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Strep+arthritic flare-NSAIDs = Ow

So I woke up at 2am with my shoulders, particularly my right shoulder, in excruciating pain. I could not get comfortable. I tried sitting in a chair, laying flat, laying propped up with pillows, walking around, etc. I rubbed some BenGay in, and took some Arthritis Tylenol. An hour later I was able to doze back off.

Because my rheumatologist is off on Thursdays, I decided to go to the urgent care center and have the shoulder looked at. It was so bad that I could barely move my arm. While I was there I mentioned that I have had a sore throat most of the week. So they decided to swab me for strep at the same time. Guess what? Positive for strep.

During the time that I had a sore throat this week, I didn't think it was strep because I had no fever. I also didn't particularly have much of a soreness in my throat. Instead, it felt like I had swelling in my throat (almost a blockage) and my voice was very hoarse and raspy.

The doctor said that although it is not certain, strep may have contributed to the arthritic flare and joint pain. My shoulder x-ray showed moderate degenerative osteoarthritis, which I already knew I had. Although I have been working out at the gym, this week I've only been doing leg work and walking on the treadmill. No arm work. So trauma to the joint wasn't an issue.

Anyway, two doses of penicillin for the strep so far and I feel so much better. It's truly a miracle drug. Today was the first day since my LapBand surgery that I was disappointed in not being able to take NSAIDs for pain and inflammation.

Thankfully, it looks like I won't have to.

Saturday through Tuesday my girls and I are taking a little mini vacation to Starved Rock in Illinois. We are planning to do some hiking. I hope I'm back up to speed by then.

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Joint pain sucks, doesn't it? Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you feel better for your hike.

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Morning ladies.

I was going to post this in the general forum but thought I'd get your opinions first as I trust and know you better than the general poster out there. Let me know what you think..I'd really love some feedback.



My primary care doctor and I have a relationship that goes beyond the normal interaction between the doctor and his/her patient. She is a childhood friend of my SIL and because of that relationship, we often talk more as friends than doctor/patient. So yesterday I saw her for my regular 3 month visit and spent most of the time talking about the new man I'm seeing. To my surprise, she asked to see my excess skin and I showed her my belly and upper thighs. Neither of us beats around the bush so she came straight out and said that I look like someone who has been thin my whole life...till I remove clothing. Then it's apparent that I didn't always look this way. I am well aware of it but I'm not ready at this time to go through plastic surgery...nor might I ever be ready. My thoughts have been that the man has to take the good with the bad and if I do decide to go the route of plastic surgery, it will be because I want it...not to please some guy.

So of course, I'm now thinking that while not necessarily a turn off, I might look much improved with surgery. My bariatric surgeon mentioned when she said she would revise my port (as it sticks out pretty obviously) that I could have a TT at that time. I told her thanks, but no thanks...but...now I'm wondering if I'm dismissing this option without really getting some information and thinking it through.

Should I make an appointment with a surgeon? I know if I do, he or she will tell me how they can make me look so much better...it's what they do for a living and I get that. I haven't been intimate with this fellow as of yet, but we're heading in that direction for sure. He knows about my surgery and he's been with another woman who had a large weight loss and he said he has no issue with it. So...do I stay the course as I planned, or do I consider this option? Oh..and it's not just the tummy. My upper legs are badly wrinkled and my boobs are hanging lumps of flesh. I'm reminded of that all the time as even when I see older women in the locker room at the Y, their breasts are much perkier than mine.

Again..feedback and opinions welcome.

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Morning ladies.

I was going to post this in the general forum but thought I'd get your opinions first as I trust and know you better than the general poster out there. Let me know what you think..I'd really love some feedback.



My primary care doctor and I have a relationship that goes beyond the normal interaction between the doctor and his/her patient. She is a childhood friend of my SIL and because of that relationship, we often talk more as friends than doctor/patient. So yesterday I saw her for my regular 3 month visit and spent most of the time talking about the new man I'm seeing. To my surprise, she asked to see my excess skin and I showed her my belly and upper thighs. Neither of us beats around the bush so she came straight out and said that I look like someone who has been thin my whole life...till I remove clothing. Then it's apparent that I didn't always look this way. I am well aware of it but I'm not ready at this time to go through plastic surgery...nor might I ever be ready. My thoughts have been that the man has to take the good with the bad and if I do decide to go the route of plastic surgery, it will be because I want it...not to please some guy.

