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Fanks, chica :)

Man how I have mised your posts. I just read it to my husband. Just did not get it like I do. I told him if I had a million dollars I would track you down and make you write a book. As I sit in my fly infested Texas small town and strawberry margaritas (put in the fridge for 24 hours to DE fizz) I have a smile. Your back!!!

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Fanks, chica :)

Man how I have mised your posts. I just read it to my husband. Just did not get it like I do. I told him if I had a million dollars I would track you down and make you write a book. As I sit in my fly infested Texas small town and strawberry margaritas (put in the fridge for 24 hours to DE fizz) I have a smile. Your back!!!

Aww, that's just the sweetest thing, thank you. Your hubby can't help that he doesn't 'get it'. He just hasn't read all my other endless witterings, so doesn't get my humour!

Maybe if we get him a sleeve, all will become clear?!

Enjoy those margaritas, my love - I'm envious! :)

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Your post is so timely for me as I have a 7 day cruise to Bahamas coming up in 2 weeks . My take-away points :

1) A regular size bottle of sunscreen will be sufficient for safety and an overall glow.

2) liquid hydration is very important. Start with Water and move on the premium goods. ( yup, I can do that!)

3) Get a cute hat

4) Practice a proper "elbow thrust" to prepare for the buffet. I want the fresh meats, not leftovers!

5) leave the prized jewels at home. Dancing the night away can be a contact sport.

6) Less ican be more .

Welcome back !

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lol Bang on, Janet!

Go get 'em and enjoy! :D x

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Madame you were sorely missed. Glad you had a great vacation. You look wonderful.

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Madame you were sorely missed. Glad you had a great vacation. You look wonderful.

Aww, thanks, Shaza. :)

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Hello Darlinks.

I've been away for a bit. Did you miss me?! (That's a rhetorical joke, btw!)

Went on holiday. My first proper holiday in the sun since being sliced and diced.

So, what did I learn on my travels to foreign climes?

  • Water consumption. It is kinda important. Stops one from passing out and prevents your skin looking akin to that of a sun-dried prune.
  • Beer and vodka-sprite. It is not a good substitute for Water. Despite it being entertaining, it gives you a headache and forces you to have to drink far more water to replenish and sustain hydration levels which then compromises food intake. It is also not as nice as Guinness. But then you all knew that.
  • Protein. I was at an 'all inclusive' affair. I realised pesky chef's don't particularly like dolling out the Protein en-masse as it is expensive and they're trying to minimise costs. Consequently, I became that person who swiped 'the best bits', muscled people out of the way to get the extra piece of steak or last omelet being served in the mornings. Without sufficient protein I felt weak. It also compromised my ability to drink beer and vodka-sprite - and who needs that?!
  • Puddings/Deserts. Are absolutely pointless and made me feel sick. The tube that is now my stomach has very much done its job, in that I do not tolerate sugary things well. I also found it dehydrated me, which then compounded the feeling of 'urgh'. Subsequently, if I wanted something sweet, I opted for water melon. Sweet enough, tasty and well, is largely made up of water! Huzzah!
  • Sun tan cream. Before buying this, please have a little think about how much you will actually need. I, with my head up my bottom, bought enough lotion to slather up an entire herd of elephants. Clearly, as with most body-dysmorphics, I had bought what I would have previously consumed pre-sleeve. When my skin was three times the square footage. Consequently, I came home with three untouched bottles.< /li>
  • hair Loss. Yes, weird, but a point I hadn't considered. If, like me, you lost a fair amount of hair; be forewarned. When you go out into the sun where your hair has thinned, you can easily get a burnt scalp- unless you protect it with cream or a hat or something. I got a burnt head and then a few days later had to deal with all the serious flaking going on. Not an attractive look; your partner picking out massive lumps of skin out of your hair like some chimpanzee grooming its partner when you're out for dinner in the local town or in pleasant company.
  • Jewellery. Yes, I have lost weight. Yes, I wore jewellery. Yes, I drank vodka-sprite, went dancing and didn't realise till the next day that my watch, the one I'd been promising to get some links taken out of, had flung off my wrist at some point during the evening and was now lost. A diamond ring also flung off on a separate occasion, but thankfully, I spotted it happening and quickly reclaimed it. Don't put off getting your jewellery re-sized. Or, alternatively, and if you're going dancing - don't wear it. I was very sad I'd lost my watch. Still, gives me an excuse to buy a nice shiny new one....
  • Razors and shaving. Bit personal but hey, we're all sharers here. What a difference losing 60 odd pounds makes?! I could reach the places other razors couldn't previously reach and in record time, too! No awkward breath-sapping contortions, fuzz or badly-packed packets of rolling tobacco for me, thank you very much!
  • Sweating and heat rash. Practically non-existent in comparison. What a difference. Amazing. Made my holiday. Prepare to be amazed. I was.
  • Feeling attractive. Finally it happened. I realised I was thinner, healthier, happier and that even my hair is getting thicker, my skin is beginning to snap back into shape again - along with my boobs! I was humbled and left with a warm, smiley, fuzzy feeling. My bottom got pinched a lot, too. So I assume that my inner happy was matching my outer happy and that made 'him' want to grope me more

