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My nightmare journey with a band

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Wow! This is the first time I have been here. I have been sick for over a year now after being banded in March of 2005. I have been to so many doctors that I feel insane. Last June I started a journey that is still going on.

I had my surgery in Mexico (there were no doctors doing lap bands in Boise, Idaho where I live) and just a few months after that I started having problems with pain on my right side. Went to a doctor that wanted me to have my gall bladder removed. I refused and got a second opinion from a gasterologist and he wanted to do an endoscopy. In a few weeks the pain went away and I did not go through with the endoscope. That was in June/July of 2005. Everything seemed fine.

In June of 2006, after a really tight fill the February before, I started getting a sore throat. My whole neck hurt. I felt really weak and tired all the time. I went through 2 rounds of strep throat medicine and still my throat felt tight and sore even though the strep throat was gone. I was exhausted all the time. They tested me for Mono and I had high levels of Epstein-Barr Virus but never did find anyone to tell me exactly what that meant. One doctor would say it was nothing but an old infection the other telling me that I would possibly be sick for up to a year with Mono.

Finally in September I had so much trouble swallowing that I was feeling seriously mal nutritioned. Still very weak and having trouble concentrating I told doctor I wanted someone to look in my throat and make sure something was not growing in there. She sent me to a gasterologist. It took a month and 1/2 to get an appointment with him. In the mean time I went to Salt Lake City to have the band unfilled. (closest place I could go to have that done.) The unfill seemed to help a lot and I did have some improvement. But still I was worried. I still could not eat much and vegetables and fruit were not a part of my diet at all let alone meat.

I saw the gasterologist in mid November. He scheduled an endoscope for Jan. 4th. He was very confused about my symptoms and did not seem to think it was band related either.

The endoscope showed nothing I guess except some swelling. My husband and I misunderstood him the day of the procedure and thought he said I had an ulcer in my lower esophagus. My next appointment with him was on March 13th. My first question was how long would it take this ulcer to heal and he claimed he never said I had an ulcer. I was doing better thinking all that time that I had an ulcer and that was the reason I was not able to eat anything but liquids and soft food. It was just going to take time. He scheduled a barium swallow test for two days later on the 16th.

During that test the radiologist told me he had never seen an esophagus in a person my age act like mine. (I'm 49) He said it was just quivering and I basically had just a drain. (I would make lots of embarrassing noise while eating or drinking I might add) He knew of nothing that could be done. I was devasted and it took 2 weeks and a lot of begging and crying to get back into the doctor who would not return my calls. I was a mess. All they would tell me on the phone was that I needed a hiatal hernia surgery. I was freaked.

My husband went to the next appointment with me on April 4th (the soonest I could get in) and he must have scared the doctor by just looking at him. It was as if the doctor had still not read the report of the last test. He told us that the surgeon that they had told me to contact for surgery for a hiatal hernia would not do the surgery. They basically did not know what was wrong with me and I would have to find someone else. Without saying it directly he been dropping hints that because I went to Mexico they did not want to deal with me. He said he would call the radiologist as soon as he had time. That evening around 5 pm he called and said he had called the surgeon and found out that others had been having these problems and the band needed to come out. Supposedly the surgeon will do that. They would not know the extent of the nerve damage to my esophagus for 3 years because nerves healed slowly if at all. Oh and by the way that huge hiatal hernia was not huge and did not need surgery all of the sudden.

Yesterday I had that test done where they go through the nose and down into the stomach. I was told by the doctor that did it, that my esophagus was fine and working well. I don't know what to think now.

I see the surgeon next week on the 24th.

This has been a nightmare. A roller coaster of doctors saying things and then recanting. All I know is that I am close to losing my job for missing so much work. I am pretty sure I am uninsured with anything relating to the band. I am feeling insane and am still suffering. I am living on Ensure and Soup and ice cream. I am trying to get a leave from work and they are not budging either because bands are not covered. I am in a pickle.

I have lost close to 70 pounds and I am grateful for that even though I could still stand to lose 50 more. Many of the health problems I suffered from being over weight have vanished. But now I have a whole set of new problems that are really scary. I want the band out of me. I want to be healthy. I don't know if I will be able to find a doctor to touch me in the US. However the nurse keeps telling me I would be crazy to take such a drastic measure of having the doctor in Mexico remove it. Maybe I was crazy to go to Mexico to have this done but I think the doctors in the US are making me insane.

Sorry this is so long. But I needed to get it out. Has anyone heard of a Mexican banded person getting help having a band taken out in the US? Is there any possibility of having my insurance cover such a thing. I will keep you all posted on what happens next after I see the surgeon next Tuesday.

Am I sorry I got the band? Yes and no. I know many people who are banded (in Mexico I might add) who have had no problems and lost all their weight. It is luck of the draw I guess. I do not fault my Mexican doctor. I am shocked that these bands are basically uninsured if you have problems. If I have any advice it would be to go through the exhausting years it takes to get your insurance to pay to have a band put in. Then if you have problems surely you would be covered and the doctors would be more willing to treat you.


Banded 3-17-05 260 lbs

today 195 and perfectly happy with that weight.

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Bless your heart! You've really been through hell and back. I can relate to your situation. I was banded in Mexico, and am having serious complications. I want my band out too!

I've talked to several other people that were banded in Mexico as well, and had them removed in the US. Some of their insurances paid, and some didn't. Alot of it has to do w/ how they file it. I would definately call your insurance co. and see what they have to say about it. They may cover it if it's life threatening.

