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tammy, I am sorry to hear about your loss.

And I noticed someone, momlambert maybe?, is selling their house and getting a new one! Thats a big change! May your cupboards be plentiful.

I am actually anxious to see what happens to the skin around my eyes with a lot of weight loss. a few years ago I had hard contacts for a while (RGP) because I have astigmatism and I couldn't wear soft contacts anymore-- they dried out like crazy. I only lasted about six months on the hard contacts because my eyelids started to droop all the time. Its a really rare side effect of RGP. After I stopped wearing them it got better for the most part, but they never went back to the way they used to be. Since weight loss can cause loose skin I'm wondering if it can cause it on the face too. Well I know it can, but I guess what I want to know if it will cause it around my eyes. I want to think that maybe it would help the situation, but I don't see how.

A fifty pound loss is great, loriPA.

Rosi-- I can be pretty noisy some days. It growls and gurgles and then there is the gas and burping!

As far as hair clips go, I have some big ones I really like. They are called octopus clips or something like that. I like them because they actually hold a bunch of my hair. I break barettes a lot. So with a couple of these and just a few hairpins and a couple of small clips I can get all of my hair up. My hair is getting pretty long, mid back almost, and its thick for a white person. Apparently 2-3 times as thick as the average person (or so every single hair professional always tells me :fish: ). I love big clips, strong brushes, detangler.

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sheesh, I thought I was on the wrong site. You guys are moving too fast for me.

Tammj- so sorry for your loss!! i am also worried that I will be too tight. Did that show up right away?? I am sorry you will miss your trip to Las vegas. I saw where you have 2 boys. I have 3, they are real mommy boys. I was blessed enough to have a girl and she is a joy and such a character. I have to say that she thinks my husband hung the moon though.She looks exactly like me though.Do you want any more??

Juli- I have to say you make me laugh...how's it going? You have also lost alot no??

I love buying makeup and hair stuff!I really don't wear alot of makeup but mascara but I love buying it. I really have quite the perfume collection, mostly because I travel alot and buy it in the airport. Love candles too.

Ok, so woke up today to see that AirItalia is on strike, grrrr, don't they know that I must have my fill on Wed.????????????????????????????????? They had better get it together.

Gotta go, I'll be back later. Today I am baking using new gluten free flours for my son who has celiac. Fun, fun.

One more thing..Tracy- huge change!!!!!!!!! How is it going? Are you on liquids or soft foods?? It's great to be done isn't it??

ok now I gotta go

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Happy Weekend y'all.

I just made my TO DO list and whew, I need to come back to work on Tuesday just to get a rest! -Monday is my first fill! I'm taking the day off to get more stuff done too.

I just recieved a trailer half bike to attach to my bike to ride tandem with my 5 year old daughter, Zoe. Yesterday I put it together while she was at her other house (with my EX) today she will see it for the first time! WooHOO! No doubt we'll be out riding every day this weekend.

Zoe is a high energy kid. I see extreme sports in her future. She is fearless too. Anyway I feel like I am just now able to wear her out instead of the other way around.

And truly, this is me reaching a very important goal. To be able to "play" with my kid is a giant motivator. Actually, she is a giant motivator for much of what I'm doing with this life. I'm in school full-time, while working full-time, so I can better provide for her and me. I'm losing weight so I can be around to watch her grow and be an involved parent. And so when I get done with the BS and MBA in August of 2009 I'll be more employable. Fat bias sucks but it's a reality.

I'll shut up now....But yeah, I've got this written document call the "Strategic Plan of Juli's Life 2005-2009" and I am meeting all the bench marks I set up. There's a Gantt chart too. You might call me a dork, but I call me a goal setting and achieving woman.

OH (shutting up now) Juli

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Howdy from TExas!:D:) :)

OH Juli & Guns n Roses - I named the band that's around my tummy "Simply Beautiful" I heard a song on a movie name "Their Eyes Where Watching God" with Halle berry and it was a song on their and they guy was saying over and over "Simply Beautiful" so that has stuck with me...

