startingyoung 17 Posted July 27, 2014 so I am having my surgery next week and I am starting to get nervous. It didn't really hit me until now and I can feel myself unconsciously stress eating and holding stress in my neck and shoulders. Just what I need right now, stress eating! My mom just had her surgery ( as well as surgery for a hernia) but I feel like she was way more dedicated pre-op than I have been. I don't want to have a big stomach and liver during surgery but my nerves are getting to me. Its scary to think that I am making such a permanent and life changing decision at only 19. I know this is what is best for me right now, but I guess I am getting some cold feet. Any advice? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mentalistfan 189 Posted July 27, 2014 I'm Pre-op also, my surgery is scheduled for August 12 and I remember being so excited and two hours later I cried for about five minutes. I haven't cried since, but today buying Vitamins I had that stress feeling in my neck, so I know what you mean. I'm just trying to push through and keep going toward surgery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mi75 1,236 Posted July 27, 2014 keep your eye on the prize. i worked right up until surgery and tried to just focus on everything there. i cleaned my house. went for lots of walks to make recovery easier-it did! i cleaned my car out. hauled stuff to goodwill, etc. i just tried to not focus on the surgery. i also just kept my Protein shakes going no matter what. i had no physical hunger but head hunger was the very worst the few days before surgery. 1 swtpea637 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
npurdy6 17 Posted July 27, 2014 I am going for surgery in Sept, waiting for the exact date from surgeon. Got all testing done now waiting for results to schedule the surgery date. So excited but scared to death at the same time. Everything I do revolves around food. I need this surgery to get a grip on myself. I am trying to think how will I replace my old time friend, food? I am thinking exercise could be the key with my food addiction. I exercise now but not enough to ever burn the amount I put in.. I am hoping the dietician I have will be able to teach me to eat better. I have tried evey diet out there. I could be a dietician with all that I have learned but yet gain everything back when I get sick of doing that diet. i really need some support, thanks for any input out there. 1 JCP reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsangia 7 Posted July 27, 2014 I'm Pre-op also, my surgery is scheduled for August 12 and I remember being so excited and two hours later I cried for about five minutes. I haven't cried since, but today buying Vitamins I had that stress feeling in my neck, so I know what you mean. I'm just trying to push through and keep going toward surgery. I'm completely understand your preop jitters. You are soo right for doing this now! Think ahead 1year image what you will look like in your new body. You'll be healthy, wear nice cloths, take selfies of yourself because you'll be so proud of you! Do it for that person! My surgery is tomorrow Tammy 2 #9grammy and Displaced Va Girl reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McButterpants 2,846 Posted July 27, 2014 I felt the same way...almost 9 months ago now. I don't regret going thru the surgery and I'm so happy I didn't let my fear get the best of me. The night before surgery, my husband I were driving around and I was thinking things like, "I'll never be able to eat there again" as we passed by some of my favorite places to eat. Other times during that evening I thought "What am I doing?" "Have I tried hard enough?" The morning of my surgery, as I sat in admitting I thought, "I could walk out of here right now and only be out $500." I glanced at my husband who was sitting about 20 feet away. He didn't look at me, he was just sitting there, nervous for me. I decided, I CHOSE to go thru the surgery - I knew at that moment, I needed to do it. I needed to follow the path I laid out for a better life. That was the best decision I have ever made. I didn't let the fear get the best of me. I think it's perfectly normal to feel anxiety, 2nd guessing yourself, etc. This is a life changer. It's also a life saver. My life is so much better today - I'm not saying I don't struggle, because I do. It's still hard some days. But I'm living a better, more active and product life than I was a year ago. My relationships are better. So, hang in there. Keep reading success stories here. You're going to do great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
npurdy6 17 Posted July 28, 2014 Thank you guys for your support! I am still trying to figure out how to reply to you on this site. I look forward to following your journey that we are all on together. Good luck Tammy I pray you have a safe and fast recovery! Mcbutter pants thanks so much for your support as well. So excited going to keep busy busy busy till it is my turn!!! Have a good night everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lisaabrumfield 119 Posted July 28, 2014 I am also looking forward to having my surgery. My biggest concern is what will I do for pain afterwards since I won't be able to take pills. I hate feeling nauseous and the thought of throwing makes me cringe. I have done tons of research on Protein Shakes, foods to eat afterwards and exercises to do. I can't wait for a smaller me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
startingyoung 17 Posted July 29, 2014 thank you so much for everyone's input. I am happy to hear that others feel the same way as I do. I have decided to continue with my surgery as planned. I thought it through by thinking if I didn't do this what I would do and if I thought it would work. I came to the conclusion that this is definitely what I want. My surgery is on Thursday! Getting kind of anxious but I am so ready to start a new and better life for myself. I have the same concerns about filling that food void. I figured I would deal with that when I need to. Best of luck Tammy! Just going to keep focused until Thursday! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NurseTammy 8 Posted July 31, 2014 If your nervous before your surgery get a massage the day before! As for Protein Shakes I love Isopure and nectar. I bought on Amazon chocolate, Cookies n cream, Peanut Butter n choc, strawberry, Cappuchino mocha for any mood I have. I love power ADe zero in blue, sugar free ice pops and Water with lemon/ lime and a touch of fresh mint I shake it with lots of ice it's refreshing! I walk while I sip it's hard to drink sitting down. I even burp myself like a newborn. I read somewhere our stomachs are like a newborn a few sips then burp! Then we advance to puréed baby food, then we graduate till thicker chopped foods. Eventually well be skinny healthy grown ups! 1 SGL755 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
startingyoung 17 Posted August 4, 2014 UPDATE! 4 days post -op and feeling pretty nauseous. I have not thrown up yet (and i hope i don't!). just trying to fight away the thoughts of "why the hell did i do this" and remind myself why and that the outcome will be great. I have to go back to school tomorrow and work on wednesday. hoping to be feeling better soon! i am, however, not in a lot of pain. other than menstrual cramps, I am doing pretty well pain wise. I am quickly finding out what I can and cannot tolerate. (chicken broth being one i can' t tolerate). How are you feeling now tammy? @tsangia Best to all! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsangia 7 Posted August 21, 2014 Starting young... How are you feeling now? I learned everyday gets better! I'm down 34 lbs and I'm able to eat mechanically chopped soft foods. I exercise for 45-1 hr daily just walking, I had some adhesion pain for about 2 weeks, but, I feel much better now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCP 619 Posted August 22, 2014 Starting young, I am doing this at 56. The great thing is, you ARE so young! Your body is going to heal faster and your skin still has elasticity, not like us old folks! Lol! You have done the right thing and the brave thing. It's going to be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McButterpants 2,846 Posted August 23, 2014 I am also looking forward to having my surgery. My biggest concern is what will I do for pain afterwards since I won't be able to take pills. I hate feeling nauseous and the thought of throwing makes me cringe. I have done tons of research on Protein shakes, foods to eat afterwards and exercises to do. I can't wait for a smaller me. @lisaabrumfield...Most docs do a great job at pain management. Honestly, I took 2 pain pills in the week after surgery and those were mainly so I could sleep at night, not because I was in pain. Was there discomfort? Sure, but pacing and walking helped greatly with that. My doc used an anti-nausea patch behind my ear. It stayed on for 3-4 days after surgery. I have did not have any complications - I haven't vomited since before surgery. You're going to do great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites