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Morning all,

Yesterday I got my medication and cleared for surgery! Before I went home I stopped by the hospital to give payment, when they told me that I wasn't scheduled for Monday. Back to the surgeons office to straighten that out and to also pay them. It's all good..... I paid everybody, I have medication, I have a Monday date and I am completely exhausted. The boys and I went out to dinner and I looked at each of their beautiful faces and got that overwhelming rush of love for them. When our tummies were full we went home for TV time.

At 3:30 this morning I woke up with neck and arm pain. I got up and searched "heart attack" then "high blood pressure" and "medication". I don't know what to think. I'm feeling better.... actually hungry, so I'm nibbling a piece of dry toast and I plan to take my pill. I will call the doctor as soon as the office is open and maybe find out whats going on. Never a dull moment with me! I have the day off and am glad I already called in a sub. I'm trying not to be stressed but I really don't know what that means. Heck, I'm the most laid-back person I know! Just send kind thoughts, I'll try to post later. Hugs,

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Patty, sounds like things are coming together quickly for you. (((hugs))) I'm sure you things will be great for you. Did I PM my number to you? If not let me know and I will, you can call me anytime.

Cindy, thanks for the help with the article, I will forward the news letter to you. I sent it in both ways, with and without the changes, we shall see what she takes.

I went for a partial unfill today and it was sooooo great to be able to eat lunch without feeling sick after the first 2 or 3 bites.

I'm walking to the bus stop to get Abi, I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Okay lets try this again.... pushed a button and poof... everything was gone :)

Major Prayer Chain going on here huh... Cindy, Patty, Kat, you guys hang in there ;)

Work's been insane, I didn't even have time for lunch LOL, and you'd think I would have lost weight ... nahhhhhhh. I made an appt for a fill on the 23rd. I can eat an entire grilled cheese sandwich and fries... something needs to be tweeked LOLOL. Oh well.

Other than that... sosdd. DD lost her first tooth...she was so excited. She bit into a bagel and swallowed it haaaaaaaaaahahahahaha. When I was little I did the same thing, I bit into an apple and poof... gulp... tooth was gone. But the tooth fairy came anyway and left DD $1.

Darcy love how goes the cabin? how are you chickie foo foo ?

Betty boop, Sherry berry, Beanie weenie :)

BRB..... telephone :D

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Darcy.... sorry to hear about FIL, give some big hugs to your DH ;)

Kat sweetie... geeeze louise what a mess everything is huh. I'm so sorry for all the bs with the insurance companies but mostly know that you and rick are in my prayers. You know we love you.

Where's BEANIE ?

Mandy glad your feeling better and your unfil is working.

Okay kids...see ya tomorrow.

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Hello everyone....I've sent my prayers and asked my angels to help everyone that needs it and even those that haven't asked ;)

My son is healing up well. He is able to walk a bit around without his crutches so he's able to put weight on his hip for a short bit. That's a good thing :) Now I have to get him out there driving again once his eyeglasses come in. (lost his in the accident) I don't want him to be afraid to drive so we'll have to take it slow and build back up again. He'll need to get to work without me when he gets back to it during the week instead of just weekends. They've been super understanding.

Work has been busy as usual. Like Eileen I have to grab lunch while I work...always have for the 4 years I've been there. Trying to learn pivot tables and how to manipulate the information in them so I can understand them better and the results as well so I can explain to the clients what's going on with their accounts. Not an easy task but I have to say the guy I'm replacing is really being patient in showing me how to do the reports and has been totally understanding when it came to my son's accident etc. I thought for sure he'd be out of the position by now and really be pressing but, he's really been understanding. I'm going to owe him a BIG favor for sure. He loves cake so I might have to bake him one as a thank you.

Lots to do tomorrow. Chores, get my son to work, more chores, plant a veggie garden, clean my car...get my son yadda yadda hahaha.

Hope everyone enjoys your weekend. Hugs to you all and I hope you're all doing well and shrinking. Me.....I think I'm stuck on quite a large and long plateau UGH. Had the fill, then the supposed slight unfill but, nothings budged.

