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Pregnant w/ raging infection :-/ (DON'T GO TO MEXICO!)

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Hi. I happen to agree with both of you on this thread... MY OPINION on this is not really as a future Lap-Band receipient (6/1/07) but as a Recovery Room nurse at a hospital that happens to be a Bariatric Center. I agree, the FIRST thing you do when considering this surgery is find the best, most reputable surgeon you can get your hands on!! (or rather their hands on you...lol) After that, either decide it's worth the money, or don't do the surgery at all. This is your life, it's your body, and you only get one shot at it. Complications can still arise if you have the best in the business, so why make it any easier for them to occur??

As far as Mexico, it is my personal opinion that it should be avoided. This is not a direct jab at Mexico itself, just the fact that indeed if something goes wrong, you're screwed. I have assisted my surgeon in the operating room on SEVERAL cases inwhich he is trying to correct problems on surgeries performed in Mexico - it just so happens ALL of our corrections were due to malpractice and not "nature" or patient error.

Again, this is not a jab at Mexican surgeons. And again, it goes back to doing your research... BUT some things to consider are these:

We have a crazy-ass "I'm gonna sue you if you look at me wrong" attitude (which I DO NOT agree with) in this country that doctors are VERY aware of and frankly, afraid of. However, malpractice insurance exists for a reason, and if a doctor in the US actually commits malpractice during your surgery whether by breaking sterile technique, doing a procedure in a sloppy manner, not being available to you for post-op complications, etc.. (the list goes on forever) that surgeon will be sued, and the patient will win...everytime! Therefore, surgeons in the US are much more likely to not KNOWINGLY commit malpractice. But we all know that ACCIDENTS, however, of course happen in all countries.

Also, the procedure should be performed at a Certified Bariatric facility that is accredited by "Joint Commission". Any hospital in the US worth its salt is going to have this accreditation! You just have to KNOW that your instruments are going to be sterile, your surgery room disinfected, and the gloves and gowns used on you sterile as well. Although you have to trust that surgical procedures are followed correctly, you will not find procedures that protect you any better than those in the US.

Again, you can get an infection or other complication at any hospital in any country. Everyone should pick the best surgeon and facility you can find. A "cheap" surgery is a bad surgery. This is your life! It just comforts me, as a nurse and a patient, that in the US there are laws in place that protect patients from surgeons who don't care about you and facilities that aren't clean. I'm lucky that I know what goes on at my facility behind the surgical doors... I know how the instruments are autoclaved, I know who cleans the rooms and how that is done, I know how long our surgeons scrub their hands and that their are timers that start as soon as the Water is activated, and I know my surgeon and have witnessed him performing procedures many times. With all this knowledge, I feel safe putting my life in their hands on June 1, 2007. With all that said, and all my comforts, I also know that complications may still arise... and that's why I pray...

Again, just expressing my opinion as a surgical nurse in the good ole USA!

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OK wasabubble...I am confused now. I have read this entire thread and you have been preaching how you were NOT lucky, that you simply did your research. But then you admit that even after doing research that "the best of docs are going to have complications w/their patients"....and you don't call the fact that you didn't have any complications luck (I am assuming you had the "best of docs")

Peace Out,


Yes, patients are going to have complications. Sometimes we take all the right precautions and crap just happens. You get someone that has no history of throwing clots and even with the standard drugs to prevent someone from throwing clots, they have a pulmonary embolism anyway... that isn't the docs fault. Crap happens.

Giving Lovenox SQ is standard of care before doing this procedure. If someone has an allergic reaction to the drug is that the doc's fault? Is it the patient's fault? Of course not, crap happens.

You get a person with an infection. Doesn't mean it is the doc's fault (however for the person that started this thread I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she did everything right for aftercare, her doc was at fault). If the doc gives the person instructions and the person does not follow those instructions and an infection results, that is a complication. Does that mean it is the doc's fault? Of course not.

All complications are not the fault of the doc. A good doctor will recognize and deal with a complication.

All docs have complications in their careers, it doesn't mean they have complications with each and every single one of their patients.

