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Hi there and happy Boxing Day. I'm in the midst of a major office re-org -- throwing lots of stuff away, rearranging files, and right now I'm at my new stand-up desk. Kept the other just in case but hoping to convert over to more standing. This positions me nicely for the core, which I tend to let slip in an office chair. So far, so good!

Loved hearing about every one's celebrations as well as our day-to-day lives here. Joe, what a cutie-pie down in front -- looks like you had a lovely gathering even if every one could not be there this year. And Skinny Liz -- yes, he was just calling it! How about that. Hope you're enjoying the Florida sunshine. NH is just plain weird right now -- so warm and kind of English out there, like being on the moors (or so I imagine).

We had a nice holiday celebration yesterday. I served a beautiful beef stew which was very band-compatible and my husband made GF cornbread. Very easy meal and yummy. I have regifted quite a bit of chocolates and other sugary things I feel nervous about having in the house right now. Just don't want any stumbling blocks around unnecessarily. Funny how some stuff is fine -- bar chocolate, for example, I'll have a teeny piece if I want but it's no big deal having it in the cupboard. Those little Peanut Butter dark chocolate cups from Trader Joe's -- yikes. Get thee from me, Satan! In the past cheese has been a major trigger for me and I am amazed at how we can have so much and I'm not tempted to gorge. Enjoying a bit of this and that.

My son's presents for me this year were very telling. He sees me as an athlete now (me?). I received stretchie band thingies for working out and ankle weights for walking. It's so sweet that he has noticed how his Mom is an exerciser. I also got a nice gift certificate for a massage from my parents. They don't know I'm banded but apparently my self-care is apparent to those around me. Love that. My husband came through with a nice selection of gifties, including some wild pajamas (blue with black spots) that fit me perfectly. He was nervous about shopping for me and not knowing what size to get, etc. Score! I am hoping, however, that these jammies will not fit me next Christmas -- that I will have lost my last chunk.

Best wishes to all as New Year's approaches and we consider our accomplishments and goals. It's going to be a great year -- I know it.

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Omgosh I went & put on a pair of night shorts on Christmas eve & got up to get a drink & those darn things fell right off of me on to the floor , well I'm SO glad no one was around to see my butt out .

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I'd love to post something uplifting, but the truth is that today I am very down. The divorce is getting to me and big college bills are facing me that the NSETBEX won't pay. I've eaten more than I wanted to this Christmas. Too much wine as well. My youngest leaves for Spain in less than two weeks and will be gone for 4-1/2 months. I now have two almost bald spots at my temples where my hair has thinned so much. The lawyer wants another retainer replenishment and there's no end in sight.

I ate a Protein Breakfast and packed a totally Protein lunch and already logged them in MyFitnessPal to stay on track today. Today my goal is straight solid protein and no starch and no liquid calories. I was so depressed that I didn't weigh myself this week because seeing a gain again would have made me feel worse.

I don't feel like this is my usual pattern of diet mentality self sabotage. That could be part of it, but I'm feeling pretty broken today. I feel like I've held it together for so long this year and now, just when things have started to change for me, I'm falling apart. I think that Christmas was the last thing I was holding it together for and now I'm feeling it all. I was hoping I wouldn't fall apart until both girls had returned to school. One back in Missouri and one in Spain.

Why now? Why when I just dipped my toe in Onederland?

I go to two 12 step groups and it does help. My food has to be clean to change anything. So today I have a concrete plan I will stick to. I will also get my butt to an OA meeting tonight.

Thanks for being here. Now I'll clean up my streaked face and get back to my desk at work.

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I'm sorry you are in a crappy place just now. It does sound though that you are in the 'zone' and know what you need to do in order to not sabotage your progress. We all go through bad times but the idea is to not turn to food for comfort.

I know that tomorrow you might still feel crappy about your situation but at least you won't add to it by going to destructive behaviors. Good for you for knowing this much about yourself and heading to OA to help you get past this struggle.

I myself am having a band friendly sandwich for lunch and heading to the pool as there are no doctor appointments to take dad to today and I have the afternoon free. I finished a deliverable not due till after new years, which always makes me feel better...and even though the boyfriend is pissing me off to no end, I refuse to let that push me towards bad decisions.

