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Pregnant w/ raging infection :-/ (DON'T GO TO MEXICO!)

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I just wanted to warn anyone that is considering going to Mexico for surgery. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you may be determined and feel like this is the only way, BUT IF you have any complications, you're in bad shape! My surgery was in Apr 06, and I've been dealing w/ a deadly infection (pseudomonas) this whole year. I've spent weeks in the hospital, and was lucky enough to FINALLY find a wonderful American Dr that would even treat me (after several mos of searching and being turned down). Not only did I loose my job because of this, my unpaid medical bills are around $40,000 at this point (for that much money, not only could I have had surgery in the states, but also a shiny new sports car, lol)

My ordeal will not be over anytime soon. Unexpectedly I became pregnant, and I won't be able to be treated any further until after the baby is born in Oct 07. Not even any antibiotics. Until then, I will just have to deal w/ a painful, draining infection (which I am almost used to). And at that point, our last and only option will probably have to be removal of the band all together. The thought of having the band removed after all I've been through is very disheartening, but nothing compared to my fear for the baby's health.

So, if I had just been patient, and saved my money for another year, I would've been able to have surgery in the states, and avoided all this.

I understand there are TONS of success stories out of Mexico. That is what I focused on, and thought that I was invinsible. The savings in time and money was not worth it....not even close. If you go to another country for medical surgery, it is a dangerous, HIGH RISK gamble. So please reconsider.

And just an FYI.... I used Betancourt Medical in Tijuana, Mex. Since my surgery I have found several, several of their former patients that have had life threatening complications. So please steer clear.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions!!!!!

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Thank you for your post... I hope you feel better very soon, and congratulations on your pregnancy!! My thoughts are with you. Hoping you have an uneventful pregnancy.

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Well, I don't have any comment about the quality of care in Mexico, but I know in Kansas it is no longer worth going to Mexico because the cost of getting the band plus 1 year follow-up is about $11,000.

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Isn't this doctor part of the Molding Clinic/Betancourt Medical/Dr. Haucez I've read so many complaints about?

I've been searching this board for a while and those names seem to pop up a lot. Anyone else have any insight?

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There may be some antibiotics you can take during pregnancy. I got sinus infections almost every pregnancy and took a couple different kinds of antibiotics. Best of luck to you!

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Isn't this doctor part of the Molding Clinic/Betancourt Medical/Dr. Haucez I've read so many complaints about?

I've been searching this board for a while and those names seem to pop up a lot. Anyone else have any insight?

Yes indeed! Only Dr. Huacez is not there anymore due to the number of complaints. Now it is Dr. Lopez, and his track record isn't much better from what I hear.

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Yes indeed! Only Dr. Huacez is not there anymore due to the number of complaints. Now it is Dr. Lopez, and his track record isn't much better from what I hear.

Dr Huacuz did my surgery. I have no complaints with his medical skills.

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I just wanted to warn anyone that is considering going to Mexico for surgery. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

What in the world does Mexico have to do with all this? I am very sorry that you have an infection but just because you have an infection possibly due to one doctor in Mexico, how does that make all of Mexico bad? That is painting with a mighty large paint brush.

There are thousands and thousands of people who have surgery in the US that get infections. Does that mean we should rule out the US for medical care and Mexico? Canada has the same problem, shall we rule out Canada too?

I know you may be determined and feel like this is the only way, BUT IF you have any complications, you're in bad shape!

No, actually I am not in bad shape at all. I have had complications (not my doc's fault) and I have been able to follow up with my surgeon in Mexico and a doc in the US. Again, you are using a very large paintbrush here. I'm sorry that you have had problems but the majority of us have no problems whatsoever.

One more issue. There are plenty of docs out there that won't see ANY patients banded by ANY other doc regardless of country. Just because you have surgery in the US that does not mean any US doc will do your after care.

So, if I had just been patient, and saved my money for another year, I would've been able to have surgery in the states, and avoided all this.

