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June 2007 Bandsters

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Hi all,

Been doing ok. I am finding it hard to stick with the Mushies............anyone else? BUT, I found I have had so much more energy lately. I have been walking the past few nights about a mile or so (that's a lot for me!). Tomorrow I am taking all the kiddos to the park for a nice walk-it will get me out of the house and away from food!!!!! I am definitely eating a ton better than pre-band, but just finding it difficult to stay on mushies.................I don't know. I am getting hungrier every day, and I assume I will need a fill and that will do the job..........

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Hi everyone! Surgery was on 6/18/07. Still have pain around the port area and have pain when I breathe deep. Is this normal?? Feel like I have alot of gas pain also. Looking forward to feeling normal. I sure can tell I have the band. Taking each day as it comes and trying to figure out what my body is trying to tell me. Have not been able to get all the Protein and liquids in since I have that bloated feeling. Any suggestions??

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I got my band in on Tuesday June 19th. Did not have any real "pain" only soreness for Tuesday and Wednesday. Most of the soreness went away by Thursday and I am getting to eat some small amounts of real food today (4 days post op). My first fill is not until July 10th though.

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well I only got a few days to go.

The only thing I am having a problem with is my mom. She is 110% against me getting the band, she is one of those people that don't really like doctors or modern medicine. I think it is the hippy coming out in her. Now I have always done everything on my own, I have help from Dad, friends, and girlfriend but my mom really wants to help me with all this ( making broth, rides, cleaning house ect) but I am worried she is going to put in her unwanted two cents and make me mad and really stressing me out. I have told her not to bother helping me I got plenty of help and she thinks I am just playing with her. I even told her if she does help I don't want to hear any crap from her but she tells me it's her dutie as a mother.

Anyone have a problem with a non supportive parent that wants to help? If so how did ya deal with them?

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cb You are doing great, the bloating will go away soon, promise.

I agree about the protien it is hard, especially if you don't feel like drinking. This is what I did. I bought the magic bullet, small blender seen on tv. I got it at Bed, bath, beyond. I bought soy no flavor Protein poweder at GNC. I blend a scoop( 24g) with 1 c of skim milk and a shake( carnation or weight watchers vanilla) and some strawberries, ice. It is a total of 35g and it makes two of their mugs. I put one in the freezer for later and drink the other then. In addition I have the high Protein slimfast shake in the can. Hope that helps. Getting the Protein powder with high content gives you a bang for you buck.

I haven't tried it yet, but Syvester Stalone has a high protein pudding that has a high number, a coworker told me about it. I don't want to order a case until I taste it. They may sell that at GNC too.

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cj WOW what a great weight loss!! FANTASTIC!!! I was given the same diet as you, regarding time frames, mushies, etc.

Serena There are many nurses on this thread and folks that work at a hospital, so hopefully they can help you. I agree about the intern. When you are researching to have it done, they say the doctor should have done 150 or more to consider them. But you are now banded and doing well, try not to worry about something you can't change!

Faith I had the blood thinning shot prior to surgery and that left a large bruise on my arm that didnt' go away until now, 2 plus weeks.

Rhonda you made me laugh with the doggie chew toy! I have plenty around but not sure how my puppies would take it!

Thin I was banded on June 7 and I can say this weekend has been the hardest with hunger. Last night I found myself eating french fries( baked) which I am allowed to do, but I was eating them as I was feeding my grandaughter, prior to my dh and I sitting down. Then I had a 1/3 of a hamburger, tiny bites with ketchup, and some cooked carrots. It all went down good with plenty of chews, but I was hungry! I did feel full after that, but.....boy it is changing!!

Capt Dan Your Mom is probably worried, once you are banded, I bet her comments will change to support. My dh was not as supportive prior to banding, he went with me to meetings and was supporting me, but I heard comments of " I love you the way you are, I don't know why you need this???" Now he is totally different, however when we are having a meal he watches what I eat and says chew, chew, chew!!! Not sure which is better...LOL Hang in she will be ok.

Toni and other Fillers coming up Wow, can't wait to hear. I guess Toni you are on FIRST!! It is weird we are winding down the end of the banders this week and starting our new journey to eating and fills together.... Woooohoooo!!

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I got my blood-thinning shots POST-op....anyone else?

So strange that the process is so different from dr. to dr.

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Hi there everyone - I was banded on June 6th. I have lost 20 pounds so far. I guess we are all going through the same things right now. I should be having my first fill in 2 weeks. I hope it helps because I feel hungry. Anyone feeling hungry - 3 weeks post op??