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As far as Mexico, it is my personal opinion that it should be avoided. This is not a direct jab at Mexico itself, just the fact that indeed if something goes wrong, you're screwed. I have assisted my surgeon in the operating room on SEVERAL cases inwhich he is trying to correct problems on surgeries performed in Mexico - it just so happens ALL of our corrections were due to malpractice and not "nature" or patient error.

Would you agree that there are bad surgeons in the US and we don't know why they are still practicing medicine? I can point you to a website where docs are being "monitored" by the board of medicine because they are pedophiles, drug addicts, participate in kinky and illegal behaviors, etc. (Kinky is okay, illegal and kinky is not okay.) I have NO clue why these people are still in medicine. It boggles my mind. A pediphile pediatrician and he is STILL practicing pediatrics! Right here in AZ! What the heck????

If a US doc kills a patient, that doesn't mean their license will be revoked. They can still continue to practice medicine in most cases. So what good do our laws do for the dead folks?

Mexico is no different. They have good surgeons and bad. Even with their bad surgeons they don't have the medical malpractice issues we do because the people there don't take advantage of free money at any opportunity.

I guess one of my issues here is that there are a lot of people that don't have $16K-$40K to pay cash for a procedure. They have to find alternatives. IF they choose Mexico, there really isn't a problem with this 99.999% of the time if they choose a GOOD surgeon with skill, experience, and a good reputation. I chose Mexico for several reasons. I was not willing to jump through hoops to get a band, I was not willing to do a six month supervised diet (if I was willing, I wouldn't have lost 70lbs, I'd still be waiting for insurance approval), I wasn't willing to go to the docs on my "approved" list, I didn't approve them the insurance co did. I went to the best surgeon I could. I did my work and I did my research. If I would have been wrong I could not have sued. Americans are not permitted to take their sue happy attitudes to Mexico, it won't fly. However, had I experienced a complication that was the fault of my surgeon, he would have fixed it and not charged me. Would I have made money off it? Not likely. But I'm not like that anyway. Cover my costs and I am a happy camper.

There are people that don't have insurance to cover banding. That leaves them a choice. Either go to a quality and experienced surgeon in Mexico or not have a band at all. It's easy for those with WLS coverage to say, "Just save more money." but it isn't always possible.

Happens to be that my surgeon has fixed a lot of US screw ups. Just because someone is from the US doesn't make them good.

I understand your points and I don't entirely disagree. But I don't entirely agree either. There are people that don't have insurance coverage for WLS, what should they do if they can't afford surgery in the US? Just go without a band? I'm not trying to be pissy, this is an honest question.

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**Disclaimer... the opinion you are about to read is mine all mine and only mine... and I'll be the first to admit, I'm not always right...lmao**

I am a self pay without insurance coverage for WLS. I am not rich, I'm just a nurse. I drive an 8 year old car. But I was able to save for this surgery (it took years), and it's about to happen.

As far as options if you can't afford it in the US... it's up to the individual. NOBODY can argue that you have the same safety net in the US where you DO have MAJOR patient rights as you would in Mexico, where you have NO rights and are relying on a doctor's "word" to fix something if it goes wrong. I guess I just don't have that much trust or faith in my "fellow man". If I had to choose between having surgery in Mexico or staying fat... I'd choose fat anyday of the week.

Bottomline, do what you feel is best for you and good luck to us all!

PS - if after my surgery I get a raging infection caused by poor hygiene on the part of my surgeon or the facility where it took place, I will be the first to eat crow... i like it cooked medium-well. :mad:

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I guess my point is that some docs don't need laws and people checking up on them to do things well. If the only issue is that rules and regs are what keeps docs doing things well, what does that say about the doc? He wouldn't do things the right way if he wasn't forced? Is your doc THAT bad that he wouldn't sterilize the surgical instruments unless rules and regs forced him to? Of course not! You are a nurse, you know how to research docs.

Mexican docs are no different.

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I am so glad that I had this procedure close to home since I, too, have had infection problems and recently had my port removed due to Staph Infection. The thought of this happening and the having to return to a foreign country to get it taken care of, is beyond me. I am having to see the doctor every 2 weeks. Good luck to those of you who had to go to Mexico or far from home to get this done.

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All docs have complications in their careers, it doesn't mean they have complications with each and every single one of their patients.