If you hadn't already worked it out... I had a lovely time.

Here's hoping you, too, have a very happy, warm, fun-filled summer. Everything we've gone through? It's so worth it.

Revs x

attachicon.gifTurkey 2014 088.JPG

Today I am struggling with the third day of my pre op liquid diet. I feel weak, lethargic, depressed (I am an addicted coffee drinker and having severe withdrawal symptoms), and have had the same monster headache since Friday. I LOVED your post. My mind is playing tricks on me and ever so often I feel I want to go back on my decision. I know it's the lack of food. My doctor has me on three shakes that total 450cals. Reading your post and seeing your beautiful picture inspired me. As emotional and depressed I feel right now, I also feel good about going in the kitchen and making that 150cal shake!!!!! You look GORGEOUS and HAPPY!!! Congrats and thanks for the post

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Madam, it looks like we are the ones who missed out. You look so healthy and happy in your picture. The Mediterranean sunshine has done you some good. Please, when you can, tell us more about your trip. As for your sense of humor, you crack me up all the time.

Also a word to newbies reading Madam Reverie's posts........she is spot on consistently with helpful advice. I am glad to see her back on the forum.

Madam, we did miss you. I was wondering where you disappeared to. Oops....I was wondering to where you disappeared. ;)

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Hello Darlinks.

I've been away for a bit. Did you miss me?! (That's a rhetorical joke, btw!)

Went on holiday. My first proper holiday in the sun since being sliced and diced.

So, what did I learn on my travels to foreign climes?

  • Water consumption. It is kinda important. Stops one from passing out and prevents your skin looking akin to that of a sun-dried prune.
  • Beer and vodka-sprite. It is not a good substitute for Water. Despite it being entertaining, it gives you a headache and forces you to have to drink far more water to replenish and sustain hydration levels which then compromises food intake. It is also not as nice as Guinness. But then you all knew that.
  • Protein. I was at an 'all inclusive' affair. I realised pesky chef's don't particularly like dolling out the Protein en-masse as it is expensive and they're trying to minimise costs. Consequently, I became that person who swiped 'the best bits', muscled people out of the way to get the extra piece of steak or last omelet being served in the mornings. Without sufficient protein I felt weak. It also compromised my ability to drink beer and vodka-sprite - and who needs that?!
  • Puddings/Deserts. Are absolutely pointless and made me feel sick. The tube that is now my stomach has very much done its job, in that I do not tolerate sugary things well. I also found it dehydrated me, which then compounded the feeling of 'urgh'. Subsequently, if I wanted something sweet, I opted for water melon. Sweet enough, tasty and well, is largely made up of water! Huzzah!
  • Sun tan cream. Before buying this, please have a little think about how much you will actually need. I, with my head up my bottom, bought enough lotion to slather up an entire herd of elephants. Clearly, as with most body-dysmorphics, I had bought what I would have previously consumed pre-sleeve. When my skin was three times the square footage. Consequently, I came home with three untouched bottles.< /li>
  • hair Loss. Yes, weird, but a point I hadn't considered. If, like me, you lost a fair amount of hair; be forewarned. When you go out into the sun where your hair has thinned, you can easily get a burnt scalp- unless you protect it with cream or a hat or something. I got a burnt head and then a few days later had to deal with all the serious flaking going on. Not an attractive look; your partner picking out massive lumps of skin out of your hair like some chimpanzee grooming its partner when you're out for dinner in the local town or in pleasant company.
  • Jewellery. Yes, I have lost weight. Yes, I wore jewellery. Yes, I drank vodka-sprite, went dancing and didn't realise till the next day that my watch, the one I'd been promising to get some links taken out of, had flung off my wrist at some point during the evening and was now lost. A diamond ring also flung off on a separate occasion, but thankfully, I spotted it happening and quickly reclaimed it. Don't put off getting your jewellery re-sized. Or, alternatively, and if you're going dancing - don't wear it. I was very sad I'd lost my watch. Still, gives me an excuse to buy a nice shiny new one....
  • Razors and shaving. Bit personal but hey, we're all sharers here. What a difference losing 60 odd pounds makes?! I could reach the places other razors couldn't previously reach and in record time, too! No awkward breath-sapping contortions, fuzz or badly-packed packets of rolling tobacco for me, thank you very much!
  • Sweating and heat rash. Practically non-existent in comparison. What a difference. Amazing. Made my holiday. Prepare to be amazed. I was.
  • Feeling attractive. Finally it happened. I realised I was thinner, healthier, happier and that even my hair is getting thicker, my skin is beginning to snap back into shape again - along with my boobs! I was humbled and left with a warm, smiley, fuzzy feeling. My bottom got pinched a lot, too. So I assume that my inner happy was matching my outer happy and that made 'him' want to grope me more