So of course, I'm now thinking that while not necessarily a turn off, I might look much improved with surgery. My bariatric surgeon mentioned when she said she would revise my port (as it sticks out pretty obviously) that I could have a TT at that time. I told her thanks, but no thanks...but...now I'm wondering if I'm dismissing this option without really getting some information and thinking it through.

Should I make an appointment with a surgeon? I know if I do, he or she will tell me how they can make me look so much better...it's what they do for a living and I get that. I haven't been intimate with this fellow as of yet, but we're heading in that direction for sure. He knows about my surgery and he's been with another woman who had a large weight loss and he said he has no issue with it. So...do I stay the course as I planned, or do I consider this option? Oh..and it's not just the tummy. My upper legs are badly wrinkled and my boobs are hanging lumps of flesh. I'm reminded of that all the time as even when I see older women in the locker room at the Y, their breasts are much perkier than mine.

Again..feedback and opinions welcome.

Hello everyone. i haven't been here in months, sorry. Liz, do what makes you happy and no one else. I was told I have an umbilical hernia and was going to have it repaired with my Lap Band. Turns out it is something else and I have this large lump that sticks out. I said when I get a TT I will have it repaired/fixed. I don't know if I will ever be ready. I get it. Today I am seeing a surgeon because of wear and tear on my left shoulder. That is getting done this fall or winter. The pain wakes me and it hurts all the time. I am almost 65 and don't feel like operations, unless it was a face lift. My boobs don't sag!!

I am very happy, Liz that you have a man in your life. I always feel people should not be alone. My MIL was a widow at 52 and was in denial about everything and when she was like 85, she realized she should have dated/married etc.

Yesterday was my 3 year. I am down 70, would have liked much more but I am not perfect. But on the good side of 'just 70' this is the longest I have ever kept weight off. Thank you Lap Band!!

Everyone have a great weekend.


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Hey Arlene...good to hear from you. I was wondering where you were but I figured you had alot on your plate and couldn't get here that often. If I didn't know you were Jewish, I'd know it now just from that one remark about no one being alone. B) There's a Yiddish phrase I used to hear my beloved grandmother say that roughly translated goes sort of like this: 'Only a rock should be alone'. So what you wrote made me smile for sure. :)

He's a really sweet man..and we talk about all kinds of things. He knew I was going to get myself a ticket to see The King And I because I love the music of Rodgers & Hammerstein and to my surprise, he knows the music as well and bought two tickets and is taking me for my birthday next week. I know how expensive they are....he had to have spent at least $250. Tomorrow we're taking the Circle Line to cruise around Manhattan. Very touristy but so what. It's going to be a hot day and it will be nice on the Water. We have alot of similar interests and things in common, but not everything...and that's good too. I don't want to match up that perfectly...otherwise it's dull.

We've gone bike riding in Central Park and sooner or later, we'll probably walk across the East River to Brooklyn or Queens. He's active without being a crazy gym rat and with my chronic pain issues, I have to be careful not to overdo so I think we are good for each other in that way as well.

Anyway....thanks for the advice. Good to see you back on the boards, and please keep us posted on your shoulder. Surgery should always be a last option but take it from me..the lady with metal hips..I feel a thousand percent better with the diseased joints gone.

Have a good day hon!

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The least you can do is go to a few different Free plastic surgery consultations ,that wouldn't hurt , I am thinking about that ,but like I said just thinking about it , I don't think I'm ready & if I was going to it would just be a couple of things , but I'm really thinking about it for my saddle bash that's what really bothers me , I can hide my stomach till I take my clothes off , then yes that other person has to take the bad with the good , or they can hit the road , I don't do things about me for other people , I do them because I want to for me , I did things for other people in the past just to be dumped on , not anymore.

