I go Oct 23rd and the closer I get the more nervous I get. I wonder about excess skin and how my body will look afterwards. It's hard to find people close to my starting point to see where this can potentially take me.

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Hello all. I was sleeved 6/17 and my pre op and highest weight was 190 and today I am 154.

I too was a self pay $8200. The insurance did not cover the procedure, but did the hernia repair.

I looked back into my diet journals past and realized I was always trying to lose weight and I was always miserable.

My blood work was horrid and my doctor said I had to do something. My first appointment was in May and I was sleeved a month later.

It's the best thing I have done. I lost my son in 2011 and my life has spiraled down for several years. In 2014 it seems a fog has lifted and I need to try to find life again. For myself and for my family.

I'm no veteran, but I can tell you that I have a great attitude towards this and I can be a pick me up for anyone wanting a friend.

I have 10 children total, and married for 16 years. His mine ours and the ones we've adopted. They go from 38 down to 5 years.

I am self employed and a dog lover.

I'm realistic about this journey and have taken it all in stride.

I do have a counselor and psychiatrist as well as OB and family doctor which I consulted with all of then before I scheduled the surgery.

I still take my meds for the depression, and go to my bereaved parents support group.

That's me. I'm amy if anyone wants to chat.

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Jen, are you self pay or covered by insurance (If you don't mind me asking)? Right now all of my anxiety is tied up in whether or not my insurance will cover this.

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Jen, are you self pay or covered by insurance (If you don't mind me asking)? Right now all of my anxiety is tied up in whether or not my insurance will cover this.

My insurance is covering it.

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Hi! I am really in no position to be a mentor as I am just fumbling my way through recovery and readjustment to this new way of living, but I can share with you my experiences.

I was sleeved apx. 9-10 weeks ago. I am 5'6", weighed an average of 214 with BMI of 34ish. I was 197 day of surgery with a BMI of 32.

I've lost 30lbs since then. Over 50% of my excess weight. I'm down two pant sizes (almost a third!). Recovery was pretty easy...I was able to sleep normal after just two days, drink pretty easily, no pain at incision sites.

Mt two biggest adjustments have been learning when to stop eating/take small bites/chew & eat slow...and learning new stress coping skills since I can no longer "eat my feelings away".

I kept my surgery secret from everyone in my life...at first. The day before surgery I told my best friend and my mother. Just today I told my sister. I feel like I had to do more in-depth explaining and justifying of my decision than perhaps a higher BMI persons who has co-morbidities has to explain.

Here are some of my main points:

1. The science is showing that the surgery has more successful long term results for lower BMI individuals.

2. Low BMI'ers have an easier recovery and less complications.

3. Lot's of people have cosmetic surgeries everyday....this is a surgery with real health benefits in addition to cosmetic improvements.

4. I need something to physically keep me from binge eating. I NEEDED a smaller capacity stomach.

5. Having this surgery has been like hitting the "reset" button on my life-long eating habits and psychological attachment to food. I've been released from a 1000 pound emotional anchor I've been dragging around for decades.

6. It may seem very extreme but it's really not. It's a laproscopic surgery not a full blown operation, quick recovery time, does not reroute the digestive system, and allows me to eat any food in limited quantities. We're not loosing an organ...we're just making it smaller!

7. The research shows stomach cancer survivors who've had a complete surgical stomach removal have normal life expectancies after surgery (bar any other cancer related complications). Living with a smaller stomach will not affect life expectancy.

8. In this worldwide battle against obesity, pre-emptive steps are becoming more important. Why wait until our BMI is 40 and we're 100+ pounds overweight with co-morbidities when the medical profession can now step in before it's gets so out-of-hand?

Today I am still learning so much about my new body. Being aware of my Last Bite has become much better. At first I was eating a few too many bites and felt miserable. Getting in the recommended Protein and liquids is an everyday focus. Eating every few hours has been a challenge, especially when I'm at work. Replacing food with other coping methods has been challenging as well.

There was some time around weeks 4-5-6 that I had moments of regret. Mostly it was when I could only eat three or four bites of food. I just wanted to eat something! I just wanted to take a bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow without all of the thought and uncomfortableness. Suddenly around week 7 my stomach swelling must have gone down a lot and I could eat more....not a lot, but enough that I can feel almost 'normal' when going out to eat.

I have found so much POWER in the fact that I can eat just a small amount of food and be satisfied, that I can leave food on my plate, and that I can order the healthy Protein rich item instead of the junk-food carby menu item. I finally feel like I control my eating, nit that my eating controls me.

This was expensive...$14,000 out of pocket, but it is the best decision I could have made for myself. I see it as an act of Self-Love. I love myself enough to make this very tough and serious decision. I love myself enough to sacrifice my comfort-zone food habits and embark upon this wls journey.

Good Luck to you in your journey!! I've learned so much from reading other's experiences and have a lot of appreciation for those who've taken the time to be a supportive part of this community. Please continue to share your questions and experiences.

Wow-so much similar except the weight loss. I am 5'6", 208 on surgery date of 6/9/14 but I am struggling to get below 180. I am green with envy looking at your numbers since I would do anything to be at 150 much less below.

Can we talk??

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Great topic and thread for me..... BMI of 37 pre surgery and I need to lose about 80lbs to be at normal weight. So nice reading all the post, very inspirational.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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