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Good Morning ;)

Sherry I'm glad your DS is getting better... enuf is enuf huh. I hear ya about your job, some times I even lay in bed at night and wonder WTF? lolol

Not much happening today, just gonna do some cleaning..UGGGH I need a maid LOL and then tomorrow is MIL's and MOM's house for MUDDERS DAY.

I have to start eating healthy... I'm not feeling good inside (besides not losing weight LOL). I need more Water... I noticed when I drank more, I lost weight...UGGGGGH again.

Udder dan dat... SOSDD. How about you girlies, whats rockin your world?


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Water...did someone say drink Water. Hmmm I think I need to permanently be hooked up to an IV in order to take in enough H2O ;) I've always been bad with that...so hard to even remember to drink anything while I'm at work and then so busy on weekends I forget. When I remember..I've just eaten so I can't drink.

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Hey Y'All

Sorry to have dropped off the face of the Earth on you....

My signal is weak - one of these days I am going to have to get my own broadband signal...

But until then, I will do a little hit and run with an update on me, and then try and come back and do personals

Hugs and Love to each and every one of you! I have missed you guys!

I started the new job on April 30th, and I have pretty much been running like a mad dog ever since. It isn't really stressfull, but it is just constant - one of those jobs you have to stay on top of or it will run you down like a bus. I go in at 8:30 and work straight through until six or seven, eating lunch at my desk. Hey, it keeps me off the streets...

But it also keeps me out of here, since my pirated signal is pretty iffy most of the time.

It isn't exactly the same thing I was doing before... heck, before I was getting paid to do not much of anything - at least for the last 6 mos or so. Previously, I was a mortgage underwriter... I was the person who said "yes" or "no" to the loan. Now, I am an assistant to the underwriters and the closers... I do the grunt work. Why take a "lesser" job? Well, it's VERY close to my house - so I have no commute anymore. 2) It's perfect while I am going to school to become a teacher. I am overqualified for the position, so I don't have to stress about whether or not I am doing it right or making a good decision. I am busy - but I don't have to think about it too much. 3) I figured out that I had stopped loving my work about the time I became an underwriter - seven years ago. I really kind of like the grunt work. Weird, huh?

So, I am now a "Loan Coordinator" - which basically means that I make the files pretty for the Underwriters at the begginning, at for the Closers at the end. No-Brainer work for ALMOST the same pay as I was getting to underwrite - and for about the same pay as a first year teacher. Might as well get used to the pay scale, now....

I started my formal Spanish classes - and I am really liking it. The teacher was raised in Mexico City, and she is really nice and very patient. Everybody seems to be having a good time - I know that I am.

We lost power in the big storm - just over-night - but did not lose any trees. They were down all over the neighborhood! It was like a bomb went off around here. But, Thank Goodness!, I had already had the pine trees over the pool and the bug eaten Redbud cut down and hauled away. Yippee!

I have NO idea how much I weight right now. My scale is dead (stinkin' digital piece of crap) and I haven't been to the gym in weeks, either... so I really don't know. I am thinking good thoughts for maintenance - since I am thinking it would take a miracle to have lost anything - and I am forwarding any miracle points on to Kat & Rick.

Everyone here is well and happy. Aside from the fact that I have been AWOL and missed you guys, all is well in Allen.

Well, I am going to post this, and TRY to go back to do personals. If you don't hear any more from me tonight, know that I love you all, I miss you and I will try to get back sooner.


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Hi all, I just wanted to pop in and wish you all a Happy Mother's Day. Mine started off in grand style. We just got home from the ER. Abigale got a nose bleed at 7pm and at 9:30 she was STILL bleeding. We were soaking though paper towels a bit too quick for my comfort so off to the ER we went. They put a clamp on her nose and that slowed it down enough that she was able to develop a clot. The bleeding has stopped for the moment, we have to see an Ear Nose and Throat doctor this week. The ER doc (who was great by the way...) ran several blood tests, checking her for clotting disorders, platelet issues, and some other tests that he said all looked fine tonight. Two of the tests will continue to be ran over the next few days and if there is a change they will call me. I am going to try to get some sleep. Say a quick prayer for my baby. Happy Mothers day all. ~Mandy

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Happy Mother's Day! ;)

I wanted to wish all my mom friends Happy Mother's Day. I hope you all get spoiled with hugs and kisses from your little ones. (Mine is 17 and he'll always be my little one :) )

