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Please take a look at my plans and provide feedback.

I have been banded for years and am having a hard time recommitting and losing weight. For the last month, I have been following a paleo diet with much success other that the fact I did not realize I needed to take in more fats. My son wants me to drink my Protein rather than eating it so to appease him I will try to switch to drinking 3- 4 powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein shakes. Will supplement calories with bulletproof coffee and fat bombs (coconut oil, butter, cream cheese) and one big salad with oil/vinegar a day to get the veggies in as well as one green smoothie. The smoothie will probably exceed my targeted carb intake of 35gms/day, but since I swing kettelbells daily (300 swings) I think the extra carbs will be burned fast.

How does that sound? Please provide critiques to help me jumpstart my weight loss. I remember we were supposed to take in Protein. Protein was big, but I can't remember any discussions about animal fats and/or healthy fish oil/krill fats.

Please help


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Anything you drink is a slider food. With the diet you're on you won't get anything from your tool/band. Most of us were banded so that we wouldn't have to diet. We can eat good healthy food, just not very much of it. Solid Protein helps our band give us the satiety we need to keep from being hungry. It helps to assuage our cravings and snacking binges.

Drinking your meals is no way to live your life. Eating healthy, nutritious food for a lifetime is why I chose the band. You might want to sit down to a consult with your nutritionist?

Sample daily meal for me:

Breakfast: One egg omelette/egg beaters(sometimes) with turkey sausage, sprinkle of cheese and a little salsa sometimes?

Lunch: 1 orowheat flatbread with 2 slices of deli turkey, slice of cheese and slice of red pepper. Mustard and lite mayo.< /p>

Dinner: 6 ozs of salmon or beef patty or chicken breast. salad or broccoli or asparagus.

Sometimes a small apple or 1 oz of Jerky as a snack.< /p>

About 1600 calories a day for me.

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After looking over your previous posts from prior years, I see you were banded in Mexico. Have you had any recent followups with a surgeon/fill center in your area?

You've mentioned several previous times about needing to get back on track and one thing that may really help, is to know how your band is adjusted.??

For me, it's the most important part of this whole process. Otherwise, I'd just find myself trying to diet......and that doesn't work for me.

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No, I haven't been back to Mexico to see the surgeon. I haven't seen a surgeon since 2006 just before I learned I was pregnant with my daughter.

My band seems to work as in the morning it is typically tightest. If I eat too fast or don't chew it will come back up. By mid afternoon its better and I can eat pretty normally with the exception I must still be diligent about chewing my meats very well.

Right now I am interested in starting over and trying to jump start my weight loss. Paleo served me well. Was never hungry but lost minimal weight. So, I want to go back to the beginning and then slowly re-introduce solids.

Based on what I have posted, am I shooting for the right amount of calories (1200), Protein and fats? This is the area where I think I may have lost my way. I want to ensure that I have adequate Protein so I do not forego muscle mass, especially considering the workouts I now do daily (kettle bells are intense). Based on the above meal plan does it seem reasonable? Does the above intake seem reasonable for someone who is new to the lap band?

I have maintained my weight for seven years and now want to return to the beginning to get the scale moving.


Edited by ljones4521

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if you don't eat solids your band won't be able to keep you satisfied. you will always be hungry. you really need to see a nutritionist. the stuff you mentioned will be high in calories. Protein drinks are at the very least 100 calories a piece. olive oil is 130 calories. I don't know about fat bombs etc. please consider 2 much advice. it is sound and you will lose wt. sensibly and keep the wt. off. what you preparing to do is setting you up to fail. you cannot do what you wrote for any length of time. to succeed you need a doctor and a nutritionist. I wish you lots of luck.

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It'd be irresponsible of me to suggest how many calories/protein/carbs/fats/etc YOU need....as I'm not qualified to do such.

I keep re-reading your previous posts.....from many years. Such as this http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/81709-please-help-what-am-i-supposed-to-eat/

That was from 5 years ago. Have you not had any follow up with a WLS surgeon or clinic in 6 years?

I suggest this hoping it comes across as the way its intended ( helpful ) , but if you've been doing the same things for the last 5+ years and not losing weight, maybe you should have something (adjustment) changed with the band.

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When we suggest nutritionist, we mean a bariatric nutritionist and preferably combined with a consult with a bariatric doc so you can start getting the aftercare you need.

Consuming your calories via liquids is not a viable long term strategy. It's OK for Breakfast since many of us are too tight in the mornings, but to do it for nearly every meal isn't how this is designed to work. 1200 calories is on the high end of what you should be consuming but if you don't track every calorie that goes in your body with this type of diet, you can't be sure it's only 1200?

No offense Ms Jones but you don't seem to have a clue how the band works and how to eat the proper foods to get the best results? Please take the time to watch this series of videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa3Lwt6ElIs&list=UL Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4jYJipQ7vc part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbdhf44ZweI&feature=relmfu Part 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF3TCKUn3YI Part 4

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Thanks much, but I am well informed as to how the band works. I have read scientific journals regarding the project and attend two surgeries to view the application of the device. LOL. What I am attempting to resolve is tweaking how many calories and macronutrients I should consume daily. I am returning to the initial prescribed food of Protein for a few weeks in an attempt to JUMP START MY METABOLISM AND WEIGHT LOSS and then will return to solids slowly. As previously stated I can't remember what the beginning guidelines were as I have been banded for many years. I initially loss 30+ pounds and then became pregnant. I have maintained that weight loss for seven years. I know am attempting to get serious about the weight loss and trying to put together a plan to do so. My approach is to return to the basics and that is where I have turned to you guys for answers and/or support. I am desperately trying to ascertain how much Protein is within acceptable limits, how many calories etc. I know when on a low carb/high protein diet (ketogenic) it is important to take in healthy animal fats hence the fat bombs (will keep me satiated and helps the body metabolize in the absences of carbs). I doubt returning to the basics for a period of two or three weeks will be detrimental.