You have contradicted yourself from the beginning...

You were lucky that you happened to be a patient that did not have complications since "all docs have complications" am I right? :mad: Because if "all docs have complications" and your doctor did not have a complication in you, does that make you "unlucky"...I think not! Lighten up a little.

Peace Out!


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**Disclaimer... the opinion you are about to read is mine all mine and only mine... and I'll be the first to admit, I'm not always right...lmao**

I am a self pay without insurance coverage for WLS. I am not rich, I'm just a nurse. I drive an 8 year old car. But I was able to save for this surgery (it took years), and it's about to happen.

If I had to choose between having surgery in Mexico or staying fat... I'd choose fat anyday of the week. :)

As you said that was your opinion. This is mine:

I too was self pay without insurance coverage. I don't think any of us are rich. My car is 1994. I saved for the surgery and then had a friend and her husband lend me what I didn't have. They said they would rather have a live freind owning them money than a dead one who didn't. I have since paid them back.

My reason for going to another country (Mexico) in the first place is the surgeons there (generally) have a lot more experience than US doctors. They have been placing lap bands for 16 or so years. It has only been FDA approved in the US since 2001. I went with the ones who have more experience.

I had a raging staph infection with my C-Section in a US hospital but have had NO complications from my surgery in Tijuana. Living in San Diego has made it very convenient to drive across the border for follow ups and fills. It only takes me 20 minutes to get across the border and to where ever I need to be. Tijuana is not some tiny outpost. It has a population of over 1 million people. What most people see is just the "border" portion of it. If it wasn't for the border wait, I would seriously consider moving there.

If I had to choose between having surgery in Mexico and being fat. I'm glad I chose surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. Without it I would not have lost almost 100# and had my life changed. Again, this is MY opinion.

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NataliesMommy, I just want to add my wishes that you have a smooth pregnancy and that your doctor can find a course of treatment that will clear this up for you. If not, then go ahead and go for removal if that is what it takes. Just get yourself healed up so you can enjoy your new baby!

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I've said all along that there are good and bad everywhere. My biggest concern is that IF something goes wrong in Mexico you have no rights like you do here at home. I'm so glad things worked out in your favor and am insanely jealous of you substantial weight loss! I hope to be there myself one day!

Nataliesmommy, I too have you in my prayers and hope that you'll get some relief soon! I know this has been a hard, trying and overall frustrating time for you!

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You have contradicted yourself from the beginning...

You were lucky that you happened to be a patient that did not have complications since "all docs have complications" am I right? :) Because if "all docs have complications" and your doctor did not have a complication in you, does that make you "unlucky"...I think not! Lighten up a little.

Peace Out!


No, I did not contradict myself at all. All docs have complications. That does not mean the same as all docs have complications with every single patient. Just like all people eat food, that is not the same as saying all people eat food every single minute of everyday.

No need to lighten up, but the OH people are getting a bit annoying.

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No need to lighten up, but the OH people are getting a bit annoying.

Newbie question... I'm guessing the OH here does not mean Ohio??? Please enlighten... Thanks!

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I've got to agree with WasABubbleButt...you can't write off an entire country BUT all you can do is advise people of your problems and complications. The same way someone DOESN'T all of a sudden get pregnant...is the same way as us not all of a sudden gettin OVERWEIGHT. I agree as far as you probably didn't do enuf' research. I've read so many posts about the doctor your chose. I sympathize with you whole heartedly but agree with WasABbubbleBut...you are a statistic sadly...I wish you weren't but you are. I'm sorry for your complications and sorry for this entire mix up. If we could all save $40 thousand dollars over time then we all would but that's simply not the case. If it was then we'd all be having surgery in the US and not have these problems, according to some because the US is the best in medical procedures, right? Yeah, right!

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Wow! Are some paying 40K? I am a self pay here in the US with a certified lap band doc who has done hundreds since day one (that they became FDA approved) He has a great reputation in our area and hasn't had a slip in over 3 years... my cost is $14K (surgeon, hospital, and anesthesia). I know it's cheaper than that in Mexico... but 40K?? Really?? My parents first house cost that much!! Seriously, I'm shocked! Is this true? Who and where are they, and is the band made of gold!!??

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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