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Happy Mothers Day to all our mommas on here! ;) I hope everyone enjoyed their day with their families. Me, I had a cookout with my family and then went to go visit my "second" mother. She's very ill with cancer, and it breaks my heart to see her like she is. She has her wits about her, but is in a lot of pain and is wasting away to nothing. I am praying that her final few months are as pain-free as possible. Her youngest daughter is getting married next weekend (I'm in the wedding) and I hope she's up to being there for the whole time. I'll be sure to post some pics after the wedding. :)

Patty - good luck tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe it's finally happening for you. :rose: You are more prepared than most probably, so you'll do great. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. :rose:

Mandy we are going Sept 16-22 and would LOVE to meet up for lunch with you. Since we have yet to book anything for meals (haha) you pick the day, time, and place and we'll be there! There are a few places Sherry and I were thinking of for meals - the Hoopdy-Doo Review, the Sci-Fi Diner, the 50's place in MGM, the Coral Reef. Any suggestions you can give for your favorites would be great. It's sad but Sherry and I haven't even had the chance to discuss our meals in Disney. On some level we're not even worried about the food which, to me, is a victory! lol. But I know we have to book or we'll be waiting in some long lines.

Hi to everyone else - Cindy, Kat, Darcy, Betty, Beanie, Eileen, etc. I've been reading along, just not much time to post here.

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You guys will not be waiting in line, you will not be eating. The sit down places only have so many seatings available and they tend to book up during free dining. I love 50's prime time, it's a fun place to eat. I've never done Hoop-De-Doo, but it gets good reviews. We Love Chef Mickey's at the contemporary (buffet with Mickey and friends). I would avoid Sci-fi and Coral Reef both are really hit or miss, mostly miss. Le Cellier in Epcot is really good (mostly steak) Concourse is another great place for steak. Kona is great for fish and chicken at the Poly. You should consider sharing a meal or two and then booking a double credit place like dinner in the castle in Magic Kingdom. Do you have all the menus? If not I can get them to you, and also a list of places that take the dining plan. For Downtown Disney, check out Wolfgang Pucks the ceasar chicken is great. There isn't a good place in Animal Kingdom to eat, they are closing Tusker House, the only place that had good food there. So I would suggest grabbing lunch at Pepper Market in Coronado Springs, the food is great and it's counter service, but feels like a sit down place. They have a grill a mexican counter and pizza/pasta. I like the buffets because if something isn't working for me I can get something else. Also it's faster and there are soooo many choices. Also most have characters, and you can get great pictures and autographs without a line and in the AC. I can help more if you need it. I also have my dining plans on a nice little layout, let me know if you want a copy of it. You can delete my numbers and times and then add yours in, and also see where we are eating. ~Mandy

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oh boy these meal times sound more like a project. Chrispy...I'm game for anything so book us away my friend. I have no favorite foods I just go with whatever is moist and mostly Protein hahaha. Eating in the castle really sound like fun though if we can do that :)

Well...just finished my laundry, picking up the dinner dishes, picking up the living room, printing out a 16 page self study on Pivot tables...so much for learning that this weekend UGH. just so much to do with helping my mom move that I have no energy to have that stuff sink in. My brain is so fried! The good news...only a few more things left in mom's apartment downstairs. We moved more stuff this afternoon. POOR DH.....he wishes he was small and wimpy instead of burly and strong cause he gets stuck moving more stuff ;) He's having trouble with Sciatica lately too. Chiro for him tomorrow. He's been wonderful.

Surprise call from my brother today...wanted to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. After all that's happened with my family I have to say it was a pleasant surprise. It made my day actually...besides the nice card my son got me :rose:

Well...time to make sure my briefcase is all set for tomorrow...hmmm I should pay bills but, ya know....I just don't feel like it. It will have to wait until tomorrow.

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Good Morning Y'all!

I had a great day yesterday, I spent the afternoon in the pool, did some excercises (badly needed) and some relaxing. My NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon won the race, my DH took me out for Breakfast, and I didn't work myself to death. :):P :P

I hope y'all had a great day, you each deserve one!

I have to catch up on personals tonight, I am running really late this morning!

Have a great day!

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Well, this is it...... SURGERY DAY!

I got up before the alarm, took my blood pressure pill and then showered with a surgical scrub(yucky smell) all over my stomach. My bag is packed and now I'm posting so I don't think about wanting to drink, I'm not hungry. Just praying that I don't get the nausea and I trust dr kelvin on his promise to make sure that doesn't happen. Thinking happy thoughts,

I will write again when I have arrived in BandLand. HUGS,

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Patty, I'm sure you are gone already. But I am sending prayers, hugs, and much love to you. ~Mandy

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Hi everyone---Wow have I ever been having trouble connecting to any of you!!! Those whose home email I have, I tried to touch base.

