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Considering banding Really Need Advice

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Hi, everyone I have been reading these forums the past week. I am considering the surgery possibly in Monterrey, Mexico. I can't go on like I am ...yet I am very afraid of the possiblity of complications..I have three kids. I have a lower BMI 36. I have no control over portions and seem to rather have sweets. I am experiencing shortness breathe, I believe I have a hiatal hernia which seems to have really gotten bigger this summer since I gained more weight. I have leg pain , back pain and isolate from events because I 'm so embarressed by my weight. I,m the Wyonna Judd { who I love } of my family --thin mother and sister...three thin sister-in-laws. I also have a very fit good looking husband who is in the public eye.

Please tell me about if this band really made the difference and controlled your eating without torturing you with hunger and feelings of being deprived. Is having the band a little like being sick all of the time--in that I mean it sounds like it is very high maintenece and day to day.....Do most bandsters just eat whatever they want just less including stuff that is not really good for them? Is that why weight loss is very slow for some? Do the bandsters that stick to really healthy sugar free, fat free foods lose more faster? Most of all did you really feel a huge difference in your appetite or not? I am afraid I will do this and it will be torture mentally anyway and I will fell hungry and crave sweets all of the time like I do now....

I am in awe of the people I have read about on this site and really need your help deciding. I am very interested in knowing about this Mexico surgery and how do you find a Dr. for fills? Do they help you? I live in NJ an am close to NYC about a 30 minute ride by car or train.

Thanks For your Help Kelly Ann

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Hi Kelly Ann! We're neighbors, I'm also in NJ.

I completely understand your concerns and fears. My biggest worry before banding was whether life would ever be NORMAL again--would I spend all my time thinking about the fact of being banded and how to live with it. Would I be conscious of it all the time? Would I have to adapt at every meal, skip the fun things about eating? Accommodate my entire life and accept that I'll always be different?

The answer is NO, NO, NO. Everyone's experience is different and of course, a lot depends on how your surgery and recovery go, but I'll share my reactions to your questions as follows.

Is having the band a little like being sick all of the time--in that I mean it sounds like it is very high maintenece and day to day

There are periods like this, mostly immediately post-op and post-fill when you have to take it really slow and learn how what restriction means and how to eat. But outside of those times, I am completely unaware that I am banded. Never sick, never nauseated. If I eat too fast or have too much in one bite, there is a physical sensation of it not going down, of "getting stuck." But that's the whole point--to get me to put down that additional bite that I don't need. And it works!

Do most bandsters just eat whatever they want just less including stuff that is not really good for them?

Speaking for myself, the answer is yes. But I've learned that with very little space in my tummy, going for Protein first solves this problem for me. Between meals I'm JUST NOT HUNGRY most of the time, and at meals eating the Protein first usually means the meal is 98% protein and 2% whatever else. Occasionally eating stuff that is not really good for me is part of life, and trying to give it up completely would make me miserable and deprived. So I don't try. But being banded makes the desire for such food fade into the background so it's not such a problem.

Is that why weight loss is very slow for some? Do the bandsters that stick to really healthy sugar free, fat free foods lose more faster?

Define "slow." Is 5 lbs a month slow? Not to me, but some people do lose a lot faster. It's very personal and depends a LOT on your metabolism as well as your habits. In general, people with more to lose lose the fastest, and "lightweights" like you lose more slowly. If you want to diet and exercise religiously sure, the band will make it easier. But most of us have had it with that life and are looking for a saner, more sustainable way to live.

Most of all did you really feel a huge difference in your appetite or not?

Not right away, but after reaching good restriction yes, I definitely did and do feel a difference in my appetite. I get full on a LOT less food and I stay full a LOT longer.

There's mental work to do, of course, because eating habits that are not hunger-related can't be changed by the band alone (like nibbling on chips or candy all day long, or the dreaded "milkshake syndrome"). But my problems was always eating too much, and too often. And I can absolutely say I don't do either of those things any more and it's been a minimum of trouble.


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What an excellent post. As someone who is still in the waiting and hoping stage it was very informative.

Thanks. I am sure it helped a lot of people.

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Thanks Alexandra for your speedy reply! I appreciate your taking the time to answer my concerns so thoughtfully and completley. New Jersey neighbor you are the best! I am really thinking this over and I beieve ready to go ahead with it...

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I was banded 10/30/04, almost a year ago. This was the best thing I have ever done for myself. My progress would seem slow by some standards as I've lost "only" 50 pounds, but in looking back over the many decades that I was morbidly obese, I never lost as much as 5 pounds in any of those years!

