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losingsoon, there really is nothing to be afraid of, if you have confidence in your doctor, they do so many of these surgeries. The first two weeks you go through the discomfort, but it is controlled with pain meds, and after that just keep drinking and get your Protein in. It was a lot easier than I ever thought.

The hardest part for me was sleeping until I got my staples out. I had to sit in the lazy boy chair to sleep because I am a side sleeper.

Sometimes, our mind runs away with all kinds of thoughts. Believe me, I had my share, but you just hav to take one day at a time. It will all work out great and you will never regret it. What future do you have if you don't? that is what I thought about.

I'm down 34 lbs. in 5 weeks and am already feeling the benefits health wise.

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You guys are so inspiring. I'm almost through all my tests. Did the stress test today. Just have the psych eval left. I waiver back and forth if this is the right thing to do. I really appreciate your posts because it helps me through my doubts. I am 65 and only 4' 10" so the weight I'm carrying and have carried a very long time is crushing my future. I know that, but the fear keeps creeping in. Thanks for all your positive comments.

Hi losingsoon,

Just wanted to give you a little perspective from someone 3 years out. My weight was 252 and height 4'11" -- close to yours; I was sleeved at 59 (now 62), but what's a couple years at our age, right???

I totally understand the being fearful--it's very normal though--and you'll probably feel the fear right up to the time they wheel you in to the operating room! Of course, everybody's experience is different, but generally more people than not have a smooth time with minimal pain post-op. If you are dedicated to following the bariatric program you are given, you will not fail. It's probably the toughest decision among all of this--whether to let your fear overtake your desire to take that giant leap to grab at that golden opportunity for that second chance at a super-quality life! I am so happy I pushed past the fear.

I have maintained my 105-110 lb weight loss and never knew life could be so good. I was obese since puberty. All my health issues have resolved. No more Type 2 diabetes, or high BP, or cholesterol. I love eating healthfully now. I don't have the horrible cravings like I used to. food is not longer the enemy. It is just food. There is a lot of work involved to change old eating habits and adopt the new "forever" lifestyle, but it is all so worth it.

The biggest thing that I just can't believe is how differently total strangers treat me now. I always knew there was weight prejudice in this world (I experienced it my whole life), but it's just so amazing now just walking around in my world how much different people treat me. Really, it's a sad statement on humanity, but nonetheless, it feels really good to feel "normal" in my world.

Hope you decide to stick with it. I definitely know you'll find a lot of great support here. . .

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So great to hear from the over 60 crowd. I was beginning to think I was biting of more than I should. I am excited now to get started. Looking forward to hearing your updates.

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Sleeversue - thanks for the insights. It's really helpful to hear from others in this age group. It seems as though most of the sleevers are young. I think the over 60's crowd have different needs and experiences, to some extent.

Keep up the good work. It sounds like you are really doing well!

LivingFree! Wow! Your post was really helpful. Not only are you close to my statistics, but your weight came on about the same time as mine. It is really, really helpful to hear that you are maintaining after 3 years. One of my big fears is that I will go through this and then gain the weight back. I have now gotten myself off sugar but the exercise component is very difficult for me. I have never been a physical person. Ugh! I also have a difficult time drinking a lot of Water. The Water is easier for me, though, than the exercise.

The other fear is complications. Of course I have read the Complications thread and those things put the fear in me.

I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm just trying to make sure I can be successful. I just don't want ANOTHER failure. I want to do this right. What have you done to maintain for 3 years? That is wonderful!

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Sleeversue - thanks for the insights. It's really helpful to hear from others in this age group. It seems as though most of the sleevers are young. I think the over 60's crowd have different needs and experiences, to some extent.

Keep up the good work. It sounds like you are really doing well!

LivingFree! Wow! Your post was really helpful. Not only are you close to my statistics, but your weight came on about the same time as mine. It is really, really helpful to hear that you are maintaining after 3 years. One of my big fears is that I will go through this and then gain the weight back. I have now gotten myself off sugar but the exercise component is very difficult for me. I have never been a physical person. Ugh! I also have a difficult time drinking a lot of Water. The Water is easier for me, though, than the exercise.