Me? Hungry? I think I could eat my coffee table I'm so hungry!

I was banded two days after you, and the hunger set in about a week ago. I have lost a little less than you so far. I'm doing pretty good about staying under 600 calories most days, and always under 800, but the weight loss has definitely slowed in the last week. I can't wait for my fill on the 2nd!

I never was an emotional eater, in fact eating was a bother and a time-waster for me most all day. Then night would come (probably around 7pm on average) and I'm not so busy and I would EAT! I'm having the same problems now. Now I make myself eat during and throughout the day like I should, but I still fight the night time cravings for a bowl of Cereal, a sandwich, whatever.

I need to learn to go to bed before midnight! :notagree LOL

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I got my blood-thinning shots POST-op....anyone else?

So strange that the process is so different from dr. to dr.

I got one pre-op, possibly one in the recovery room that I don't remember, and then refused my last one the day after OR. They hurt too bad! It stung for about 15 minutes like a bee or wasp was stinging me.

I had the leg pumpers (SCD's) on the whole time and everytime I got up to go the the bathroom (every two hours) I would walk around the unit I was on, twice. Now I'm home and finding it hard to go out and walk 5 mins every hour. But I'm doing my ankle pumps and bicycling exercises with my legs.

I have a graduation party and another party to go to today, as well as needing to make a trip to Wallyworld or Meijer and GNC, keep your fingers crossed for me! Should be interesting going to these two functions as no one knows what I had done and I'll have to beg off holding babies and kids. Not to mention having to take my shakes with me...I figured if someone asked, I'd say I had a hernia repaired.

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well I only got a few days to go.

The only thing I am having a problem with is my mom. She is 110% against me getting the band, she is one of those people that don't really like doctors or modern medicine. I think it is the hippy coming out in her. Now I have always done everything on my own, I have help from Dad, friends, and girlfriend but my mom really wants to help me with all this ( making broth, rides, cleaning house ect) but I am worried she is going to put in her unwanted two cents and make me mad and really stressing me out. I have told her not to bother helping me I got plenty of help and she thinks I am just playing with her. I even told her if she does help I don't want to hear any crap from her but she tells me it's her dutie as a mother.

Anyone have a problem with a non supportive parent that wants to help? If so how did ya deal with them?

That is the exact reason I have not told ANYONE in my family at ALL. haha. My mom is super supportive of everything I do in life, but she would not ever ever ever agree to an elective surgical procedure, especially one there they knock you out completely. I know its just because she loves me so much and is afraid of losing me... I just did what I had to do for ME, and maybe someday I will tell her... we'll see.

Good luck to you!!!


Does having the AP band mean that you will have your fills by remote control? If so, what an awesome invention!

I had posted over a week ago, asking if anyone else had huge eggplant-colored bruises all over their abdomen (about 40% covered). I had looked at all the pictures that people posted of their incisions and noticed that no one else was discolored as I am.

Yesterday (18 days after banding) I had my follow-up. When the surgeon looked at my incisions he blurted out "Whoa! I've never seen bruising like this!" but then assured me that it was no problem.

I am positive that I was banded by a resident and I was never told that this was on option. I understand about residents because my office was located in the College of Medicine for 9 years. I also realize that lapband surgery is fairly simple surgery, but I feel betrayed nonetheless (I never saw the program surgeon that day).

My question: would all the bruising be the result of less experience, less "finesse" with the laproscopic tools? The bruising was not painful so I assume that no harm was done. I'm just curious.....

Thanks in advance for your expertise. I hope that you are more comfortable today.

Having a resident do your banding could have cause bruises. I had bruises on 3 of my 5 incisions, still have a large bruise around my port site. Its lovely. I also have 3 very ugly bruises on my arms where the nurses were trying to start IVs.

People bruise at different levels, and its always different. It may or may not be your surgeons fault. You do have the right to ask and know WHO did your surgery, although I assure you (I work in a teaching hospital) that if a resident did do it that there was a 'real' surgeon there assisting. Doing the band takes 2 people anyway, bacause of all 5 port thingines they put in your abdomen. More like the Resident was assisting.

Also... where do you think these does got their 150 or 500 bands... they have to start somewhere, most likely with #1. There is always a learning curve. The most important thing is that you made it out of surgery fine, you don't get ant post-op infections, and that the band WORKS.

The bruising will go away. HAng in there!

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I have a graduation party and another party to go to today, as well as needing to make a trip to Wallyworld or Meijer and GNC, keep your fingers crossed for me! Should be interesting going to these two functions as no one knows what I had done and I'll have to beg off holding babies and kids. Not to mention having to take my shakes with me...I figured if someone asked, I'd say I had a hernia repaired.

