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June 2007 Bandsters

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If you gag to get it up then it's a PB. Your stomach still sees it as vomiting, and it's hard on your band. Try to avoid it!! Lol.

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lol Rhonda! That's too funny :(

I've only pb'd more since this last fill. I have a hard time adjusting to eating slow enough for this one. I can go days or even a week or two without a PB. And then some days are just horrid.

In the beginning of this fill I would pb at least once a day. It was more rare to not have a day where I pb'd.

I probably just compound the issue because I don't go back to liquids or mushies for a day. I need to make that a practice to allow any swelling to go down.


B - 1/2 egg, 1/4c hash brown

S - 1/2 slice cheese

L - cheesy shrimp casserole w/ egg noodles (about 1/2 cup), 1/4c broccoli w/ cheese (I HEART cheese!!)

D - who knows yet - I'm going to Jimmy Buffet concert and working one of the margarita stands; I'll probably forage at a concession stand.

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!

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JIMMY BUFFET!!! Lol. That sounds like fun!!!

I got up this morning at 6am and drove into the city to do the AIDS walk. 5K. I never expected so many people!! There were HUNDREDS. It was so cool. I figured that with that many people walking that we'd go really slow and take forever to finish all 3 miles... but even with the kids ans strollers there, we finished in an hour, so about 20 minutes per mile. That's not too bad! By the end of it my right hip was achy... but I made it.

After I signed in, I walked around to the sponser tents and got myself signed up for the AIDS bicycling challenge. It's not until Oct, so I'm absolutely positive that I'll be able to do at least the minimum 10 miles. Lol. ANd the guys at the tent said that starting in July or Aug they will start scheduling a few training rides, so it should be fun. I'm excited!! Lol.

I've never done an organized walk before, so this was a cool experience for me. Now I'm looking for the next one I can do. Lol. There is a Heart walk on May 31, but I'll be out of town...

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Well, Rhonda maybe it is in the name. I am doing awful also. It has finally gotten warm here and I pulled out my shorts from last year thinking they would be baggy. No such luck. They fit the same as last year. I am so disappointed with myself. I have lost some weight but not any inches. I guess it was all from the inside. Some people tell me that I have been looking better but it is the people who only see me about once a month. I am not that good at the exercise or diet thing. I am a huge junk food junkie. The only exercise I really like is walking. I have been trying to do that a few times a week since the weather has cooperated lately.

Don't feel too bad about yourself, you are not alone!!!!

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Suzz, I don't technically gag when I PB slime....I just open my mouth and out it comes..almost in one big blob! I *know some of you know what I'm talking about! Guess the jury is still out on whether that constitutes a real PB! It can't be bad...or hurt my band, right? It's just like a clogged drain backing up Fluid into the sink....errr....technically!

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I was just reading past posts on the theory that some of the struggling bansters don't post like we used too! Well I am truly proof of that, it's been a long time since I last posted. It's good to see some familiar names though and I wonder why I stayed away when you are the best support there is! You may not remember me but I was banded on June 1st 2007, I was 101kg's (222lbs) then and am currently 81.9kgs (180lbs)... my goal is 73kg's (160lbs).

To cut a long story short, I'm not completely unhappy with my banding since I haven't put any of the weight I lost back on... in fact, that is really quite amazing BUT... I am not at goal and I have been the same weight for well over 6 months! I have 9cc in a 10cc band and can still pretty much eat whatever I want, if I eat too fast and don't chew then I'm in trouble and will slime and throw up however if I chew, chew, chew I still seem to be able to eat loads??? I know I have to try harder but I don't know whether I've got sufficient restriction or not... I've booked in for another .5cc fill on Tuesday but not sure if this is the right thing to do? I really need to get motivated and just loose the weight, I know that it's "just a tool" but I really thought it would be a bit easier, I thought I'd be full after 3/4 of a cup?!

I am really inspired to see that so many of you are doing so well :-)

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Suzz, I don't technically gag when I PB slime....I just open my mouth and out it comes..almost in one big blob! I *know some of you know what I'm talking about! Guess the jury is still out on whether that constitutes a real PB! It can't be bad...or hurt my band, right? It's just like a clogged drain backing up Fluid into the sink....errr....technically!

