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appetite weirdness

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I am curious if anybody else has experienced this. Remember the good ole days when you just didn't care much about food? You know, for most of us those first 6-12 months post op? At least for me, hunger and desire for food returned and it has taken effort (eating low carb etc) to manage it. I am going through a phase again where food doesn't interest me too much and I am almost 2 1/2 years out from surgery. I don't feel sick, I don't vomit or have physical trouble eating it is more like nothing sounds good. I went grocery shopping last night wandering the aisles for something that sounded appetizing. I came home with an avacado and coffee creamer.< /p>

I guess with all the talk of long term complications floating around it worries me. I initially associated it with some sadness over some things in life, but now I am not really so sure. I have never ever ever in my whole life lost my appetite over feeing sad or blue. My emotional state has been steadily improving and while I am eating better now it is because I am forcing myself to "eat right" not because I have much appetite.

So, I know that everyone is gonna think I am lucky, but I don't know if that is true or it is a sign of a problem. My surgeon's office has always been so helpful and supportive, but I talked to someone there earlier this week who advised me to eat more. I feel as though I didn't make my point clear, I am not worried about wasting away to nothing as I have a ways to go before THAT becomes a risk..haha... it is more like it seems odd to lose appetite like this so far out is all.

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You said you had stopped eating much for a while. The last time that happened to me, after being extremely ill, it was an absolute chore to make myself eat. I think once we get into that mode where we stopped eating enough to sustain ourselves, it's very very difficult to start eating again. I had to force myself. In fact my husband had to force me. I had to eat small quantities whether I felt like it or not. Of course than the appetite came back and I wasn't happy then either :-)

wonder if that isn't some of it with you? where your body just got used to less food and now nothing sounds good.

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I have no insight on this topic, but just wanted to add my concern for you, Jane. Hope you figure it out and it turns out to be nothing.

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Unfortunately I am only 6 mos out and I have not had large periods of time not interested in food. Ok, to be fair to myself I was about 2+ months out before I really started caring about food. But once my tummy was pretty healed and the swelling went down all I thought about was food. Not eating junk, just thinking about what I could eat, how much, different variety etc. I think my biggest problem, and when I do find myself going through the "nothing sounds good" times, is the fact I get bored with my selections. I have read recipes, bought cook books etc. But the fact is I don't cook because it is just me and my 5 year old at home. ( and she does not eat what I do for the most part) So when I do fix a new recipe I end up with a lot of leftovers. I will eat that for days or end up throwing out food. ( and I am not well off enough to throw away money) Since I am not a kitchen wiz, I do not try to figure out how to make smaller portions.. ( I can follow directions, but don't ask me to figure out changing quantities) Anyway, sometimes it leads me to the "I am not interested" feeling. But the flip side is it has lead me to the " I will eat bad things" feeling. They are there. Quick, easy and wrong. It is no wonder that there is so much obesity in this country. We work and play hard and do not want to spend vast amounts of time tied to a kitchen. ( most of us anyway) We grab quick, ready to go foods and they are not healthy for us in large part. If I were to magically win a lottery some day my first "purchase" would be a private chef. I could totally eat a healthy diet if someone else dealt with making it for me all the time!!! LOL I hope your current phase does pass soon. While I do understand, it is not good for your health not to eat enough. ( Wow, crazy idea for someone who was once overweight- right?) Take care of yourself.

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I haven't looked into how it fits in with WLS, but a lot of the Hungry Girl cookbooks seem to have very small portion recipes. That's one reason I haven't tried many myself -- I have 2 teen boys at home and believe me, they can put away some food!!! :)

