ChangingMeForMe 30 Posted May 19, 2014 In January of 2014 I made the decision to get healthy and knowing I could not do it on my own, so I attended a seminar and had my first appointment with Dr. Joyner of Americus Georgia to learn more about my bariatric surgery options. Once I heard him speak and giving the benefits I was all for it I knew I wanted to have the Gastric Sleeve, I just needed to know where to go next. I met with a nutritionist for3x during January, February, March, I also seen the psych Doctor twice once for the written assessment next to go over the assessment and talk about what got me to where I am and how I feel the surgery would help me., I had my EGD done which showed I had H-PYLORI so I had to take and antibiotic for 2weeks prior to my surgery, but there was no hernia so that was a good thing. They put me on a 2week pre-op diet of 2shakes per day and 4oz lean meat, and 1cup of non-starchy vegetables. On March 19th I had the Gastric Sleeve preformed at around 8am; the procedure was scheduled to take 2 hrs., but only took an hour the doctor said I done and amazing job with my pre op diet so I was a text book case and there was no complications. I got to the bariatric ICU around 2pm and was still asleep, I work up around 5pm and was ready to get out of the bed, so I walked several laps around the ICU, the nurses were shocked I was ready to get up, but I knew from a previous C-SECTION that I did not want to lay in that bed and get stiff. The next morning they took me down for a Barium Swallow, I am not going to lie no matter how thirsty you are this is the worst tasting substance you can have to drink, the results come back great, the doctor said I had a very tight sleeve which is what I wanted. So throughout the day I sipped on a medication cup every 15 minutes, I ended up getting really nauseated and throwing up through the night (TMI I know) and at that point I was like what have I done, but the next day I was back to my ordinary self-walking and feeling better. I was in the hospital for 2 nights and got to go home on a Friday and went back to work the next Thursday after my 1 week post op. Since being out of the hospital I have not had any nausea or sickness, I have had lots of energy and no Hair loss or anything like that. I have gone from a size 24-26 to a 20-22 and have lost a total of 48lbs. I have exercised including, walking, riding bikes, strength training and Wii Zumba 2. This has been an amazing tool and I look forward to the future successes. I can currently only get about 1/2c of food down at a time. I try to get down 2oz lean meat 1tbs non starchy vegetable and 1tbs of carbs (like rice). I eat Breakfast, snack, lunch, Snack, and dinner and take all my Vitamins and required by my doctor. New Image 1 and 2, the picture on the left is from the pre op phase, and the one on the right is about a week ago 2 jenny13 and skinnygirlwithin reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cutiecake 178 Posted May 19, 2014 Wow! That's a great success story! Makes me can't wait even more for mine- June 9. Great to hear and see some inspiration , keep posting! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jenny13 64 Posted May 19, 2014 Wow! You are doing an amazing job. Truly inspiring! Keep updating, because I'd love to see how you are doing. My surgery is tomorrow, then I'll be on the losers bench with you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites