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Hospital/Surgery experience. Please tell.

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Hello All. I am having surgery in the morning. Please tell me what to expect the day of surgery and the day or 2 after while in the hospital. Very curious and I do better when I have a good idea about what I'm headed into. Thanks!

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Hi Bobby. Congratulations on your surgery date. You are in for an experience for sure. First just let me say...I love my sleeve and would do it again if I had to. I have had many surgeries but they have all been different and the Sleeve surgery was also different but much like the gall bladder surgery as far as the pain. The first four days was pretty rough for me, I felt terrible as I always do after any anesthesia, and I kept saying to myself...What in the hell have I done to myself. But by the 5th day I was truly onboard with it. At first it is so difficult to swallow the Water and Soup but each day gets easier and easier. Its a process that just gets better and better. My daughter stayed with me most of the time and helped me get up and down and helped with my shower. I was too weak to do it on my own but as I said, the anesthesia always knocks me for a loop. I did not have the severe gas pains that others have mentioned on here but my daughter had me up and walking every 3 hours, no excuses. That I think made a big difference. I had all of my foods and meds ready at home so all I had to do was heat them up when I got home from the hospital. My husband helped a bit but he was against the surgery so I didn't want to be dependent on him. After I started losing weight and feeling good he jumped on board with this sleeve thing and he is now my biggest supporter. Everyone's experience is different but similar and complications, though real and possible, are very rare. The Best thing you can do for yourself is to follow your doctor's instructions. They really do know best and have a lot more experience at this than we do. I wish you well and hope you have a non-eventful surgery and an easy healing. Good luck and welcome to the world of Healthy and Happy.

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I had my surgery 10 yrs ago, so will try to enlighten you on what I remember. When I got to the hospital of course I, had to register and got assigned a room. Once in the hospital room, the one I would be returning to after surgery, I had an some pre-testing done and an IV line whatever it is called started. Soon after I was escorted (wheeled off) to the operating room. This is where they had a lot of patients all lined up getting prepped for surgery (not sure where u r getting it done, but this is when I became the most nervous). The anesthesiologist came in, introduced himself and administered something to calm me down cause I asked as I was getting more and more anxious. Ok, so fast forward some, after surgery I go back to the room. I was give a morphine pump and some good pain meds. The pain for me, I thought was horrible. But just so you know, I hate being in pain. Looking back now, it was not that bad. This was the first major surgery I have ever had in my life, so I had nothing to compare it to. I was checked every four hours and had to be up and walking within 4 hours after surgery. I also had to drink some liquid stuff and get x-rayed so that the surgery site could be checked...this was the worst for me simply because I felt nauseous. I was in the hospital for 5 days, probably longer then most surgery patients. I just had trouble with liquids...no big deal..My doctor i think was taking extra precautions.

Overall, the hospital stay was not bad...the nurses were great. Its just getting passed the surgery part that gets everyone nervous. Once thats over, a i assure you, you will be fine!

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My experience was very different - I had Surgery this past Tuesday, August 5.

When I arrived at the hospital at 6am, the bariatric coordinator took me over to pre op, and took my sister to the waiting room. Pre op asked me questions about my history and I changed into a gown. I went to my bed and they put the compression stockings on my legs and started an IV. I was then given 2 percocets by mouth, a pain reliever and anti biotic in my IV, and was given a patch behind my ear for nausea. (My doctor truly believes in preventative care, so he loads his patients first). They then went and got my sister to wait with me. After about an hour, they took me to the waiting room in the OR, where my sister could not come. I was the first patient of the day, but my doc had an emergency, so I would guess he started my surgery about 9am. I woke up in the recovery room and cleared my throat a little - wasn't really in pain at all. The nurse gave me some ice chips (again, most will not, but my doc does the leak test right after surgery while you are still out and knew I was ok to drink). Then I was taken back over to the pre op area and rested. My sister came back in and we just waited until I felt ok to go home. Yes, I went home the same day. No drains, no catheters, no pain drip. I got up a couple of times and walked to the bathroom and felt ok, considering. I went home at about 4pm and have had no issues. I took a shower without help the next morning. The first day it was hard to swallow my pain pills which were not liquid. I had to cut them in half. I took no nausea medicine and I only took the pain meds for 2 days. First night I slept in my recliner. The next few nights I slept in my bed on my back - but my bed is adjustable, so I had the head up like a hospital bed. Last night (5 days later) I slept with my bed flat on my side and feel great this morning! I had the gas pains on day 2, but I used a heating pad and Gas X and it helped. I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow (4 days off including surgery day). I might only work 1/2 day, though. I don't want to force myself to get up too early in the morning.

