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Iam sad! I've only lost 15 pounds! I am eating what I used to. I haven't had a fill yet, could this be why? My first fill is May 8th, I can't wait!

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Medge: I'm pretty excited about the Water aerobic. I need to get a cap so I don't get my hair wet. That would not be pretty. :speechles

Tammy: Hopefully you'll be able to get some food down better. A lot of people on the site say to wait about two weeks. Some say that you may even feel tighter after your workout. I'm just jealous :) cause I haven't had my first fill yet. My time is coming soon.

Nikki: Did you have a fill yet? If so, when? I would be calling the Dr too requesting that I come in earlier. Well, I did that but it didn't work. :heh: :D:faint:

Rosi: Congrats your fill. 6-8 weeks seems a little long to see the scale move. I'm sure you'll lose before then. :)

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You know its pretty damn funny actually. I seem to have both thrush and an UTI. I do try to be versitle. The thrush I noticed last night when I went to bed. For a couple of days things had been tasting funny and I had a wierd taste in my mouth that I just couldn't figure out. My sinuses have been ok so I was pretty sure it wasn't a sinus infection, and I was brushing my teeth so I just didn't know what was up with it. I was about to brush my teeth but first decided to stick out my toungue and open up my mouth just to take a look see and thats when I noticed that on both sides of my toungue, there was white stuff. Eww. And a good brushing did not remove it. So I took a diflucan right away that I had lying around (I might still have a refill on it...) and made a note to call my doctor. Definite white stuff though, I'm pretty sure its thrush. Its sure something on my toungue. I even have a theory about how I got it. The hospital. Well they aren't that clean, I mean with all the patients and stuff those places are crawling with germs. After I woke up from my gall bladder surgery I had a big ole sore on the inside of my lip and it was annoying me, esp since I didn't know where it came from (DH speculated it was from breathing aparatus stuff during surgery on its way in or out if I bit myself at some point). So I figure that sore would have been a good entry point.

And I also have a lovely UTI. The past couple of days I have been in denial about that because I don't like peeing in cups. Then I finally decided to deal with it so I have been drinking cranberry juice to see if that does the trick. That I'm pretty sure is related to the catheter I got after the surgery. I know those can lead to infections.

So damn, I'm just all messed up it seems like. LOL. And I managed to sleep all day so I didn't manage to call the doctor. I guess I will do that tomorrow. They will probably make me come in. I don't like being sick and having to go to the doctors office. I know it sounds silly, but I have this dream of not going to see the doctor for illness for months and months. Regular checkups and stuff are fine, thats another thing, but always being sick gets really old. The scheduling, the waiting. The poking and prodding and then figuring out which antibiotic will work without making me stop breathing. The way staff always start to recognize me on site and can greet me by name. I hate that. That is a sign you are sick too often, when you are on a first name basis with the staff at the medical center. LOL its true, it really is.

I haven't bothered to weigh myself for quite a while. I'll get aound to it. But first I want to make sure all the surgical swelling/ Water retaining goes away cause that throws off the numbers and makes them useless.

Tammy, your restriction now sounds like what my restriction was initially. And also what it was right after my gall bladder removal. For what ever reason the swelling from that made me mega restricted for a couple of days. The first day post op even applesauce was a challenge. See how it goes. If you can't get solids down or not being able to eat enough is too frustrating, get a little unfill.

For me, having trouble getting enough food in was leading to some bad behaviours. I can eat a little more now so I'm doing better. But these past few days I could just eat so little following all the rules that it would frustrate me. Noway was I going to meet Protein and nutritional requirments like that, for one thing, plus its really annoying to have food and then not be able to eat more than a few bites. No enery either. I suppose I could have gone back to Protein shakes, but since I'm able to finally eat solids without throwing up I want to eat them. So I was doing some not so good things. Like drinking through meals (ok I still do that one). Stuffing my pouch-- not good and something I wasn't always aware of as I was doing it. Not eating slowly enough so that I don't know when to stop-- I would be at the brink of a PB or I would slime frequently. I know the drinking is a bad thing and my goal is stop doing that, at least like I am, over the course of a week. Its just that I get so full so quickly otherwise and I can't eat anything. And I'm a little scared of rapid weight loss now. Thats another reason I'm eating junk food sometimes and not weighing myself. I don't want to start losing weight again until I'm all healed from my surgery. I know that probably sounds crazy to most of you, and the gall bladder can only come out once, but the rapid weight loss made me so sick... I just want it to come off at a healthy rate.

