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Last straw stories

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To be honest, I looked at my mom. I am heavier than she is already, but I don't have nearly the health conditions. I knew, though, that if I let myself continue like I was, I would end up just like her, only heavier. She has full blown diabetes, high cholesterol, and had to have both knees replaced. I already had insulin resistance and high cholesterol, so I knew it was just a matter of time. I knew that surgery was my only option. I've tried plain excerise and dieting in the past, but I always blow the diet because I eventually get so hungry that I sabotage myself. I just don't know when to quit eating.

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I didn't have so much of a "last straw" incident as an epiphany. I had been considering the band for abour 8-9 months and was monitoring the progress of a woman I know who had the band in April of '06. In January of this year I was still on the fence about pursuing surgery and still thinking just maybe I could try dieting one more time (ya'll know the routine) when I stopped to gas up at the local service station. While I was gassing my truck I was approached by one of our local alcoholics who was asking me for money to get something to eat...now this guy, when he is sober, is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and he has struggled on and of the sauce ever since I have known him. I went in the gas station and bought him some food and he thanked me and went on his way. As he was walking away I was thinking to myself about how tragic it is that he is trapped in his addiction like he is and, "There but by the grace of God go I." Then it hit me like a ton of bricks that in a sense I was in his shoes and the only differences between him and me was that my addiction was legal and that I had it in MY power to do something lasting about it. I started actively exploring my options that day.

I hear and read a lot of people talk about praying for God to help with their weight, well, I think on that day God told me if I wanted it then to get off my ass and use the resources he has granted me to do something about it.

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Lots of things started the thinking of surgery but the final thing was last Fall. Was working the concession stand for the boys' little league football games, one of the parents (and a friend) was working it with me. I was messing around and teasing her son (in kindergarten then) and was trying to "catch" him from across the concession window. He kept jumping back and finally he said really loudly...."you're too fat to jump through there and get me". Now we've all heard that kind of stuff before but he got in a lot of trouble, he wouldn't apologize to me as his parents asked so he got a spanking. I felt so horrible that because of my problem, he got punished. I truly support the friend in sticking to teaching her child the proper things to say....but he was just 6 and I felt so bad. Had surgery in January and am down 42 pounds!!! Love the band and wouldn't change anything so far! I might add that a few weeks ago, my oldest son't classmate (6th grade) came up to me in the hallway and said, "Lisa, you're just not looking like Lisa anymore!" Kids, gotta love em'!

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"totally out of control. I had no routine, no discipline, no structure and was just lurching from day to day"

Jachut, you finally managed to put into words my daily routine. It seems so sad when I see it in print, but that describes my day to day before my surgery to the tee! I seemed to spend most of my day mullygrubbing over what all was going wrong in my life due to my own faults, obesity being the biggest one hanging around in my head. Now I am down 80 lbs., and even though I still don't have a "glamorous lifestyle" so to speak, I do enjoy the things that seemed so tiring, like gardening..shopping...even visiting with friends that I don't have to be embarrased to eat in front of. I know that weightloss also helped my body to perform daily routines without so much pain and discomfort, like cleaning,laundry,cooking. These are just some things that came to mind when I read your post. I suddenly feel I am normal, and not alone in this changing period in my life. Thanks!!!

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I didn't really have a last straw but in the midst of the piling up of pounds I just couldn't get a control on it. Gain some, lose some, up and down, my sil had gastric bypass and used the scripture "if your hand offends you cut it off". I started praying about it and if it was in God's plan it would work out for me, insurance.. timing.. everything, it did. I thank God everyday for this surgery.

I come from a family of heart disease and diabetes so I knew it would hit me soon so it was about health in that aspect but even more so it was the little things like riding in the boat watching everyone else ski and tube bc I was too fat to join in. Then theres the vainty side too, I felt my face had become distorted from the fat.

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For me, it was when my then 2 year old son fell asleep in the car and I had to carry him upstairs to bed. That trip up the stairs was the most painful journey for me. My knees were hurting so badly that they were burning. I was breathing heavily and almost dropped my son a few times because I couldn't keep my balance.