Our bodies are designed to take food and liquids in one direction only. If it's coming back out of your mouth, there is SOME kind of force behind it. The law of physics...inertia...momentum...the initial action inside you starts where? Has to be your stomach, from what I understand.

On the flip side, I do know what you are talking about...have experienced it several times. It is not the same as trying to get unstuck, per se. It is gentler.

It's still a PB, girlfriend! :huh2:

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To cut a long story short, I'm not completely unhappy with my banding since I haven't put any of the weight I lost back on... in fact, that is really quite amazing BUT... I am not at goal and I have been the same weight for well over 6 months! I have 9cc in a 10cc band and can still pretty much eat whatever I want, if I eat too fast and don't chew then I'm in trouble and will slime and throw up however if I chew, chew, chew I still seem to be able to eat loads??? I know I have to try harder but I don't know whether I've got sufficient restriction or not... I've booked in for another .5cc fill on Tuesday but not sure if this is the right thing to do? I really need to get motivated and just loose the weight, I know that it's "just a tool" but I really thought it would be a bit easier, I thought I'd be full after 3/4 of a cup?!

I am really inspired to see that so many of you are doing so well :-)

Yes, I remember you! And welcome back! I have a few questions for you to maybe get you thinking, since you seem to want feedback here. Nothing I have to say or ask is any revelation to anyone, I'm sure. But you say you can eat "loads"...what if you stopped halfway short of that? Would you still be hungry? My thinking is that the answer is no, but that you are used to eating more. What say you just choose not to do that anymore? Isn't that an emotional action, to keep eating the full amount? Also, have you kept a food diary, and tracked macronutrients (online is easy) to be sure you are eating healthy? Until I tracked my diet, I only THOUGHT I knew what I was putting in my mouth over the course of a day. After several months, I stopped...pretty much knowing what things amounted to at that point. And lastly, are you exercising? Without it, I think your chances of making goal are slim to none. Are there folks here who did it without exercise? Of course. There are folks who never need a fill, too. They are the exception, and not the rule. I'm certainly no exception...I have to exercise my butt off to get anywhere. Expecting the band to do it all by itself really is no more logical than us taking diet pills before the band and not exercising...thinking it was our "miracle". Making goal for most will involve a combination of good diet and adequate exercise. The recommendation by the govt. has risen...now it is 30 minutes minimum cardio for FIVE or more days a week. Also, it is important to understand that if you are comfortable walking for that time, then it is likely not enough. Exercise should occur just outside your comfort zone...you should push the envelope to make a real difference. Now before anyone screams at me, I'm not even remotely suggesting that you hurt yourselves. Know your limits, and meet them head on so that you can expand them. For most folks I know on here, walking is not gonna get it. Most I know of on here are physically able to do more. Walking is great and has enormous benefits, it's just not enough in most cases. And of course, you all know what I think about resistance training...IT IS ESSENTIAL AND IS THE BEST THING TO INCREASE YOUR FAT BURNING ABILITY AND RESHAPE YOUR BODY! :w00t:

Well, I wrote another book again, huh? LOL I certainly hope you will continue posting again! It is a great place, as you say! Let us encourage you! No matter what you do, I wish you well as you continue on your journey!

Take care! :huh2:

Edited by TexasFire67

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Ahh, I love our exercise guru Stef! Lol.

KT - I DO remember you, and everytime I see the VERY FIRST post on this thread! You were the starter of our group!!

So, you've lost 42 pounds... and have 20 pounds left. Thats NOT bad!!! You are 2/3 to your goal!! I'm less than halfway to my goal. Sure... I've lost 100 pounds... but that doesn't mean a whole lot. THe more you have to lose the faster it comes off, initially. Once you get closer to goal your body naturally slows down. You have to fight harder to get it off, because it is our bodys' natural response to try to hold on to the stored fat for times of famine... which isn't likely to occur anytime soon with a McD's and Buffets on every stinkin corner!!

