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Hi All!

I'm new to all this and have my surgery in a week and a half (Aug 19th). I have been reading all your posts and you are all so brave and truly inspiring! I applaud you all! Bravo! I have heard many conflicting accounts of what post op will look like that first week. Mostly people are using words like "hard, difficult, etc." I'm just taking one week off work and I'd like to know everyone's personal accounts of how their first week or two went so I know what I'm in for. Please be as specific as possible. Were you tired, weak, in pain, do you have children to care for and what is your profession, how soon did you go back and what was it like, etc, etc. I'm on the two week pre surgery diet and as this gets more and more real I'm getting more and more nervous.

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The first month was hard for me. I spent 2 weeks wondering why I had done this to myself. The surgery itself was not painful, to me anyways. I have had a c-section and gall stone surgery, so I knew what to expect. What I didn't expect was to feel pain when I ate or even drank Water. I HATED the pureed stage, I had to force myself to eat. Luckily, that only lasted 2 weeks. The good news is, it gets better after a month. I am now 4 months out and starting to feel normal again. I am a teacher and was off work for 2 months. I needed those 2 months, but many people go back after a few weeks. I guess it depends on what kind of job you have. I have a 5 year old daughter, but my mom was helping with that. If your kids aren't too young, you should be ok, just no lifting them for a while. Walking really does make a difference. Get moving right away if you can, it will make your recovery easier. Make sure to get all your water in, that's hard at the beginning, keep a water bottle with you at all times and sip, sip, sip. Good luck.

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Hi there.

Congrats to you! This is a life-changer.

I'll tell you my story...My recovery was seamless. I was lucky. I had no nausea and little pain. I took two pain pills and that was mainly to get better sleep, not so much for the pain. I'm not saying it was sunshine and lollipops, there was discomfort and at times I was frustrated, but it was no worse than recovering from my c-section 14 years prior.

I had my surgery on an outpatient basis - I was in at 6:00 am and out at noon the same day. I was able to recovery in the comfort of our timeshare condo. I paced a lot those first few days - it was the only thing that helped get rid of the gas. I had a pain in my left shoulder which is normal - when I walked it dissipated. I set the timer on my phone to chime every 5 minutes to remind me to sip Water. I didn't get my minimum Water or Protein mins in those first few days, I just did the best I could.

I realized quickly that I didn't like plain water any more - it was like drinking liquid sandpaper. I had to switch to Vitamin Water Zero or Propel. I still can't tolerate plain water at almost 9 months.

As for work, I telecommute full time doing work on my computer. I was had my surgery on Thursday and went back to work 1/2 days on the following Monday, working a full day that Tuesday. If I had to go back to an office, I would have waited a full week. I got tired the first week easily, so I took many breaks during the day.

I flew back home 8 days after surgery and had no issues - again, I got tired.

There were times the day before surgery that I thought about backing out...In fact, I almost did in admitting the morning of surgery. I thought, "I can walk out of here and only be out $500." I am glad I didn't. There were times immediately after surgery that I had buyers remorse thinking "What the hell did I do to myself." But now, I have no regrets or 2nd thoughts at all. I am so glad I did this. I have so much happiness and joy in my life today - I'm glad I didn't let fear overcome me that day. Sure I've had bad days, but I have had many more good days and they keep getting better.

Best of luck to you!

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Hi! And congratulations! I hope you have a smooth surgery, and a quick and easy recovery.

I felt pretty sore and I tired easily for the first week, until I was allowed full liquids. Running on just sugar for that week did not agree with me at all! But after that, once I could start getting Protein again, I felt much better. I had my surgery on a Tuesday, and was back at work the following Monday. (I have a desk job.) That was earlier this week. Now (Friday), I feel almost normal. My incisions are still a bit sore, and I'm still ready for bed at like 9:00, but it's not bad. My husband has done most of the cooking this week, though, I don't really want to be around food I can't eat. But I don't get hungry at all.