Prior to that I was in denial. I had hit over 300 pounds but refused to believe that I was unhealthy. That incident was my wake up call. I knew that if I didn't do something, I wasn't going to be able to be there for my son.

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My last straw -

I've been keeping an online jornal since July of 2001 (low carb dieting). I would yo-yo diet from 235 and getting all the way down to 190, but never could break the 190's for FIVE years I did this.

Finally, there were a couple of people at my office who had RNY gastric Bypass. I felt this was my only hope, my weight was back up not only to 235, but an all time high of 248. I was depressed, tired, and the most miserable I had felt in a long time. I was also totally embarrassed to see anyone because I felt everyone was talking about how much weight I had gained.

I would mention the surgery to my husband and he was totally against it. I was so adament about getting it, I decided I would do it without his support and not tell him until "After" the surgery. I confided in a girl I work with that had the surgery done. Luckily, this girl was a true friend and talked me out of doing that, she then told me about Lap-Band. I had never heard of it.

Well, thats what got the ball rolling, I researched everything I could find about it (which led me to this forum), and started the process. My insurance paid for it if I had a BMI of 40, which I did. I attended a free seminar on November 13th, met with the doctor on Novemerber 22, Was approved on December 4th and scheduled my surgery on January 18th. The ball was moving fast.

Once I was approved and scheduled surgery, it was time to "break" it to my husband. I told him that I have had it, I had the "last straw". I also was having horrible indigestion, and my test results came back that I had a rare type of hyatal hernia that needed to be removed. Also I had stage 3 of esophogitus, and it was turning into Barrets Esophagus, which can lead to cancer.

My DH told me he thought something was wrong because he has seen me struggle every since we had been married with dieting, and he noticed I exercised a lot in the past months but still was gaining. He said he thought the surgery was the best thing for me and gave me his 100% support.

So, for me, the last straw was after 5 years of dieting pretty hard, exercising, and keeping track of my weight on fitday.com, I couldn't take it any longer. I knew something had to be done, I had just turned 40, and no longer felt beautiful as I once had felt. I was tired of yo-yoing, I was tired of feeling fat, miserable and depressed. I couldn't go on living like I was. I considered the surgery my last hope, and still do.

I am 3 months out, down over 50 lbs, and am making great progress toward my goals. I am in the 190's now, the place I had always gotten stuck before, so I'm anxious to see if and when I can get out of the 190's. Once out of the 190's I will know that the lap-band truly does work.

Its not always easy, but it is always worth it to me.

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Sure do. I was just telling a couple of people this story the other day.

I was working at a hospital on midnights and we had a patient that was at least 800#. We didn't have a scale big enough to weigh her. She was in ICU, in a coma, and we had two hospital beds chained together to hold her.

She needed to be turned every two hours. It was a tiny hospital and a small staff on midnights. We simply didn't have enough people to turn her every two hours, we weren't strong enough so we had to call the fire dept every two hours and have them come and help us.

At one point she needed a procedure where a cath would be threaded through her groin artery. We couldn't even do that without the help of the fire dept. Called them again and they came out. One guy was on his knees pushing up on her gut fat and the other fire fighter was on the other side trying to hold her gut fat back so we could get to her groin. The guy on his knees was pushing up with everything he had, he was shaking and sweating trying to hold the fat up. Each time the fire dept is called the police come out with them. Two police officers were watching in horror, gagging and becoming ill at the scene they were watching.

I realized that really big lady started out at my weight at some point, I mean.. she wasn't born weighing 800#. That was my moment, that's when I realized that she never likely thought she would be laying in a bed at 800#+ while a fire department was holding her fat up and out of the way.

I knew GB wasn't for me but within a month of discovering the Lap Band, I had surgery.

Wow, brought tears to my eyes. What an eye opener for anyone.

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i've had weight issues since I was about 8. I've tried everything...

For me I dont think that there was a last straw.. it was a combo of everything. Health issues were starting to pile up. I had high BP and chest pains from stress, but I'm sure being overweight did not help that any, my knees ache, my hips hurt when I lay on my side for too long (only time that happened before was when I was pregnant and gained 80lbs).