I made a post last week saying we were going out of town for a couple of days or so, and when I went to post it, it said LBT was down for 15 minutes, but I had done it on a quick post, so when it failed to go through, I lost it!!! I never found time to redo it before we left.

As I told you guys, Rick has been so depressed---it has been a long year for him health wise, he has literally been dealing with it for a year tomorrow. So anyway, my friend Becky and I saw this flyer for these Red Bull Air Races. They were going to be in Monument Valley, Utah….about 150 160 miles from us, so we thought we would surprise the guys with tickets. Well they were happy, but they thought we should take the bikes (motorcycles) and camp out in the valley. I have been so overprotective of everything Rick has done, it was kind of a make or break moment….so off we rode. Thank You---whoever invented bungee cords!! We loaded the bikes with tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, our clothes, lawn chairs (and while I am thanking unknown people----those folding chairs in a bag??? Thanks for them too!!!), everything on the bikes---and away we went! We got an awesome camp spot in Bluff, Utah. I don’t know if any of you are familiar with the Monument Valley, Utah area…but it is one of the most incredible landscapes ever to be seen!!! It is desert land, surrounded by bluff style mountains, but out in the middle of nowhere, out in the desert floor, up juts a huge rock formation---the likes of which are hard to describe. The rock is red, and it may be a globe balanced on a thin pillar, or a row of thin pillars, or perfectly square blocks of stone. The valleys are just as impressive, on the idea of the Grand Canyon, but they squiggle, and curve, with 1000+ foot drops. The stone variations visible as stripes in the stone. One of the rocks is called Mexican Hat, it looks like an upside down sombrero balanced on this thin piece of rock----how it has stayed there for years, without toppling over I have no idea!!

The air race took place in the bed of the valley, right in the center of the park. (Monument Valley while on the Navajo reservation is still a National Park) They have these huge pylon things made out of thin nylon, filled with air (they use similar things here at car lots etc. to draw attention) they are called gates. They are set up in different patterns, and the planes actually fly low to the valley floor, and have to fly with level wings through some of them, and then have to slalom, at a 90 degree angle, with their wings knife edge straight on other ones. Then they had to go up into a huge loop, flip right side back up and race over the finish line. And they do it flying hundreds of mph!!! When they finish their run, they would go into an aerobatic display, doing barrel rolls, flying inverted, hovering, free falling….amazing things!! Spectators sat on the hill sides (which is why we took the above mentioned lawn chairs!!!). Keeping in mind this is desert, and rattle snakes while rare around so much activity are not unheard of. Scorpions however they were having some problems with! And huge mountain boomer, collared lizards, that run on their hind legs----totally cool, but make me jump just the same!!! So anyway, there were 13 planes racing, one at a time, then they had brackets breaking down to get to a winner. The winner this time was from Hungary---the one Becky had picked. The one Rick picked actually clipped one of the pylons, and damaged his plane, and come way close to hitting the airport tower. The had huge jumbotron screens set up, so if the pilot had an in cockpit camera you could see him. When they went into the loop they were pulling 7+ G’s---it almost made your stomach turn watching them!!! They also had several para gliders---I would like to try that!!! It was totally awe inspiring! There were pilots from around the world, 2 of them from the USA. This race is one of 2 they do in the USA, the other I think is in San Diego. It is something we will make an effort to go back to again. And Rick had a blast. We took extra care keeping him cool and hydrated, but I tried not to be obvious over it !!!! You can see more about what I am meaning by how they race at the website www.redbullairrace.com . Anyway, by the time it was over, we settled in, had some dinner, let the crown disperse a bit---we were on loaded motorcycles, and stop and go traffic where no one seems to be watching for anyone but themselves, is scary! So we got home late, and then I had the family in for Mother’s Day, we grilled ribs. When they left---I simply collapsed! Then this morning, I got this post all ready, and I got a corrupted file notice every time I tried to log in to LBT. So hopefully at some point you will get this….I will be going back to read up on what everyone has been up to and make sure you are all ok.

Amazing how I missed hearing how you all were!!!



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Kat, that sounds like a great time! I love your descriptions of everything, and I bet it made Rick feel great!

I'm with Mandy on Sci-Fi Dine-In...the concept is cool, but the food is sorta miss. I enjoyed Prime Time. I would add Crystal Palace at Magic Kingdom as a great buffet...I loved Chef Mickey's also! No matter what...get a MICKEY BAR!!!!!!! Those should have no problem sliding right down!

Patty, good luck, girl! Post when you can.

Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes, Chrispy. Your day seemed really nice!

Betty, glad your guy won the race, and you got some relaxation in!

