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June 2007 Bandsters

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Well guess what. I need to get rebanded. All I have been doing is throwing up for months. I didn't know that was not normal for a bander. I went to the surgeon and he told me I need a bigger band. I have a 4cc band with no Fluid in it and I eat crap all the time because that is all that goes through the band. I have gained 12 pounds back. I guess I am lucky it is only 12. I have a real hard time eating food. Some times I think it is a waste of money for me to eat and just throw it up. I will let you guys know what is going on as it happens. I hope all the rest of you are doing well.

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Haven't been on here in ages. Just found the web site again and it is really interesting reading up on how everyone is doing. I was banded June 6, 2007.

I am still losing, but it is so slow. Not even a pound a month lately. I was at 267 at my first Dr. visit. I am now at 182. I feel so much better.

One thing I notice, no matter how much I lose, I still see my self the same as before the weight loss. When people tell me I look so much better I have to admit that to me I will always look the same.

I have had trouble with being too full. I was up to 8 cc's in a 10 cc pouch. I had to have some removed, down to 5 cc. Now I am up to 7 cc again, but have started having trouble with acid reflux. I think I need to have some more removed again.

I was wondering, has anyone had trouble with lower back pain when they are too full. I seem too get a numbness achy lower back pain when I am too full. Is it just in my head or has someone else noticed this.

It is so nice to read all this now and see that others are having the same troubles that I am having.

Hope to hear more of all of you.

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Hi everyone. I notice we all kinda fell off this site. Just wanna post to share my journey so far.

I was banded June 15, 2007. I was eating right and exercising and within 11 months had lost right at 100 pounds. Unfortunately, around that same time I was having horrible indigestion. I was literally living on sips of Water and a couple crackers a day for about 2 weeks because everything burned my esophagus so badly. I broke down and got 1cc out of my band... which was my total downfall! I needed the unfill, no doubt about that, but imidiately after, when I felt better and could eat something without my throat flaming I went for ice cream (This was also on my birthday). So that was the slippery slope. I could eat again, without pain, and I ate all the wrong things. I was embarrassed to go back for a slight fill cause I had gained about 10 pounds in a month. That month turned into 2 1/2 years. That 10 pounds turned into 100 pounds. I gained back all but 8 pounds that I had lost.

I went in for a fill today, because I did NOT get the band just to remain fat! The nurse practitioner (who is also a personal trainer!) did a barium swallow on me and learned that my pouch was enlarged. So, devastatingly, we took out all but 1cc of Fluid. I go back in 3 weeks for another barium swallow to see if my pouch is all fixed, at that time I can start the fill process all over again.

So, here I sit, with a wide open band... I have to tell you it is somewhat nice to have a break and be able to eat stuff I haven't had in 3 1/2 years. However, I'm TERRIFIED to live for 3 weeks without my band!!

I am re-commiting myself to the lap band and am going to lose weight and keep it off this time.

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Banded 6/5/07. Started at 304 got down to 218 April 10, had a small problemacid reflux, heartburn, got a few cc taken out. Discovered I can eat junk again and bam. Weight got back up to 249 Jan. 11. So back on the band wagon. Started Jan 15,11 lost down to 238. . Got up yesterday morning had my usual coffee, at 10:30 drank my Protein Shake. Went to movies yesterday with family ate 1 cup of salted cashews (bad I know now) drank 1 bottle flavored water. Went to Ruby Tuesdays with family they ate their food, I ate one Atkins Protein Bar had 2 glasses of Water. Came home and my tummy was aching. Sat on toilet for 30 min (LOL). Swear I lost 10 lbs. (wishful thinking LOL). Got on the scale and I was back up 4 lbs. I am thinking what the heck how is this possible in less than 24 hrs i have gained 4 lbs. The other site I post on basically told me the same thing salty cashews (dang them nuts!) Water weight. So as of this morning, I weighed and it is 240.5. So all i can say is I am here for support. It has been almost 4 years. It has been hard. I like everyone else have learned to use the sliders (emotional foods) when things get icky in life. I am going to give it my all again.