I've had four fills and may be due for another one. Haven't decided yet if I really want another one. I am able to eat just about everything. The big difference between now and one year ago is that now I chew my food, take small bites, and THINK about what's going into my mouth. I seldom get hungry, and for the first time in 38 years of marriage my husband has to remind me that it's time to eat!

I no longer obsess over food, wondering what I can fill my face with next. I also no longer feel guilty if I have some ice cream or other goodies because I'm satisfied with a smaller amount.

It's a big decision to make but one that I have not regretted for one second. I feel so thankful and blessed to have had this opportunity open up for me - especially at this stage of my life (I'm 60). It has added years to my life, I'm sure, and certainly has added life to my years!


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Guest Socallady

I love my band.

I chose to go to Mexico to have it done not for the usual reason of lower costs, although my health plan didn't cover the costs, & I was a self pay.

I went because I met Dr. Kuri and was impressed by all his patient fans..I have never met a more enthusiastic crowd of people!

I have my own business, and 2 girls, 2 pets & a very busy life. My band fits in with all of them.

Now I am fitting better in all of them!

I am starting a Pilates class Tuesday, today I am jazzed because I fit into a size large instead of 2x's.

There is no question in my mind that I am glad that I did it, and only wish I had done it sooner.


socallady Alicia

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Kelly Ann,

I'm not sure you'll be able to find a person who had the band who isn't happy with it. Even people who've had complications often say they'd do it all again.

I was banded in Monterrey by Dr. Rumbaut. He and his staff were FANTASTIC. There are other doctors in Monterrey, and I've heard nothing but good things about all of them. Mexican healthcare (as far as surgery goes) is way better than you get here. I have my fills done by Dr. Kuri in Tijuana. You will need to call around to band surgeons in your area, first to see if they'll even do fills for other doctors' patients, and second to see what the cost is (if you are self pay).

Anyway, welcome, and keep us posted on your final decision/progress.


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Originally posted by Kelly Ann

Thanks Alexandra for your speedy reply! I appreciate your taking the time to answer my concerns so thoughtfully and completley. New Jersey neighbor you are the best! I am really thinking this over and I beieve ready to go ahead with it...

Hi Kelly! I have family in Rahway, Elizabeth, Linden and Clark! That was an excellent post by Alex, and i'm only 2 weeks out but I wasnt as fortunate as you to find this website pre-banding! It has turned out to be a fabulous place to get info and these ladies and gentelman are the best with even the questions you think are the dumbest ever! Good luck with whatever you decide, we will support you no matter what, please keep us posted!!

Katie :Bunny

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I am afraid I will do this and it will be torture mentally anyway and I will fell hungry and crave sweets all of the time like I do now....

It's a natural thing to fear change. Some people more so than others. Thats probly why I waited 5 years to get my band. The only regret I have now is that I wish I would have done it sooner. I say Go for it! Live life and enjoy all the things your missing out on. I'm still waiting for more weight loss before I venture into some of the more active things on my To Do list. I'm only a little more than 2 months into "Bandland" and am reaping benefits from it already. Energy galore! Having a feeling of self control that I lacked otherwise before the band. There are other things that I won't get into on this forum if you know what I mean! My husband is one happy man right now....

Feel free to email me with any questions you might have. I was a self pay patient here in the States. This board is full of ladies all having a different story to tell. ;)


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This is an assessment I recently wrote of the 7 months of my banded life. I started with a low BMI too. I hope it helps you!

7 month post op assessment :

Ok, so I should have done this at my 6 month bandiversary but I live in Florida and was dealing with hurricanes last month!

My banding went very smoothly. I stuck to my liquid diet just after surgery and progressed to a regular diet as Dr. Kuri recommends. I was one of the lucky ones who only had about 2 days where I was really hungry. I had my first fill at 6 weeks with Dr. Kuri and my second fill at 12 weeks with Dr. Jessee in Florida. I have about 2.6cc in my band now.

In the last 7 months, I’ve lost 42lbs. I’m about ½ way to my goal in a much shorter amount of time then I expected. My weight loss has slowed over the last month but I’ve attributed it to Hurricane Stress and not the need for another fill! I started with a BMI of 36/severely obese. Today, my BMI is 29.5 and I am mearly overweight! I started in a size 22 pants and an XL-XXL shirt and I now wear a size 16 pants and L shirts. I’ve even gone down ½ size in shoes! I’ve rid myself of diabetic medication and severe pain in my knees and ankles. I’ve gone from being a couch potato to one who walks 2 miles/day. I can wear my wedding ring again! At about 4 months, I started loosing some hair but it all grew back. I eat whatever I want. I don't diet but I do eat my protien first. I’ve only PB’d twice and I’ve learned to chew my food and eat slowly. The only thing I’ve given up (besides 42 lbs) is a chance of being on “Fear Factor” (I could never eat those bugs fast enough, LOL)!

