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The Big Change

Hi, my name is Ryley; I am a 20-year-old junior that attends the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). I would like to share my Lap Band story with you guys, from the tears, heartache and happiness through it all.

Obesity is a factor that involves my family. With a father and mother who came from overweight family, I knew I was bound from day one that I would have trouble fighting my weight.

When I was born I wasn’t your average overweight baby, I was actual tiny. Weighing a whopping five pounds six ounces; you’d thought that I would have grown up to be considered normal size for the rest of my life. Boy would you be wrong. I was a health child that grew height wise off the charts. At one point my doctor thought that I was going to six foot-two. Man that would have been great to hide my flaws of being over weight instead of the five foot-six women I had become.

From day one I was athletic, but not an over the top athlete like my little sister, who at birth weighed nine pounds seven ounces. Competition was always tuff in our family since, my mother was an all-state swimmer and my father; a state champion; who would have been drafted to the NFL if he hadn’t had blown out his knee his sophomore year in college. Like normal children with athletic parents, we tried (were forced to try) different sports out, until we found out what we liked. This lead me to play softball from ages four to ten, basketball from first grade through ninth grade, and volleyball from seventh grade through tenth grade. All my athleticism came to a halt when my doctor diagnosed me with Epstein-Barr Syndrome (making your immune system like a newborns) in tenth grade. Having mono at age two caused this because in ninth grade I had mono once again. Magically, it turned into this miserable syndrome that everyone has in there body, it just depends if it is active or not. Anyways, my doctor suggested (forced me) quitting doing all athletic activities. This of course took a huge tool on my life and especially my weight.

In eighth grade, my father decided to have Gastric Bypass surgery. He weighed over 450 pounds the day of surgery. His surgery put a toll on my family’s life. This is the year I turned to Bulimia, in no time I had lost 30 pounds in less than a month. I had gotten myself to the point where I threw up everything didn’t matter if it was Water. My mother, who was to worried about my dad, was oblivious and thought I had lost all this weight due to me stopping drinking cokes. I went from a size fourteen to a size four within four months. Little did I know that this would backfire on me! In ninth grade, I had a class where my mother was my teacher, and everyone in the class was a senior except me. Still skinny and throwing up, I met this girl who had always been skinny just had huge hips that boys would make fun of. This caused her to go down the same path as me. She had gotten to the point where she was hospitalized, that is when I knew I had to stop with this dangerous weight loss remedy. By tenth grade, I had gotten myself up to a size ten again, with stringy hair due to malnourishment from bulimia; I made myself sick just thinking about how huge I had gotten. But, all at the same time I was happy that my mother had never found out why I had gotten so skinny. However, this is the year that my life changed forever; the year I was taken completely away from sports. I hadn’t realized how regular exercise could benefit you and your life. Until it was all completely stripped from me; by the time, I was allowed to work out little bits at a time, I had become so lazy that I didn’t even want to go outside and walk or even go play my favorite sport; volleyball. By the time my senior year hit, I had gotten myself up to a size eighteen weighing around 215. But reality hadn’t sunk in that I was going to become my father.

It wasn’t until I was off on my first semester at Ole Miss, that I enrolled in a program called new beginnings; a weight loss program that helps students with the colleges transitions. As I met with this size two, not weighing more than 100 pound women, I lied to her face about working out, eating healthy, etc. She weighed me in the first day, October 1st, 2012 at 233 pounds. Sick at my stomach, I had now became my worse nightmare weighing that much, wearing a size 20/22 pants and XL/XXL shirts, and not to mention I go to a school were everyone expects you to be pretty and perfect. I had become down on myself, so I returned to my dorm room and ate. After a semester had passed, I weighed in at 235 pounds. Proud that I hadn’t gain too much but, still mad at myself for putting myself though this. Over break I had gone to see my gynecologist who informed me that I had PCOS and most likely would never ever have children if I didn’t turn my weight around. Learning this, it made me realizes that I needed to start a new life and do better. As I continued to work out and try to turn my life around, I weighed in right before I went home for spring break. In tears, I now weighed 243 pounds. Miserable I thought of everything in the books to do to myself and I pretty much just said forget it and continued to do me and eat.

