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Good Morning Friends!!

The next meeting of the NYC/Long Island Bariatric Pal Support Group will be held on October 25th from 2PM till 4 PM at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue.

The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets.

The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level.

We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there. If any Jersey friends want to attend, please feel free to cross the Hudson and join us!!! Westchester, Rockland and any other upstate folks are welcome to come spend the afternoon in NYC as well!

We are still working on our Long Island Venue's so stay tuned!

For those folks in the outer boroughs if you are interested in putting a meeting together in your area, visit your local library and see if it might be possible to book one of their meeting spaces for an afternoon. You generally have to live in the area to do this, so if you'd like to see a meeting in your area, give us a hand to secure the space and we'd be happy to come to your area and host a meeting with you!!

Hope to see you all on October 25th in NYC!!! Come back in a few days for some more "details" and the inside scoop for the upcoming meeting.....

I will be less than one week out from my revision surgery (October 20th) so I'll sadly have to pass on this meeting. I soooo wish I could attend as I really liked the last meeting (my 1st meeting.) See you all next time around in NYC. And sending my best to Jyoyonomore as her surgery is coming up even sooner than mine!

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Thanks & all the Best Sleeveee I like the name change!!!

Edited by Jyoyonomore

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I work in the City and live on Long Island. Please let me know if you find a Long Island venue. I would love to attend. I could get to the City easier on weeknights than weekends but will try to get there on the 25th.

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Good Morning Friends!!

The next meeting of the NYC/Long Island Bariatric Pal Support Group will be held on October 25th from 2PM till 4 PM at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue.

The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets.

The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level.

We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there. If any Jersey friends want to attend, please feel free to cross the Hudson and join us!!! Westchester, Rockland and any other upstate folks are welcome to come spend the afternoon in NYC as well!

We are still working on our Long Island Venue's so stay tuned!

For those folks in the outer boroughs if you are interested in putting a meeting together in your area, visit your local library and see if it might be possible to book one of their meeting spaces for an afternoon. You generally have to live in the area to do this, so if you'd like to see a meeting in your area, give us a hand to secure the space and we'd be happy to come to your area and host a meeting with you!!

Hope to see you all on October 25th in NYC!!! Come back in a few days for some more "details" and the inside scoop for the upcoming meeting.....

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I'am doing well 5 days PostOp dealing with getting in so much medicine and drinking out of med cups every 40 mins but I won't be ready to come into the city by myself for the meeting. See you next time!

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Good Sunday evening everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend. It seems that fall has returned to NY this weekend, and I must say I am finding it enjoyable as the it complements the time of year.

Just a reminder:

The next meeting of the NYC/Long Island Bariatric Pal Support Group will be held on October 25th from 2PM till 4 PM at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue.

The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets.

The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level.

We have a few seasonal things planned and some information to center around the upcoming holidays.

We have also planned a bit of a treat, for this meeting.

I don’t know how many times I’ve stood in front of my closet and complained that I had nothing to wear. Despite my wardrobe overflowing with shoes, tops, dresses, and jeans, I still become weary of repeatedly wearing the same pieces.

It’s a problem that I know many of us have dealt with. Too bad we don’t all have unlimited budgets to buy new clothes and accessories whenever we need to.

If your wardrobe is in desperate need of an update – but you don’t have the cash to head to the mall Liz and I thought a clothing swap might be lots of fun!

It is one way to share those special items that we all have hanging in our closets like gowns, and jackets, and suits that no longer fit us but we just aren't ready to hand over to the goodwill bin just yet.

It provides us the opportunity to share our treasures with even one more person who will be able to cherish and use it again even if it's just one more time.

There is one catch to this though!!! You will not be required to bring any items to the meeting!

If you would like to participate we ask that you take photo's of the items you would like to swap via some type of digital media and send them to Liz or myself. We will create printed photo pages that we will be able to view at the meeting and anyone interested in an item will be able to write their contact information on the page and make arrangements with the owner to make the swap.