I finally feel as if things are getting simplier in my life. YIPPEE and knock on wood lol. Yesterday DH and I spent the day moving my mother out and into her new apartment. That feels kinda weird because she's been living with us for two years in her own place downstairs. We had combined homes after my step-father passed away. I thought it was wonderful of my DH (boyfriend at the time) to want to help me help my mom. (Even with knowing the history of my childhood - lets just say I was always the adult in the family.) Anyway....I was happy to be able to help her through the morning of my step-father and keeping her from feeling completely lonely. She has someone in her life now and they've decided to live together. Long stressful story with that but, it's for the best that she has her own place. She's only 5 miles or so away so if she needs help we can be there pretty quick yet, we now have our privacy too. So it's back to DH, DS and me...and as much as it feels weird....it feels good too.

Work....thats getting better too. I have alot of studying to do in regards to Excel Pivot Tables but, I'm getting it. My trainer has been great and truly understanding especially since this accident my DS was in. That was quite a trip to have to take in my life but, we made it. So one day at a time, work hard, study and I'll get there :rose: I know in time, I'll be buzzin through these reports thinking nothing of it just like the ones I had to learn as a supervisor and seemed just as hard at the time. I know them like the back of my hand and I know I will these reports as well. The company I work for is really growing and I look forward to being there and helping them with that growth.

I'm also moving along in my Reiki Journey. I'm attending a weekend class to be able to pass attunements to others and teach Reiki. I'm getting my Master Level Attunement and teaching certificates. I was told by my Masters/Teachers that this journey I've been on with my family was a guiding to the path that I need to be on. My mom moving out has opened a door for me to have my own Reiki practice and teaching space. I didn't even think of that until I told them what was going on and they both just smiled. They then told me they weren't moving along their journey too and wanted to pass along their Reiki level 1, 2 and 3 business so that they can concentrate more on the higher level classes and teach others those. They then told me they had already decided who they'd refer their Reiki 1, 2, and 3 business to...me and two others that have been on the same journey with me. They trust us to take care of their clients and felt it was almost time to pass that on. They invited (you have to be asked) me and my friends to take the Master Level/teaching course so we're doing that on the 19th. I'm really getting excited about this whole journey in my life because truly Reiki helps me feel balanced in mind, body and soul. I feel so good spiritually when I get back to basics and get back to taking some time each day for me even if it's only 15 minutes.

Aww my son just gave me a wonderful Mother's Day Card....made me cry. He just laughed and gave me a big hug and kiss. Ahhhh Mother's Day is now complete :rose:

I'm going to post this so hopefully I don't lose it then do personals :rose:

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Anyone else notice that even with advanced you can't see the entire page anymore? With all these adds on the left and no scroll bar I can't see the smilies etc to place them in here. There is an awful lot of blank space to the left of this too. Eh I'm sure they'll get it all set soon.

Mandy - I do hope you're daughter if feeling better and the nosebleed is all set. You know I used to have a bloodvessel so close to the top on the inside of my nose that it would bleed every time I blew my nose. That happened alot when I was younger. I used to have to stuff cotton up my nose so it would help clot. I grew out of it without having to have anything done, I hope the same for your daughter. Glad to hear you got that slight unfill. Been there myself just last month. Crazy isn't it? I feel as if I can eat too much again and I haven't lost anything in a long time but, I'm too scared to have it adjusted again as that being too filled was just too scarey. Not being able to swallow my own saliva was terrible. Hope you're feeling much better. Disney is coming quick...OH YEA OH YEA:Banane44:

Bean - Sounds like things are falling into place for you as well (and I'm not talking about the trees :rose: ) I'm glad you're less stressed with your new job and you're right...best move to be less stressed so you can take on the classes you need to move on to your real goal - Teaching! I think that's wonderful. It takes a special person to be able to teach and teach well. I wish you the best on that journey. I have a digital scale myself....I was always leary of digital ones but, they've come a long way. I have a Tanita that works great. It was pricey but, it's been accurate..sometimes too accurate :phanvan . Best wishes with your courses! How long will it take for you to complete the courses you need to begin teaching?

