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June 2007 Bandsters

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Everyone that used their insurance, I just got a bill from my Dr. for almost $5,000. I was told that my insurance, which is BCBS Federal, would cover the lapband. Why would I be getting a bill for almost $5,000???? Is anyone else having any problems like this????

I have BCBS federal also. My surgery was just this past Friday, so no bills YET...but I'm expecting one. I know another woman from this site who has the same insurance and used the same place I did for surgery and she got a huge bill too, but she doesn't have to pay it for some reason? I dunno. THe Docs bill the insurance companies WAY higher than they know they will pay, in order to get a larger amount of money. Call the insurance people and ask them about it, then call your doc office. If you have to pay ANYTHING at all, they can set up payments for you.

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Hi all - just checking in! Glad to see that things are mostly going smoothly for everyone.

Toni - did your doc send you home with a prescription for Phenergan suppository? It is a powerful anti-nausea medicine, that may help with your issue if you have another Migraine.

Heather - I so agree about the Campbell's Select mushroom Soup.

If you haven't tried it and you like mushroom soup you should get it. I thought it looked kind of gross because it is brown, but boy did it taste good. I am thinking of things I can do with it as a marinade or gravy in the future.

All is well here. I am doing good and enjoying my time off work. My husband had to go back this week. He is having a lot of pain in his abdomen from bending over all the time at work. I don't think anything is wrong, but will ask the doc on my post-op visit Friday.

Keep up the good work everyone! :rolleyes:

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Suzzzie - Did you talk to BC before your surgery? Did they tell you that you would have such a huge bill? I thought we would only have to pay our deductable, and I am pretty darn sure that our deductable is not that high!!! I have been playing on fepblue.org and it is all foreign to me. I am going to call them in the morning and try and find out what the deal is. I am really hoping I don't have to come up with $5,000.

Let me know when you get your bill if it is anything close that that!

I have BCBS federal also. My surgery was just this past Friday, so no bills YET...but I'm expecting one. I know another woman from this site who has the same insurance and used the same place I did for surgery and she got a huge bill too, but she doesn't have to pay it for some reason? I dunno. THe Docs bill the insurance companies WAY higher than they know they will pay, in order to get a larger amount of money. Call the insurance people and ask them about it, then call your doc office. If you have to pay ANYTHING at all, they can set up payments for you.

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Toni - did your doc send you home with a prescription for Phenergan suppository? It is a powerful anti-nausea medicine, that may help with your issue if you have another Migraine.


Hi There! Would you believe that I took one, and no change...then after 4 hours I took another one and finally stopped dry heaving?? I don't know why the first dose didn't work. :phanvan But I'm just thankful that the 2nd one was the magic bullet! (no pun intended!) :rolleyes: It's good to have them on hand, even as uncomfortable as the dosage is!!!!!

Anyway, thanks, Miss....I'm going to remember that the next time this happens.:sick

Cheers to you for feeling great! :clap2:


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Suzzzie - Did you talk to BC before your surgery? Did they tell you that you would have such a huge bill? I thought we would only have to pay our deductable, and I am pretty darn sure that our deductable is not that high!!! I have been playing on fepblue.org and it is all foreign to me. I am going to call them in the morning and try and find out what the deal is. I am really hoping I don't have to come up with $5,000.

Let me know when you get your bill if it is anything close that that!


Originally Posted by Suzzzie. viewpost.gif

I have BCBS federal also. My surgery was just this past Friday, so no bills YET...but I'm expecting one. I know another woman from this site who has the same insurance and used the same place I did for surgery and she got a huge bill too, but she doesn't have to pay it for some reason? I dunno. THe Docs bill the insurance companies WAY higher than they know they will pay, in order to get a larger amount of money. Call the insurance people and ask them about it, then call your doc office. If you have to pay ANYTHING at all, they can set up payments for you.

Suzzzie and MK, I too have bcbs Federal. I read on another site that there could be a bigger out of pocket cost then you expect so I called my insurance company prior to the surgery, I would have to pull my deductable, but it was much less if I was inpatient. Were you? The doctor's office told me that the doctor/ and hospital keep bcbs patients over night to cover the surgery. I am hoping I have no bills or small ones, not $5000!! Lets keep talking when we get those bills coming in, it will be interesting to see the differences and we can educate others too!

