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food addiction + band = ????

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I was banded in March 2006 and prior to this had been a total food addict for about 6 years. I was very much aware of the emotional issues that I was feeding, but I didn't have any desire to go into therapy and still don't. I guess some things are best left in the past, and thats where mine are staying. However, my issues left me with an insatiable appetite that meant one long running buffet from sunrise to sunset. Looking back, I can only assume I had hollow legs as I am no idea where I found space to put all the food, but non the less, down the hatch it went and there it stayed. I just grew bigger and bigger.

Hence I was worried when I had this surgery (UK NHS wouldn't pay so I had to find £3000) that I was throwing money at a lost cause. I was terrified I would eat round the band to satisfy the cravings.

In the early days, to an extent I did eat round the band as I didn't have the restriction to fight off the cravings. I was freaking thinkin I was the one it wasn't working for. I could still eat the mountain of fat and sugar that I always ate and I was was terrified that I had just spent £3000 so that I could continue to eat and grow fatter and fatter :)

However on my 4th fill I hit the sweet spot, and boy was it sweet. The cravings just vanished. On the odd occassion I did crave, I would get a pile of food, as I used to, take 2 mouthfalls, and that was as far as the band would let me go. Even though my mind really believed I was gonna eat this mountain of food :hungry: the band would kick in and do its job. I would just feel like I was gonna be sick, really stuffed and heavy, and a bit like I was gonna choke. I only did it a few time before the fear of the being sick and feeling like I was choking, became more powerful than the cravings. The cravings were gone.

Last week, my band had to be loosened as I am having a few problems. Its only for 6 weeks, but right now i have no restriction. I totally freaked, thinking yes now I can eat everything and I will, oh my god:mad: :omg:

So yesterday, off I went to McDonalds, craving leading me by the throat. I bought a Big Mac. I was so looking forward to it as its been about 8 months since I could contemplate anything like a big mac. Well I took 2 bites of it and it tasted like crap. I guess I never actually tasted food before, whereas now I am in the habit of chewing (cos you really have to with the band) and I actually taste the stuff. It was a horrible taste, a horrible texture and it sat really heavy. I got the burger and binned it :omg:.

It was such a liberating feeling. Then today we went out for lunch, and I wasn't vaguely interested in a dessert which was always my downfall. So now i am thinking, well I have no restriciton, but the cravings just arent't there. Its amazing. For 3 hours now, there has been a packet of chocolate Cookies on my side table. I ate 1 and that was it. Just 1. I don't feel the urge to eat more. I am shocked, but I can say that despite being a food addict for so long, the band has done more than I ever imagined possible. I have not only lost 91 pounds, but I have also being cured of my addiction.

I don't know whether my long winded storey has been of any use to you at all :) but I wish you all the very best on your journey.

K xx

I hope I can be like you! I can't wait to be able to just say "I don't want anymore". Right now (as I am not banded yet), I don't have to be hungry to eat, I just do, even when I know I will feel horribly guilty afterward, I just sit there and keep eating whatever it is I am eating. One day soon I too will stand up and throw away the Big Mac, because I will be in charge.

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I'm writing here because I have nowhere else to voice this concern and know that someone can understand fully where I am coming from. I have found great support,knowledge, and advice on this forum, and I am so grateful!

I am addicted to food. No doubts about it, I could never in a million years deny this. The bigger, the better. The jucier, the better. the greasier, the better...And portion size? HUGE. I think about food all day, and I think I would trade my left hand for a bag of doritos if were the only way I could get them! It hit the level of "obsession" in middle school, and hasn't stopped growing since then! I am always filled with a gnawing hunger that is in no way physical, and in every way psychological. But before I can even go ahead and realize I am feeding my emotions with food, I am halfway finished with the afore mentioned bag of doritos! Obsession? Yes. Compulsion? oh hell yes!

I have my pre-op appointments set up for next month, and I cannot help but wonder if my addiction to food is going to make it so that I'm either not allowed to get the band, or if I do get the band, if it will be able to help me. I plan on attending both group support sessions and also private counseling throughout my entire journey. I was just wondering what people's experiences with this are. Was anyone out there able to overcome their addiction to food by using the band as a tool? What was this like for you???

I'm sorry, I know this is a long, vauge post, I just feel so distressed about this! help!

