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Visit with psychologist.

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Hello everyone. Well, I am progressing along. Tuesday I go see the psychologist and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or comments on how their visits went. Once I pass the psychological test my surgeons office will submit paperwork to my insurance. I have been doing lots of research online so I will have an idea of just what is going to happen. I can't believe how many people have made YouTube videos while on their VGS journey. Lots of valuable information out there if you just look. This forum is wonderful. I haven't posted much, but read everyday. I have already started to give up some items that I don't need to eat to keep me healthy. I have given up soda and caffeine. If everything goes good and my insurance approves me I am hoping for a July surgery date. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Just be yourself. Before your visit, list the ways you think the surgery will help you. Understand why diets have not worked so far. I can attest that having the sleeve has helped my hunger pangs so, so much. It should help you regain your stomach and brain connection. I lost my feeling of fullness and thought I would never get it back. Remember, your surgery is a tool to help you get back to good health. In time, you will change your eating and exercise to continue with your weight loss and maintaining the weight you will have lost. Good luck ..and be confident that this is what you need to make a big change in your life.

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Hi, we see our psych on Monday. Hoping for June dates. Hubby= sleeve, me= RnY

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Thanks for the information and good luck with your evaluation on Monday, itsmekarenlee. I would love a June date, but we have too much going on to fit the surgery in.

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So, I just got back from my Psych visit and it was a breeze. We talked for about 30 minutes and that was it. No 300 question test for me. She told me that she would write up her report tonight and it would be on my surgeons desk in the morning for his signature. I passed it! Now the hard part is getting insurance approval.

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I have my Psych Eval tomorrow, I'm not worried about it that much. Just kind of mad I have to pay $180 out of pocket for them to write the evaluation up and send it to my Dr <_<

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That sucks that you have to pay that out of pocket. Is it your insurance company that requires it or the surgeon? My insurance requires it, so they pay 85%. Good Luck.

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As far as I know it's my insurance company that requires it.

The Psychologist say's she takes my insurance and all I owe is a co-pay of $20 for her services, Other then the $180 for her to write up the evaluation and fax it over. I'm not the first person I've run across that has this issue, I've heard of some people having to pay up to $300 for their evals to be written up and faxed over.

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Yay! So glad it went well :)

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I didn't like my psych visit. She had me in tears at one point because of a difference in opinion and she was adamant that I HAD to have a reason why I eat other than simply because it tastes good and I suck at Portion Control. I should have just lied and said that I eat when I'm sad, happy, bored, whatever just to have avoided all that. Plus there was a 561 T/F questionnaire and a few other pages of questions that took two hours to do on top of the one hour with her. It cost my husband and I $580 and that's because our deductible is not meet yet. These drs are trying to get us to pay the full amount instead of 20% after insurance pays so hopefully we'll get a check in the mail. Not sure.

Anyway, I'll post her opinion and my opinion in a few when I'm on the computer.

She could tell that I was upset and sat down and we talked about it which I was thankful for otherwise I would have been pissed off all night. I just went along with what she said. It ended fine and she told us not to worry at all about it and that we are great candidates for wls and her report will get to it surgeons office my next Monday.

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Itsmekarenlee, I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with you psych. I can't believe she had you I tears and didn't stop and find out what was going on. Doesn't sound like she is very good with her job. Wow, that was some long test. At least at the end she did talk to you, but still that just wasn't right.

Edited by Pelicanlady

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Pjpanda, thanks and good luck tomorrow. I will say a prayer for you and your surgical team.

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Thanks. It was when she and I were finished and I walked out and hubby wanted a kiss that I half dismissed because I was angry and upset and he could tell and he told me it's ok (even though he had no idea why). Then we sat down, I vented to him, and tried to work on our stupid questions, then she came out to get my husband for his turn and I would answer her questions in short and hold my.head down because I was going to cry. she was with him for the hour and then came out to talk to me because she was worried about me because she noticed my mood change.

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k, so here's what I wrote on another board last night. It was more 'fresh' then. lol Mind you, it ended well and I'm glad she noticed my change in demeanor and talk with me about it again but I still don't like that she basically challenged me to prove her wrong in a year when I haven't eaten things I'm not supposed to eat because she thinks we all will/do because she's seen it. I'm not saying that I won't but I HAVE to condition my mind in to thinking that I WILL not give in and I WILL eat healthy. Ready my reason below.