With all that said, I still struggle with “head hunger” and “eating the right foods”. I don't make the best choices all the time and I eat when I'm not hungry. I know this will be a long process for me but I have the confidence that I will win this battle. What is good about having the band is that although I’m struggling with theses issues, I’ve haven’t gained. I stay within 2lbs of my lowest weight. With previous diets, I’ve usually given up by the 7 month mark and gained back every pound I lost and then some. The band keeps me from doing that!

Only my husband and mother know I had surgery. When people ask how I’m loosing weight…I tell them I’m eating less and walking everyday (that’s the truth). I didn’t want the pressure of everyone watching what I ate or waiting to see the weight loss. It took about 5 months before anyone noticed that I was loosing. If I had told them, I would have endured 5 months of them waiting to see a difference. I may tell someday, maybe when I reach goal.

I love my band and Dr. Kuri. He gave me my health back, a longer life to spend with my family, confidence, self worth, smaller clothes, and ofcourse my band!

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I had to hit rock bottom first. There were no choices for me, either surgery or a slow, lonely death at an early age. In the past 10 years, I have never, ever skipped a meal. That was simply unheard of. Now there are times that I'm actually too busy to eat, or not hungry enough to eat. Sure, my mind still says, "EAT" but sometimes my band helps me muster up the willpower to tell my head to shut the heck up. I've gone to bed without dinner on occasion. Sometimes I have to run errands at lunch, so I don't eat. Before my band I'd drive through Taco Bell and eat $10.00 worth of it while driving when I had errands to do. I can't believe it's even me typing this!

I'm constantly aware of my band. I feel tightness in my ribcage all the time. I'm rarely hungry. I don't eat Breakfast because of the tightness, so I just drink milk or Protein shakes. I'm not too hungry at lunch, so I have a small lunch. My hunger kicks in late in the day. I tend to crave healthy foods. I crave chicken mostly, and I try to eat fresh veggies with lunch & dinner. But I don't follow any eating plan whatsoever. I do, however, try to get in some milk and cheese for Calcium, and I try to get veggies & fruits in moreso than I used to, but it's easier now.

Yesterday I was at a party, and the hostess set a tray of brownies in front of me, but then she snatched them back up and apologized for torturing me while I was on a diet. I told her I wasn't on a diet and let her put the tray right in front of me, then asked if I could wrap one up for when hunger kicked in later. I ate it last night with a little chicken salad. No more dieting for me - ever.

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You guys are so great! Every time i read some of your wonderful posts I feel like I can make it through another day and be a success! I moved to mushies today and am thrilled to death! Kelly Ann I am serious when I say I am so happy I did this even if it's just for my mental self-esteem! I just feel better about myself and luckily i'm starting to get some compliments "oh i can tell in your face you are so much happier" and "wow your tummy is really starting to go down"....it's the best feeeling ever to know I CAN DO THIS and live longer and be happier!! I will admit when I was on liquids for 2 weeks I thought I was going to go a little insane but I guess it could always have been worse...it could have been NOTHING for 2 weeks! Just make sure you always see the glass as half full not half empty!! Best of luck to you in your decision and keep us posted!


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I guess I was lucky during my liquid stage. I had a hard recovery, so I didn't want any food. But once I felt better, the cream Soups & mashed taters were really good. Glad you're feeling better & smiling!

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I can't believe what great people you all are to answer my concerns...I called Dr. Rumbaut's office yesterday and guess what? HE called me back last evening on my cell phone !!!! I was working and did not hear my phone ring in my purse ..He actually left his cell phone for me to call him back.....I have been reading so much about him....Here in the states he has much more experince then the US doctors with the actual surgery and has a lap band himself . The doctors here speak highly of him and many were trained by him .

I spoke honestly with my husband this weekend and he will support me and knows how much my weight issues are holding me back. I spent the entre day today in the emergency room having tests done on everything to see if I had anything else wrong contributing to this but it is simoly the weight causing my many health concerns: theHigh muscle tear I have may turn into a hernia , the shortness of breath, the back and leg pain the heartburn I have developed .....I am ready to schedule. I think I am going tp schedule as soon as possible. I was going to try to meet you all in Las Vegas but I can't do both. I am going to try to get it done within the next few weeks.....God Bless you all I really mean it. You all have been there and understand ... I am sure I will have more questions Thank you all!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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