If you hadn't already worked it out... I had a lovely time.

Here's hoping you, too, have a very happy, warm, fun-filled summer. Everything we've gone through? It's so worth it.

Revs x

attachicon.gifTurkey 2014 088.JPG

Today I am struggling with the third day of my pre op liquid diet. I feel weak, lethargic, depressed (I am an addicted coffee drinker and having severe withdrawal symptoms), and have had the same monster headache since Friday. I LOVED your post. My mind is playing tricks on me and ever so often I feel I want to go back on my decision. I know it's the lack of food. My doctor has me on three shakes that total 450cals. Reading your post and seeing your beautiful picture inspired me. As emotional and depressed I feel right now, I also feel good about going in the kitchen and making that 150cal shake!!!!! You look GORGEOUS and HAPPY!!! Congrats and thanks for the post

Aww you're too kind, my dear. Don't let the liquids get you down. I know it's hard, but there is most definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Besides, the liquids are great prep for the immediate post op diet.

Although in saying that, the post-op liquid diet nearly drove me to distraction. I'dve eaten broken glass for some texture, had it tasted of anything!

Eyes on the prize, baby-girl, eyes on the prize.

Look forward to hearing all about your many successes in the very near future and thank you again.

All the best :)

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Madam, it looks like we are the ones who missed out. You look so healthy and happy in your picture. The Mediterranean sunshine has done you some good. Please, when you can, tell us more about your trip. As for your sense of humor, you crack me up all the time.

Also a word to newbies reading Madam Reverie's posts........she is spot on consistently with helpful advice. I am glad to see her back on the forum.

Madam, we did miss you. I was wondering where you disappeared to. Oops....I was wondering to where you disappeared. ;)

Aww, thanks, Miss Mac.You're too kind x

The sunshine did indeed do me the world of good. Feel like a new human being. Amazing what a large dose of Vitamin D can do.

Well, Vitamin D and a few libations!

I will indeed answer any questions about my trip, but there really isn't much to report. In comparison to my other travels, this was totally tame. However, it was most enjoyable for a whole host of different, weight loss related reasons.

Felt good to look and feel normal. (Well, as normal as I can be! :blink: )


Glad to be back and good to see you, too, my dear :)

Right, lets cause some mischief somewhere :P x

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Madame , u look great! I love your humor!

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Madame , u look great! I love your humor!

Thank you, Red! x

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Sounds like an awesome vacation! Glad you had a good time!!

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Totally missed you Madam Rev! Noticed you back this morning and was very happy! Your posts got me through a lot during my early post op stages in May and June. Was starting to think we were abandoned! But nope - you're back!! Happy dance :)

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Welcome home! and what an awesome picture! you are absolutely glowing! and I'm sure it isn't ALL because of libations lol. So happy you had such a good time!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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