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Toni!! I am so sorry about your migrains!! how are you feeling today, Thursday? I to experience these, and when you get one it is painful experience. Just know that as you lose weight those should decrease!!

Heather Wow what a resource to have the surgeon accessable. your story made me laugh!! The information was very helpful! Since I dove in the pool, I have been obsessing with little pains here and there wondering if I did something. The docs office said I should be fine and quit worrying!

bb/Toni I don't belong to a support group yet, however I plan to go next month. there are a few of us on this thread from the Virginia area, and I am hoping to join up with them at a meeting!!

Holli You are now in bandland!! Can't wait to hear from you, your weight loss is GREAT.. you are on your way to great things!!

Suzzzzie How are you feeling today? I am sorry to hear about your pain, but it will go away!! Promise!

Michele I only woke up with that full feeling after I think I ate to much of a Soup the night before? I also think I need to get more liquids in. It is hard. I had the weight watches vanilla smoothie tooo. I blended it with skim milk, strawberries, and a Protein Powder of 25 g a scoop to give me 35g !! I used my bullet and made two mugs that I drank through out the day!

Stef and Becks I had a glass of wine two nights this past weekend, one week after. I just felt like one and sipped it slow. It tasted good. Is Khaliah Ali the one on Dancing with the Stars??? I didn't know that. She did great, and looks great.

beckt I am going to the store tonight and I will try to look for the soups!! how much can you drink at a time? I have had a hard time finding them. I am going to a different grocerie store tonight.

Off to work, I better not let a day go by, it is hard catching up!! I hope all those being banded did well.

Heather, could you post the calendar again to bring us up to date.

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Suzzzie - Did you talk to BC before your surgery? Did they tell you that you would have such a huge bill? I thought we would only have to pay our deductable, and I am pretty darn sure that our deductable is not that high!!! I have been playing on fepblue.org and it is all foreign to me. I am going to call them in the morning and try and find out what the deal is. I am really hoping I don't have to come up with $5,000.

Let me know when you get your bill if it is anything close that that!


Originally Posted by Suzzzie. viewpost.gif

I have BCBS federal also. My surgery was just this past Friday, so no bills YET...but I'm expecting one. I know another woman from this site who has the same insurance and used the same place I did for surgery and she got a huge bill too, but she doesn't have to pay it for some reason? I dunno. THe Docs bill the insurance companies WAY higher than they know they will pay, in order to get a larger amount of money. Call the insurance people and ask them about it, then call your doc office. If you have to pay ANYTHING at all, they can set up payments for you.

Suzzzie and MK, I too have bcbs Federal. I read on another site that there could be a bigger out of pocket cost then you expect so I called my insurance company prior to the surgery, I would have to pull my deductable, but it was much less if I was inpatient. Were you? The doctor's office told me that the doctor/ and hospital keep bcbs patients over night to cover the surgery. I am hoping I have no bills or small ones, not $5000!! Lets keep talking when we get those bills coming in, it will be interesting to see the differences and we can educate others too!

Interesting! I was not told to stay overnight to make it cheaper. How odd... Here is the quote from fepblue.com "

You Pay

Standard Option

You Pay

Basic Option rule440-a.gif

A comprehensive range of services provided, or ordered and billed by a physician, such as:

• Operative procedures

• Treatment of fractures and dislocations, including casting

• Normal pre-and post-

operative care by the surgeon

• Correction of amblyopia and strabismus

• Colonoscopy - diagnostic

• Other Endoscopy procedures

• Biopsy procedures

• Removal of tumors and cysts

• Correction of congenital anomalies (see Reconstructive Surgery in this section of the brochure)

• Treatment of burns

• Circumcision of newborn

• Insertion of internal prosthetic devices. See Section 5(a)Orthopedic And Prosthetic Devices, and Section 5©Other hospital services and supplies – for our coverage for the device.

