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June 2007 Bandsters

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Toni...and anyone else already banded...

Are you having a lot of pain at your diaphragm after drinking? For instance. I had a cup of Soup tonight. It was creamy but I know it went right through cause I didn't have any nausea or vomiting... seemed to go down just fine. Afterwards, however, I felt a lot of pressure in my chest. Seemed to last forever and was very uncomfortable. Finally I got up and walked and, well, had a big ole belch. Sorry... Anyway, I feel much better after that. But it seems I feel like I have to belch a lot, but can't. Anybody else dealing with this? Think part of it is still the gas from surgery? It scares me into thinking I'm stretching my pouch cause I'm hurting. But I know that can't be cause it's just full liquids (and the same happens with clear sometimes too). I'm just paranoid about screwing this thing up I guess....

I'm feeling just like you. I feel like there's air under my sternum. I haven't ventured to the creamy Soups yet, but I did do a slim fast and broth today to get some calories to heal. I only have tiny burps and if I could have a big one, I know I'd feel better. I've been afraid the pressure would cause me nausea and have been taking the phenigren (sp) before I take my hydrcodone, but that needing to burp feeling never goes completely away.

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Cblancha, I'm on a primarily liquid, but I get a Lean Cuisine and some salad. Still I'm really hungry, especially at night. Will it help to know I'm doing this too? I feel very motivated, even though it's tough.

You know, you're the same age as my mom...would be....she passed away in November, suddenly from a DVT (deep vein thrombosis/blood clot) after a hysterectomy. I feel in my heart she would do this with me if she was here. We were the same size, had the same struggles. I honestly feel her obesity contributed to her decreased mobility and development of the DVT.

Anyway, I thought of that when I saw your age. Hope you don't mind me sharing. This time is very emotional for me.

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Toni...and anyone else already banded...

Are you having a lot of pain at your diaphragm after drinking? For instance. I had a cup of Soup tonight. It was creamy but I know it went right through cause I didn't have any nausea or vomiting... seemed to go down just fine. Afterwards, however, I felt a lot of pressure in my chest. Seemed to last forever and was very uncomfortable. Finally I got up and walked and, well, had a big ole belch. Sorry... Anyway, I feel much better after that. But it seems I feel like I have to belch a lot, but can't. Anybody else dealing with this? Think part of it is still the gas from surgery? It scares me into thinking I'm stretching my pouch cause I'm hurting. But I know that can't be cause it's just full liquids (and the same happens with clear sometimes too). I'm just paranoid about screwing this thing up I guess....

YES! I can get that EXACT same feeling----even from a Protein shake....I think from drinking too fast??? But *certainly* from new foods if I don't go s-l-o-w. And I have the same concerns: am I stretching my little pouch????? Yikes! I'm going to ask about it next week at my appt., but does anyone else know???? Thanks for voicing this, Hotty!!!!!!

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I am sooooo worried about the not drinking with meals thing. I'd venture to say that is the only real worry I have!! I've always been a big drinker with meals (not alcohol!). Typically at resturants I gauge how much I tip the waitstaff based on how many refills I get! Lol. How sad...

No Doubt Suzzzie! I hear you!!!!! I do the same thing! And I can't imagine *not* ordering something like Iced Tea to go with my meal, but what would be the point??????? Nothing to drink for a half hour before or after you eat??????

How are you all going to handle restaurant drinking? Order a glass of Water? I'm clueless?!? :help:

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Wheeee...this is my first post here! I am on a fast track and will be banded next Friday, the 15th. I went to my seminar on Tuesday morning and had all my pre-ops done today. The pre-op diet starts tomorrow; I'm on my way.

I am thrilled beyond words! Good luck to everyone!

Welcome to the board, Kland!! Fast track is right.....holy smokers! This is exciting!!!!!! Cheers!:clap2:


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I'm home from my surgery & I am so uncomfortable from the gas bubbles. Everything went good. I have 5 incisions & when I got out of the shower one of them started bleeding so I put a bandaid on it. Now I am thinking that was a bad idea.

I don't think the bandaid would've hurt it a bit...don't worry! Sorry about the gas pain. :) Try to walk around a little and can someone get those Gas X Strips/Chewables for you? Hope you find relief!!!!!! :)


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Well, I too am home safe and sound. Still am having some pain. The hardest part for me is getting comfortable in bed. I was able to take a shower the next morning after the banding in the hospital. That felt wonderful. I have 5 scars also. I have been taking the lortab elixar to help sleep and that it does. It is a wonderful drug.

