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June 2007 Bandsters

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Hey! Yeah! Suzzzie is right! Just look at your dang ticker! You are rockin' the band, girlfriend! Pat yourself on the back!

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I went for a fill last week ~ I'm use to it being tight in the morning, but Damn! I was fine for the first several days and then the past few days it has been tight to drink my Protein Shake. By afternoon it loosens and by evening I think I can eat anything again (especially the crap foods). I hate to go have an unfill (my doc is 3 hours away). It isn't causing severe pain or anything. I do get discomfort when I eat regular foods, but I think I'm just eating too fast again. I'm trying to stick to Soups and easy stuff during the day (at work) and then I eat regular foods at home. I don't want to risk major problems while I'm at work. Any advice? Today I didn't have any problems with my morning Protein Drink. Does anyone find that stress causes tightening? I'm a high school special ed teacher and I can't wait until June ~ if that tells you anything.

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Stress causing tightening?

Let's put it like this, when my 18 year old comes around and mentions boys.... I start sliming in the sink.

Happens everytime. She was the one who noticed this. When she starts stressing me out...I slime like the dickens.

You are in a pickle as getting a slight unfill may cause your non restrictive part of the day to be so loose you will eat too much. Yet, you find yourself not able to even drink at one point of the day.

If this were me, I'd take some more time to figure this out and not run for an unfill. Just simply ...don't eat or drink when you are really restricted. And when you are looser, just be mindful of what you are consuming.

Even though I'm on maintenance, I still find myself able to eat/drink easier at certain times of the day.

Keep us posted on your progress as you are doing so well.

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Suzzzie, I am one of those lurkers. I really haven't had much to say. I am on a real bad junk food kick. Easter time is my favorite candy time of year. I will be really glad when it is all gone. I think I am eating more of the kids candy than the kids are. I love chocolate. I know I have gained 4 lbs back. It could be more but I do not weigh myself at home. I was thinking maybe we all could do a junk food free challenge or something like that. I need something to get me off the junk food.

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Lurker---checking in!!!!

I've been doing well--as you know I read daily.....I agree--don't get the unfill yet.

Stress does tighten up my band...I just sit still and let it release

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Okay so you got me, I am a lurker. I make sure that I keep up on all the postings. I usually do not have much to say but today I will share. After months and months of going to the doctor and them not wanting to give me a fill I finally got my second fill yesterday. They only put 3/4 of a cc in so I am not very optimistic. The last time I had a fill I had to go back in a few days later and have half of it removed because of the pain I was in and how much weight I lost in those few days. In the last 7 weeks I have only lost 9 pounds. The doctors had me trying to eat more because they thought that with how much I was working out that maybe I wasn't getting enough calories in. Well I tried that and it didn't work. So, I am trying not to beat myself up right now because I am not gaining and still have lost weight. It just isn't good enough for me, I want to be down at least 10-15 pounds a month. I really don't have restriction and have to make myself stop eating which I know is what we should do anyways but if I have this tool then I want it to work for me!

Sorry for the long post.

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I agree, Karla. I wouldn't run for an unfill just yet, but really pay attention to your band and eat accordingly, but healthy. Also go back to pea-sized bites and chewing more again. I thought I had that down until my last fill, but had to adjust further to accomodate the new restriction.

And yes, I believe that stress tightens up my band to no end! I've never read that anywhere in a study or heard it from a doc...it just seems to be true of me. And others, too, it seems! So there must be some validity to this line of thinking. Once I relax, I can usually finish eating. It takes me FOREVER to eat these days, though. That's okay with me as long as I'm losing! :)

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nvalicia----You have lost 112lbs. THAT'S GREAT!!!! As your BMI lowers, it may be possible that your weight loss will slow down. That's what the people in the fill center told me. I lost 10.8 lbs in 2 months (5lb a month). They said that was good because my BMI is lowering, so I shouldn't expect to still do 8lbs to 10lbs a month.

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nvalica - I'm right there with ya :smile: I can't go any tighter on my fill. Some days I lose everything I eat. Other days I'm mostly OK. I've only lost 5 pounds in 2 months - grrrrrr. I'm getting closer to goal and it's getting MUCH harder to get the weight off. Every now and then I'll have an evening that I can eat - it is very rare so I just enjoy the experience of getting to eat!!!!

I can't believe a year is just around the corner!!! OMG!!!!!! CRAP - I wanted to be at goal in a year - grrrrr.