The other fear is complications. Of course I have read the Complications thread and those things put the fear in me.

I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm just trying to make sure I can be successful. I just don't want ANOTHER failure. I want to do this right. What have you done to maintain for 3 years? That is wonderful!

Hi again losingsoon,

I totally agree that we over 60ers' insights are quite different than many "younger" folks--mainly we've got a lot more life experience!

YOUR REGAIN FEAR: A lot of this process is emotionally-based. I, from the beginning, have thought about it in two parts: 1) the operation; and 2) the emotional/eating/lifestyle changes I needed to make. For me, THIS TIME, weight regain was not going to be an option. That was and continues to be my mindset. This awesome tool helps you a lot to keep that resolve (but, as you know, it doesn't do the work FOR YOU--we have to be the ones to make it work).

EXERCISE: I attend support groups 4 times a month, so I hear many others' stories. Some people exercise like crazy fools; others not so much. Exercise, of course, IS important (whether or not we have had WLS!). Just this past January, I received totally unexpected news that I have severe degenerative osteoarthritis in both hips. I was a power walker (5 miles/day) and loved this form of exercise. Now I have been forced to change my routine. I now have the limitation of just walking 30 minutes on soft carpet in my living room every day and do 30 minutes 2x/week water exercise. So, the point is--find something you love to do that isn't drudgery for you. Make sure you MOVE at least 30 minutes a day(it doesn't have to be all at one time). Of course, your surgeon may require more of you. Just try not to get caught up in thinking that you HAVE TO be this super exerciser to be successful at WLS. And re: SUPPORT GROUPS--For me, this has been a major contributor to my success, I believe. There are recent studies now confirming that.

COMPLICATIONS: Try to remember--we always hear a lot more about the BAD things that happen in life than the GOOD things, right? Try to stay off the complications forum! Thousands of these procedures are performed daily with NO complications. Research your surgeon's history, have confidence in him/her. You will be rejected for the surgery if there is any question as to your sound health status to withstand this operation. I'm only one person, but--I was up walking within 3 hours of return to my hospital room, did not use my pain pump in hospital, nor did I take any pain meds at home. I followed my surgeon's instructions explicitly--I believe this to be a major key. (Some people tend to think they have a BETTER idea. . .).

LIQUIDS: Getting in your Protein and water at first is hard. You're not going to have to do the 64 oz the DAY you get out of surgery--it's a gradual increase. Different programs vary--some say that 64 oz of liquid per day is ok (not just 64 oz water) so be sure you check with surgeon on this).

LONG-TERM SUCCESS: Of course you are not trying to make excuses--I can so remember being where you are right now. There really is no way to "try to make sure you are going to be successful." For me, I finally just had to tell myself-- QUIT THINKING--JUST DO. I remind myself EVERY DAY that I am, and will forever be, a WLS patient. Obesity is a disease and therefore I am always subject to regaining my weight. But I am armed with all the tools I need to fight this disease for the rest of my life. When I am tempted to make unwise food choices it's never that "I CAN'T have it" it's always that "I CHOOSE not to have it."

Oops--this has gotten kinda long, so I'll sign off for now. Keep asking those questions--there are never too many. . .

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I'm so sorry to hear about your arthritis. Can you do hip replacements to solve that problem?

I'm overwhelmed with your responses to my concerns. They are all so helpful. I printed them out and will keep them in moments of weakness. I know I need to have faith that this will work for me. It will take time. I have failed so many times when I was positive the process would work. I just don't want to do it again.

Did you have a lot of issues with loose skin? I figure I will since I have not done a lot of exercise. If so, how did you deal with it?

Thanks again for all your support. It is priceless!

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I totally agree w/Living Free to stay away from the complications forum and to research and have faith in your Dr and yourself. That forum is there if there are problems.