I have not been hungary, but have eaten some broth, popsicles and Jello. (Or should I say drank, not eaten). It is all going down fine. I do not miss the diet pop either like I thought I would. I did not give it up even though I was suppose to for the pre op diet. They said it had nothing really to do with the diet, it was just to get you used to not having carbonated bevarages. I figured I would just go cold turket, and it worked fine that way. Plus it made the pre op diet easier. I will be the first to admit that I cheated some days on the pre op. I was allowed 2 low carb shakes and a small meal of meat and veg. I did good during the weekdays, but was hard the two weekends. I had company over a lot, and when you cook for others and have chips, etc. sitting sitting around, it is so hard not to cheat. I did lose 15 lbs., and the surgeon and his nurse thought that was great. They never even knew what a cheater I was.

So, if you are having trouble with the post op diet, don't be afraid to snack a little. It we could all follow diets to the t, than none of us would be in this situation.

Now that I am home, I see ads on tv, etc, and it makes me want to eat those items, but I know I couldn't if I tried. Not drinking with a meal will be my hardest thing also. I was a big diet soda drinker with each meal. I think it will be worse when going out to eat. I have a friend who had a gastric bypass, and she always orders a drink, but never drinks it. Don't know if just having it sitting there makes her feel secure, but it seems like a waste to me.

Medicine is kicking in, so will be off to bed. It is hard for me to lay in one position too long, but can't find any other way to sleep. I have to get up every few hours and move around a bit so that my back does not get to sore.

Thanks for all the support. Hope all goes well for the banders today.

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Well, I too am home safe and sound. Still am having some pain. The hardest part for me is getting comfortable in bed. I was able to take a shower the next morning after the banding in the hospital. That felt wonderful. I have 5 scars also. I have been taking the lortab elixar to help sleep and that it does. It is a wonderful drug.

I have not been hungary, but have eaten some broth, popsicles and Jello. (Or should I say drank, not eaten). It is all going down fine. I do not miss the diet pop either like I thought I would. I did not give it up even though I was suppose to for the pre op diet. They said it had nothing really to do with the diet, it was just to get you used to not having carbonated bevarages. I figured I would just go cold turkey, and it worked fine that way. Plus it made the pre op diet easier. I will be the first to admit that I cheated some days on the pre op. I was allowed 2 low carb shakes and a small meal of meat and veg. I did good during the weekdays, but was hard the two weekends. I had company over a lot, and when you cook for others and have chips, etc. sitting sitting around, it is so hard not to cheat. I did lose 15 lbs., and the surgeon and his nurse thought that was great. They never even knew what a cheater I was.

So, if you are having trouble with the post op diet, don't be afraid to snack a little. It we could all follow diets to the t, than none of us would be in this situation.

Now that I am home, I see ads on tv, etc, and it makes me want to eat those items, but I know I couldn't if I tried. Not drinking with a meal will be my hardest thing also. I was a big diet soda drinker with each meal. I think it will be worse when going out to eat. I have a friend who had a gastric bypass, and she always orders a drink, but never drinks it. Don't know if just having it sitting there makes her feel secure, but it seems like a waste to me.

Medicine is kicking in, so will be off to bed. It is hard for me to lay in one position too long, but can't find any other way to sleep. I have to get up every few hours and move around a bit so that my back does not get to sore.

Thanks for all the support. Hope all goes well for the banders today.

I can totally identify with all your (orange) points!!!! Although, I am getting more comfortable in bed after one week. It's the port side that's the stinker. :phanvan It's taking the longest to "heal" and let me be completely comfortable. I hope you'll find comfort in bed, very soon!

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So good to hear from you JoJosMama and JoeyGirl. It sounds as though we are all having similar experiences. JoJo, didn't you have sticky bandage things over your wounds already? I don't think the band-aid will hurt. Just leave it. Keep taking your medication and don't drink too fast.

My stomach also feels full. I'm finding it hard to drink the minimum requirement. I'd rather just have nothing. How funny! I know I must so I just sip all the time. If I drink too fast, it feels wrong. I find that I don't want my morning coffee and don't have any withdrawals. How odd!