Owners you may choose to send the items in the mail, meet the exchanger for coffee or simply bring your one or two items to the next meeting and make the swap then!

So friends what do you think? Is this something you might want to take part in?

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@@Jyoyonomore I am so glad to hear that you are doing well!!! Keep resting and don't worry we will see you next time, and as an added bonus I will post attachments to all the handouts and other items that we share at the meeting so you and sleevee won't feel left out at all!!

Perhaps we will even get a group photo to send to you all to say Hi! Well I know at least Liz, Ken and I will be sending one!!!

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Sounds fun. I'm almost positive I will be there. I will be 10 days from surgery

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I'am doing well 5 days PostOp dealing with getting in so much medicine and drinking out of med cups every 40 mins but I won't be ready to come into the city by myself for the meeting. See you next time!

So glad to hear you are doing well. Small steps and small sips are the way to go!

BTW, I was scheduled for sleeve surgery today, but the surgeon has put it on hold (perhaps to January 2015.) He gave me a small fill when I last saw him, and I hope to drop some more pounds by using the band as a friendly tool. I hope I can do it. If not...revision surgery is in my future.

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Hi Friends!!!

I am sorry to do this at the last moment, but we are going to have to reschedule this weekends meeting to next Saturday.

I pulled the hamstring muscle in my leg this morning at the gym! Ouch ouch and more ouch!!

All appears to be OK and it's just a sprain so I have a lovely knee brace and working on staying off of it this weekend so it can heal.

Looking forward to seeing all of you next weekend!!!

If your stressing over Halloween...Here is a little reminder and some low calorie fun alternatives!!

5 Ways To Scare Off Halloween Candy

It’s getting cold outside, the leaves are falling, October is drawing to a close — sounds like a good time to chow down on a heap o’ Halloween candy! Not!

While Halloween can be a fun time of the year, it can wreak havoc if you’re trying to lose weight. Just a few wrong choices or one too many of the good, old “But they’re so tiny. One more won’t hurt!”excuse will be enough to send you screaming off the bathroom scale on November 1st.

Here are 5 tips to help get you through Halloween with your waistline intact. (I did have “don’t eat any candy at all” as a first tip, but figured I’d be run out of town by an angry mob with pitchforks!)

Read The Label

If you’re going to indulge, at least know what you’re getting yourself into. Read the label on the bag of candy to find the serving size and the amount of calories. The amount of calories alone may be enough for you to stop overindulging. If not, you could trying cutting back on that amount of calories with your other meals. Granted, you’ll end up replacing good nutritious food with pure sugar — definitely not something you want to do on a regular basis! But if you’re otherwise healthy, it shouldn’t hurt just this one time – within reason, of course…

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

If you’re giving out candy, buy it as close to October 31st as possible and store it in a hard to reach place (or have somebody hide it). Having all that candy in the house is just too tempting. And you definitely need to follow this rule if you’ve ever had to go out and buy more candy because you ate most of your giving-away candy before Halloween.

When it comes to the workplace, avoid people who put out candy or look away when you pass by that overflowing bowl of candy the well-intentioned receptionist has put out. And if YOU are that well-intentioned receptionist, take pity on people and move the bowl out of sight.

Keep the Wrappers in front of you!

Because it’s so easy to mindlessly pop Halloween candy into your mouth with no end in sight, keep every single wrapper so you know how much you’ve had. Your mind may say you’ve only had three mini-bags of M&Ms, but a big pile of wrappers won’t lie.

Eat Only Your Favorites

To me, there’s no point in taking on the extra calories of something you don’t like or only like a little bit. If you’re going to have Halloween candy, then you may as well enjoy yourself by eating only your favorites. Save calories by turning your nose up to anything else.

Eat Protein

This tip is a bit tricky. Eating Protein will help counter-effect the rapid rise in blood sugar from all that candy. But you have to keep in mind all the extra calories you’re eating. Try to eat a piece of candy with a meal or a healthy snack. (I can hear a chorus of “Yeah, riii-iiight” just about now, as mini-chocolate bars are gobbled down across the country with nary a healthy food in sight… Well, don’t say I didn’t try to make you eat healthy!)