Tammyj-I will be praying for you and the family you have my support!!:think

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

I need some encourgament I'm a very scared to get on the scale I have Scale-Phobia!!!!!!

I'm afriad the numbers havent moved since last week when I weighed it scale said 250!!!!:D

I got on the that same scale on Monday and it said 240!!!!!:embarassed:

I got on another scale yesterday and it said 260!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:think

I'm so afraid to get on the scale I looked in the mirror at my body and it could just all be in my head my I think I've gained weight!!!

I wont even go buy new clothes for fear I will be disappointed that I will still be in a size 20....

help me please!!!:help:

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Use only one scale, at roughly the same time of day. And don't give it too much permission to impact how you feel about yourself.

Really, this is hard. I know I put too much into what the scales says. I too let it impact my feelings about how I feel about myself. But here's what I'm mentaly rehersing:

"There is no turning back. This surgery means no giving up. EVER. If there are bad days where I eat too many calories or don't excercise how I planned then the next day I will dig a little deeper and do better.

The scale is only one measure of my progress it doesn't tell me if I have a spring in my step or if my knees don't hurt. It doesn't measure if my pants fit differently. It doesn't pick up my all smiles attitude or how I walk with my shoulders square and pass the candy isle with out a thought in grocery.

Those are just numbers that my describe my weight at this but they do not define who I am."

Trust that if you do the work you will succeed.

As for buying clothing if you really feel like you've gained, then put your mind toward eating better and moving more for a few days then go shopping.

You are more than a number, you are more than a number, we are more than numbers, we are more than numbers........


That's a dancin' banana with "love you" hand in ASL.

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OH Juli- thanks so much I have started to feel like a failure...your words meant so much to me! I got went to the gym where I work and the digital scale said 253.2!!! That's better than 260 and less then 256 *which was my weight the day I got my first Fill!

So I've lost 3 pounds since 4/16

I'm still losing just not as fast I will focused more on the Protein and Veggies! Will try and drink 4 bottles of Water a day!!!

I have to remind myself it's only been 8 weeks........

I called the doctors office for an appointment on next Tuesday to get another fill...

Question: What is a "sweet spot"?

How will I know if I've hit it?

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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Well said Oh Juli!!!!!!!!!!

We are all so much more than numbers. Thanks for the pep talk. Same time tomorrow????????

I shall now have a great weekend at my cottage, hope you all have a great one where ever you are.:D :D :canada:

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awe shucks.

Pep talks are what this board is for, right? I know you all support me when I'm frustrated, mad, sad...

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Oh My!!!!!! I lost my ticker. I haven't updated in a while, does it just leave you after a while????????? Has anyone seen my ticker??? Here ticker ....here ticker..........

Now I have lost my Mind........

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Just popping in for a bit to see how everyone is doing! Looks like it is going to be a fine weekend here, with lots of sunshine! I certainly couldn't pass it up today, so I went out this morning and did some walking walk.gif! Got to get toned up for the 19th, you know...lol.gif

Had a tasty grilled chicken salad for a late lunch; talk about feeling satisfied! The thing was so big, I think I'll be able to get three meals out of it. Heh. Wow...what a contrast from the days a medium pizza would last only one meal.

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Tammy so sorry to hear of your loss.

I had my first fill yesterday. It was very interesting. The doctor plunged up and down about 6 times to get all of the air out of the belt. He kept hitting the syringe with his finger to get every single drop of air out of it. Then he put in 1.5 cc's. My DH kept asking if I felt anything I said no. It took about 10 minutes. So today I am on full liquids, I seem to be at a nice fill right now.