I can't tell you what to do... but I can tell you what I do...

I don't ever drink soda (or pop, cola, coke.. whatever you call it.) I never eat fast food - no food from a drive through window or such, only sit down resurants with waiters are allowed. I drink 64oz Water, minimum... and otherwise only drink low calorie beverages with less than 50 calories per 8oz serving. (exception: I will drink OJ from time to time, but I do dilute it with water first.)

I'm NOT good lately with food or exercise... which MIGHT have something to do with the slow scale. But when I was losing weight at a steady pace I was counting calories, eating 1000 - 1500 a day (adjusted to amount of calories burned during physical activity. So a lazy day would only get me 1000 cals, and walking 3-5 miles or spending more than an hour in the gym would get me 1500 cals.)

I'm BAD BAD BAD with sweets. I could SERIOUSLY live on sweets alone. Ice cream, Cookies, chocolate!! Lol. On March 17... or around there, I banned ICE CREAM until my birthday with is May 12. And ya know what? Not eating ice cream every day has made my scale start moving a bit! Still need to work on the cookies and chocolate addiction... one thing at a time though.

My point is... you KNOW where your weak spots are. Just put an end to them! If I still ate ice cream and McD or Taco Bell everyday, I'd have not lost very much at all.

And you might have your doc do a barium swollow. If you are at 9cc in a 10cc band and are still able to eat "loads" then there is a chance that you've stretched your pouch. Hang in there.

Move more, eat less. Change your mind, change your life. It really does work!!

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Yeah. I'm totally spamming on our lil thread here...

I'm doing the March of Dimes / March for Babies walk next Sunday 5/4/08... If you are able, I'd appreciate a donation.


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KT Welcome back! I have not been posting as much as Stef, Suzzie and Rhonda, not sure if it is the motivation or time, but I am back to trying to keep involved because all of us are motivation to each other! I have been at the same weight for the longest time. I go back to the doc in 2 weeks and would love to be under 190!

Rhonda huntersmom, I had the same short experience! I have 2 pair of size 16 shorts that were snug last summer and I thought for sure they would fall off, nope! Now they are looser, but still wearable...YUK!

Suzzzie I did a walk this weekend too, for MS. It was only 3 miles, but fun. Good for you...two weeks in a row. I am already sponsoring a person for the march of dimes... sorry.

Rhonda I hear your frustration, I feel the same way. I got on the scale after eating hardly anything yesterday and I am up a lb instead of hoping down! I am so P____ed! I know the TOM is around the corner, but still, it really sucks. But after reading stefs words of wisdom, I agree with all she said. I know that the band is only part of the plan, I need to get my butt to the gym! I know you all have heard me say it over and over, not sure what my stubborn Irish A-- is all about?????

Well, off to work. Rain and cold here in Virginia,yuk, but it is a work day which all is good!! Have a great day.

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Hi again :-)

Thanks for the encouragment everyone, I was really motivated yesterday and went for a huge power walk and was really good with my eating all day! I'm off to the doctor today so will speak to him about whether I really need a small fill or whether I just need to get a better attitude!

Thanks again

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Jimmy Buffet was awesome!!!! The people there were so much fun (and soooooo drunk). I was covered in margarita!! We made about $1200 for the high school band.

We did Edgefest yesterday. It's an all day heavy rock concert w/ 19 bands!! Holy cow!!!!! Much different group there (not to mention how much pot I could smell). It was a beating - spent 6 hours there; other people handled the rest of the day. We will make about $3k for the band on that one!

Next weekend - I get to do beer taps for Kenny Chesney :rolleyes: I'm looking forward to that one!

Welcome back Kt999!!!! I think of you everytime I come in here since you are the first poster and have wondered how you've been!

Hope you all had a great weekend. I took the day off to recover from two concerts in a row!


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This is just a reminder.

I'm walking in the March of Dimes March for Babies this SUnday, May 4th. With the love and support of my family I've already exceeded my initial goal of $100. Now I'm aspiring to reach $200. Think of the babies.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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