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Dr. Jalil Illan with Baja Bariatrics and Omar Acosta - A Warning

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Takeittothelimit... bahaha! You're so transparent you're shining with stupidity. Not a skill to be proud of. You're obviously hiding behind this new member pseudo because.. well, hells bells must be the stupidity shinin' brightly again. I'd tell you to get lost, but you're so far lost you're unreachable. Besides that you already said you're not responing again. Which, by the way, is the only intellectual thing that you have said. Buh bye

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Alex, you agree that this thread continues to provide valuable information? Really? I think the relevant info was presented many many posts before. Fact or no an accusation was made. This provided us with information that is up to us as individuals to digest and determine for ourselves if it should be a part in our decision to utilize Dr Illan's services. Bashing the women who came forward, who, if true, are truly victims, is very sad. Those who wish to support Omar have said their piece as well. Why continue this! Is the only way for relief from these types of threads is to delete my app? So sad, cuz there really were good things here. But I can't stand for this any longer. It has gone from informative to cat fighting and nasty comments. Well, maybe that is what you enjoy. Who knows, maybe no better morals then Omar has.

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I am also a patient of Dr.Illan and had a postive experience. That being said, I was told by Omar himself that he had "hooked up" with a couple of patients. He said they basically threw themselves at him. I did advise him that he should probably keep it on a professional level. I agree these women are probably vulnerable but I also think the are fully aware of what they are doing. There were other women with the group when I was there and he didn't act inappropriate in any way that I saw. In my opinion these woman are flirting and making advances at him. The only thing wrong is that he should keep it professional while they are there for surgery. If they want to go back down and hook after they're not patience then more power to them.

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Alex, you agree that this thread continues to provide valuable information? Really? I think the relevant info was presented many many posts before. Fact or no an accusation was made. This provided us with information that is up to us as individuals to digest and determine for ourselves if it should be a part in our decision to utilize Dr Illan's services. Bashing the women who came forward, who, if true, are truly victims, is very sad. Those who wish to support Omar have said their piece as well. Why continue this! Is the only way for relief from these types of threads is to delete my app? So sad, cuz there really were good things here. But I can't stand for this any longer. It has gone from informative to cat fighting and nasty comments. Well, maybe that is what you enjoy. Who knows, maybe no better morals then Omar has.

Just stop reading it. You are making the choice to click on it.

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I just hate how this type of thread is degrading the overal value of what I once thought was a respectable and worthy source of bariatric information. But you are right it is up to me to stop this nonsense on my own.

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Susan, Wasn’t this topic covered on an episode of Jerry Springer? As I remember, when the results came out the accuser wasn’t raped by the doctor, but had an affair with the doctor’s homeless brother that ended in pregnancy. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?  

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:P nm

Edited by woo woo

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Agree with jiinwa. I really had hoped this post would be closed. Enough has been said pro/con.


Sad that women have to treat each other this way rather than build each other up and be supportive.


I don't appreciate high school bully behavior.

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Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see,  my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics.  Sherry24184  an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened,  is one of them. Then there is  GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and  lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar  was trying to hook up with,  and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker  and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these  women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on!  After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"  and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.

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Lol really?! I don't even speak to Omar anymore so keep my name out of your post Sandi! I don't have to bash you to anyone cause everything I said I told you!! Before you went back to MX have an affair. Please don't play with me or pull the victim bs with me cause me and Jessica was your friend! We begged you to leave him alone. Even after all that he put you through you went back to MX and slept with him so umm yea you could have prevented getting hurt. You was involved months before the sexual affair....

Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see, my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics. Sherry24184 an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened, is one of them. Then there is GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar was trying to hook up with, and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on! After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.