  • Psych visit- done. With not the greatest of visit because of misunderstanding? To me she felt like she was in my face about stuff. She asked the reasons why I eat (anxiety, sadness, alone, happy, blah blah blah) and I don't have any reasons (that I am aware of) except that the food tastes good and/or I'm hungry. So there goes up the red flag. I asked her why do I have to have a 'trigger' when I eat? Maybe I don't? I just like the taste of the food, can't it be as simple as that? She said yes but in more cases than not there is a reason why we eat. So apparently I should have lied with those questions to have made this visit not making it to where I wanted to cry and leave because she wouldn't believe me. She firmly believes I have to have some sort of 'trigger' of emotion(s) for making me eat and making me fat (ok, my word, not hers) She said the next time I go in to reach for something to eat just stop and feel what it is I'm feeling to make me realize why I want that to eat. I still call bullpoo on that. I eat what I want because it tastes good. Simple as that. And because I CAN. Another frustration was about eating junk after the surgery and I told her that I know myself well enough to know that I will want to try one mac and cheese (for instance) but if I allow myself to eat that one mac and cheese and nothing happens physically then I will think to myself that I CAN eat it and then it will eventually get to be eating too much of it and then I'll get fat again so I would rather not even TRY it in the first place. I told her that over 20 yrs ago I did cocaine for 5 months and quit cold turkey. I KNOW myself well enough that if it were in front of me now I cannot guarantee that I won't do it. This is why I don't even want to temp myself with the stuff I'm not supposed to be eating. But she adamant and telling me that I WILL most likely eat that mac and cheese but that I have to have a plan if that food is fine on my body, ie: if craving something then distract myself and do something else. Put a check mark next to that food I'm craving that I wrote down on a piece of paper. After 9 times of distraction marks I can then 'reward' myself with a little bit of that mac and cheese. I have never heard of this suggestion before and I'm not sure how I like it but will think about it. So, I didn't like her messing with my mind, that I'm trying to condition to eating healthy foods, and telling me that it's OK to try the mac and cheese. I don't care if it's 3,9, 15 times after "distractions". MY mind thinks that if I give in to that one bite of non-healthy food and don't get any physical reaction then I'll be able to eat it without limits. That's just how my mind works and that's how I got in this situation in the first place. So she let me out of the room to start the stupid 561 T/F ridiculous questionnaire my husband was finishing up his. I told him how it went, I was shaking and about ready to burst into tears and was upset at the whole thing. I had to tell her about personal things I was hoping wouldn't come up that I need therapy in on itself but was hoping none of that would affect the outcome of her decision to approve and then our "misunderstanding". She could tell I was upset because I was holding my head down, trying not to cry, and answering her questions in short. She got the clue and said she was worried about me and she sat down and we talked about it again, with my husband there. I was worried about my GAD (general anxiety disorder that is under Dr care currently), and some of the answers I gave her about my past and my family history stuff affecting her decision. I explained to her how I felt and we got it cleared up and she looked me in the eyes and told me not to worry about a thing and that we are great candidates for wls. Now she just has to 'score' the bazillian questions, with a few that I did lie on, I think, I don't know, I'm not sure, those questions are just.plain.weird. and your brain starts to fizzle out about halfway through.

So now we wait. She said she'll have the papers to our surgeons office by next Monday and then surgeon's office will send on to insurance for approval that will take 3-30 days. The kids and I have a road trip to take in mid July so I'm crossing my fingers all of this can be done quickly so we can go.

We did talk about my anxiety and phobia (Dr's and the unknown) because I wanted to know if she could help me with it and she recommended a workbook for me to get. I will get that soon. I told her that I may see her again to help me figure me out with this.... but not until AFTER she sends in the approved reports. We all laughed. LOL! So I think with what happened above is that my thinking is different and comprehension is different and I take things the wrong way and get upset about it which increases my anxiety and anger. I tell you, this is not fun to live with, and I have to get some help with it. I'm just not sure if she's the right person to help me. I might just have to give her a second chance. I also need to prove her wrong next year ;) lol,

So now we wait.