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Unfortunately I am only 6 mos out and I have not had large periods of time not interested in food. Ok, to be fair to myself I was about 2+ months out before I really started caring about food. But once my tummy was pretty healed and the swelling went down all I thought about was food. Not eating junk, just thinking about what I could eat, how much, different variety etc. I think my biggest problem, and when I do find myself going through the "nothing sounds good" times, is the fact I get bored with my selections. I have read recipes, bought cook books etc. But the fact is I don't cook because it is just me and my 5 year old at home. ( and she does not eat what I do for the most part) So when I do fix a new recipe I end up with a lot of leftovers. I will eat that for days or end up throwing out food. ( and I am not well off enough to throw away money) Since I am not a kitchen wiz, I do not try to figure out how to make smaller portions.. ( I can follow directions, but don't ask me to figure out changing quantities) Anyway, sometimes it leads me to the "I am not interested" feeling. But the flip side is it has lead me to the " I will eat bad things" feeling. They are there. Quick, easy and wrong. It is no wonder that there is so much obesity in this country. We work and play hard and do not want to spend vast amounts of time tied to a kitchen. ( most of us anyway) We grab quick, ready to go foods and they are not healthy for us in large part. If I were to magically win a lottery some day my first "purchase" would be a private chef. I could totally eat a healthy diet if someone else dealt with making it for me all the time!!! LOL I hope your current phase does pass soon. While I do understand, it is not good for your health not to eat enough. ( Wow, crazy idea for someone who was once overweight- right?) Take care of yourself.

I post recipes that make 4 sleever meals because our son doesn't usually eat what we do www.twosleevers.com

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I know what you mean about appetite weirdness. I'm a little over two months out, and after I got off the pureed diet and started the soft foods, my head hunger took over, and I really craved a lot of the stuff I had been eating before. Now that I'm not restricted, I'm finding that I am getting to the point of being not really interested in what i usually ate pre-surgery. If I can't eat that big mac because I just can't fit it all in my tiny tummy, then I don't want any of it. It is really difficult going grocery shopping as well, because there is nothing that makes me want to spend time in the kitchen fixing such small portions.

I finally found a routine during the work week that is working for me. I'll drink a Premier Protein chocolate shake for Breakfast, with a cracker or two, then at lunch I'll head over to the Golden Corral buffet where I'll get one of their small take out cartons and fill it with Protein based items. They weigh it and you pay for it. The most it has cost me at one time was $2.25, and I had plenty enough left over for dinner that night and a snack the following day. The beauty of this is that they have such a wide selection of foods, and you don't have to worry about cooking. My favorite is from their salad bar, they have small pieces of steak that have been smoked in something really savory. Yummy!

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Thanks everyone for your replies and sharing your experiences. I still remember how it felt and in some ways how odd it was to not really like food in those early weeks and months. When I was transitioning to solids, I was almost a little worried... worried about over doing it, figuring out "what to eat" and all those experiences.

I am nearly 2.5 years out so it is a little different experience than for those in the early months which is why I posted to the vets forum - although i know that due to the way this site is laid out it is so easy to reply to a topic and not realize you are in the wrong forum (I accidently posted in the men's forum not that long ago I realized after the fact haha).

Anyway, i am interested in hearing from other vets since we mostly stress over managing hunger and keeping from regaining. I am curious if others have gone through this and if it seems like a sign of an actual problem or not.

I think the recent focus on long term complications has me a little concerned. I lost about 8-10 pounds in just over 2 weeks which is unheard of for me this far out. My weight has stabilized and I am making myself eat, but I really have very little drive for food. So the problem isn't that I am too thin, although my jeans are all falling off me right now, the problem is I wonder if this is common or if it is a sign that I should be scoped/seen. If I am really feeling like nothing sounds good I sometimes drive 25 minutes to my favorite restaurant and have their shrimp skewer appetizer because for some reason, that generally sounds and tastes good to me. Most restaurant food is so heavy - it's just too much and makes me feel kinda icky.

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@@CowgirlJane How long have you had this? I can't say I've experienced it, but I do know that some days I am hungrier than others for no reason at all, and I do go through periods where food has less importance to me. I also find that after a while, I am totally unmoved by what I should eat, I won't eat what I really want (cake), so nothing has appeal to me. I have to force that chicken in (or whatever it is) during those times.

I also wonder if this could be some other physical thing, totally unrelated to your sleeve. A decrease in appetite could be attributable to many other things, as is unexplained weight loss. I'm not sure your weight loss is unexplained, though, since you already said you are eating less. As for the 10 pounds you lost, it could be that some of that was Water weight since a decrease in food equal lower sodium intake, too.