I do not like the nurse at all. I knew the day of the fill it was a liquid only day. I called the office earlier in the day to see if I could have a Protein shake, they said no, clear only. The nurse put me on the scale, she said, "Are you the one that called about the shake? I said Yes, She said dead serious, "Shame on you for even thinking of having a shake that is not on your "DIET":mad::angry. I was mad as hell. I have lost almost 30 lbs since banded, I am ecstatic, my Doctor was thrilled. Then she was very rude to the doctor during the procedure. She was contradicting him during the procedure. He wanted a band aide with neosporin on it, she said, Well, you didn't do that for the last patient. She was just so unprofessional.

I do love my doctor, so all is good.

Toodles, Everyone Have a Wonderful weekend.

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<p>Oh Janine, I can just picture that nurse. I'm sure she has some deep lines around her mouth (or will) from holding it pursed in a sour expression so often? I've been around nurses like that, too. </p> <p> </p> <p>Speaking of nurses, yesterday my PCP's nurse called me. She said she had my test results back (I was thinking this was about how I had had to pee in the cup the day before. I was surprised they were calling and so soon). Apparently my liver enzymes were high. This is from about three weeks ago. So I told her, yes, I know, thats from my gallbladder, ya'll know I had that out last week, right? "really?" "Oh" "Well then come back here in three months to have your liver rechecked or have your surgeon recheck it. We don't want you and that test to fall through the cracks in the sytem."</p> <p> </p> <p>I thought that was pretty funny. I don't know if its my doctor or her nurse that are being ditzy lately-- because someone is. This is the second time something like that happened. I'll mention it at my next checkup because it is a little worrisome to me. I'm sure its all fine and it really is in my chart somewhere, but still...</p> <p> </p> <p>Given that I've had terrible doctors before, I'll take some ditziness any day (like the one doctor, who when I told him my pneumonia was relapsing and that I needed antibiotics, decided that instead it was some sort of bronchiospasm and gave me an inhaler instead. Of course it really was a pneumonia relapse and it was miserable. Or the other doctor... Well we do say the student health center is the killing center for a reason).</p> <p> </p> <p>OH Juli, I like to make charts. Last night I was looking at what classes I wanted to take and when, and different ways to gain experience (so I can get a job once I get my MS), and then thinking, well if after I get my masters I get this then... If we have a baby x year... And appearance can make a difference in job interviews and so forth. If other candidates are worried about their nose rings (personally, thats my favorite peircing of mine, it stays) and buisiness attire, I don't want to have to worry about all of that in addition to being 100 pounds heavier than they are. While I have trouble truly knowing knowing that people really care about stuff like that (or age or sex or color or race or religion or any of a bunch of other things that people shouldn't care about but do), I realise that they do. That a lot of people do. And I understand that many believe that it is ok to discriminate against fat people because fat people can lose weight (supposedly anyway). Personally, I think if people are going to be hating on another group of people I think it should be for a really good reason, like if no more tequila were being produced</p>.

Ok nap time for me.

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hey all -

just sitting here in bandster hell and waiting for my first fill.

i didn't realize what torture this was going to be. i'm still eating wisely (for the most part) but want the food anxiety to go away! i can't eat volumes like before but i can eat pretty much anything i want. that is a slippery slope for me so i'm just hanging on until my 1st fill on the 15th.

oh, and for those that work at a hospital - have you noticed how much junk food there is and how they Celebrate everything with food. oy! i've never been so tempted in all my life.:tired

p.s. i am in for such a rude awakening when i actually have to slow down to eat. i am a fast eater by habit.

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Hi all!

I've been reading everyone's quotes. I was gone for a week or so and wow! I missed a lot! Just trying to catch up.

Let's see... I get my first fill on Tuesday. It was originally scheduled for May 22nd, but I just didn't feel like I could wait any longer. I talked to my doctor and we are doing it on Tuesday!! Yippee!

Hey all you May birthdays - Happy Birthday! My birthday is on the 17th! I turn 40 this year. Having the band put in was kind of like a birthday present to myself. A new beginning to life shall we say? :)

Congratulations to all of us for doing so well! Keep up the good work everyone!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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