While at home for spring break, my loving grandmother approached me asking if I would ever have lap band surgery. Angry, confused, and hurt I snapped back at her that I was fine and only nineteen years old I could do better. That’s when I contacted two of my friends; one who is my age and another who is 22; who has both had the surgery done and have been successful. After a long week at home of thinking and an even longer week at school, I finally decided that I was sick of being this way and I would like to have the Lap Band done as soon as possible. My grandmother was so thrilled and reminded me that she would completely pay for the surgery, plane tickets, after skin removal, and whatever else I needed. I then took the reigns for the rest of the experience. After, I had talked to both of my friends who are banned, I decided it was fate; that one they didn’t know each other, two they both had it done at the same place, and three they had the same doctor. That is when I called True Results in Houston to find out information on when I could come in. From the start they were amazing with me, knowing that I lived in Oxford, Mississippi now and that I wanted to have the surgery back home with people who I knew. We scheduled my consultation/everything that needed to be done before I had surgery on the Thursday before Good Friday. Thrilled I had taken the first step I called my grandmother to tell her the good news; happy she told me that this would be the best money that she will ever spend. After, I called my parents who had mix emotions about this. First, my father said he would support me either was but to him he couldn’t have had the results he has had by doing this. On the other had, my mother was adamant about me not doing this that I can do better and that I was going to ruin my life. Upset I hung up before I said anything I regretted. An hour later I receive a phone call from my mother. She informs me that she has changed her mind after talking to one of our family friends who just happen to work at the place where I would be having my surgery. She ensured my mother that I would be fine and that she would take care of me.

Finally, the week had come; as my flight arrived in Houston, my nerves began to fill bad thoughts in my head. Finally I remembered the difficulty I had putting on the airlines trying to put my seatbelt on and how embarrassing it was, to be considered the fat person people dread sitting by on the plane. As I walked to baggage claim I see my mother and grandmother who are ready to get this train rolling. As we arrived at True Results, I had a good feeling about my decision to peruse this option. Waiting in the lobby, I was called to go back along with my posy; we all piled in the room. That’s when the part I had dread came, weighing. At a whopping 245 pounds and six ounces I became distort. That’s when Ms. Denay took my hand and told me that we are all in this together and I can do it. That’s when we went over guidelines, paper work, blood work, and test. The thirty-five minute appointment, ended up taking two hours and thirty-five minutes because, we had so much to ask and so much to get done. They never complained once about us being there still even though it was way after closing time. Finally, I was able to choose the date of my surgery and which doctor I would like; as all my friends suggested I went with Dr. Ken Hollis. From that day I knew I had made the right decision; since I had already signed up for summer school and I had a four week period from the day I got home to the day I went back to have surgery I had only two dates I could choose from so it wouldn’t interfere with any activities. Of course we narrowed it down to the day and Dr. Hollis had one appointment for surgery left but not a single Pre-op appointment available. Ms. Denay agreed to call to see if they could add me and sure enough they said okay.

After the plans were finalized I was given a strict Pre-op diet to start two weeks before surgery, which consisted of one cup of vegetables, one cup of fruit and 6 to 8 ounces of lean meat once a day, along with two Protein Shakes. After this long weekend, it was nice to get back to Oxford and get ready to begin this journey. The day had arrived for me to go back home for my pre-op diet. After being on the diet for a week and five days, I had lost 12 pounds. Which was exciting and amazing all at the same time. Finally it was surgery day, May 31st, 2013; we had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning so I could wash myself in Hibiclens and get to the doctors office by 6:30am. Sad that my mother couldn’t take off work, but I was happy that I had my father and grandmother they’re at my side. As we walked in, it was nice to see Mrs. Patti to inform us that she has lined me up with the best anesthesiologist, nurse, etc.; this brought complete relief to me. After waiting thirty minutes they called me back to get my final measurements and get me dressed for surgery including the special hat that Mrs. Patti had brought for me to wear. At that moment, I knew there was no turning back. That day of surgery, I weighed 231 pounds; it was time for a new beginning. I was then reunited with my family, as I lie in the hospital bed, we become informed that Dr. Hollis had an emergency last night and he would be running two hours late. I was relieved that he was responsible enough to wait to be well rested. Soon Mrs. Patti came by with my anesthesiologist who gave me some happy pills in my IV, as she likes to call it, to make the wait not seem so long. She was right in no time she was back to give me the medicine to put me to sleep. That is when I became worried about dying. As I kissed my dad and grandmother good-bye I became teary eyed at the thought of never seeing them again. As they rolled me into the room, the last thing I remember is Mrs. Patti saying goodnight, baby girl; have sweet dreams of beaches and wearing a bikini, as they lifted me on the table. The next thing I remember is waking up needing to go to the bathroom. They couldn’t believe that I had awakened so fast and that I was completely responsive, able to drink water, walk, and go to the bathroom. After seeing Mrs. Patti and Dr. Hollis, they went to go get my dad and grandmother. That’s when they informed me that I had also had a hiatal hernia that they repaired; then they showed me pictures both of my band and of them fixing my hernia. My band is an Allergan 10cc band, which the day of surgery they filled to 5cc. I then was given instructions on my diet for the next four weeks, then released to go home with my family and to come back to see Dr. Hollis in three weeks and after that I would be able to have my first fill.

