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June 2007 Bandsters

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AAAAHHHH, my incisions are SOOOO ITCHY!!!!! OK...Got THAT off my chest...

KT: So good to hear from you. I'm glad you're doing well. Last night I could sleep on my tummy too!! BLISS!!!

Toni & KT: It is such a strange feeling...wanting to eat, but KNOWING you just can't. I haven't had any strong urges, but this morning, I felt SO GREAT when I got out of bed, I grabbed my Protein Shake and started drinking away...and dang if it didn't get backed up and emptied out s-l-o-w-l-y. It's learning how to eat all over again. So hard to wrap our heads around...but we'll do it :)

Suzzzie: I love the idea of naming the band!!! Now my creative juices are flowing! I don't think my name will be as sweet as yours tho. If I had to picture my band as a person, I would envision a BIG bald bouncer outside of a bar...not letting in the "rif-raf" or too many people. So, I may name it Bubba or Butch...he can keep my tummy from going beyond capacity so everyone inside has a good time! ;) hehehe If friends want me to over indulge, I can just say, "sorry, Bubba say's we're full to capacity at this time!" LOL....ok I'm really getting into this now!!

Lucy: sleeping is a little difficult at first, but in no time, you'll be back on your tummy. I've seen several people post that they slept in a recliner the first couple of nights. Maybe that would help.

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It is so great to hear from everyone! I tell ya, as a newbie here, it is hard to keep up with everyone. Heck, this group needs their own board since there are so many great people and good conversations here! ;)

As for me, I'm on my pre-pre-surgery diet. I don't actually start my pre-surgery diet until the 14th, but I've started eating really healthy this week and have cut out all my usual suspects (fried foods, fattening stuff, etc.).

This weekend I'm going to start playing with the Protein Drinks and figure out how I can make them taste decent. Anyone have some good recipes to share? The more variety the better! LOL

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Hi everyone,

What a great thread this is. I signed in a while back but have been so busy with life I haven't been keeping up the way I should. I spent the last hour or so catching up with everyone.

Tomorrow is the day for me. I am a little bit nervous, excited and/or scared but ready to get on with the next portion of my life. I am so tired of being tired all the time.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.


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It is so great to hear from everyone! I tell ya, as a newbie here, it is hard to keep up with everyone. Heck, this group needs their own board since there are so many great people and good conversations here! ;)

As for me, I'm on my pre-pre-surgery diet. I don't actually start my pre-surgery diet until the 14th, but I've started eating really healthy this week and have cut out all my usual suspects (fried foods, fattening stuff, etc.).

This weekend I'm going to start playing with the Protein drinks and figure out how I can make them taste decent. Anyone have some good recipes to share? The more variety the better! LOL


While I haven't had my procedure yet, I've started trying different Protein Shakes. I've even tried the Carnation Instant Breakfast in the boxes...not my favorite. This morning I tried a Boost High Protein Strawberry...has 15g. of protein. I liked the flavor...and can imagine turning it into a smoothie with some ff yogurt, strawberries and maybe even some raspberries or peaches...but to keep the seeds out of the mix would probably just add the yogurt and peaches.

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Hey does everyone own a scale. I don't own one because I really didn't want to know how much I used to weigh. It used to depress me. Now that I have already lost 19 pounds through pre-op I am wondering if I should purchase a scale. Any suggestions.

I have a Weight Watchers scale that I bought from Wal-Mart a few years back. I really like it and it's pretty accurate to what the surgeons office says I weigh. It goes up to 380 pounds too, which is good since I'm in that range. Haha.

Suzzzie: I love the idea of naming the band!!! Now my creative juices are flowing! I don't think my name will be as sweet as yours tho. If I had to picture my band as a person, I would envision a BIG bald bouncer outside of a bar...not letting in the "rif-raf" or too many people. So, I may name it Bubba or Butch...he can keep my tummy from going beyond capacity so everyone inside has a good time! ;) hehehe If friends want me to over indulge, I can just say, "sorry, Bubba say's we're full to capacity at this time!" LOL....ok I'm really getting into this now!!