I am alll the above.....it is good you are aware of it. The band is not an easy fix. Although I never regret getting my band...i regret cheating with it. Please read my story...it is posted in the general section under "READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED" I wanted everyone to know the truth about the band. It's not easy.

I cried today because i have been craving pizza....and chicken wings....so tonight my hubby is bringing me wings....but i am going to eat in moderation....im not going to eat the whole pound of wings. You will have to eat to satisfy your cravings as well as your hunger. I have a problem...i could not be hungry at all...and i'll still want something big and greasy...

this is all a mind game my body is playing on me...


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thanks so much for all this discussion. I have been reading this website for a couple of days and this series of posts have really hit on my fears. It is so good to hear that sugar cravings improve and even the non-exercising, can succeed with LapBand. Controlling the hunger (mental and physical) is what I need, otherwise my diets would be successful. The last thing I want to do is fail for a LOT OF MONEY. I have been failing and going steadily up in weight while "dieting" for many years now. I am looking forward to getting banded.

I was banded in March 2006 and prior to this had been a total food addict for about 6 years. I was very much aware of the emotional issues that I was feeding, but I didn't have any desire to go into therapy and still don't. I guess some things are best left in the past, and thats where mine are staying. However, my issues left me with an insatiable appetite that meant one long running buffet from sunrise to sunset. Looking back, I can only assume I had hollow legs as I am no idea where I found space to put all the food, but non the less, down the hatch it went and there it stayed. I just grew bigger and bigger.

Hence I was worried when I had this surgery (UK NHS wouldn't pay so I had to find £3000) that I was throwing money at a lost cause. I was terrified I would eat round the band to satisfy the cravings.

In the early days, to an extent I did eat round the band as I didn't have the restriction to fight off the cravings. I was freaking thinkin I was the one it wasn't working for. I could still eat the mountain of fat and sugar that I always ate and I was was terrified that I had just spent £3000 so that I could continue to eat and grow fatter and fatter :)

However on my 4th fill I hit the sweet spot, and boy was it sweet. The cravings just vanished. On the odd occassion I did crave, I would get a pile of food, as I used to, take 2 mouthfalls, and that was as far as the band would let me go. Even though my mind really believed I was gonna eat this mountain of food :hungry: the band would kick in and do its job. I would just feel like I was gonna be sick, really stuffed and heavy, and a bit like I was gonna choke. I only did it a few time before the fear of the being sick and feeling like I was choking, became more powerful than the cravings. The cravings were gone.

Last week, my band had to be loosened as I am having a few problems. Its only for 6 weeks, but right now i have no restriction. I totally freaked, thinking yes now I can eat everything and I will, oh my god:mad: :omg:

So yesterday, off I went to McDonalds, craving leading me by the throat. I bought a Big Mac. I was so looking forward to it as its been about 8 months since I could contemplate anything like a big mac. Well I took 2 bites of it and it tasted like crap. I guess I never actually tasted food before, whereas now I am in the habit of chewing (cos you really have to with the band) and I actually taste the stuff. It was a horrible taste, a horrible texture and it sat really heavy. I got the burger and binned it :omg:.

It was such a liberating feeling. Then today we went out for lunch, and I wasn't vaguely interested in a dessert which was always my downfall. So now i am thinking, well I have no restriciton, but the cravings just arent't there. Its amazing. For 3 hours now, there has been a packet of chocolate Cookies on my side table. I ate 1 and that was it. Just 1. I don't feel the urge to eat more. I am shocked, but I can say that despite being a food addict for so long, the band has done more than I ever imagined possible. I have not only lost 91 pounds, but I have also being cured of my addiction.

I don't know whether my long winded storey has been of any use to you at all :) but I wish you all the very best on your journey.

K xx

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I knew I was a food addict before I was banded. The week after banding was like detox for me and it was HELL. I ranted and raved, I cried over Nothing, I cried for food and one morning I couldn't find my Protein shakes and I think my husband was about ready to have me committed to a mental institution.

I am 4 months out and the more restriction I have, the more I am aware of just how powerful an addiction this is for me. Some days I do great and appreciate every time I have a bit of healthy food and feel satisfied, other times (usually when I'm bored, stress out, overwhelmed or depressed) part of me wishes I could just have a couple of big juicy burgers or half a cheesy pepporoni pizza like the "old days". yet- the other half is glad my band makes it NEARLY impossible to mess up that bad.