I'm 67, surgery Feb 17 and doing great. I have had 2 hip resurfacings in (06 &08) due to osteoarthritis and don't know that they're not my own hips. I did not want to outlive my hips so got the sleeve and what a difference almost 30 lbs lost make. My quality of life has improved so much. It's a slow weight loss for me the last month but that's ok slow wins the race.

The only problem I had is I have to take a Prilosec 1x a day for acid indigestion. My Dr said this could happen but it's no biggie. The other is Constipation. I have to take a higher dose stool softener before bed. Small price to pay IMHO for health. I can tie my shoes w/o cutting my breath off from the fat. I'm bowling and walking/exercise in the pool and just enjoying life.

Trust in yourself and your Dr. BELIEVE you are going to have a good surgery, post op and life. Say "when" I loose this weight instead of "if". When I wear a size... (10 that's my mantra, I'm in a 14). Put a positive spin on all your thoughts with I can, I will, when I. You can do this.

Good luck

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losingsoon, I read the complications area too and you can have them, but what I have found through the hospital blog I can access and at my support group meetings, many people do not follow Dr.'s orders. They don't drink enough and get dehydrated, don't lose weight like they should because they cheat or don't get their Protein in. If you follow the guidelines you are given and keep a positive attitude it will make all the difference. Know you are doing this for yourself and you so deserve it.

I was blessed that the nurse practitioner who would be taking care of me after my surgery, came to the lab and met me when I came in for my pre-surgery blood work. I was so impressed. She told me I was going to do great and would be successful. The key was to be positive. She really helped to relieve my fear. She promised me she would be there when I got to my room and she was.

I won't say there haven't been tough times, there have been, but they are short lived and when you see the weight dropping off, your self-esteem rises.

Right now, I am trying so hard to get to 200lbs. I was a 1/2 lb away, and I gained a 1/2 lb. Now I am a pound away. It gets frustrating, but that is how the weight loss goes. Some days you don't lose, you can even go a week and not lose and then all of a sudden, you lose a couple of pounds. The body is always readjusting to the surgery, healing, and weight loss.

Do you have a good support system at home? My husband has been a gem. He actually encouraged me to get the surgery even before I thought I wanted it. He was so concerned about my health. Now I see him looking at me, I say, "What are you looking at?" He says, "The new you!" You are looking good!" Makes me feel young again!

Now that I am over 5 weeks out, I am feeling good, able to eat out in restaurants, and enjoy life more. Except for my back acting up. My sciatica is acting up. But this too shall pass.

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Boy, the weeks are flying by! I just relooked at the calendar and realized I am 6 weeks out from surgery. Thought I should clarify that.

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Hey, everyone. I'm 68 1/2. And I'm still waiting for surgery, going through the hoops, feeling gung ho about this surgery. I'm already exercising, counting my Protein grams, drinking lots of Water, and started seeing a shrink. I'm going into this journey the "rightest" way I know how.

Glad to be among a group of folks who have learned a lot from life. It's especially great to hear from those who are further along than I.

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Good for you for getting a head start on things! I'm 65 and almost 9 months out. Lost 53 lbs and have passed my surgeon's goal. Only 1 pesky pound away from my goal! I love my sleeve and all it has helped me achieve. Good luck to you and be sure to let us know how you're doing!

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I'm so sorry to hear about your arthritis. Can you do hip replacements to solve that problem?

I'm overwhelmed with your responses to my concerns. They are all so helpful. I printed them out and will keep them in moments of weakness. I know I need to have faith that this will work for me. It will take time. I have failed so many times when I was positive the process would work. I just don't want to do it again.

Did you have a lot of issues with loose skin? I figure I will since I have not done a lot of exercise. If so, how did you deal with it?

Thanks again for all your support. It is priceless!


My pleasure-so glad to help in some small way. I love hanging out in sixties forum. We are an especially "gutsy" group to take this on at our age. Boomer power!!!

And what sleeversue said about COMPLICATIONS is so, so true and cannot be emphasized enough--many, many complications are a result of patient non-compliance. A pretty large percentage of people go into this surgery not getting it that you must change your old habits, and follow directions -- and that takes serious, lifelong commitment.

