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lapband failure?

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I'm 9 months post-op and am really frustrated, to the point that I am regretting this surgery. I lost 24 lbs during the 4 weeks of my pre-op and post-op liquid diet. I lost maybe another 10 pounds in the months after, but those have all come back on very slowly. As of this morning, I was at a loss of 24 lbs. For 9 months, all I have to show is that I could lose weight when only consuming liquid pre/post-op. I knew that this wasn't a magic fix for my weight issues; I did my research and knew what was entailed. I thought it would help me feel satiated and allow me to eat less. That was the goal, right?

I can't eat solids for hours in the morning and have to do a Protein Shake for Breakfast. Once I've been up for a few hours and can eat solids, I'm never satiated when I eat. I don't feel restriction even though I have 9 ccs in my 14 cc band. I've had port pain and felt tugging on it at times. I've shared all of this with my surgeon, but he doesn't seem worried. He told me that his goal was for me to lose 50 lbs in my first year. That seemed reasonable, but I'm 9 months through the year and only halfway to that goal.

I feel no differently now than before the surgery. I do all of the same things - weigh/measure my food, track my food, exercise, fight the feeling of hunger, etc. I feel like a failure and that I made a mistake by having this surgery done. At what point am I considered a lapband failure? I need some words of advice or encouragement because I'm contemplating getting this thing removed. At least I woudln't have to deal with port pain anymore.

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What are you eating for lunch and dinner? Can you give us a typical meal plan for a few days?

Have you consulted with a bariatric nutritionist?

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Hi!, I'm sorry that your frustrated with your band. What are some of the things you are eating and how much are you eating? Do you eat and drink at the same time? Sorry for all the questions but this will give us a better idea to be able to offer suggestions.

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Feeling no restriction with that much Fluid could mean many things...a leak in your tubing, band or port, a misplaced band any number of things. The fact that your surgeon isn't concerned with your lack of restriction and failure to lose is a giant red flag. If you live in an area with several bariatric surgeons, it might be time for a change.

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Feeling no restriction with that much Fluid could mean many things...a leak in your tubing, band or port, a misplaced band any number of things. The fact that your surgeon isn't concerned with your lack of restriction and failure to lose is a giant red flag. If you live in an area with several bariatric surgeons, it might be time for a change.

But she does have restriction in the mornings which is normal for most of us so the band is working 1/3 of the time? The port pain is a concern but would depend on what kind of exercising or work she does? The tube could be wrapped around an organ causing this and I know you'd know more about misplaced foreign objects more than most.

It's quite easy for new bandster's to miss the satiety signals especially if they're consuming a lot of slider foods. It's also possible she's one of those who never feels the satiety signals. And lastly, some WLS patients never get a handle on their craving anxieties and misconstrue cravings as true hunger. Therefore a few session with a nut could resolve this. I know it did for me.

Addressing the daily food intake would be important and if that failed I agree that a 2nd opinion is in order.

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@@2muchfun, I agree with your suggestion. However, the lack of satiety is the key word I responded to...it's a hallmark of a misplaced band, too tight at times + no satiety...

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I recently just met someone at my last full who didn't feel restriction until she had 12 1/2 cc. Maybe you don't have enough in your band. Everyone is different.

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Wow! Thanks for all of the responses. I am ready to lay it all out on the line with my surgeon at my next appointment in 2 weeks. I'm frustrated and discouraged.

Here's what I ate yesterday:

breakfast: low carb Protein powder, unsweetened almond milk

lunch/snacks during day: 3 oz chicken, 8 wheat thins crackers, apple, carrot sticks w/hummus, string cheese

afternoon snack: baked sweet potato, 100 calories of chocolate (my treat for the day)

dinner: chicken (didn't weigh due to how it was cooked), 1/4 c black Beans, sprinkle of cheddar cheese

dessert: 25 calorie no sugar hot chocolate

I didn't exercise yesterday, but will be today.

I've spoken to my surgeon about eating too much vs too little, and he told me not to be too concerned with calories right now and eat until I'm satiated. I'm hardly ever satiated. Due to my schedule, he wants me eating a 2nd small lunch/snacks because I'd go nearly 7 hours between lunch and dinner. That's why I have Snacks during the day and afternoon.

The practice's nutritionist told me never to eat Snacks. I think she was pretty useless overall. She didn't have much to tell me that I didn't already know about dieting and eating well. She also told me to change my schedule so I could eat at better times. That just won't happen due to my profession and she couldn't understand that.

The nurse practioner who sometimes does the fills told me to stick to a strict 1,200 calorie a day plan and not eat more than a cup or so of food per meal.

Everyone gives me contradicting advice and I don't know which way to go. I just know that waht I'm doing now doesn't work.

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I recently just met someone at my last full who didn't feel restriction until she had 12 1/2 cc. Maybe you don't have enough in your band. Everyone is different.

Interesting. I told my surgeon that I was concerned that I'd get filled up and have no other recourse at that point. He told me that he doesn't have any patients who have completely full bands. At my last fill, he put in 1 cc, and then took .5 cc out after looking at the scan of me swallowing. He said he didn't like the way the liquid went through the band and how long it took.

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Unforgiving medical professionals are the worst. I had a doctor once who insisted I eat and exercise only the way he dictated. Didn't matter what my schedule, lifestyle or tastes he wanted it only his way. My nut is flexible and tries to make allowances for my schedule and food preferences.

Do you look for the soft satiety signals like hiccups, runny nose, burps?

One last item, it looks like you're running short on Protein. And I mean real animal Protein in your Snacks. Potatoes and crackers are like the highest on the glycemic index and metabolize quickly, leaving you hungry much sooner. Protein sticks with you longer and keeps hunger at bay.

What about exercise?

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm set to see my doctor in 2 weeks and will be raising my concerns to him. In the mean time, I'm being careful about my 1,200 calories per day. I went to bed hungry last night because I ran out of calories. Actually, I went over by 46, the exact amount of broccoli I ate with my dinner. I knew this would be a tough journey, but I thought the band would at least take the edge off. So far, no dice.

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Yup, officially a lapband failure. Saw my surgeon today and I voiced my concerns. In the past week, I've also had several stuck episodes on the same food I've been eating all along, and lots of nausea. It basically came down to him telling me that the best course of action is to have the band removed. He did not recommend doing a conversion to another surgery. He said that if my body didn't adjust to the band, it likely wouldn't adjust to the other surgeries either and at least the band is reversible. He said he's had a handful of patients over the years with the same issues as me, and they had it removed as well. I feel like such a fool and a complete failure. I've spent so much energy, effort, time, and pain on this with very little to show. I now have to go back and fight the good fight with my weight, just like I have done for most of my life. Thanks for your support and advice through this thread. It was appreciated.

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      I would like to know what questions you wish you had asked prior to your duodenal switch surgery?
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    • cryoder22

      Day 1 of pre-op liquid diet (3 weeks) and I'm having a hard time already. I feel hungry and just want to eat. I got the protein and supplements recommend by my program and having a hard time getting 1 down. My doctor / nutritionist has me on the following:
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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