Edited by GAmom

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Well here I am again, and I think Im ready to tell more about what happened to me and how I let this happen. I did not have any preconceived ideas about Omar when I arrived in Tijuana he just seemed like a really nice guy but I did notice that it seemed like he tries hard to talk to you as if he's known you his whole life. So you feel at ease and this is when you open up to him about things in your life. He seems so genuinely interested in your life and is so sympathetic. You see, my husband is a severe psychiatric patient, he suffers from multiple psychiatric conditions and Bi polar and Borderline Personality Disorder being the main 2, there are more but I wont list them all. I have endured for many years much mental anguish and abuse, not to mention the unbelievable stress and anxiety that goes along with caring for someone in this state who has attempted suicide multiple times. We have not lived as "husband and wife" for many years now and I have not had any intimate relations with any man during this time. I made the mistake of sharing these things with Omar and he swooped in like a bird of prey and was all over it, taking full advantage of the low place I was at in my life. He lavished me with compliments and extra attention that I hadn't seen in years, I was too blind to see what was really happening but make no mistake, he wasn't. He wasted no time and he used me to satisfy his own personal needs. Now I accept the fact that I am an adult and should have known better but in the state of mind I was in I just wasn't capable of seeing the truth. I know that I am going to get bashed for this even more and even as I type, the administrators and a few others of Team Illan have since disbanded the group and have started a new "secret group" called Mexico Gastric and Bariatric Surgery with Dr Illan AND Support Group. They are openly bashing me and talking about how I fell "In Love" and got my feelings hurt by Omar and that I am now trying to hurt the group/Baja Bariatrics. Sherry24184 an admin. who supposedly has a dear friend who was victim and whom I even confided in about some things that happened, is one of them. Then there is GAmom the founder of team Illan who claims to be a business partner with Omar for a new Forum they are creating and lets see there is also coexist123 who apparently was one of the original ones Omar was trying to hook up with, and kept refering to her husband when he would call as a c**k blocker and of coarse there is that Whitney girl who is so out of the box herself with defending him its unreal. I don't know why these women are so strongly attacking me, all I can say is this. I arrived in Tijuana at the end of my rope in life and although I opened the door to the wolf in sheeps clothing I do not deserve this. So now there it is and I am sure there will be more vicious attacks coming my way but if one person is spared from ever going through this then so be it .... bring it on! After all the saying does go "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" and this will not kill me but I am and will continue to get stronger every day.

I so sorry this happen to you. You are brave to step out into this thread. The good news is it's over and done and hopefully you can heal from this experience sooner rather than later. We have all been victimized in our life - and people will often attack the victim rather than face their own vulnerability. Thanks for taking a stand for victims everywhere and telling your story.

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Oh and not to mention that he told me that it couldn't be nothing between y'all but you refused to take the hint. Girl please just give it up.. I can't believe you really want to put all your business out like this. Cause you already know if you wanna call me out it's on..

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Well, I am pretty much done with this place but I saw Mxtransformed's post and want to add a few things.

I have no problem with someone who wants to warn other women of a playboy. That's FINE with me.

However, Susan made this big post that seemed to many of us to be saying Omar is attacking women or molesting them with the implication he is doing this while under anesthesia or otherwise unable to consent.

It is a completely different thing when someone returns to Mexico, hooks up (yes, even with a playboy), and then it falls apart. So, I am sorry you got hurt, and I appreciate the warning and I am glad you clarified that he was not attacking anyone.

The especially egregious part - in my opinion - was the original poster stating that her goal is to take down Dr. Illan while never having talked to him but guessing that he knows about it and condones it to get business. THAT is the particularly unfair part. It is very vengeful and wrong to do.

Edited by Travelmego

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Say what you want Jennifer, you dont know anything about what happened when i went back to Tijuana and for the record I had not even been talking to Omar before I went back. I had double sinus lifts for implants, and what happened between us was already done. You unfriended and even blocked me months ago so dont act like you know anything about what was going on with me there because you dont. 

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Dr. Illan has nothing to do with this. Omar made lousy choices! So did these woman! It takes two to tango!

Some of these "victims" are not victims at all. Just scorned lovers!

Edited by coexist23

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