Well, girls, my friend died of his injuries last night, which we are going to consider a blessing. The doctors told his wife that if he lived, his brain (deprived of blood supply for many days) was so severely damaged that he would have no memory, and would never speak or walk again. These were not abilities he could ever regain, because those portions of the brain were essentially dead already. So, they pronounced him dead last night, and he is an organ donor, so they were keeping him on life support until that process was complete. She should be getting back to the house sometime this evening. All I could do for today was make some brownies, and leave them there for when they got home. Other friends had brought over food for tonight and breakfast, and lunch. The other neighbors and I are taking a meal tomorrow night. He was 41. It makes you think. Thanks for the prayers; I believe they were answered.

I have been getting all my stuff ready for my first meeting as "pres" of the parent association tomorrow...I just have to pick up the lunch, and copy some paperwork when I get to school in the morning. Wish me luck on this one! Then, I get to go the Board meeting tomorrow night, and make a presentation to them...shudder. I can speak all day to kids, but to adults...!!!!! Well, like I said, wish me luck!

Hugs to you all, and hug your loved ones,


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Awwww, Cindy I am sorry you lost a good friend, but when they get that bad it's time to let them go. Good luck with your speach tomorrow!

Kat - Wow, that sounds like a fun time! Glad you got to spend some time away from everything.

Patty - Welcome to bandland! I just know you did good!

Sherry - You sound like you have a load on your shoulders! Stop and smell the roses honey!

Mandy - Hope you and Abi are feeling better today!

Hello to everyone else!

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hi all...

Happy Belated Mother's Day....I had a nice day....DH stayed home with the kids and me and mom and sis went to the racetrack for brunch with some of her in-laws.....it was horse racing we had a very nice time...one a few lost alot...but still had fun....Then got home and my DH and son made me and my mom a cake...I had to have some it was good.....

My prayers are with all of you I hope RIck is doing better and CIndy i hope ur friend is better.....

I hope everyone else is doing good and on their way to their goal.....

I still havent found tickets for disney yet....and havent even thought about dinners.....the hoop de do revue is fun...last time i was in disney we went...

Have a good week all..hope to be on more and remember more names....or at least a few...sry i am bad....

take care...deb

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Awww PAtty... I am so happy that you are in Bandland now.. sorrry...will catch up later... am a very happy cabin owner and it looks like it will be our main home soon. (((hugs))) Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Darcy I didn't know you were moving up there! Wow, what a beautiful place to wake up to each morning. I bet you see all kinds of wildlife setting around drinking your morning coffee!

Patty - Hope you are doing fine! It gets better each day!

Beanie - Glad the job is going good for you. I bet it is really nice with less worry and closer to home too!

Eileen - Glad the job is going good for you too! We miss you here each day.

Deb - We were just talking the other night about going to the horse races, we live right by one and haven't been yet. The neighbors said we should all get together and go. I think it would be fun! Glad you had a good Mother's day!

Kat - Hope you got some rest! It sounds like a wonderful trip.

Sherry - How's the studying going?

Chrispy - How's the dating scene going? Anymore interesting boys?

Mandy - Are you feeling better? How's Abi?

Well, got to run, check back later!

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HI everyone.

Patty how are you feeling? I'm excited for you!!

Well please say a prayer we for my nerves, today is DH last day at his job that he has had for the past 17 years! I am very excited about the new venture that he is taking, but I am nervous I hate change! Anyway it's not about me and I have to just remember that!

We are heading to NJ for a wedding tomorrow morning and doing our normal whirlwin of hello's to as many people we can. And hopefully one of those people will but our NJChick!

Eileen I couldn't find your email address but I do have your cell # I think.

Hope all is well. I won't have DH'd aircard for the trip to NJ so I won't be able to check this while driving.

take care. I will post my boob pictures on our photo thread. I am feeling better and really enjoying my new look.

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Well, I did it.... I have my band!

It has been a long and painful journey. I was really really affected by the anesthesia and had the dry heaves as the nurses kept pushing me to stand and walk. That was at 3pm. I was visited by the assistant dr and she told me that they repaired a hernia above my diaphram. I stopped using the pain meds at 7pm cause it was making me dizzy. Right now I feel everything in my stomach. I finally got up and walked in the hospital and drank some Water and used the bathroom. They discharged me at 10pm. I was in bed at home by 11:30. My girlfriend had to leave but that was OK. I was up at 1am, 3pm and again 6:30 having to pee alot. I mostly hurt in my left shoulder from the gas and it has moved to the back of my neck. If that would go away I wouldn't be so uncomfortable. Using my heat pad and trying to drink some tylenol.... but I don't like how it tastes. I gotta sleep now, hugs to all my prayer partners, looks like summer will be wonderful:D

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Patty - I am so happy you made it to bandland! I always say "where there's a will, there's a way!" You'll get better with each day! Just remember to keep walking and sipping that water!

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