Since you already spoke to your surgeons office and they didn't have any advice for you, I would go see your primary care doc. Explain your issue and hopefully he/she will have some insight and help get to the bottom of this, or do some testing and declare you healthy and send you on your way, worry free.

Edited by MichiganChic

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I've had complications but my issue is to educate patients and doctors (if they're willing, mine wasn't). What to look for, what to look out for.

I go on days and times where I'm not hungry and do the best I can, just like you. I have no care or support in the area, due to my surgeon. I actually have done better without the judgement, nagging, and negativity from the surgeon. Do I need some care, yes, but I don't want the environment he gave. He made a situation like what you're talking about worse.

I think that the emotionalism of eating is overrated. Our bodies go through changes and just because you don't feel like eating doesn't mean everything is totally emotional. It doesn't mean everyone is going to permanently go back to eating 12-18 months like they did before.

Keep monitoring, keep talking to people. We'll be supportive here in the best way we can. Keep trying your best and don't resort to everything being all in your head. You sound like you have a good mind on your shoulders and looking out for yourself. The enteric nervous system can be a funny thing. Maybe it is the problem?

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Hi Jane,

Wouldn't there be some feeling of discomfort if a stricture were the issue? I'm leaning towards what Gamergirl said: after not eating much, the stomach kinda turns off.

I have had this for short periods of time, but not for more than a couple of days at a time. Usually, it happens after I get busy and forget to eat a meal. I may have a hunger pain, but I'm too busy or where I can't get food. After those pangs go away, I don't feel hungry later and I have a hard time eating my normal amount. But it resets itself within a couple of days and I'm back to normal.

I suggest eating really bland, nutritious foods that usually agree with you and eating on a schedule for a couple of days. For me, that means yogurt, chicken, soy milk, low fat cheese, crackers instead of bread, nothing spicy or acidic and no raw veggies.


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Should be but with each one being different, it could irritate the stomach more so than anything else, pressure?

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Well, my ability to eat is returning, but my food capacity seems much less. I suspect it is the whole "eat less and you want less" at work.

My weight has stabilized and I assume that I don't have a physical problem but it has been strange... after all this time of trying to manage hunger to experience the opposite problem.

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Well, my ability to eat is returning, but my food capacity seems much less. I suspect it is the whole "eat less and you want less" at work. My weight has stabilized and I assume that I don't have a physical problem but it has been strange... after all this time of trying to manage hunger to experience the opposite problem.

I'm actually relieved to hear this. Some days I wonder if the appetite will keep increasing. This is a relief to hear

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I have actually made some of your recipes! I am just not much of a "cook"...Now baking is a whole other ballgame! ( which I no longer play...lol)

I post recipes that make 4 sleever meals because our son doesn't usually eat what we do www.twosleevers.com

Unfortunately I am only 6 mos out and I have not had large periods of time not interested in food. Ok, to be fair to myself I was about 2+ months out before I really started caring about food. But once my tummy was pretty healed and the swelling went down all I thought about was food. Not eating junk, just thinking about what I could eat, how much, different variety etc. I think my biggest problem, and when I do find myself going through the "nothing sounds good" times, is the fact I get bored with my selections. I have read recipes, bought cook books etc. But the fact is I don't cook because it is just me and my 5 year old at home. ( and she does not eat what I do for the most part) So when I do fix a new recipe I end up with a lot of leftovers. I will eat that for days or end up throwing out food. ( and I am not well off enough to throw away money) Since I am not a kitchen wiz, I do not try to figure out how to make smaller portions.. ( I can follow directions, but don't ask me to figure out changing quantities) Anyway, sometimes it leads me to the "I am not interested" feeling. But the flip side is it has lead me to the " I will eat bad things" feeling. They are there. Quick, easy and wrong. It is no wonder that there is so much obesity in this country. We work and play hard and do not want to spend vast amounts of time tied to a kitchen. ( most of us anyway) We grab quick, ready to go foods and they are not healthy for us in large part. If I were to magically win a lottery some day my first "purchase" would be a private chef. I could totally eat a healthy diet if someone else dealt with making it for me all the time!!! LOL I hope your current phase does pass soon. While I do understand, it is not good for your health not to eat enough. ( Wow, crazy idea for someone who was once overweight- right?) Take care of yourself.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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