At first my fiance and I had a long distance relationship so I was flying at least once a month to visit him. There is nothing more embarrassing than a flight attandant wispering in your ear "dear, do need a seatbelt extention"??? At the time I did not need one...It has been 8 months since I've been on a plane, and I know I would need one now!

I want to be healthy. I want to be able to watch my daughter grow and have children of her own. I want to be able to be one of those silly old ladies who is doing the electric slide at her granddaughters wedding (yes, that would be my grandmother..haha).

At the rate I've been gaining I would not be able to do any of these things. I started looking into lapband surgery....and I havent turned back.

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My 'moment' hit me when I weighed myself a couple months ago. I was a steady 250-270 in high school.. when I went to college, I put on my freshman 30.. and when I hit the scales at 300 in 2004, I freaked out. I did the Atkins diet, got down to 240. Then I 'cheated' and it all fell apart from there. Gained it all back. I knew I had. I had tried different diets since then, nothing significant happened. I stopped weighing myself. There was a death in the family and we were going through old old pictures. I knew my granny's mom was morbidly obese, bed ridden by 30 and died at 35 (from being 600+lbs), but never saw pics. I found a picture of her. Then I weighed myself. I was 333lbs at the time. I had gained about 60lbs in the year (so far). I just knew I needed help and I did not want to be bedridden by 30 because of my weight. I saw House too, the episode with the overweight woman who was 'fused' with her couch. It's a scary thought, and I feel I'm heading there!!! I was able to lose down to 327 by time I got to my doctor. I'm now down to 321.. still quite a ways to go, but I refuse to become that person :)

And I have said it before, I agree with WASabubblebutt about paying for it. My insurance won't cover it. But I was getting it done, no matter WHAT. I was prepared to sell my car, and some other things I knew I could get money for. That would have paid for it. I ended up getting funding from family, but if that had not happened I would have had no problem downsizing my life. I'd rather live poor for longer, than have fancy taste and die in my 30's.

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Well, on September 2, 2006 I got up kissed my husband good bye, said "i love you" and went to work... like any other day.

I worked a half day and returned home at noon to find our car was not in the driveway. I thought he must have gone to my parents as we were planning on heading down there when i got home. I walked into my house to find my husband gone... All of his belongings gone.

There was a note on our bed that said he was leaving and not coming back... that he didnt mean to hurt me, but was not brave enough to do this to my face. I dont remember much after reading it. I just remember the helpless feeling and I remember falling to me knees and literally throwing up.

I never saw him again.

So, in the midst of desperation and depression that followed. I knew I had to do something for myself. Something that would bring all of my emotions into focus on ME. I needed to keep myself busy and i knew the next year was going to be a blur. I had invested so much love, and time into another person (my husband) and I needed to learn how to invest that much in myself.

So, I decided to have the surgery. I paid for it myself. I knew my insurance didnt cover it. My family was against it. So, it was all my decision, all my money, and all by myself.

It was more out of desperation to have ANYTHING else to focus on, and I decided i might as well get healthy in the process. I knew I was going to have to reinvent myself. Recreate a life that i already had planned out with someone else. I knew it would never be the way that I'd planned it.

I knew I had to change my life, and in order to do that, I needed to change my body too. I needed a completely new me. My old life is gone and i am trying to build a new one.

As I lose this weight... I am also trying to lose of all of the hurt and pain he caused me. Leave it in my past where it belongs and move ahead. Healthier and happier than I was before.

I am a long way away from that... but things are progressing.

One day at a time.

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Well, on September 2, 2006 I got up kissed my husband good bye, said "i love you" and went to work... like any other day.

I worked a half day and returned home at noon to find our car was not in the driveway. I thought he must have gone to my parents as we were planning on heading down there when i got home. I walked into my house to find my husband gone... All of his belongings gone.

There was a note on our bed that said he was leaving and not coming back... that he didnt mean to hurt me, but was not brave enough to do this to my face. I dont remember much after reading it. I just remember the helpless feeling and I remember falling to me knees and literally throwing up.

Brandi: This post has moved me to respond...... this was me New Years Eve 2001... except my note was on the kitchen counter, and we had planned a party inwhich I had to call everyone and tell them it was off and why....... Your post brought me dead and center back to that awful time.