Steph - personal question coming .... we've lost about the same amount, we're close to the same age, and you are WAY better at exercising than I am. Do you have excess skin issues? If I could have a TummyTuck right now - I would declare goal and be done. I'm down to a size 8 - I somehow imagined that to be much smaller than it is - I don't feel "not fat". I still have my "squishy squishy" tummy that is driving me to lose more weight. Is your body in much better shape due to your working out? Yeah my bootie is a bit squishy, yeah my thighs could be better, my arms have an extra waving attachment (YUCK) but I'm just worried about the tummy.

Ok - I'm done rambling now.

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I know I just have to keep at it - very frustrated at the moment though!

I would say no on the unfill also. If you can eat at night you are probably not too tight - BUT it doesn't mean you won't tighten up more. I started out as you describe when I was getting ready to move and start my new job. Then when I got here, I started tightening up even more and eventually had to have an unfill. I agree as someone else said - don't force it when you are tight.

I am finally officially a Tennessean - I got my license today. I put the same weight on this license that my MO one always said - the difference - I am only 20lbs away from being there :-) someday maybe, I will actually be below it and want to get a new license!

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Steph - personal question coming .... we've lost about the same amount, we're close to the same age, and you are WAY better at exercising than I am. Do you have excess skin issues? If I could have a TummyTuck right now - I would declare goal and be done. I'm down to a size 8 - I somehow imagined that to be much smaller than it is - I don't feel "not fat". I still have my "squishy squishy" tummy that is driving me to lose more weight. Is your body in much better shape due to your working out? Yeah my bootie is a bit squishy, yeah my thighs could be better, my arms have an extra waving attachment (YUCK) but I'm just worried about the tummy.

I do have some issues with skin, but nothing that could ever come close to justify PS. That is, except for a boob job....I want a boob job! LOL Below my belly button is a bit dimply, and I hate it. I think that may correct itself most or all the way over the next few months...it just hasn't "caught up" with the weight loss. I KNOW that the exercise has made a huge difference on my journey. I don't have issues with my arms at all...in fact THEY ROCK! LOL Serious tone and shape there! (I say "tone" for the chicas who are afraid of lifting weights...truth be told I have serious biceps! But not "manly" at all.) Very little issue with my thighs that isn't hereditary no matter WHAT I weigh. I still have some "back fat" to attack, but not a lot...should be gone by the end of next month. I'm in a size 12 and dropping again soon. At 5'10", that ain't too shabby! I don't feel fat at all any more. I'm proud to put on my lycra bike shorts and a tank top and hit the road on my bike! I worked so hard over the last six months in the gym and on my bike! Boy, if I get to a size 8, I am SO DONE! That would be awesome!

All that said, I bet you look so great and are just still beating yourself up! I have been able to convince three people to at least TRY my exercise method for two weeks to see if it wasn't true that they LOVE the way they feel walking out of the gym. As with most folks, we had to overcome all their objections..."too tired" wasn't acceptable to not work out, "no time" isn't true when put under analysis because we make time for what we want, "I can't/Don't know how" was proven wrong with the first workout...and there were more, of course. All three now work out about five days a week because they love it! They made it through the "hate it" phase, gave it REAL effort, worked cardio five days a week (walking on the treadmill was not one of the choices unless they power-walked), and lifted weights at least four days a week. I'm telling you, if you did the same, your body would kick those endorphins in and you would love it, too! All this is providing that you don't have any physical issues that would prevent you from exercising and your doc clears it.

Yes, it's no secret that I am obsessive :teeth_smile:, but I never worked out one serious time in my whole entire life until months after lapband. I was fat and squishy with big tits and a bubble butt! Now I think I look better than I have in my whole life. I certainly FEEL better than ever before. I wish I could give my love of exercise to everyone! It has changed my life more than the lapband ever did or could. Like we all say, the lapband is just the tool...our new way of eating (and exercising) is our new life.

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Hey, guys! I know this is pretty sappy, but it really says how I feel about you guys...my lapband buddies. I know, I know...I'm really pretty sappy...I just hide it well!

wch_header.gifWeek of 03/27/2008

SUBJECT: Part of something so much bigger than myself


Originally posted as an entry in her SparkPage blog.