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k, so here's what I wrote on another board last night. It was more 'fresh' then. lol Mind you, it ended well and I'm glad she noticed my change in demeanor and talk with me about it again but I still don't like that she basically challenged me to prove her wrong in a year when I haven't eaten things I'm not supposed to eat because she thinks we all will/do because she's seen it. I'm not saying that I won't but I HAVE to condition my mind in to thinking that I WILL not give in and I WILL eat healthy. Ready my reason below. Psych visit- done. With not the greatest of visit because of misunderstanding? To me she felt like she was in my face about stuff. She asked the reasons why I eat (anxiety, sadness, alone, happy, blah blah blah) and I don't have any reasons (that I am aware of) except that the food tastes good and/or I'm hungry. So there goes up the red flag. I asked her why do I have to have a 'trigger' when I eat? Maybe I don't? I just like the taste of the food, can't it be as simple as that? She said yes but in more cases than not there is a reason why we eat. So apparently I should have lied with those questions to have made this visit not making it to where I wanted to cry and leave because she wouldn't believe me. She firmly believes I have to have some sort of 'trigger' of emotion(s) for making me eat and making me fat (ok, my word, not hers) She said the next time I go in to reach for something to eat just stop and feel what it is I'm feeling to make me realize why I want that to eat. I still call bullpoo on that. I eat what I want because it tastes good. Simple as that. And because I CAN. Another frustration was about eating junk after the surgery and I told her that I know myself well enough to know that I will want to try one mac and cheese (for instance) but if I allow myself to eat that one mac and cheese and nothing happens physically then I will think to myself that I CAN eat it and then it will eventually get to be eating too much of it and then I'll get fat again so I would rather not even TRY it in the first place. I told her that over 20 yrs ago I did cocaine for 5 months and quit cold turkey. I KNOW myself well enough that if it were in front of me now I cannot guarantee that I won't do it. This is why I don't even want to temp myself with the stuff I'm not supposed to be eating. But she adamant and telling me that I WILL most likely eat that mac and cheese but that I have to have a plan if that food is fine on my body, ie: if craving something then distract myself and do something else. Put a check mark next to that food I'm craving that I wrote down on a piece of paper. After 9 times of distraction marks I can then 'reward' myself with a little bit of that mac and cheese. I have never heard of this suggestion before and I'm not sure how I like it but will think about it. So, I didn't like her messing with my mind, that I'm trying to condition to eating healthy foods, and telling me that it's OK to try the mac and cheese. I don't care if it's 3,9, 15 times after "distractions". MY mind thinks that if I give in to that one bite of non-healthy food and don't get any physical reaction then I'll be able to eat it without limits. That's just how my mind works and that's how I got in this situation in the first place. So she let me out of the room to start the stupid 561 T/F ridiculous questionnaire my husband was finishing up his. I told him how it went, I was shaking and about ready to burst into tears and was upset at the whole thing. I had to tell her about personal things I was hoping wouldn't come up that I need therapy in on itself but was hoping none of that would affect the outcome of her decision to approve and then our "misunderstanding". She could tell I was upset because I was holding my head down, trying not to cry, and answering her questions in short. She got the clue and said she was worried about me and she sat down and we talked about it again, with my husband there. I was worried about my GAD (general anxiety disorder that is under Dr care currently), and some of the answers I gave her about my past and my family history stuff affecting her decision. I explained to her how I felt and we got it cleared up and she looked me in the eyes and told me not to worry about a thing and that we are great candidates for wls. Now she just has to 'score' the bazillian questions, with a few that I did lie on, I think, I don't know, I'm not sure, those questions are just.plain.weird. and your brain starts to fizzle out about halfway through. So now we wait. She said she'll have the papers to our surgeons office by next Monday and then surgeon's office will send on to insurance for approval that will take 3-30 days. The kids and I have a road trip to take in mid July so I'm crossing my fingers all of this can be done quickly so we can go. We did talk about my anxiety and phobia (Dr's and the unknown) because I wanted to know if she could help me with it and she recommended a workbook for me to get. I will get that soon. I told her that I may see her again to help me figure me out with this.... but not until AFTER she sends in the approved reports. We all laughed. LOL! So I think with what happened above is that my thinking is different and comprehension is different and I take things the wrong way and get upset about it which increases my anxiety and anger. I tell you, this is not fun to live with, and I have to get some help with it. I'm just not sure if she's the right person to help me. I might just have to give her a second chance. I also need to prove her wrong next year ;) lol, So now we wait.

Everyone responds differently to food/temptations. I almost feel as if your psych was generalizing. I do understand about not having a reason to eat other then you are hungry. I'm like that myself. In fact, if my emotions are messed up, I.e. Upset, angry, depressed I tend to not eat. I'm glad things turned out okay. It could also be that the psych was not the right fit for you. :) good luck and smooth sailing wishes for the rest of your wls journey.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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