Will sit in the shade, read my book, and swim laps for 20 minutes. Then tomorrow, I can know that I made it through one more day without falling into the food traps we often set for ourselves.

Hang in there friend. I'm glad you posted today.

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I'm sorry you are in a crappy place just now. It does sound though that you are in the 'zone' and know what you need to do in order to not sabotage your progress. We all go through bad times but the idea is to not turn to food for comfort.

I know that tomorrow you might still feel crappy about your situation but at least you won't add to it by going to destructive behaviors. Good for you for knowing this much about yourself and heading to OA to help you get past this struggle.

I myself am having a band friendly sandwich for lunch and heading to the pool as there are no doctor appointments to take dad to today and I have the afternoon free. I finished a deliverable not due till after new years, which always makes me feel better...and even though the boyfriend is pissing me off to no end, I refuse to let that push me towards bad decisions.

Will sit in the shade, read my book, and swim laps for 20 minutes. Then tomorrow, I can know that I made it through one more day without falling into the food traps we often set for ourselves.

Hang in there friend. I'm glad you posted today.

Thanks. I don't feel like I'm in the zone, but I think you're right. I just had my lunch and actually stopped eating with some food left, because it was enough and I listened to the soft stop. So I guess I'm in the zone even if it doesn't feel like it.

And it was tilapia. Definitely NOT comfort food. Lol.

Thanks for the kind words.

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I had to take a minute or two to catch up. I have been in digital detox for a few days. In all honesty I think we all need to cut ourselves a break every now and then.

I know we all want to lose weight and be that “perfect” size whatever it is in our mind’s eye. We want to be healthy and happy and prosperous productive valued people.

Friends you are already all of those things!

Yes we have dysfunctional families, and some of us ourselves are dysfunctional! I think that’s what makes life interesting. Imagine how boring life would be if things were perfect all the time. If you woke up every single day with no drama, no thoughts of what you were going to do or eat or wear or think.

Life is not boiler plate thank goodness! It’s those ebbs and flows that make life worth living. It’s the roller coaster ride that makes your heart race with excitement one moment and dread the next. It’s the not knowing of it all that makes the uncovering of it so much fun!!

Some things SUCK (this is my word of the week by the way) they can suck the life right out of you if you let them. Or you can pop a chocolate truffle in your face and suck that up (I just did) or you can strap on your sneakers and get your *ss to the gym and suck that up ( I will later). You can dive into the Water and hopefully not suck up too much of it pool or sea or whatever J (Maybe it’s just me but there’s just something about fruits and vegies…that doesn’t inspire sucking them up but hey if it floats your boat grab that lemon and suck away!!)

I’m not perfect, not in the least bit. My life can be insane and crazy and quiet and peaceful all in the space of a minute. The best part about it is that it’s my life and I am living it. I am human and yeah I get caught up in the who’s late to dinner, and who was going to bring the dessert and forgot, who is supposed to be my family but forget that they are even alive much less that I am.

Sure I have feelings and they get hurt, and they get hurt pretty easily too. At the end of the day though…you know what….who the heck cares? I am hurt, I am feeling sad, and the best I can do is to feel it and move on. Sometimes I talk about it, I let the feelings be felt I let them have their voice and sometimes it’s louder than others and the burning hot molten lava covers the earth and burns up everything in its path…{{sitting in zen position deep breath….}} sigh… and then I move on.

Nothing more I can do about it and if I throw myself a pity party…well I forget to invite anyone else {or I incinerated them} and I end up eating all the cake and Cookies and chocolate truffles myself!!!

See now this is my issue!! J

There are always going to be bills to pay money to be made and things to be done. Long before me and long after me, this will be true. All I can do is float along. Life is what happens around and in between those things. It’s not the Cookies it’s the baking of the cookies and sharing them.

It’s about sharing yourself and who you are with others and allowing them to share themselves with you.

Thank you all for reaching out to share your thoughts and your stories, your inspiration, motivation and humiliation! (OK so that’s me) and I confess, I had a salad for lunch, a bag of bean chips, two chocolate truffles and may just have a candy cane too before the work day is done.

I won’t beat myself up over it, but I’ll enjoy it and move on….to the gym and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to tie my sneakers!! My legs are still sore from Saturday and I think tonight is core work!