And if not..... I know you probably don't want to go back to Mexico (and neither do I, but I may have to) but I've heard of Mexican surgeons removing bands for about $4000....

Best of luck. Keep us updated!

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There is a doctor in Southern California who has helped a number of people banded in MX that have had issues. His name is Dr. Helmut Billy. If you are nervous about Mexico, but not getting help where you live, he might be a good option. I've never met him, but a number of the people on this board who had issues when to him and were helped.

I was banded in Mexico, and have not had problems, for which I am very thankful. Problems can happen no matter where you get your surgery, it's just a shame the doctors here see that as some kind of red flag... I'm not sure why, seeing as most of the band doctors in the US were PROCTORED by Mexican band surgeons, but I guess that's neither here nor there. In many, many ways, the attitudes of the American medical community need to change, in my opinion.

All that to say, I hope you quit getting the runaround and get the help that you need to feel better, one way or the other.

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Thanks for your reply Marimaru. I agree that the American Medical Community needs to change. I swear they wish I would go away and I am mostly ignored. I thought doctors were supposed to save lives, and not just some lives. Such is life these days.

I am so surprised that a forum of this type exists. I am just learning how it all works and am still confused. I have to say that I thought I was stark raving mad. I really did. All these ailments I have and the scared to death feeling was more than I could handle. Now I see I am not alone. The problems you all have are just like mine!!! That in itself has had a healing affect for me. I must be in the right place!! THANK YOU ALL. Too bad I was such an old fuddy duddy and didn't find you a lot sooner. I could have saved myself a lot of grief. No looking back now. You are here.

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Gosh you guys. I really don't know how to work all of this. I hope I am not irritating by not doing things right. Posting, replying etc.... is all new.

To the person who asked what state I am in. Idaho.

To the other poster Natalies mom...... I replied but I may not have done it right. Thank you too

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Hi - I was banded in Mexico on Jan. 19th 2007.As far as I know I am not having any problems.

I do want to see if anyone out there is experiencing what I am. 5 weeks after getting my band I had my first fill with 2cc. Sometimes I can eat and I am okay other times I just can't hold the food and it just comes up. Can somebody give me a very exact measurement of what they can eat, even when the band is tight.

I hope I have not caused the band to slip or have pouch dilation.

Surgery 1-19-2007

212 / 186

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Maybe it's a small world but I took out a band from an Idaho patient banded in Mexico about a year ago! I could probably put you in touch with her if you send me her email address. Might be good moral support!

Dr. C Cincinnati, Ohio

Got a question? Ask the doctor at www.TheBandDoctor.com


DISCLAIMER: If am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!

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Dr. C,

I am absolutely amazed at this message board. I have had more help in one day here, than I have in over a year of doctors. I would love to send you my email address so that I can contact the girl in Idaho that you removed the band for. That would be of great help. Problem is that I don't know how to do that without putting my email address out there. Can you help an old fuddy duddy to get her email address to you. I see you have a web site. Should I go there?

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I know Dr. Curry would help you, he's in Cinci. I went to Mexico 8months ago but everything so far has went great. I sure hope you all get to feeling better soon. I couldn't have ask for any better care than there and then I had already set up after care here.

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All I know is that I am close to losing my job for missing so much work. I am pretty sure I am uninsured with anything relating to the band. I am feeling insane and am still suffering. I am living on Ensure and Soup and ice cream. I am trying to get a leave from work and they are not budging either because bands are not covered. I am in a pickle.

I don't know what type of employer you work for, but talk to your personnel or human resources person. You should be covered for leave on your job under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of leave - If you don't have accrued sick or vacation time, you won't get paid, but they have to ensure that you have a job when you return.

Good luck to you!

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Just about anything except liquids. chicken, tuna steak,(not tuna fish in can), salads. Its very odd, becuase one day I ate spinach salad just fine, and then the next time - pb. Over the weekend to my suprise I at 2 nachos and a bowl of Soup with no problem. I also was able to eat a piece of cod and okra with no problem. But then yesterday I tried shrimp and it actually burned once I swallowed and came up.

Yesterday I ate a very small amount of salad and 2 tiny pieces of cheese pizza and had no problem. Very suprised.

I guess i should just stick to liquids. Part of me was thinking the band was too tight, but then I wouldn't be able to hold anything down.

any suggestions?

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I posted this in your other thread on the same subject. (Do I have your permission to combine the threads?) In case you don't see it there:

Listywood, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles! Even though you were banded in Mexico, you are entitled to medical care in the States if you are having serious trouble. Your insurer may say that band-related issues are not covered, but emergency procedures or anything that is medically necessary to restore your health should be (or they are leaving themselves open to a lawsuit).

It sure sounds to me like you have serious esophageal issues and your band should come out. Maybe you had them before banding and therefore weren't a good candidate, or maybe they're being caused by the band, but either way the current situation is unhealthy for you.

I am positive there are qualified band doctors in Idaho, if not precisely in Boise. You need an experienced band doctor to take over your care and get your band removed. Check with your state's department of insurance to see what your carrier's responsibilities are with respect to emergency procedures. Your doctor can present the case that removing the band is medically necessary and get the surgery covered. Think of it this way: If you had cosmetic breast implants and one of them ruptured, that would be an emergency and treatment would be covered.

I know there is a vibrant community of Idaho bandsters. Connect with them and you should be able to get some support and assistance. Post a message here in the Idaho section for a start, and also check out band2gether.net.

Good luck!!!


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