I applaud your determination and quick thinking...... YOU ARE WORTH IT! DAMN RIGHT! There is a song by George Straight "She let herself go" that if you've never heard you SHOULD at least google the lyrics.

OK.... since I'm posting...... I will say that my lightbulb moment happened last August while I was on a company business trip...... Like Sunshine, I had gained and lost weight following a LowCarb diet...... 3 times I've lost 80 lbs........ the last time was 3 years ago...... over the last two years I've went from 174 to 272......... an all time high....... before my high was 256 and seemed to be the point I'd get too before I'd restart my efforts...

I have two RL friends that have had the RNY..... I applauded them, but knew it wasn't the way for me, I heard about the band, but knew that my insurance wouldn't cover surgery......but I researched it anyway.. thinking that I'd just put it on a credit card or SOMETHING.... all along the way half assing back to my needed LC.. but not sticking to anything....... While I was at the BCBS SC Corporate Office..... (our company changed to them in 2007, and I was part of the dog and pony show) We were in the middle of a roundtable with all the other HR people from various affiliates and one of the guys made a comment about BCBS WLS exclusion, and how would that affect OUR ALLOWANCE of it...... I about spit out my Water and choked on my cookie!! WHHHHHHHHHHAAAATTTTTT??????? We ALLOW IT? I had no idea. So after the meeting broke up I cornered the Main Benefits guy from our Corportate office and I asked all about it because I said that I had 2 employees who were interested in it..... He told me that yes we did cover it if medicially necessary.. He said there were two common types of gastric surgery ..... he said it would actually be easier to qualify with BCBS than our old provider..........

THAT IS WHERE I STARTED SERIOUSLY PLANNING FOR IT....... I had to wait til Jan 2007 for it to take effect, but all in the month of Jan I had done everything from seminar, consult, physc eval, nutrition eval...and bcbs approval letter in hand..... It was booking the surgery that has me waiting til April 26..... the in network hospital was totally scheduled til this time.......

This time gaining the weight, I have noticed my fingers and ankles swelling and all I wanted to do was sleep. My son(after divorce miracle) didn't have room on my lap, and he was always asking if I had a baby in there..... I used to feel pretty, but I had gotten to the point of not caring about hair and makeup..... I feel empowered and for the first time in a long time I see the light at the end of the tunnel......

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My mom died of problems from the result of being severly morbid obese. I was 13 when she died, she was 45. The last time I saw her living I promised her I would not let myself die at a young age b/c of my weight. I weighed 240 pounds then. Now, I weigh 435 pounds. So, in 15 years I actually gained 195 pounds and I haven't kept my promise. For the last 15 years I have been yo-yo dieting, depressed, and in denial. If I don't do something soon, I will die. I will die the same way my mother died. I have decided that gastric bypass is not for me now. But, I think Lap-Band is the tool that will save my life. So, today I went for an appointment with the nurse. I need to lose some weight before they will do surgery. The next month or so I will be on a liquid whey Protein diet. Wish me luck!

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I used to feel pretty, but I had gotten to the point of not caring about hair and makeup..... I feel empowered and for the first time in a long time I see the light at the end of the tunnel......

OMG - you took the words right out of my mouth. I went thru that too, no makeup, my hair looked like dog do do, always thrown together. And now, I feel like there is real hope.

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My mom died of problems from the result of being severly morbid obese. I was 13 when she died, she was 45. The last time I saw her living I promised her I would not let myself die at a young age b/c of my weight. I weighed 240 pounds then. Now, I weigh 435 pounds. So, in 15 years I actually gained 195 pounds and I haven't kept my promise. For the last 15 years I have been yo-yo dieting, depressed, and in denial. If I don't do something soon, I will die. I will die the same way my mother died. I have decided that gastric bypass is not for me now. But, I think Lap-Band is the tool that will save my life. So, today I went for an appointment with the nurse. I need to lose some weight before they will do surgery. The next month or so I will be on a liquid whey Protein diet. Wish me luck!

You can do it! So sorry for your loss, even though it was 15 years ago, I'm sure it still hurts. Losing a parent at an age where you really need them must have been hard. Your mother would be very proud of you for taking the right steps in order to turn your life around, that is what counts!

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