Lord give me strength! Muffin top sounds so delicious doesn’t it…too bad it doesn’t look as good!!!

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Happy Monday? Sorry to hear not everyone is having a great day. I have a saying, life sucks, then you live. Sorry to hear about the divorce not going well. Last night I found out why a cousin's sister got a divorce. Her husband of 20ish years was going to rest areas. For those that don't know what that means, he was meeting men. That would be more hurtful than a husband being with a woman.

Glad, FL is still warm while up north is getting colder every day. My oldest son and family just got home from Ft. Meyers last night. They had great weather.

Now we all need to eat properly and exercise. Two things that I am far from perfect from doing.

Have a great day everyone.


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I have a better outlook today. Stop living in the future and enjoy the present. Today I have enough love, enough time with my daughters, enough money, enough therapy, enough food, enough shelter, enough cuddly doggies, enough everything. I will enjoy and be grateful for what I have. Worry is my enemy. Life is good. I just have to open my eyes.

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Low calorie peppermint mocha

I used to waste hundreds of calories on Starbucks peppermint mocha, not to mention the expense.

I've been making this at home now:

Decaf coffee

Splash of half and half

1-2 drops of peppermint extract

1-2 drops of vanilla extract

Pinch of baking cocoa (1/16th tsp? Tiny amount)


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@@JustWatchMe you are awesome never forget that!!!!

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I have a better outlook today. Stop living in the future and enjoy the present. Today I have enough love, enough time with my daughters, enough money, enough therapy, enough food, enough shelter, enough cuddly doggies, enough everything. I will enjoy and be grateful for what I have. Worry is my enemy. Life is good. I just have to open my eyes.

very well said.

The AirAsia flight was found in the ocean, now that sucks!!

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Well my son who turned 21 & I are off to Vegas for his first time to experience, I know he will be overwhelmed , we are excited & I am glad I finally got the money to do it & BE able to now that I can.

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Hi there, I hear you on the worrying -- I am really trying to learn how not to bank anxiety for the future and just to live in this day only (there's a beautiful George Harrison song about that, by the way). food is complicated. I used to use it as an anchor but also at other times to transport myself and escape. Now I need to staple myself to the moment in other ways. I still have much work to do on old habits and of course the holidays put all of that into sharp relief. So many get-togethers, so much food, alcohol and people, people, people. Stress is stress, whether it's good stress or bad stress, and my initial reaction to stress is still to turn to food. I don't have to turn far because it's always there but never more so than at this time of year. My old dieter's mentality gets turned up high and I have to fight off thoughts of being "on" or "off" of a diet and just keep meeting myself where I am.

Meanwhile, for the last couple of months I've wondered if I need a fill. I've had sinus issues, though, and that can make me tighter so I've been waiting it out. But I feel like I'm losing ground, that I haven't made as much progress as I'd like. I'm up a few pounds when I'd like to be down a few more. This worries me and I don't want to fall into complacency. I don't want to go back to old habits, like nibbling, grazing, etc. I called the other day and made an appointment for next Monday -- the soonest I could make work. It will be good for me to re-boot. I need to go back to having a full meal with dense Protein then counting four-five hours before having more food.

Let's not forget to pat ourselves on the back for all we've accomplished this last year. And now on to the next. Another thing that comes to mind is the HALT -- never letting myself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. When life is a swirl of activity and there's so much going on I really have to watch out for that. Especially the Tired part.

Best wishes, every one -- for a great day.

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Good morning everyone.

On FB I belong to many WLS groups. A woman wrote that she wants the band but because she is over 400 she was told she could never lose the weight. Jim, I used you as an example again and people are very impressed with you, me too.

Also, another woman, don't know her insurance but she got approved for plastic surgery of the apron. I guess you just need a great doctor to write an even better letter.

I have a lump in my lower belly and wanted the surgeon to just cut me open and get rid of it but was not a hernia, which many doctors have said. I have had it for around 25 years. The surgeon explained it's like you have a six pack and this lump wants to come through. So when I am ready for a TT, I will hopefully get it thrown in so this lump can be removed, fixed, whatever they do.

Everyone have a great day and if I don't write, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


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Just Watch Me, this is for you!


Edited by Bandista

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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