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okay i want to be honest. this is the only way i am gonna be a free and in control. as of jan 14th i was at 249. i had actually gained 32 lbs. i was at 217 last april when i got my 2 cc unfill. i was ashamed but, i feel like ppl on here feel my pain and understand. no one i mean no one except you guys know this thruth. my family and freinds was told i gained 17 lbs. where 17 came from who knows. LOL. I got down to 238 sunday morning. had an episode on sunday with nuts i guess and gained back up to 242. read my post about this. but this morning back down to 240. i am happy with this. it is my journey, i am gonna call and get a fill tomorrow. because i feel i need it, i am ready to not hurt my self with food. meaning overeating, using slider foods with liquids. i will let you all know how it goes and thank you for being my support team. we all can do this. we gotta use mind over want. with God all things are possible and i chose to not let food control me.


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This Is Gonna Be My Quote For Life!!

It's not important how far away your goal is -

just that you're moving toward it.:rolleyes:

237 and am so excited. That is 12 since Jan. 15, 2011. I have decided that I will go get 1 cc (I had 4 taken out last April). I will go next Friday. I feel like the one will help me. I know I do not ever want to be sick like I was last year. I was desperate going into my 3 rd year anniv. I paid for that. No more speedy go fast marathon. I am choosing to go steady. I have also learned to stay away from high sodium stuff. Weight gain galore. Bought the biggest loser juliann Protein choc. powder, had it last night. Very good. I did 1 cup ice, 1 scoop Protein Powder, 1 tbsp p.nut butter, 1/2 cup 1% milk and 1/2 cup Water. I am proud of my self.

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Hi all! I was banded on June 11, 2007. I started out at 278 and lost down to 227. I am now back up to 258. There have been alot of struggles in between. It started early on when my job went to self insured in July of 07 (one month after my surgery) leaving me with no coverage for my band. I didn't go to follow ups regularly because I couldn't afford it. In November of 2009 I had a complete unfill because of dilation. In July of 2010, my husband added me to his insurance so that I could get coverage for the band. I called to set up an appointment with my doctor, the soonest they could see me was in October. I took it and went in October only to be told that he wouldn't give me a fill but my esophagus had healed and he wanted me to start the band rules over without the fill for awhile. Since then, my doctor has closed his practice here and opened another 3 hours away. I found a great doctor a hour away and he is willing to work with me but last month, my husband got laid off his job and I have lost insurance again. Anyway, I am taking some of our tax money and going this Friday to get a fill, hopefully. I am so ready to get back on track and I have been trying really hard to follow the band rules. This past few years have been a roller coaster ride with this band. If I could do it again, I would go a different route. I'm just looking for some support now and someone to tell me that all is not lost and I can still achieve weight loss with this band.

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Want To Be Thin - Glad you like my quote. Lol. I'm not sure where I got it, but its sooooo true!

I just posted in the general forum, but I am now back up to 381. I believe I was 382 the day of my surgery.

Starting this past January I was getting fills and going good, got down into the 350s...but that obviously didn't last long.

I'm devastated. I just cna't seem to give up the sweets and laziness...

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Suzzzie. You are NOT alone! I am heavier than I was at banding! I currently back to my highest weight ever (had actually weighed more than that for a while). I eat WAY less and way better than I did prior to banding. I know I still eat too much, but I eat at least half of what I used to. I am beyond frustrated. I haven't gone for more fills because I have reflux (I never did before the band). I have no interest in RNY nor sleeve, nor any other kind of surgery. I guess I just have to learn to accept that this band wasn't the tool I hoped it would be and be as healthy as possible as the fat person I am. We are who we are!

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Wow it's been along time since I've been on here! Out of the blue lapbandtalk sent me notifactons for the first time in along time today. Anyhow, 4 years after getting this lapband thing I could honestly say I wish I had gone with the gastric bypass! It seems everyday is different. Somedays I can eat somedays I can't. What the hell right? I just wish this thing was consistent!!!!!!! I guess we all just have to hang in there!!!!!