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I had a band removal, hernia repair and gastric sleeve on Tuesday (3 days ago). It was all done as outpatient. I got the the hospital at 6am and was home on my own couch by about 4:30pm. It has been 3 days and I feel great, except for a little tenderness on my larger incision when I get up or sit down, or when I turn onto my side during the night. I don't have kids to worry about, but I have 3 dogs. I have been able to feed them and even go in the backyard to pick up the poop! On day 2 (yesterday), I woke up with the dreaded shoulder pain. I put a heating pad on my shoulder and used the Gas X strips. The pain lasted about 1 1/2 hours. I am not on any pain meds and I am going stir crazy in my house! I have been walking in circles a lot, which helps. The hardest part is trying to get all the liquids down, because it takes me about an hour to sip a glass of Water. That, however, has gotten better today, as well. I honestly thought it would be a lot worse. It hasn't been "difficult" or "hard" for me at all! Yay I'm a lucky one! Good luck to you!

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I also had a great recovery. I stayed overnight in the hospital and made sure I walked the halls as much as I could. Couldn't really tolerate the liquid pain medication they gave me for once I got home, so I took it once and then decided not to bother. No problems. I also work from home and ended up reviewing copy in my hospital bed the afternoon of surgery. Uh, wouldn't recommend that…but fortunately everything was fine!

I was tired for a week or two. My pain was far worse when I had my gallbladder out, although in fairness I had been sick for quite a while with that and am sure my reserves were down.

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Again, everyone is different.....but for me recovery was no problem. I had never had ANY kind of surgery. None! So, I was expecting the worse. I had my VGS about 9 am on a Monday morning and used the pain pump the last time about midnight that night. I left the hospital on Wednesday afternoon about 2pm and went to Academy Sports and walked around for about 45 mins Christmas shopping! I came home and did a Load of laundry and then rested. I was off all week and part of the next week (because it was the Christmas holiday) but I could have definitely gone back to work that Monday. I have a desk job so that makes a difference I'm sure. Overall, very uneventful and no issues at all. I'm almost 8 months out and down 90 pounds!

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I was never in any physical pain aside from a little ache in my left shoulder, and I found a heating pad helped that. The first 2-3 days I was very nauseous when I tried to drink anything. I dry heaved continually and regretted what I had done to myself. It felt like I gave myself the flu. But by day 3 I was able to eat sugar free popsicles and drinking started to become easier. I had no desire to eat at all, I felt stuffed like I had just eaten Thanksgiving dinner. For the next 3 weeks I rested and tried to recoup. Aside from fatigue, I was fine--able to take care of myself and my 6 & 8 year old kiddos.

By 1 month I was so happy I had made the decision for surgery. Best decision of my life! :)

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my entire thing was uneventful also! surgery was textbook, pretty easy recovery and so far so good, 6 wks later. have not had one episode of nausea or vomiting, ever.

i too mostly took pain meds just to sleep.

honestly i had put off having surgery last year because i chickened out. if i had known it would be this easy, i would have done it then, hands down.

i did a TON of research prior to my surgery, read thousands of threads on here. read 5 different books on sleeve that i downloaded to my Nook. talked to all sorts of patients. i feel like i went in VERY educated and prepared and nothing so far has been a surprise.

i feel AWESOME and like a new woman and wouldn't change it for anything! good luck

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My 1st 10 days post-op hurt like HELL! But that was only because I couldn't stomach the pain meds. Right when I was released from the hospital, I got the hiccups and stretched my new sleeve a little, then had a 2 hour car ride back home... making it worse. I probably wouldn't have been in any pain at all if not for that.

I was back at my desk job on day 11, with only mild discomfort.

Be prepared to sleep propped up and on your back for the 1st month.

I rolled up one of my comforters like a big log inorder to sleep propped up like in a hosptial bed. I'd feel a pulling sensation inside whenever I'd try to lay on either side.

Edited by joatsaint

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I had read on here about shoulder gas being caused by the residual CO2 rising up to the shoulder area. I asked my surgeon at my final pre-op visit how he manages the shoulder gas, and he said he will extract as much as possible. I was so glad I asked, because I did not have that problem at all. Your doctor may look at you with the side eye, but it's worth asking.

I agree with the recliner suggestion. Because of spinal issues, I have one of those lifting recliners...oh so handy. The only postop pain I had was from the largest incision, and using the recliner helped to reduce opportunities to pull on it.

Since I am retired, I did not have to worry about going back to work or having toddlers around the house. But I will tell you that for the first couple of weeks, I did tire very easily. I would be puttering along and then suddenly hit the wall.

I was on full liquids the first week home, and then on purees the second week. I tried baby food, but it was easier and cheaper to just put a meal in the blender with some broth and make my own. The third week I was able to move on to soft foods, and by the end of the fourth week I was allowed to have solid food.