Eileen - How are you doing with your Water? I think yesterday I got in maybe 2 bottles thats it. Man I need to work on that! I even think DH helped himself of 1/2 of one of those bottles :rose: So work has been crazy for you too? How much longer before they find a replacement for your old job? Then of course the training that you'll need to do for that too huh? It does take a while to train replacements. I know I'm still training mine but, they're doing great. There is so much to remember. Sometimes when training your replacements too you take things you've done for granted and don't realize you didn't show them how until it comes up that it wasn't done :guess Oopsy. Live and learn right? I found it helpful to write down everything I did each day and at certain times of the month. They've found it very useful. Hope things calm down some for you :rose:

Patty - Congratulations on your surgery date. Maybe your BP was up because you're nervous about the surgery and everything you need to do before and after it? I know ever time I go to the docs they have to take mine a few times because its high when they first do it and as the doc talks to me I calm down and it goes down. Especially during those Pap test visits UGH. My BP has gone to normal since losing the weight with the band. I think you're going to do great with it! Congrats and best wishes with your surgery.

Betty - No need to apologize. Heck I know first hand how life gets pretty busy with lots to do and of course just stupid things that come up sometimes. I hope you're able to enjoy your gardens and that you're having a wonderful Mother's day. Miss you!

Kat - I've been praying for you and DH. I do hope things get better for you both and calm down for a while. You both deserve it. Know that everyday I think of you and send my angels to help. You're a wonderful woman, supportive friend and I want you to know I'm thinking of you. Hugs my friend!

Cindy - Busy woman :rose: I'm sorry about your friend....prayers are sent daily for him. I do hope he's doing ok and getting better. I hope you had a good time at your nephews graduation. Thank you for all the well wishes on my son's recovery too. I truly appreciate that. Hope things slow down a bit for you so you can enjoy some "self" time soon. Hugs

Darcy - I miss you girl! I hope your closing process is going well. Ohhhh it will be awesome to be able to relax in your cabin especially one as beautiful as that one. Congrats! I would love to do that as a vacation sometime....cabin in the woods, beautiful day, sit outside and enjoy the birds, squirrels and other animal sounds. Just the wind blowing through the trees...ahhhhhh I could use that right now hee hee. Looks like I'll have to settle with the back deck before the mosquitoes come hee hee Hope everything is going well for you. Looks like I'll have an exercise room soon and be able to track some miles again :rose: Mom left her treadmill here so I'm planning on making her bedroom an exercise room with the treadmill, my stationary bike, tv, VCR/DVD with all my exercise tapes collecting dust. Now that I'll have that room on a ground floor I'll be able to move around and not kickbox anything or anyone or make it sound like there is an earthquake hahaha

Chrispy - You've been a busy woman. I hope the wedding goes well and things. Disney is coming girlfriend. WE BOTH need it. What happens in Disney stays in Disney hahaha :) :rose: ;) (meaning...when I scream my head off on the rides don't tell hahaha)

Well advanced mode only goes so far back and my memory just isn't that good this early (Ummm we'll blame it on the time of day versus my age lol)

Hugs to you all! Happy Mother's day!

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Happy Mother's Day!

DH took me to Breakfast this morning and that was a nice way to start the day. Now I get to do housework and laundry.

We went to a crawfish boil last night and I ate till I was sick. Boy do I love those things! Yummy!

Everyone sounds like they are doing good! (Except Abi) so my prayers out to you.

They put a new feature on that if you go to the User CP screen you can choose what screen you want to view. I set mine up and now it is just like having my old screen back! Try it!

Ok, I am going to check out the board a little and then get my work done so I can go in the pool for the first time this year! (I think) ;)

Have a great day!

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Sherry and Chrispy, I am losing my mind what are your Disney dates again? I want to set up a time to meet, lunch maybe? I am making final plans now and want to work something out with you guys. I have a huge group going with me so I have to plan sometime with you guys away from my crazy family. LOL!! My hubby was laughing that he would spring for lunch for us, since between the 3 of us we could split an appitizer.

And Sherry you are correct what happens in Disney does indeed stay in Disney, the Mouse never tells. ;) I too scream my head off on the rides but I LOVE it. If you guys need park advice or any help planning let me know. By the way you should get Dining reservations made soon, they are starting to book up. (407-WDW-DINE (939-3463) for ressies) I just started a Disney food column for a weekly newsletter, and I am so excited. So if you guys want to write a review or take any pictures of your meals while in the world I can add them to my column.