Lucy: sleeping is a little difficult at first, but in no time, you'll be back on your tummy. I've seen several people post that they slept in a recliner the first couple of nights. Maybe that would help.

Toni! I LOVE your names! Thats very creative!!

Also, on sleeping positions: I'm SUCH a side sleeper...or rather I sleep on my LEFT side all the time. Last Novemeber I got a tattoo on my left upper arm and it was so tender for about a week that I ouldn't sleep on my left side. I started sleeping on my right side. Then in March I got a tattoo on the back of my right shoulder, so I went back to sleeping on my left side.

I cannot sleep on my back or tummy because of back problems. So I guess I'll be spending a couple of nights in my recliner. Haha.

Can't wait to hear from todays newly banded bunch!

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Hello all,

I sent my first posting to the introduction thread, and read there that this was the place to be if you have a June date. I'm scheduled for next Wednesday, have started my pre-op diet, and yes, I'm getting nervous. My husband has been very supportive, and my dear and darling daughter is coming into town for a few days to hold my hand.

My weight issues have haunted me all of my life, and I found it especially trickey to raise a daughter into adulthood trying my damndest not to pass eating issues on to her. She is now 29, an athlete, and does have a few issues. I'm blameing those on the media! So it is a huge treat to have her offer to be by my side next week.

Thanks for all of you who have posted your experiences. I'm getting a lot out of them.


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MM...sorry you're itchy! I've not had that problem (yet!) but I'd LOVE for my steristrips to fall off so I can scrub my belly and get off the sticky tape residue from the bandages. Teeheehee.

Lucy...I'm still sleeping on my back, and sometimes my side. Guess it's getting better!

OK...I'm just going to come out and ask! Are you banded people having bowel movements? Does Protein powder slow things down so to speak?

How's that for the question of the day????



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AAAAHHHH, my incisions are SOOOO ITCHY!!!!! OK...Got THAT off my chest...

KT: So good to hear from you. I'm glad you're doing well. Last night I could sleep on my tummy too!! BLISS!!!

Toni & KT: It is such a strange feeling...wanting to eat, but KNOWING you just can't. I haven't had any strong urges, but this morning, I felt SO GREAT when I got out of bed, I grabbed my Protein shake and started drinking away...and dang if it didn't get backed up and emptied out s-l-o-w-l-y. It's learning how to eat all over again. So hard to wrap our heads around...but we'll do it :)

Suzzzie: I love the idea of naming the band!!! Now my creative juices are flowing! I don't think my name will be as sweet as yours tho. If I had to picture my band as a person, I would envision a BIG bald bouncer outside of a bar...not letting in the "rif-raf" or too many people. So, I may name it Bubba or Butch...he can keep my tummy from going beyond capacity so everyone inside has a good time! ;) hehehe If friends want me to over indulge, I can just say, "sorry, Bubba say's we're full to capacity at this time!" LOL....ok I'm really getting into this now!!

Lucy: sleeping is a little difficult at first, but in no time, you'll be back on your tummy. I've seen several people post that they slept in a recliner the first couple of nights. Maybe that would help.

MM...sorry you're itchy! I've not had that problem (yet!) but I'd LOVE for my steristrips to fall off so I can scrub my belly and get off the sticky tape residue from the bandages. Teeheehee.

Lucy...I'm still sleeping on my back, and sometimes my side. Guess it's getting better!

OK...I'm just going to come out and ask! Are you banded people having bowel movements? Does Protein Powder slow things down so to speak?

How's that for the question of the day????



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Hello all,

I sent my first posting to the introduction thread, and read there that this was the place to be if you have a June date. I'm scheduled for next Wednesday, have started my pre-op diet, and yes, I'm getting nervous. My husband has been very supportive, and my dear and darling daughter is coming into town for a few days to hold my hand.