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Hey guys!!! Glad to see some activity on our ol' board!! I too struggled with the band, especially year #2. Constant emergency unfills and an evasive perfect fill, and threats of having to reposition my band due to mushrooming. In my Quest for a tight band, I am sure I overtightened and damaged it. I lost 60 pounds total before I decided to get an unfill to allow for healing of the band tissue, and gained back almost all I had lost in a short amount of time. Cause: "normal" eating.

I remember Nutrisystem from the 80's when my mom worked in a clinic, so I picked up the card for 35 days worth at costco. It's been 16 months (started day after Mother's Day 2010) and I am just now getting the "mindset" of a healthy eater. The band does not teach us to eat. I like Nutrisystem's low glycemic, high Protein, high Fiber approach to eating. I participate on the Nutrisystem chat room and discussion boards and even one of the latest challenges, Biggest Loser!! I LOVE it. If anyone would like to come over to Nutrisystem, look me up (DancingWaters) for encouragement, support, gentle kicks in the butt, whatever. I currently have about 2 cc in my band....I call it "my little friend" (Scarface voice) and it reminds me it's there when I eat carrots!! Even though I could feel I failed the band, blah blah, I refuse to think like that. I just think it was one step on the journey to a new me.

I am currently 220 pounds, halfway to my goal of a total loss of 130. Since I bounced back on the lapband, all this loss is 16 months of hard work on Nutrisystem plan. I now use my own food and eat according to their guidelines. I often order some items ala carte for convenience and I love their fudge graham bars after a chef salad lunch, but for the most part I don't spend any money. I have a ways to go but I have ROCK hard determination!!

You can use any healthy weight loss plan (I like to say eating plan that results in weight loss because I LOVE TO EAT), but you gotta challenge yourself! This is key. No matter what the goal, to walk twice a week or rid your kitchen of fatty foods, just get 'r done!!

Hugs to all. Don't give up on yourselves. You deserve to be healthy.

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Wow! My story is that I never lost weight. The people taking my weight at the doctor's office looked puzzled but no one tried to look further into it. A few months after my surgery the doctor increased the fill prices and I could not afford them.

I was left with a huge credit card bill; I would have been happier with a Tummy Tuck. I wish I had not done it. I was so hopeful.

I am now a health and wellness counselor; I offer my clients nutritional and emotional support while they get healthy and a big "side effect" is weight loss. I'm becoming healthier and losing weight too.

I wish you all the best.

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I got a six year notification and somehow tracked down this thread. I hope someone else finds it and posts too.

Until last week, I hadn't been to the doctor since 2008. I got sudden pain and finally went back. Luckily it wasn't a slip, but my stomach was so swollen, I had to get an unfill and am on liquids.

I would say I'm not a success or a failure. I think I'm glad I got the band, but I kept it too tight for too long, and throwing up became the norm. I still weigh about 25kg/56pounds less than when I was banded. That's maybe only 40% of my goal weight. I sort of gave up and just ate junk food when I wanted (which was often) and I always have Hot drinks with meals so I can eat more. I just never seem to have the willpower to cut out bad food and exercise and follow band rules. I think those who reach their goal weight have really earned it.

If I'm honest, I've only maintained this loss because I have an overactive thyroid too. Still, I guess I'm glad I got the band. If I hadn't, I'm sure I would have gained serious amounts of weight to which would prevent me from working and travelling. As it is, I can go on plane trips, buy clothes, work.

I am due to get a total thyroidectomy very soon, and putting on weight is the norm apparently. So I will definitely get my band filled again - just not to such a high level. I really hope some more of you post back. I'm afraid the success rates for bands doesn't seem to be very high.

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Hi all I haven't been in the place in a while. I have managed to keep about 60lbs off but still not at my goal. At a doctor's (primary care) visit last week, he told me that I had gained 10 lbs over 2 years. That didn't surprise me - I had allowed other life matters get me off of workout schedule, drink more wine and I definitely noticed the difference in my clothes. I immediately got back to the gym (even bought a weighted hula hoop) but the glass of wine after work is still kinda habit/addiction. I go through spurts of eating well and spurts of eating junk.

I haven't had much,if any, trouble with my band. I don't visit the doctor often but I am contemplating another fill, given the weight gain.

This is life's work fa real!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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