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Liz, so happy that you have found someone to keep company with. Like everyone else said, if you have any plastic surgery do it for you. I have been thinking I May have to have a pannilectomy (sp) my apron is the main problem , it makes wearing somethings difficult. I have the saggy boobs too but hell I"m 68 , If I wear a good bra it doesn't look bad, so a boob job is not in my future. I hope you seek out consultation with a surgeon and do your research. I know you are smart and can determine the best coarse of action . Take care and keep us posted.

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If you go for a plastics consultation, be prepared for some blunt talk. People on these boards have posted about plastic surgeons coldly pointing out every flaw in great detail. Not necessarily intentionally mean, but some have crappy bedside manners and they approach a body as a flawed canvas that they can fix. It can be hard to hear, even from highly skilled people.

That said, I think you should only go if you are seriously considering surgery. It's a huge step and many here are thrilled they did it and have no regrets. But it's really a big emotional investment and requires a toughness when your body is openly analyzed and critiqued before carving.

I hope someday to get at least a panni. My bariatric team has a plastic surgeon who lectures at the support group once a year and I've met her twice. She works a lot with bariatric patients and has an empathy for us that comes through. She has lots of photos and explains the pros and cons in detail. If I get something done I will probably go to her. She also said make sure whoever you choose is a plastic surgeon. If they do not have that specific title they are not certified in plastic surgery. It is not the same as cosmetic surgeon.

You're smart and strong and I know if you do this you will do it for you. Just be ready for the blunt talk.

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I'm joining the above opinions.. It is such a personal option.

It all depends on how you feel in your own skin... Literally

Personally, it took me over 8 years post op to have a TT .. The scars are fading since march, but still obvious. I'm glad I took the jump, but it took a lot of thinking.... And some pain

Canceled the boob job that I was to do at the same time... Just like above. I'm 60. Probably not going for perky. Never say never tho....

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Even though I am not one of the ladies may I partake on this important discussion.

My wife is the smartest person I have ever met and can do anything she sets her mind to do.

She did allot research on having plastic surgery. Her surgeon was our Lap Band doctor which really helped since he was very supportive. She also ask for my opinion but is important to note that she did not as for my permission which she would never need from me.

She asked to see if I would be willing to help with the aftercare which I would be happy to assist with.

She had a Tummy Tuck and arm reduction since the insurance would only pay for two items.

The decision whether to have the surgery should rest with you alone up one careful consideration of individuals that you trust.

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@@JustWatchMe I hope you're feeling better and got to go hiking "on purpose" lol, loved that comment -- here's to exercising voluntarily, imagine!)......re: arthritis, I often get a flare-up when there is a dip in my immune system. Strep is no fun and neither is joint pain. Voltaren helps me so much -- topical NSAID gel. I go to Canada to get it as its over-the-counter there and here I have a big co-pay.

@@gowalking i think you're beautiful just the way you are -- and sex is in our heads, how we are thinking and feeling. None of us is getting any younger. There's gravity for every one, make and female, and lumps, dents, scars, etc. Maybe buy some fabulous dressing gowns and take your time with your new body? I hesitated to respond because I want to be supportive of every one (Julie, I applaud you! And Joe, your wife is one lucky gal....) and whatever we decide for ourselves, wherever we are individually. But you wanted all of our thoughts and so I'm chiming in. Maybe I'm just so out of it here in the woods, or I am personally not a fan of doctors/hospitals, etc. that's why I'm so glad Lapband was available to me as I would not have considered something more drastic.

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I so appreciate your responses...and always feel free to chime in Joe. I value all of your opinioins. By the way...here are some cool pictures I took yesterday on the sightseeing cruise. I see these things all the time, but it's still fun to see them as a 'tourist'.



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Here's the Fitbit stats from a day of hiking at Starved Rock state park. As you can see, much of it was vertical. I'm pooped and my knee hurts, but all I could think was, no WAY could I have done this a hundred pounds ago. In 90 degree weather. post-208484-14385530179153_thumb.jpg

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That's awesome , I know I can't believe some of the things WE can do that WE thought were impossible before being banded & getting OUR more healthy lifestyle , yes some of US still have issues but WE can actually do things as simple as walking now & being able to breathe while doing it.

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No kidding, Debbie. I'll never take breathing for granted. I love not huffing and puffing and wheezing. My knee hurts but I'm not keeling over. It's amazing.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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