When you were talking about all the things you've tried over your lifetime to lose weight-- do you remember the Schick Centers (late '70's I think)? I don't know if it was just a CA thing or nationwide. Anyhow, you brought in your "trouble foods" and you'd take a bite and while you were chewing it, they would shock you. Along with some other gross details I'll spare you of. Just one of my MANY attempts!!!!

You asked about loose skin--oh yes! I kept a measurements chart as I was losing my weight. My upper arms were 16.5" and are now 12" but most of that is batwings! The surgery to remove the excess skin leaves a huge scar down the length of the inside arm, so I'm not interested. I have excess skin on my abdomen, but not bad enough to qualify for the panni surgery. I'm not of the financial means to have it removed, so there it stays. And we won't even talk about the "upper" body!

Thanks for asking--yep, total hip replacement is my only option. Just not ready to take that step. I'm not in debilitating pain and it is not affecting my quality of life (except limiting my exercise), so I'm just going to put it off as long as I can because recovery time for one hip at a time will be about a year. Who has TIME for that???

We're getting a good current group going here--love it!

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I'm so sorry to hear about your arthritis. Can you do hip replacements to solve that problem?

I'm overwhelmed with your responses to my concerns. They are all so helpful. I printed them out and will keep them in moments of weakness. I know I need to have faith that this will work for me. It will take time. I have failed so many times when I was positive the process would work. I just don't want to do it again.

Did you have a lot of issues with loose skin? I figure I will since I have not done a lot of exercise. If so, how did you deal with it?

Thanks again for all your support. It is priceless!


My pleasure-so glad to help in some small way. I love hanging out in sixties forum. We are an especially "gutsy" group to take this on at our age. Boomer power!!!

And what sleeversue said about COMPLICATIONS is so, so true and cannot be emphasized enough--many, many complications are a result of patient non-compliance. A pretty large percentage of people go into this surgery not getting it that you must change your old habits, and follow directions -- and that takes serious, lifelong commitment.

When you were talking about all the things you've tried over your lifetime to lose weight-- do you remember the Schick Centers (late '70's I think)? I don't know if it was just a CA thing or nationwide. Anyhow, you brought in your "trouble foods" and you'd take a bite and while you were chewing it, they would shock you. Along with some other gross details I'll spare you of. Just one of my MANY attempts!!!!

You asked about loose skin--oh yes! I kept a measurements chart as I was losing my weight. My upper arms were 16.5" and are now 12" but most of that is batwings! The surgery to remove the excess skin leaves a huge scar down the length of the inside arm, so I'm not interested. I have excess skin on my abdomen, but not bad enough to qualify for the panni surgery. I'm not of the financial means to have it removed, so there it stays. And we won't even talk about the "upper" body!

Thanks for asking--yep, total hip replacement is my only option. Just not ready to take that step. I'm not in debilitating pain and it is not affecting my quality of life (except limiting my exercise), so I'm just going to put it off as long as I can because recovery time for one hip at a time will be about a year. Who has TIME for that???

We're getting a good current group going here-love it!

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Hey, everyone. I'm 68 1/2. And I'm still waiting for surgery, going through the hoops, feeling gung ho about this surgery. I'm already exercising, counting my Protein grams, drinking lots of Water, and started seeing a shrink. I'm going into this journey the "rightest" way I know how.

Glad to be among a group of folks who have learned a lot from life. It's especially great to hear from those who are further along than I.

VSGAnn2014--congratulations on your decision! Any feel for

when your surgery date will be? Sometimes the waiting for "them" when we're ready "now" is challenging, to say the least . . .

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Good for you for getting a head start on things! I'm 65 and almost 9 months out. Lost 53 lbs and have passed my surgeon's goal. Only 1 pesky pound away from my goal! I love my sleeve and all it has helped me achieve. Good luck to you and be sure to let us know how you're doing!

Way to go lilijo! Kudos to you on GOAL ACHIEVED!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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