You mentioned 1200 calories was too high. Based on your knowledge, what number should I shoot for? I don't want to put my body into starvation mode. The green smoothies and salad will ensure take in all of my greens and fruits for the day. BTW I am tracking everything on myfitnespal.

Thnx much

PS Thnx for sharing the videos. Very thoughtful. I am eating more like 3/4 cups of food at a sitting.

Edited by ljones4521

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It'd be irresponsible of me to suggest how many calories/protein/carbs/fats/etc YOU need....as I'm not qualified to do such.

I keep re-reading your previous posts.....from many years. Such as this http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/81709-please-help-what-am-i-supposed-to-eat/

That was from 5 years ago. Have you not had any follow up with a WLS surgeon or clinic in 6 years?

I suggest this hoping it comes across as the way its intended ( helpful ) , but if you've been doing the same things for the last 5+ years and not losing weight, maybe you should have something (adjustment) changed with the band.

Catfish 87,

Thanks for including that link! It includes the information I am looking for which is a targeted number of Proteins I should aim for and fat.

BTW please don't think I was asking anyone to assume the role of a professional. I am asking for support and for those who are willing to share information they have amassed. From there I will interpret and apply for ME.

To answer your question, no I have not had a follow up with a WLS during that time nor have I been concerned with losing weight. My daughter was born 3 months prematurely and required 3 years of serious therapies. The last few years have been spent closing the educational gap for her. During the last month I have been able to turn the attention to myself and started working out by swinging kettle bells and studying what I have been eating. I have maintained the weight loss since 2006, but am now interested in returning to the weight loss stage, rather than maintenance. It is in this area I am was seeking guidance.

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You might want to fill out your profile so we know your height, weight, age, profession? Hard to know how many calories you need without this info? Most of the women here shoot for 900-1200 though.

What's a fat bomb and what is it's purpose?

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@@ljones4521 If you have had success with this diet before give it a go and let us know how it goes. Most of us have a certain amount of fill in our bands and we choose to eat solid forms of Protein to stimulate the band as the food passes through and satiate hunger on smaller quantity for longer amounts of time between meals.

There is nothing wrong with drinking your nutrients, I would just watch the calories since some of those shakes can be a whopping 6-700 calories in one drink.

I can see the need for fats in our diet when eating solid foods but I wonder how that would affect liquids since the Protein is pretty much already broken down there is little for the actual digestive system to break down further and thus it should be distributed through out the body more readily and the waste also removed equally efficiently. Some fats are necessary for the health of the body and joints, but I try to limit some of the fats I eat because I want my body to burn my excess fat first rather then any fat that comes from my diet.

In the consumption of calories as I understand it the body will burn your carbs and excess fats eaten first before dipping into fat stores.

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Lisacaron, good point. Maybe the fats are not as important considering the Protein will be ingested in liquid form. I think I will eliminate the fat bombs, as the fat from my meats should cover that. I plan to slowly reintroduce my solids in two weeks and transition back to an all solid diet.

As far as having done it before....I am just attempting to return to the diet typically prescribed shortly after one is banded. From memory we usually started with Water and liquids/jello. And then we moved to Protein. Many of us had to drink unjury to get in enough protein because eating it seemed impossible. During those initial weeks the weightless was jumpstarted. Because I have been pretty much in 'maintenance mode' I want to return to the basics so I can figure out my new body. But what I don't want to do is cut the calories too low and go into starvation mode. I did this about two months ago strictly by mistake. I was consuming about 600 calories a day. I simply wasn't hungry. So, I am more aware now of the fact I need to eat, but eat clean. I doubled my calorie intake to 1200 - 1400/day but that may be too much....again, I can't remember where I was supposed to be nor the guidelines. Based on feedback I think I will drop the daily calories and consume about 65g of protein which should be two Unjury shakes and salmon salads.

As it relates to carbs, I have been fortunate that over the years my love affair with them has been basically broken. I never thought the day would come but I can take two bites of cheesecake/ice cream/cookies etc and be satisfied. Over the years and primarily because of my daughter I have shifted my carb intake from processed foods to vegetables and fruits. Because I now want to lose the weight, I am cutting the fruit during my journey, but will continue with the veggies.

Thnx much

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I've had my band for 7 months now - my diet is 60 grams of Protein a day (which I get from shakes) and 3 - 1 ounce meals. I don't count calories at all. I don't eat potatoes bread milk Pasta rice...etc. I have a very strict program but it's been very successful. Hope this helps!

Stilldreamin537 Thanks! Especially the one ounce meals. I have a kitchen scale that is gathering dust. This might really help. I have been really laxed in the Protein intake and I am sure this is where my failure lies. Not that I was trying to, but I was only taking in about 25 - 28g of protein a day. I would take the entire day to eat one salmon steak. I think it is imperative I supplement with unjury shakes.

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@@ljones4521 OK I understand what your meaning is a bit better now. I will often go back to band basics when I have a stall or fall off the wagon for a bit and let my eating get the best of me. I usually do this when I have a fill put in my band as well.

I will go back to liquids then mushy then soft then solids and yes that will encapsulate shakes for the first few days. You can surely go back to the basics and get a "reset" or jumpstart not a bad idea at all.

My Nut suggests 60-80 grams per day of Protein, 64+ oz of Water. Calorie range between 800-1000. If you want to burn 1200-1400 can be a bit high depending on your metabolism and your output. So if you are not working out burning 500-700 calories a day I would tend to make 1200 my MAX for the day.

Sounds like you have a plan of action!!!

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