As far as computer skills, I'm ok with that stuff. I used to be good at computer stuff, a few years ago, like when I was going into college. But then I got to know computer people. Thats the problem with having friends who are good at stuff, you don't need to be good at it. Sophmore year 2 of ten of my housemates (I lived in a house with mostly guys. It was great. People to eat all my baked goods!) were computer science majors. Instant tech support. Then the next year I met my husband. He does network server architechture or something like that. Big computer guy, more instant tech support. So while I have picked up a couple of things here and there being surrounded by smart people, I know less than I used to. By the time I finish my MS I should be fairly good at tech stuff again since for my program I'll learn a couple of basic programming languages and networking things. For my field, I need to know some computer stuff (I'm going to be a librarian). I'm looking forward to getting back a bit of technical independance. I think that here they have some posts on how to do the tickers and things like that. I went to tickerfactory.com and it gave me a code I cut and pasted onto my signature.

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Nice to see new names: Thickchicktexas, My5grlz,Snowangel, KuebulJ, -

For those of you not losing I can relate. After a few weeks when that scale wasn't moving anymore and I thought I was doing everything right--I buckled down.

For more that a week I've been doing 800cals/40 min Cardio + other stuff and i was losing a pound a Day. Now guess what, The scale has not moved in the last 2 days.

What I have learned is how to eat better, count calories and Protein, stay away from sugar, bread and all drinks but Water and sometimes for the sugar Jones-Crystal Lite. I come on this site for info and encouragement and feel the responsibilty to keep on track like most of these bandsters--Just Keep Doing the Right Thing.

TammyJ: sounds like the warm stuff was going down a little smoother that the cold stuff. Get my fill on Thurs so that's good to know.

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Today I'm taking the good with the bad. Still not feeling restricted from my 1st fill on 4/23. :cry (that's no excuse!)

According to Fitday I ate 1390 calories today. :)

I was totally out of control.

I tried to fix it this evening and walked for 2.5 miles on my treadmill. I walked 3.3 MPH swinging my arms holding two cans of chick peas! ..don't have any hand weights and switching off with my crosstrainer ski poles. Boy was I sweating!

So after walking 1 mile this a.m. and then this evenings "power walk" I'm hoping to do my penance and make this day right.

Tomorrow is another day and my head hunger will not take over my body! :peace:

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Thanks Tammy for keeping us Marchies together! I am on my second fill--up to 1.6cc in a 4cc band. I feeling some restriction...but I think I need another fill. I need to start getting serious about exercise...so here is my pledge...Excercise: 30 min. sessions 0 of 20 sessions completed

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Nikki - I'm here with ya' chica. Bandster Hell Buddies!!

I haven't "declared" my exercise intentions, but am kind of doing the challenge. I have challenged myself to attend at least 2 Water aerobics a week and a third if I'm lucky. I am also trying to do walking at least 4 days a week. :-) If I can just get these stupid blisters that developed on my feet from last weeks walking under control, I could do even more walking. :-( They hurt. I put mole skin on them tonight but they still started hurting at about 30 minutes. :-(

I called for my fill appointment and I'm scheduled for May 23rd. My birthday is the 26th so I thought it was a nice bday present. :-) What's funny is I'm going home to see my parents that weekend and several of my friends are coming over for "hamburgers and hot dogs"...is what my Mom told people. Great..I'll be eating......??? hmm..I'll probably treat myself to ice cream. :-)

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Rosie and Tammy, You guys have made my day.

Tammy I feel for you honey, but I am so happy to hear that you do indeed get good restriction the second time.

Rosie, Rosie, you really put it in perspectives. My doctor kept saying don't expect a weight loss before the fill. I guess once we have the band we feel that the weight should drop off, but really it is just willpower till the fills. I say kudos to everyone of us Marchies for every IODA we have lost.

So I have read that the first 6 months it is the easiest window of opportunity to lose. You guys think this is true? Rosie, were they saying that the weight loss doesn't get steady until, say, in Tammy's case you get a real good fill?

I just love this thread.,.,..:kiss2:

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Did a 40 min walk and had my heart rate up to 132. I stopped and check it three times. I hope this will get things moving again on the scale. I get my first fill May 8 and can't wait. So 1 session down and 19 to go. Plus I got in my 64 oz of Water today.