I'm so jealous, Faith....you have a "Meijer Shifty Acres"! I used to live in Michigan for 24 years (now TX)....I miss Meijers! Have fun at your parties and take it easy!

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Me? Hungry? I think I could eat my coffee table I'm so hungry!

I was banded two days after you, and the hunger set in about a week ago. I have lost a little less than you so far. I'm doing pretty good about staying under 600 calories most days, and always under 800, but the weight loss has definitely slowed in the last week. I can't wait for my fill on the 2nd!

I never was an emotional eater, in fact eating was a bother and a time-waster for me most all day. Then night would come (probably around 7pm on average) and I'm not so busy and I would EAT! I'm having the same problems now. Now I make myself eat during and throughout the day like I should, but I still fight the night time cravings for a bowl of Cereal, a sandwich, whatever.

I need to learn to go to bed before midnight! :notagree LOL

This board is waaaaaaaaay too good! If I am craving a bowl of cereal at midnight, I have it. I think that's the part of "bandster hell" that I'm giving in to. One banded friend said to enjoy it, so I guess I am! But all of you who are denying yourself.....I'm proud of you! That's some sacrifice! The scales will reward you generously (where mine is at a standstill!) :phanvan



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well I only got a few days to go.

The only thing I am having a problem with is my mom. She is 110% against me getting the band, she is one of those people that don't really like doctors or modern medicine. I think it is the hippy coming out in her. Now I have always done everything on my own, I have help from Dad, friends, and girlfriend but my mom really wants to help me with all this ( making broth, rides, cleaning house ect) but I am worried she is going to put in her unwanted two cents and make me mad and really stressing me out. I have told her not to bother helping me I got plenty of help and she thinks I am just playing with her. I even told her if she does help I don't want to hear any crap from her but she tells me it's her dutie as a mother.

Anyone have a problem with a non supportive parent that wants to help? If so how did ya deal with them?

Cap'n...when I first told my Mom, she was really "cool" as in cold about it. Then she warmed up and became supportive. She is out of state, so I'm different that way, but she did offer to fly to me and help with my recovery (I declined)....you won't really need your Mom's help too much. Don't worry. Let her comments wash over you like Water off a duck's back. That's just the way Moms are!!!!!

When I said you won't need her.....I mean, right after banding I told myself that in order to make myself walk around, I would wait on myself. So whenever I needed broth, a new drink, pain Rx, etc....instead of asking my husband to bring it to me, I would get up and go get it. It was a bit of a pain (figuratively and literally!) but it helped with my healing. Tell your Mom that you need a ride (or not) and that the recovery is a piece of cake! All you need to make broth is to boil water for heaven's sake! And you might want to take her up on helping you clean your place. :)

You'll be just fine. Are you going to get a recliner?!?!?:)

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One of my incisions has some bruising around it but the rest of them don't. I think it really depends on the person.

Captain Danbo, I didn't tell my parents about the surgery until the day before. Other than my husband, no one else knows. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to hear their uneducated opinions about my body. Try to keep some distance from her if she continues to be negative. Especially post-op when you are recovering, you are not going to want anything or anyone negative around you. I know that's hard because she's your mom, but you are an adult, too, so just say to her (in a nice way) that you need her support (and only her support) of you need to be alone.

Someone asked about having 8oz of liquids at a meal -- I don't know if it's too much or not, but I find that I have been VERY hungry recently and have 8oz of full liquids at lunch and dinner. I don't know if it's bad, but I'm eating VERY slowly, so...I don't know.

Yesterday I went out with my husband for lunch. I had a few bites of pate and half a bowl of gazpacho. I think eating out is going to be a challenge -- the bread on the table looked so good! But of course I didn't eat any of it...and the waiter kept asking if my gazpacho was good or not -- I guess because I ate so slow and only half of it. I don't care what the waiter thinks but, dude, leave me the f*&% alone! I guess people are so used to seeing fat people eat a lot that when I eat so little there must be something wrong...

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I slept in my bed for 5 horus last night. WOke up in so much pain I got up and went to the recliner. I ended up on my left side, which I was afraid of, since it's still so sore and tender. Oh well... not too bad. My 2 kitties were happyto have me in bed for a while anyway. Haha. I think I'll try the bed again tonight.

LUCY - I know what you mean about having people assume that because you are fat you must eat alot. Hahaa. I hate it when waiters hover over my table asking if everything is alright.

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