Even though I'm doing well in my weight loss, it is not without difficulty emotionally. I've been in counseling to get to the root of what has led me to become addicted to food- and i'm trying to avoid simply swapping it out for any new addictions. I know that no matter if I get to my goal weight, my original goal of being "done" with my food issues will never really be realized. I will always be an addict to some degree, even if in recovery, and I will always have to fight the battle of temptation. Still, it's is worth the fight.


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Thanks for the response. I guess that before you get a fill you can eat more but I am not since I don't know what is to much. I am calling in the morning to see what I can eat this week. The Dr. was out of town after my surgery so my first appointment is two weeks after surgery not one. Now I am eating mashed potaoes and Soup. I am sort of afaird of the first fill since it sounds like you can not eat anything after that. Do you use the Malley website? This one has alot more information on it for sure.


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I know I was just banded on 4-12-07 and think of food all the time. I have been on liquids and it is hard. I also felt sad and lonely like food was a friend or something. Everday that gets better so far. I am wondering when you are at restriction like people say what is a normal day of food as far as how much can you eat at one time. I would like to see a sample of someones day maybe. Thanks

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Hi Everyone,

I really reccommed that everyone should see a psychologist concerning the issues we all have w/ food. I started 2 months before being banded and it has helped me to learn about this aspect of my life, as well as many I had no idea about. I learned these behaviors/patterns stemmed from events in my life as early as 5 years old. Noting bad happened, per se, but how I interpreted things set the stage for the rest of my life.

Long story short, food is something I can control, and is something that has always been there for me. WOW...eye opening.

6 days postop, I had my first...oh crap, i can't eat, but want to moment. I was upset, crying, and could NOT use food to comfort myself for the first time ever. I thought...oh shit, now what. So I dried my tears and went to the gym. I quickly had to learn new behaviors to "comfort" myself.

Good luck to everyone. This is not an easy journey, but one that reaps such great rewards later!

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Yorkshire Pud....your story rocks!! Way to go way to go I say. Its an amazing story and we all need inspiration like this...I love it.

POPT at its best!

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Thank you guys so much!!!!!!! :girl_hug:

Should I be honest when the shrink evaluates me about my obessions/compulsions with food? Are they going to tell me I can't get banded, do you think? I wonder if they'll deem me "not yet ready".

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That really made my day too!!! To know that there is going to come a time when food will not DRIVE you to Eat...but you eat because you need too!! I am sooooo looking forward to that day!! What a wonderful moment that will be and I will be yelling out to the whole world...LOOK AT ME....I AM EATING BECAUSE I HAVE TO TO LIVE!!!!!!! YIPPPEEEE!! Deanna

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I think you will be truly amazed at the changes you will feel once you are given the opportunity (via the band) to truly be "full". I believe that the majority of overweight people are much more hungry and have much lower blood sugar than thin people. We eat to try to balance this out and feel full. People think they are only "head hungry" but what if they are really physically hungry? If the majority of people were only "head hungry", then they would not succeed with the band because they would find ways to eat around it. (Some people do eat around it but I think that is more the exception than the rule).

For example, I was totally addicted to fast food before I was banded. I would go to McDonald's, Wendy's, or Burger King at least three or four times a week. Nothing made me as happy as hot McDonald's fries slathered in ketchup and salt. I thought about fast food when I wasn't eating it. I also loved all other kinds of foods too and would eat huge portions. I never felt like I could eat enough. I never felt truly full for any length of time.

I thought about food 24/7. I would drive an hour out of my way to go to China Town to get fried sesame balls and sticky coconut rice. I would constantly be planning my next meal.

After banding, I finally know what it means to be full!!! My life has changed dramatically.

Firstly, I not only never eat fast food now, but the very thought of it makes me sick. I recently went into a Wendy's for a diet lemonade, and the smell of grease was so disgusting I almost had to leave. When I think of fast food now, I think of the grease. I don't even eat hamburgers any more, because when you have to chew food so completely, you get down to the gristle and it is disgusting.

Secondly, I don't really think a whole lot about food. I still greatly enjoy it, but it's not that obsessive "drive" to eat that I had before. Not every meal now has to be some elaborate huge feast. I often will have an ounce of cheese, some pretzels, and a few apple slices for lunch and I'm perfectly happy. Simple meals now taste just fine to me and fill me up great.