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Hello fellow Marchies I am glad I came across this thread. I was banded on March 1st and i am going for my 3rd fill on May 21st. I paid for unlimited fills in the first year so I intend to tweek my restriction until I get that sweet spot. Besides I have cruise coming in August so I am determined to get this going. I hope I am not being to agressive with my fills. But I feel restriction but not to the level I have heard others speak of. I also haven't lost the weight that I wanted to by now. Although I had my second fill 8 days ago and since then I have lost 7 more pounds. But in the beginning I was eating the wrong soft foods. too many bad carbs not good.

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Did a 40 min walk and had my heart rate up to 132. I stopped and check it three times. I hope this will get things moving again on the scale. I get my first fill May 8 and can't wait. So 1 session down and 19 to go. Plus I got in my 64 oz of Water today.

I can see you just had your surgury and have been on this forum for a year. You obviously have learned alot prior to getting banded.

10 days out and you are doing the exercise and water (I did too)

Good for you:clap2: . You are getting your first fill pretty early compared to the rest of us? Keep up the good work.

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I walked 3.3 MPH swinging my arms holding two cans of chick peas! ..

:target: LOL...you are so funny. That was a good workout though - gotta be creative. I love that!

Kyethra: Please call the doc about the thrush and the UTI. I know you don't like peeing in a cup but you might need a little more than cranberry juice.

Maya: :welcomeB: Glad to see you here. I'm also going on a cruise in August and I hope to lose about 20 pounds by then. I would actually like to lose more but I'm trying to set something reasonable for me. I'm a little bit of a slow loser but I plan to up the workouts. Anyway, good luck, girl!!!!

My Birthday is MAY 11th. :clap2: I go for my fill on the 10th so definitely no b-day cake for me. I have been very good though, haven't had a sugery snack since a month before surgery. I would like to pat myself on the back for that because I was a cookie/cake freak!!!

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My Birthday is MAY 11th. :clap2: I go for my fill on the 10th so definitely no b-day cake for me. I have been very good though, haven't had a sugery snack since a month before surgery. I would like to pat myself on the back for that because I was a cookie/cake freak!!!


My favorite people are Taurusies or is that Tauri? I love you bull headed people! A fill is a great gift. You don't need cake to Celebrate another awesome year on this planet! Being here and reveling in the wonderous fantasticness that is you is what birthdays are all about.

I just wanted to say KUDOS for keeping the sugar monster at bay. You're my hero. I don't give it too frequently, but I do still eat a cookie here or a fudge bar there. I account for them in my calories, but I wish I had the strength to just never eat them!

You CAN lose 20 by August! Especially now that you are going to be doing Water aerobics!

OH Juli

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I can see you just had your surgury and have been on this forum for a year. You obviously have learned alot prior to getting banded.

10 days out and you are doing the exercise and Water (I did too)

Good for you:clap2: . You are getting your first fill pretty early compared to the rest of us? Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the kind words, but I had my surgery March 20. I did start walking within hours of surgery tho and have been walking ever since.

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Hi all!

It's been a while since I posted. You all are doing great!

I'm having a hard time getting all my Water in. I still feel some restriction, but I can eat almost anything.

I got a little ahead of myself on Sunday and ate some peanuts. HUGE mistake, about an hour after wards I was in horrible pain. It felt like something was crushing me from my stomach to my back. I couldn't breathe and passed out from the pain. I was sure my band slipped. I had my hubby take me to the ER. They finally got the pain to stop after 4 doses of pain meds. They did a CT scan and said every thing was fine. No blockage. I talked to my MIL who is a nurse and said my intestines were probably blocked and I should be having at least one BM a day.I have really had a problem going to the bathroom. I've been taking Miralax, Laci Lebeau dieters tea and drinking apple cider vinegar (YUCK). I was at my wits end! My stomach still hurts so bad. I've been back on liquids trying to clear this. I'm seriously considering having colonics. (Anyone done this?)

I have only lost 20 Lbs so far. I need to exercise, but that's hard to do when you are in pain!

I did go from a 20/22 to size 18 Yeah!!! I need to go down to my crawl space and see if I have any 18's left. I did treat myself and bought 1 new pair of capris. I just can't wait until I can buy "regular" size clothes and not from Lane Bryant (they are sooooo expensive!)

Thanks for listening!!!

You all are fabulous!!!! :clap2:


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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