If you decide to go all out with the Halloween candy, watch out for cravings after overindulging. You may come crashing down hard after the sugar rush and experience intense cravings. Whatever you do, don’t reach for more candy! Instead curb cravings with these 5 little words:


Get your mind off of the doughnut and onto to other subjects. Leave the room if you have to. You can’t distract yourself if the doughnut is staring you in the face. Out of sight means you won’t be thinking about it. Take a short break. Start reading a book or working on a difficult project. The odds are you’ll completely forget about the doughnut, candy bar, or whatever food siren is calling to you, and the craving will disappear. Distraction is a great tool for your weight loss program.


Delay the gratification. Give yourself permission to have some candy in 20 minutes. 20 minutes is long enough that the craving for the candy will pass but not so long, an hour say, that waiting seems pretty much impossible. If 20 minutes passes go ahead and eat a few bites of the candy, then wait another 20 minutes before you finish it.


Substitute a long cold glass of Water. The Water gives your mouth something to do besides eat — plus the water will fill you up. Even though it’s only temporary, the feeling of fullness is satisfying. If you’re craving sweetness, add a splash of fruit juice to the water. Vary your beverage choice if you like, just be aware of sugary drinks like sodas and juice. Don’t add extra calories!


Another way to curb your craving is to picture the candy for what it really is: fat. Ugly wobbly, slimy, disgusting fat. Fat that plans on sticking to you for awhile… a long while. Go to the grocers and ask them for a pound of fat trimmings from beef. That’s what the candy will turn into once you give in to the craving. A pound of fat takes up more space than you might realize. Freeze that pound of fat. Whenever a craving hits get it out of the freezer so it reminds you of what you’re really eating.


Dance instead of eating the candy. If you’re too embarrassed to dance that’s okay. The point is to exercise for a bit instead of eating. Take a walk, climb the stairs, or break out in a set of jumping jacks. The results are two fold, you’ve added a bit of calorie burning to your day and you’ve avoided the candy!

Get out there and do the Monster Mash!!! Can't wait to hear your scary tales next Saturday!!!

Happy Halloween!

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Lisa, sorry to hear about your injury--hope you heal quickly!

Take care.


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Had my 1 week Followup appt yesterday. I'm doing great & happily they moved me to take "as needed" for everything but the Prilosec. I hate taking meds so I'm very happy to reduce the lot. Lost 7 LBS since surgery day!

@@lisacaron feel better!

Edited by Jyoyonomore

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You are doing great!@@Jyoyonomore!!

@LivingFree! Thank you I am feeling so much better. Took the weekend to just relax and keep off the leg. Dr. gave me some muscle relaxers which are horrible they make me feel like a zombie but they are also keeping me from doing too much and that's a good thing.

I did get out today with our puppies and Mamma doggie Celine, for a little walk to the lake and back. It was really an enjoyable day.

Here are some fun photo's that we took of them this weekend. They probably hate that I am home...cause I am dressing them up and making them take photo's lol.

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You are doing great!@@Jyoyonomore!!

@LivingFree! Thank you I am feeling so much better. Took the weekend to just relax and keep off the leg. Dr. gave me some muscle relaxers which are horrible they make me feel like a zombie but they are also keeping me from doing too much and that's a good thing.

I did get out today with our puppies and Mamma doggie Celine, for a little walk to the lake and back. It was really an enjoyable day.

Here are some fun photo's that we took of them this weekend. They probably hate that I am home...cause I am dressing them up and making them take photo's lol.




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Hello all. So sorry to do this but we've decided to cancel tomorrow's meeting as the weather forecast is saying we will have rain, wind, and cold. While it's not much of an issue for those like me who are very close to the venue, we feel it will be too challenging for those having to come from further distances.

We will likely hold another meeting closer to Thanksgiving and will keep you posted.

Happy Halloween and enjoy the holiday! Oh, and I already had a Hershey's kiss and feeling no guilt. It's not about doing without...it's about living balanced lives.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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