I hope this helps. Some people have told me that I must have a high pain tolerance. I don't think I do - in fact, I think I'm a baby when it comes to pain. I really didn't feel any. Just when I was going to stand from sitting or sit from standing, my incisions would pull and hurt a little. For that, you just hold pressure on them with your hand or a pillow and it is fine.

Good luck to you! You will do great!

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I had some issues. I was supposed to be one night in the hospital and ended up 5 days. This was due to excess swelling and I was unable to drink any fluids without pain. I had to stay on iv's for many days. I have also had a lot of pain on the side where my stomach was removed. I am just over 3 weeks out and starting to feel normal again. So you see it really varies. Wishing you a speedier recovery than I had. Best of luck!

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I had my surgery at OCC in TJ.... Arrived at the surgical center late because my original flight was cancelled. Filled out paperwork, had blood drawn, consult with nutritionist, went over health survey and had an exam/ECG with cardiologist. Went back to private room with my sister where I changed into a gown, had an IV catheter put in, chatted with the surgeon, and hung out with my sister until my surgery time. Since I was late, I was the last surgery-about 2pm. Walked to the OR and talked to the anesthesiologist about any allergies and concerns before lights out. I let him know I've woken up from anesthesia very nauseous before and he said he'd make sure I was OK this time.

I kind of remember waking up, being moved from recovery to my room, talking to my sister and then going back to sleep for a few more hours. Woke up around 9pm. No nausea or pain - yeah! Face timed and email friends and family. Spent the night walking, watching TV and dosing. The nurse kept checking to see that I was comfy and gave me Water to sip.

Discharged with take home meds around 9am and went to the Marriott. Walked to Starbucks with my sister so she could get a "fix". I sipped on herbal tea. Took a nap back at the Marriott and then walked to Walmart. Spent the next 2 days shopping, walking and daily rechecks at the surgical center. Flouroscopy barium swallow, drain pulled and flew home 3rd day.

Other than the missing tequila shots and chowing down on good Mexican food, it was a great "vacation" south of the border!

Edited by Kindle

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Hi, Bobby. Congratulations on jumping through all of the hoops and having your surgery scheduled. I had mine on July 28th, about 2 weeks ago so it is all pretty fresh in my mind.

Got to the hospital as requested at 7:30 am, registered with admissions(this was quick) and went to the surgical waiting room. Got called back pretty quickly, got changed, answered questions from the nurse, got IV started, spoke to the anesthesiologist and then my surgeon. This all took about an hour. I did make sure to tell both doctors that I am the type of person who has a hard time controlling nausea once it starts(I'm the one who winds up in the ER with every stomach bug) and they assured me that I would have plenty of anti nausea medication on board at time of surgery.

Taken to the OR about 9:00am, they had me move from the stretcher to the operating table,get positioned comfortably, then it was lights out. Woke up in recovery with no nausea, mild pain and a morphine PCA pump( you control it). Was up and walking a couple of hours after I got to my room- with help the first time. Went to the restroom and did a couple of laps around the floor.

Next day I had my leak test(a modified upper GI), then started Clear Liquids, kept them down well, went home.

I'm doing well and feeling much better than I had expected. I wish you an easy surgery and recovery!

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I had my surgery at Valley hospital in New Jersey it was great experience.