The first three days home I slept all day long on the couch, waking up in pain needing my painkillers to make me survive. I was assumed to be on an all clear liquid diet for the first week but I didn’t end up eating drinking anything but a sip of water for the first three days. On the third day after surgery, I was finally able to get up and move around. My family then decided it was going to be okay for them to leave me alone for a while so they can get away from me and I can have a break from them. This was fine until I needed to get my pain medicine that was accidentally left on the top shelf of the cabinet by my dad. In a panic I called my mom crying because of the pain, she apologized and said they would come home now. I couldn’t wait anymore, I felt like I was going to die, so grabbed a broom and knocked down my medicine. Luckily, I was then able to relax and go back to sleep on the couch. Two days later, we had to drive to Dallas for my cousin’s graduation. In pain, we finally made it just in time for it to start. Seeing my family for the first time after surgery was exciting but I was in pain from all the loving and too many questions being asked. The only person not excited on my mom’s side was my Nana, when she saw me she was happy for me but still worried about the complications. After graduation, we went to eat dinner; I ate broth from chicken tortilla Soup, which was the best I had during the time of the Clear liquids. Broth from a restaurant is sometimes the most amazing; it was what I lived off for a week. Finally week two hit and I was finally able to eat a more thick soup; since I am not to big on Soups, my grandmother made a health, less thick potato soup which was the best I have ever had.

With all this chaos going on, my sister was to graduate high school in two days and we had to get her graduation after party set up. As much as I am happy I had this story, I don’t like people who are from my hometown or my school to know I have had it so we just tell everyone I had hernia surgery, which isn’t a lie in the long run. So this was especially hard when I would be walking around slowly in pain and hunched over; then someone would ask me if I was okay and I would always respond, just had hernia surgery. We ultimately had finalized last minute details for my sister’s graduation then, waited for the cousins to arrive again. After graduation we took a photograph of our family; which really started show my wait loss. After graduation, we had her party, upset because of the smell of Pasta, I began to cry because I was overly, hungry and all I wanted was some pasta. So just to have the taste of pasta and cake; I used my dad’s previous method of, chewing it up and spitting it out. Which really helps you just taste the food without in taking the calories or swallowing the food when your not suppose too. Soup could only last so long. The weeks went bye slowly as I was ready to have real food in my mouth. I was given the diet plan of two weeks liquid (first week clear and second creamy), one week of soft foods, and then finally I was able to eat whatever I wanted. Well that was what I thought in my head. Like all people starting out on their banding journey, you have to learn what you can and cannot consume with your new lifestyle. I am one of the lucky ones; I am able to have pasta, bread, and rice while still being able to lose weight.

As month went bye you could see drastic weight changes. I had decided to go back to school at Ole Miss in January and I had gotten my weight down to 185 pounds and a size ten pants and Medium shirt. My weight change was a huge shock to everyone who had known me as big Ryley. But nice for be to get all of the new attention in which I received and the fact I could just tell people I have been working out and eating healthy. However, within a month of being back at school, I had dropped twenty more pounds. Yes, twenty! Amazing people thought but it was the fact of being back at school with the hustle and bustle. This really shocked my family and doctors at True Results when they saw me at spring break. Happy for me, I went back to school and started doing research on plastic surgeons. Finally I have found one who I really like who is going to do a breast augmentation, Tummy Tuck, and liposuction on arms, legs, hips, and back. I am extremely excited about this and I cannot wait to see the new me. I promise that I will share pictures of my results once I have surgery on May 28th.

Today before plastic surgery I have been at stable weight of 157 pounds for now three months straight. I wear a size 4/6 pants and a size S/M shirt. I have 8.5cc in my 10cc band. I cannot wait to see what the future will hold and I cannot wait to see what plastic surgery will do for me as well. I am so happy with my LapBand and results. I would not change anything for the world and I would suggest everyone who needs to have weight loss surgery to pick the LapBand and also have surgery at True Results Houston by Dr. Ken Hollis. I promise that you will be happier than ever.


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All I have to say is wow! As then bombard you with questions! Lol. What are your stats? You started at 231 and are now at 157? How long did it take you to lose all of that? Also, how is the loose skin factor? I want to lose a similar amount, I'm worried about the skin factor but hey it's better than the fat!

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Wow!! You look AMAZING !! Good for you for getting healthy ! Way to go !

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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