Last November I was driving behind a bus doing the speed limit when from out of nowhere a car whips around both me and the bus. Yes, double yellow lines, on a hill, going around a blind curve... I freaked out, and said to my son "Oh my gosh, that person has a death wish!"

After that corner the road becomes an upward progression of hills and valleys, so there's no seeing what's ahead until you're actually there. Well, sure enough, when we arrived there, it was a mess, a nightmare!

I pulled over as quickly as I could and called 911. The car was in a ditch on the opposite side of the road about 50 yards from the car it had just hit head-on. Inside was a lady, probably in her early 50's, an airbag had punched her in the gut and chest pretty hard and she couldn't breath. I was concerned she was having a heart attack because of the way she was grasping her chest. She was very much in shock and because of the enormous amount of smoke pouring in through the vents she thought the car was going to blow up, but there was no getting her out, so I got as much of myself as could in through the busted out window and held her.

Finally, after several minutes, when the paramedics arrived I had to let go of her and get out of the way, but I have to say, it broke my heart to let go, I didn't want to. This lady and I had bonded... and during those terrifying moments I had lost all sense of myself... there was no "ME" in the picture, only us...

The reason I'm telling this story is because all of you beautiful SparkPeople cause me to have that same feeling... the feeling that I'm a part of something so much bigger than myself... That it's just as important to me that all of you become healthy and happy as it is that I do. The feeling that if you're hurting or in pain that I have a responsibility to reach out and help... my pain does NOT require any more attention than anyone else's. I am obliged to help heal the human condition as a whole, and oddly enough, I feel like that's more of a privilege than anyone could ask for or deserve.

We live in such a busy, isolated, society, there is so much loneliness and sorrow... so much stress and need of THINGS... when I was in that car with that woman, every bit of that vanished... all I felt was a desperate need for her to live.

I want you all to LIVE in every aspect of the word... I don't need to know you (although, I'd love to) or be your close friend to know that you are a part of me... that the healthier you are, the healthier I am... that the more success and goals you reach the more likely I am to do the same.

We aren't just losing weight, here, my SparkFriends, you and I have the potential to change things in the universe we may never know about or remotely be able to understand...

Let's not ever forget that as we go day to day focusing on those silly old scales.< /span>

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Yes, it's no secret that I am obsessive :w00t:, but I never worked out one serious time in my whole entire life until months after lapband. I was fat and squishy with big tits and a bubble butt! Now I think I look better than I have in my whole life. I certainly FEEL better than ever before. I wish I could give my love of exercise to everyone! It has changed my life more than the lapband ever did or could. Like we all say, the lapband is just the tool...our new way of eating (and exercising) is our new life.

Stef, did I ever tell you that you are my hero? If I lived closer to you, you might even be the wind beneath my wings. Lol. Seriously though, you make me WANT to workout. I truley do LOVE how I feel when I walk out of the gym... but I get confused because I also love how I feel just sitting around my house watching TV. :thumbup:

I think i need you to call or text me daily and tell me to get off of my ass and move it! Will you be my long distance trainer? :confused2:

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Stef, did I ever tell you that you are my hero? If I lived closer to you, you might even be the wind beneath my wings. Lol. Seriously though, you make me WANT to workout. I truley do LOVE how I feel when I walk out of the gym... but I get confused because I also love how I feel just sitting around my house watching TV. :thumbup:

I think i need you to call or text me daily and tell me to get off of my ass and move it! Will you be my long distance trainer? :confused2:

I hope you know that means so much to me! If I convey the least little "spark" for exercise in you or anyone else, I am THRILLED to no end! Yeah, I think TV is evil for that very reason. I watch VERY little TV...mostly because it just simply bores me. I'd rather be working around the house or working out. I'm riding in TOUR DALLAS next Saturday, and the reason for that ride as posted on the website, is to "fight inactivity". That is the best reason of all to organize a ride! It also raises funds for Juvenile Diabetes, which is no small thing. Hey, if you are serious about the daily encouragement, I'll try to do that! Do you have a regular schedule you like to stick to? It is always best to work out at the same time each day, but just getting it in to start is a great feat!

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I have to work out in the evenings, or later at night - I love to go to the gym between 8-10pm cause there are usually only a few others there. But I can really get there as early as 5pm if I were so motivated... it's just so much busier at that time.

I "can't" do mornings cause I HATE mornings! lol. I barely drag myself out of bed at 6am to get showered for work, let alone getting up any earlier for exercise! haahahaa!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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