Cindy, are you getting to lay on the couch and do nothing today? I only have to do a load of laundry, (blood on some stuff from last night) and then my hubby is taking us to macaroni Grill yum!!

Darcy, are you sitting in your cabin? Did you get something cool for the cabin for Mothers Day?

Beanie, sounds like the new job is a great match for you. I am going to be looking for somthing in the fall when Abi starts school. Not sure what I am going to do. I want to teach but since I am going to be sueing the school district for special placement next year I don't think they are going to want to hire me.

Hope everyone has a great mothers day!!!

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Well, I'm back from Oklahoma, and my nephew is a proud OU grad!!! I tell you, I could barely keep from crying...just tears welling up in the old eyes, and choking back the throat lump, but it was a great weekend! We got home about 10:00 last night, then up at 6 to get ready for the chimes at church!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful moms, grandmoms, sisters, aunts and special women!

My DH and DD are cooking up something special on the grill (kabobs, it looks like!) for dinner tonight. Yummy! I am goofing off on the couch with my laptop...but I may have to do a little work on some newsletter layout, if I get around to it.

Mandy, hope Abi is all better today! Our trip to WDW is June 15-24, with the last 3 days on The Wonder. I don't think we'll be there when any of you are there...ya'll are going in September, right?

I appreciate all the prayers and my friend still needs them. As of this morning, he was in a "no change" situation, which is not good. His chances for living are slim, and frankly, would be miraculous. At this point, I am left wondering what would be best, even knowing this is all in God's hands. I am so concerned about his wife, and the four kids. All of here in the neighborhood are doing what we can, which just doesn't seem to be enough. Thanks again for the prayers. I am a true believer in those!

Patty, many good wishes on the surgery, and I'll be pulling for you!

Beanie, so good to see you! Your job sounds great, and very busy!

Sherry, glad you have some positive things happening with your DS...that's great news!

Betty, hope the storms have given you a breather lately! Might get some more in the next few days...hope they bring rain, but nothing severe.

Eileen, you sound entirely too busy at work! Hope you are having a nice Mother's Day, but I bet you are cooking for everyone else! Huh? I'm right, huh?

Darcy, stop and enjoy that cabin sometime, girl!

Happy Mother's Day! Hugs to all!


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Happy Mothers Day :guess

I just got home from Universal Studios -- Heart Camp was GREAT!

Since we attended last year, I knew exactly what to do this year. Park car, pick up packet, get lanyards for each boy, get camp t-shirts for every boy, find the camp leader and get them assigned a tour group, kiss them all goodbye and breathe! I learned some really cool stuff this year, it's called a MEDICAL PASSPORT. Looks just like a blue passport but contains medical information for emergencies. Better than just wearing a Bracelet. Then the speaker shows us a flashdrive and says, "this is the wave of the future" Kaiser is going all electronic and with a flashdrive ALL medical information can be stored on your keychain! Surgery notes, doctor visits, xrays, cat scans, ekg results and echocardiograms and current medications/dosages. My jaw just dropped! The doctor then said to us, that we were all getting a free flashdrive in our goodie bags! The lady next to me said "I feel like I'm on the Oprah show"! Sooooo, I just wanted to pass that along because that tiny flashdrive could be used for hundreds of other purposes, like certificates and diplomas or research projects or drawings for employers -- the list could go on! I felt so priviledged to have attended yesterday. The boys and I stayed the night at the Hilton, courtesy of my MOM. I was very grateful that I didn't have to drive in evening traffic. And when we got home the boys had homemade cards for me. Taylor has packed a suitcase and they are just playing with legos right now, I a few hours they will be leaving with their Dad. I kinda don't know how thats gonna feel ;) . I was told on Friday that my time at the hospital tomorrow is 8:30am arrival with a 10:30 go time. I will post as soon as I can, and I will tell my girlfriend how to post to let you know that I came home. You are the ONLY reason that makes me believe that I can do this. And without support I would have given up long ago. Heart Hugs,

PS I will try to post again when I get up tomorrow.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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