I was asked to be there by 8:30. My surgery was scheduled for 10:25 am

I went to admissions I had already done all my paperwork pre-op so pointed to same day surgery and walked on over. Checked in there and waited a few minutes for the nurse to escort me to a bed. I changed into a gown and socks and a really pretty hoodie. Ah hem. Read sarcasm here please

I then answered a lot of questions for the nurse regarding what I was having, medical conditions, medications etc

They gave me a sniffer like an old Vicks nasal thing with lavender oil in it to help relax your nerves. One with ginger scent for after surgery for possible nausea. They were so nice.

The anesthesiologist came in at 10 to meet me and discuss medical history and what she would administer and what order.

Surgeon came in at 10:20 apologized running a pinch late and likely be at 11.

I got wheeled in at 11. Climbed over to the operating table and chit chatted with doc while they all worked around me.

Next thing I know it was 3 pm and I was waking up in recovery uncomfortable. The nurse gave me morphine quickly and I was back out until around 5 when I desperately had to pee. I mean I was going to blow up.

I couldn't get up was still in recovery waiting for a room. So bed pan time. I had real difficulty going. I don't know if it was shyness, discomfort or just anesthesia after effects or all of it.

I had to do the bed pan twice. And then up to my room and went to potty on my own two legs this time.

I walked that entire night. Have never had gas pain.

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Thanks All! I am scheduled for 7:15 and have to be at the hospital by 5:15. I live about an hour away. Its at OSU Hospital in Columbus OH. Hitting the sack early early early tonight...this evening. I think I'm ready. Thanks so much for the insight. I am not so anxious if I know the routine of things. You have all helped me greatly! I am the last adult on the face of the earth to get a smart phone....so when I get home I will let everyone know how it went. Thanks for the best wishes!

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Thanks all! My surgery is this Tuesday and I'm really nervous! It's great to hear everyone's hospital stories :-)

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I had surgery 8/6/14. Was suppose to be there at 11am and moved to 2pm because dr had an emergency. Didn't end up having surgery until 7;15pm. Was very hungry as no food or Water since 10 pm day before.

Had done pre-admission so registration and meeting with anesthesiologist was already done.

Remember being taken to OR but as soon as they transferred me to surgery table, I was pretty much out. Woke up in my room about 10:15 and remember very little except very bad pain to chest. 8 out of 10. Fell back to sleep and woke up at 2am complaining of pain to chest. They called dr. and he gave me some pain meds and told nurse I needed to start walking as soon as I could.

I didn't know that they blow air into your body to separate the organs and be able to operate better. That air hurt!!! By morning it was about a 6 out of town. Started walking and was pretty much gone by 2-3pm.

The entire first 24 hours out of surgery I could not eat. Everything came back up and I was super nauseous. Was regretting this. Dr. usually releases patients next day but since I had my surgery so late, he did not release me. Told me I'd feel much better in morning.

I did!! Last time I threw up was 5am that morning. And though I was a bit nauseous, I did not throw up again. Stayed with Water, Jello. broth and tea too harsh.

I was able to start Protein drinks and milk next day (day 3 postop). Was very tired though Had broth today (day 4) and feel great. Tried to take nap because felt I should, but wasn't tired. Pain from surgery is gone. It was minimal since day 2. No pain meds after day 2.

Good luck. Though day 2 was bad, can't believe how great I feel today. Oh and I'm 5 pounds down (in 4 days!).

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I had mine back on 6/18/14. Got to the hospital at 1030 and went to registration. From there they took my husband and myself to the waiting room. Ended up waiting till 1245 ( up running behind). Got called and was taking back to the pre-op waiting room. Got weighed in, changed into gown, got IV started and asked a bunch if questions. Was someone with me, last time I ate or drank, allergies, etc. at this point my husband was allowed to come and wait with me. My dr came to talk to me and finally was taken to OR at 330 you now 3 1/2 hours behind. Got to the room moved to the operating table and remember them saying ok take a deep breath. Next thing I was waking up in recovery and my back was killing me. I have a old back injury and laying in my back for long periods of time is horrible. Once I was awake they took me to my room. My nurses where great with I. A few hours I was up and walking and sitting in the chair. Nurses come in and check on you every 4 hours so hard to sleep. Pain was not bad, just hurt to sit up and when I got in or out of bed, no gas pains either. I went home 2 days later.

Good luck and a quick recovery.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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