So, my whole attitude changed automatically. I didn't try to change it or use willpower, it was just by nature of my finally being full that it changed.

It's amazing what being full will do for you!

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I wish I had an answer, as I too have the same problem. However, my problem still exists post band. Every day is still a struggle. I was banded December 19th and have only lost 20lbs. I know I have lost inches and have gone down 1 - 2 sizes in clothes. I have had 3 fills, with only the last one actually doing something for me. I too was self pay. Since my last fill, I can't eat chicken. However, everything else seems to be OK. I find that I can eat and eat and eat. I will eat, get home and still eat some more. As I'm putting food in my mouth I have to tell myself that I'm not hungry. (Which, I'm not). But I just can't seem to control the eating. I crave sweets and they go down real easy. I didn't get to see a "therapist" or a nutritionist prior to getting banded, but am looking for one now as I am realizing this is going deeper than just the band. I am going to schedule another fill as well. I hate the feeling I get when I eat chicken (3 bites) and the pain sets in, however it seems to be the only way for me to prevent myself from eating.

I have joined a gym and work out 2-3 times a week as well.

I am not ready to admit defeat and will continue to find the solution to my problem. I do not regret getting banded, as it is a tool, I just am a little slower than most people in figuring out how to use it.


Thanks :faint:

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I wish I had an answer, as I too have the same problem. However, my problem still exists post band. Every day is still a struggle. I was banded December 19th and have only lost 20lbs. I know I have lost inches and have gone down 1 - 2 sizes in clothes. I have had 3 fills, with only the last one actually doing something for me. I too was self pay. Since my last fill, I can't eat chicken. However, everything else seems to be OK. I find that I can eat and eat and eat. I will eat, get home and still eat some more. As I'm putting food in my mouth I have to tell myself that I'm not hungry. (Which, I'm not). But I just can't seem to control the eating. I crave sweets and they go down real easy. I didn't get to see a "therapist" or a nutritionist prior to getting banded, but am looking for one now as I am realizing this is going deeper than just the band. I am going to schedule another fill as well. I hate the feeling I get when I eat chicken (3 bites) and the pain sets in, however it seems to be the only way for me to prevent myself from eating.

I have joined a gym and work out 2-3 times a week as well.

I am not ready to admit defeat and will continue to find the solution to my problem. I do not regret getting banded, as it is a tool, I just am a little slower than most people in figuring out how to use it.


Thanks :faint:

I am battling....have been battling with my band for 2 years. I have decided to change my life and i am working out daily and TRYING to keep my calories low...im working hard....but nothing seems to be happening....

I hope SOMETHING will change that! Good luck to all of us!

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The most amazing transformation for me has just been the feeling of not being hungry... ever. On the one hand, that kinda scares me because AI'm fearful I"mj going to swind up with teh malnutrition problems. I struggle just to remember to get the Protein in and the Water. Ugh!!! It takes everything in me to remember to eat just that. Cravings for food (and I was a food lover) - GONE. I am one week post-op, but I was put on an all-liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery. Three days into that, I lost all desire for food.

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I too was addicted to food. I ate all the time, and when I was eating I would be thinking about what I would have next. I hated it. I tried all sorts of diets, but the cravings were still there. I thought being banded would be the hardest in not being able to eat all of my favorite carbs. I was wrong. I was banded 7/17/06 and it has been incredible. I no longer crave all the foods I once loved. Probrably because you begin to associate those foods with pain. Eating too much of something, or something that easily gets stuck will undoubtly result in excruciating pain.I drink my protien shakes and drink my Water, and I eat a little food here and there and I am satisfied. I no longer dwell on food for once in my life. If I'm out with a friend and she wants to stop somewhere for lunch and asks me where I want to go, I always say "I don't care you pick", and You know what? I really don't care. Nothing seems to appetize me anymore. I eat only because I know I have to. The band has given me freedom. I am not in bondage to food anymore. I now realized that I have many different interests and none of them pertain to food.For the first time in my life I can plan my day on things I enjoy doing, not thinking what I'm going to eat, or planning on what I feel like eating for dinner when it's only 8:00 a.m. I have such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I must admit that the loss of weight is very nice and that is why I was banded in the first place, but the band has provided so much more for me. It has severed the anchor that was chained to me and allowed me to rise above the surface. It has given me back to me, and for that I am truly grateful.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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