So yeah, take a week minimum, but I would recommend two, just to get your bearings and see how your recovery is going to go. For sure, Water is just weird post-op. It needs to be infused with Crystal Lite, or Gatorade or Vitamin Water or something. Good luck with your surgery. let us know how it goes.

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Hi! I just had my surgery on July 28th and have been blessed with an uneventful recovery. I stayed one night in the hospital, came home exhausted but with minimal pain. I had a friend stay with me for a few days post op( single mom with a special needs daughter) and after the first day home she did very little for my care, but was great to have here for moral support. I started driving 2 days post op, as I was off of pain meds then. Once I was able to start full liquids(day 4 post op), I had a lot more energy.

As far as I'm concerned, this has been much easier to recover from than previous surgeries that I've had. Now if I can just get the hang of eating slowly, I'll be golden.

Good luck to you!

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Hi! And congratulations! I hope you have a smooth surgery, and a quick and easy recovery. <br><br> I felt pretty sore and I tired easily for the first week, until I was allowed full liquids. Running on just sugar for that week did not agree with me at all! But after that, once I could start getting Protein again, I felt much better. I had my surgery on a Tuesday, and was back at work the following Monday. (I have a desk job.) That was earlier this week. Now (Friday), I feel almost normal. My incisions are still a bit sore, and I'm still ready for bed at like 9:00, but it's not bad. My husband has done most of the cooking this week, though, I don't really want to be around food I can't eat. But I don't get hungry at all.

Hi Tamlyn, thank you so much for giving me your feedback. Would you tell me a little more about something you said. What do you mean by not wanting to be around food you can't eat when your husbands cooking but that you're not hungry at all? Are you referring to the habit and craving to eat the foods he's cooking? How has the surgery effected your cravings vs. your appetite?

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Again, everyone is different.....but for me recovery was no problem. I had never had ANY kind of surgery. None! So, I was expecting the worse. I had my VGS about 9 am on a Monday morning and used the pain pump the last time about midnight that night. I left the hospital on Wednesday afternoon about 2pm and went to Academy Sports and walked around for about 45 mins Christmas shopping! I came home and did a Load of laundry and then rested. I was off all week and part of the next week (because it was the Christmas holiday) but I could have definitely gone back to work that Monday. I have a desk job so that makes a difference I'm sure. Overall, very uneventful and no issues at all. I'm almost 8 months out and down 90 pounds!

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I too have never had any other surgical procedures in my life. The first time I was ever even under general anesthesia was for the upper endoscopy in prep for my upcoming surgery. It helps to hear that you felt ok afterword and were up moving around quite a bit on day 3. I have a 7 yr old and a 2 yr old. I know I won't be able to lift my toddler but it's good to know that I will still be able to care for them. My parents will be here the whole week after and so will my husband so it sounds like I'll be fine as long as all goes well. Congrats on your tremendous weight loss!

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<p>I had read on here about shoulder gas being caused by the residual CO2 rising up to the shoulder area. I asked my surgeon at my final pre-op visit how he manages the shoulder gas, and he said he will extract as much as possible. I was so glad I asked, because I did not have that problem at all. Your doctor may look at you with the side eye, but it's worth asking. <br> <br> I agree with the recliner suggestion. Because of spinal issues, I have one of those lifting recliners...oh so handy. The only postop pain I had was from the largest incision, and using the recliner helped to reduce opportunities to pull on it.<br> <br> Since I am retired, I did not have to worry about going back to work or having toddlers around the house. But I will tell you that for the first couple of weeks, I did tire very easily. I would be puttering along and then suddenly hit the wall.<br> <br> I was on full liquids the first week home, and then on purees the second week. I tried baby food, but it was easier and cheaper to just put a meal in the blender with some broth and make my own. The third week I was able to move on to soft foods, and by the end of the fourth week I was allowed to have solid food. </p> <p> </p> <p>So yeah, take a week minimum, but I would recommend two, just to get your bearings and see how your recovery is going to go. For sure, Water is just weird post-op. It needs to be infused with Crystal Lite, or Gatorade or Vitamin Water or something. Good luck with your surgery. let us know how it goes.</p> [Hi! Thanks for responding. That is strange about the water. You're not the first to say that. I love water right now but I'll definitely keep some crystal light on hand. Great tip!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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