Pre-op people, hang in there. Just do the best you can and if you do slip, make sure it's on vegetables or lean Protein not fatty/carby stuff. I really admire the people who adhere 100% I did for a week or two and then snapped a bit. However, the last 6 days I was as good as gold. I guess the only motivation is excitement about your impending op and wanting to be tip-top so it's easier on your body and you heal more quickly. Doesn't help much, I know. I wasn't even weighed on op day. They just took my last recorded weight as gospel. No one mentioned anything or asked me how much I'd lost.

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No Doubt Suzzzie! I hear you!!!!! I do the same thing! And I can't imagine *not* ordering something like Iced Tea to go with my meal, but what would be the point??????? Nothing to drink for a half hour before or after you eat??????

How are you all going to handle restaurant drinking? Order a glass of Water? I'm clueless?!? :help:

Not drinking with a meal will be my hardest thing also. I was a big diet soda drinker with each meal. I think it will be worse when going out to eat. I have a friend who had a gastric bypass, and she always orders a drink, but never drinks it. Don't know if just having it sitting there makes her feel secure, but it seems like a waste to me.

Restaurant drinking... I think I will probably order WATER as it is typicall free. I can't imagine not having a drink in front of me! I will NOT use a straw, if I put a straw in the glass I will suck it up. Lol. If I just leave it alone I won't touch it at all. Not sure if friends who don't know about the band will believe me when I tell them that I'm "just not thirsty." Haha


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Hi everyone,

I got my band yesterday from Dr. Smith in Pueblo, CO.:clap2: I arrived at the Surgery Center at 6:00 am and was home by 1:00 pm. It probably would have been nice to stay overnight there just from the pain management side, but I did okay at home.

I am taking childrens liquid Tylenol, antibiotic and a nose spray called Stadol for the pain. My only real problem last night was I developed a monster headache. About 2:00 I couldn't stand it anymore and took 1 Excederine Migraine formula. I was a little scared it would get stuck but it went down no problem and by 3:00 am the headache was gone.

As soon as my daughter gets on the bus I am going for a walk and see how that helps the gas pain. It hasn't been too bad, but a little pressure relief would be nice in my chest.

Good luck to everyone getting their band today!


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Toni...and anyone else already banded...

Are you having a lot of pain at your diaphragm after drinking? For instance. I had a cup of Soup tonight. It was creamy but I know it went right through cause I didn't have any nausea or vomiting... seemed to go down just fine. Afterwards, however, I felt a lot of pressure in my chest. Seemed to last forever and was very uncomfortable. Finally I got up and walked and, well, had a big ole belch. Sorry... Anyway, I feel much better after that. But it seems I feel like I have to belch a lot, but can't. Anybody else dealing with this? Think part of it is still the gas from surgery? It scares me into thinking I'm stretching my pouch cause I'm hurting. But I know that can't be cause it's just full liquids (and the same happens with clear sometimes too). I'm just paranoid about screwing this thing up I guess....

YES!!!!! What a relief to know I am NOT alone...this must be normal! I just got up and haven't had anything to drink and I feel great, but I know as soon as I do, I'll be battling the air bubbles!!! I got the gas-x thin strips last night, they helped A LOT! Guess I'll be keeping them on hand for a while.

Post-op appt is today...sure hope I show a loss!!! Will post when I get back...darn it's hard to keep up with the thread, it's grown so much!! :)

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Hi All!!!!

Thanks HotToddy for the calendar! Super cool!

I got banded yesterday!

QUESTION......when did the dreaded deferred pain-gas pains start?

Because (crossing my fingers) I haven't had any!!!

Love my liquid Lortab! and the ice pack on the port site!

Walked down the street and back last night and this morning!

Actually slept!

DAKOTA! glad to hear you're doing well! And as a nurse I know walking is the best thing for gas pains! Good luck!

Glad to hear from the rest of the new bandsters and the rest that had it early in June!!!! Thank you for posting and letting me prepare myself!!!

I'll be reading all your posts....anxious to get to know y'all better!

SIMPLYME! Banded 6/07 by Dr. Snow in Hurst, Texas!!!!!

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i didn't have gas pains right away. It was two days later and on going. I am trying to walk most of it off. That doesn't always work either. I have tried the gas-x strips and they help a little last night I used some gas-x gel tabs. They seem to help a little more and they didn't stick either.

Has anyone had a real belly laugh yet. My son made me laugh and I laughed so hard it hurt.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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