My weight issues have haunted me all of my life, and I found it especially trickey to raise a daughter into adulthood trying my damndest not to pass eating issues on to her. She is now 29, an athlete, and does have a few issues. I'm blameing those on the media! So it is a huge treat to have her offer to be by my side next week.

Thanks for all of you who have posted your experiences. I'm getting a lot out of them.


Welcome ML! I've got your same concerns with my two daughters, and they're not even in Kindergarten yet....I've got to get this under control...we're in this together, Sweets! Glad you have such a great family!!!


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ML, nice to meet you! That is wonderful about your daughter coming in for your procedure! I work for the media, to an extent...a local paper...but I agree...the images most media puts out gives our girls bad impressions of what the "ideal" look is...and it scares me with my 3 year old. Luckily her perceptions of women right now are mommy, ninny (my mom), her aunts, and Dora. : )

Best of luck!!

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hey bigsexy! whats the ap band?

Hello Dini, I'm not BigSexy, but I'll answer your question.

Seven posts above this one from you on page 41 was the below explanation about the AP band, I hope it helps!


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Terranne viewpost.gif

What is the AP band?


From page 13 of this thread:

For those asking about the AP band<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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AP Band information:

Here's the link to a thread in Dr. Curry's Forum about his experiences with the AP band, it explains more about the band and it's differences. There were 50 or so surgeons in the US who got the AP on an early release (out of about 1,000 Band surgeons in the US).

Trace W. Curry, M.D. :: View topic - New AP band

And here's a link to a thread on here about it, I spoke with "the band guy" at Allergan about the AP band a couple of times. Though he of course cannot make any reccommendations one way or the other about whether one should ask for the AP, he did provide me with a lot of useful info. Allergan is NOT discontinuing their other bands at this time. All will still be available, they all work well. As a side note, the AP has been being placed for quite some time now in Australia and Canada, it is just being released in the US in June. There is a learning curve (small) for surgeons and from what I've heard they will need to upsize some of their instruments in order to pass the new AP band through them.

the new LAP-BAND AP (Advanced Platform)

Hope this helps!

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Toni, Good question. Your problem is probably not the Protein Shakes. It is probably the medicine you are on. I haven't had a problem being two days out. You may want to get some stool softner. Docusate sodium. Colace is the brand name. Though the brand is very expensive. It also comes in liquid form. If I remember right you are on hydrocodone and that is very constipating. I am a pharmacy technician so I know a few things about it.

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OK...I'm just going to come out and ask! Are you banded people having bowel movements? Does Protein powder slow things down so to speak?

How's that for the question of the day????



Hmmm, well, I haven't had bowl movements per-say. I've been on a liquid diet since May 24th so, all that comes out is liquid (sorry to be gross) but it does come out.

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Unfortunately, my doctor will not have the AP band until September. :faint:They asked if I wanted to wait. I said an emphatical NOPE! I'll take the old band!

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This weekend I'm going to start playing with the Protein drinks and figure out how I can make them taste decent. Anyone have some good recipes to share?

I've come to realize that I'll probably never like a powder-based shake again. With recent sales I don't really need to, either. I am in love with all of the Atkins flavored shakes, as well as the Boost! protien-rich ones. I got them on sale today (the Boost) for $1/each. At first I was worried about $ with buying all these liquid shakes instead of protien, then my stupid self remembered spending $50 a day on takeout and decided spending $1.50-$2.00 on a shake isn't going to kill me. :-)

I'd really recommend the atkins shakes. I haven't had a bad one yet.

As for the Isopure. I think they taste good but they have a STRANGE aftertaste. I got a 1 gallon jug and mixed together 1/3 ice, 1/3 pre-made crystal light iced tea (or lemonade), and 1/3 the clear Isopure Protein Drink (with 40 grams protein). It's 100% tolerable to me that way and keeps me going on this pre-op diet I'm on!!

You shouldn't wait until after surgery to try out all of these shakes. You'll want to make sure you have a nice stock of the ones you actually enjoy on-hand after surgery. :-)


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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