• Voluntary sterilization (e.g. Tubal ligation, Vasectomy)

• Assistant surgeons/surgical assistance by a physician if required because of the complexity of the surgical procedures

Gastric restrictive procedures, gastric malabsorptive procedures, and combination restrictive and malabsorptive procedures to treat morbid obesity — a condition in which an individual has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more, or an individual with a BMI of 35 or more with co-morbidities who has failed conservative treatment; eligible members must be age 18 or over. Benefits are also available for diagnostic studies and a psychological examination performed prior to the procedure to determine if the patient is a candidate for the procedure.

Note: When multiple surgical procedures that add time or complexity to patient care are performed during the same operative session, the Local Plan determines our allowance for the combination of multiple, bilateral, or incidental surgical procedures. Generally, we will allow a reduced amount for procedures other than the primary procedure.

Note: We do not pay extra for "incidental" procedures (those that do not add time or complexity to patient care).

Note: When unusual circumstances require the removal of casts or sutures by a physician other than the one who applied them, the Local Plan may determine that a separate allowance is payable.

Preferred: 10% of the Plan allowance

Preferred: $100 copayment per performing surgeon

Note: If you receive the services of a co-surgeon, you pay a second $100 copayment for those services, No additional copayment applies to the services of assistant surgeons

Participating: 25% of the Plan allowance

Participating: You pay all charges

Non-participating: 25% of the Plan allowance, plus any difference between our allowance and the billed amount.

OK, sorry, I know this made the post INCREDIBLY long...

Basically, I was told it will be covered, except for deductible... and that is what I am counting on! Haha. I'll let ya'll know if/when I get a bill!

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Hi everyone! Well, I made it through the surgery alive! I am doing pretty good today. I haven't had a lot of pain, some minor discomfort and some nasia (sp?).

I have been drinking my Protein Shakes, 4oz. 3x a day, and I am not hungry really. But I am going to call my nutrisionist and see if I can have something like chicken broth or something. I am sick of the sweet stuff! Does anyone have any suggestions?

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OH thank the high heavens - I slept on my tummy last night with minimal discomfort. YAY!!!

Post-op tomorrow. I'm still having that uber-full feeling but I'm hopeful it'll be a little easier today.

I'm down 37lbs in about a month. I'm in shock over that number, I completely don't even believe it!!! People ask why I'm not happier about it, and it's just because I don't believe it I guess!

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I was banded on June 19th Can anyone else tell me if the pain in teh stomack is normal Getting up from a sitting postion is horriable How long will this last

I am sure it will be worth the wait

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Hey all - I rarely post here but I am less than a week out from my surgery. I am starting to get a really bad case of cold feet. I am on my liquid diet and doing quite well - already down 16lbs but thoughts like "can I really live with this for the next 40+ years of my life" are really weighing me down. I also just found out that my insurance only allows for semi private rooms. The last thing i want is to be in a room with some stranger after surgery keeping me up all night. Anyone experience these feelings?

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help! Did anyone make a comment about the different types of "gases" surgeons use reflect the pain affect after surgery? I want to ask my doctor today, but I forgot which does what?

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Good Morning All!!

Becks477 - Thank you so much for that information!! Now I have a reason to go back to my lush lifestyle. Really, what you shared was interesting & helpful. Ms. Ali's book seems like a great read! Thanks again!

Toni - I surely hope that you feel better. I have had Migraines and they are no fun (((feel better)))! Bigbaby is so right - you have the most inviting and warm spirit.

Pippz - 37 lbs in one month!!! Phenomenal!! Believe it girl!! Isn't it amazing as you see your body change. You do have to take a moment to take it all in.

Danielle - Good to hear that you are doing well. I am sure that your nutritionist will approve of you having a clear broth.< /p>

Lovelibabi21 - Good luck on Saturday!!

Bigsexy - Did I hear that you need some warm socks:cry. You have to know that the band is going to change your life for the better - focus on all the great reasons why considered it intially. Take it one day at a time - don't look that 40 year thing. I have found that in life with the band, everyday (almost) brings a new understanding about food, life, relationships, & well-being. Your stay will be really short in the hospital but think what a great inspiration you can be to your roommate. They'll be lucky to have you!! Good Luck soon-to-be Lil Sexy!! :clap2:


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