That is not necessarily true. You make it sound as though infection does not happen in the US. How do you know the infection came from Mexico? The same bacteria in Mexico exist in the US as well. It could have happened in any number of ways. There are US docs that have higher infection rates than some Mexican docs. There are also Mexican docs that have a higher infection rate that US docs.

It is also the responsibility of the patient to make sure there is follow up care in the US before having surgery.

I realize you are dealing with a very frustrating problem right now and you are angry. But to post as though infection doesn't happen in the US but it does in Mexico is simply not true.

I understand there are TONS of success stories out of Mexico. That is what I focused on, and thought that I was invinsible. The savings in time and money was not worth it....not even close. If you go to another country for medical surgery, it is a dangerous, HIGH RISK gamble. So please reconsider.

**IF** one chooses a good doc with an outstanding reputation and years of experience there is NO difference in going to Mexico or the US. People get infections ALL THE TIME and they get them in the US. This is a problem that happens in any hospital where people are ill and spreading bacteria around. ANY hospital regardless of country. The very same bacteria you have in your wound are floating in the air at your local grocery store, department store, school, it is everywhere.

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Isn't this doctor part of the Molding Clinic/Betancourt Medical/Dr. Haucez I've read so many complaints about?

I've been searching this board for a while and those names seem to pop up a lot. Anyone else have any insight?

That is absolutely the cheapest place there is in Mexico to get a band.

One should not depend on price alone, there are many other factors.

Dr. Haucez is still practicing. When people look for price only, they get what they get.

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Wow, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing all these problems. :D I appreciate that you wanted to talk about your story for others' sake, since I'm sure it's not easy to have to revisit all those unpleasant details. People need to hear both the good and the bad to be prepared.

I can understand that pregnancy makes things more complicated, but I'm surprised that they've told you not to take any treatment at all.

I found this page: http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2701.htm#section~medication

which says there are some antibiotics that can be used to treat pseudomonas that are safe to take during pregnancy. Are any of those an option for you?

In any case, I definitely wish all the best to both you and the baby. :(

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hey nataliesmom- i hope your doing ok thanks for sharing your story

Did the information about antibiotics you can use during pregnancy help you at all? just wondering, hope it did!

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Thank you all for your kind words and your appreciation of me telling my story.

In resonse to the bubble butt girl's rude and insensitive post: I'm glad that you are one of the lucky ones that received good follow-up care w/ your complications.

And no offense, but DUH - what you spoke of in your reply is already a given. People know that complications can arise.... whether you're in America, Mexico, or the North Pole.

My point is >>>>>>>>> If you go to another country for surgery AND have complications, you could be in big trouble, like so many of us!! I'm at the point now to where I'm having to go see my (american) surgeon every 3 wks. EVEN IF my Mexican surgeon was one of the caring ones, it wouldn't be possible to be going down to Mexico this often.

No American doctor wants to touch you with a 10ft pole (I searched for mos until I finally lucked out and found someone to accept me), and getting help from your original foreign surgeon group is difficult at best. I'm sure there are legitimate surgeons across the borders that actually care about your health - and that's great, i'm happy you found one! But you don't know that about them for sure until/unless you have a complication. Why take a risk like that on your life?

More likely than not, they're just in it for the money, and consider their hands washed of you as soon as you step out of their clinic. They have no legal responsibilities to follow up w/ you.... so why would they?

So, let me go back, i'm sorry.

Yes people, you can have complications if you have surgery in the states (for those of you born on Mars and didn't already know that!). The difference is, you can get treatment here much easier, and keep the complications to a minimum.

Despite your hateful reply, i'm glad you told your side of the story. Like I mentioned, there are TONS of success stories that should definately be shared just as much as the horror stories.

Also my point in posting this thread is that hopefully one would do much research before choosing a surgeon. If I had known of all the complaints from patients on this website alone about my surgeon, my health would not be in such danger as it is now.

This isn't a question of right or wrong. You can quote and debate every sentence I write for all I care. Despite your lengthy attempts, you are not in any way proving me wrong. I stand by my post and will continue to warn as many people as possible. And I think you should continue to tell your story as well. :D

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I found this page: http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2701.htm#section~medication

which says there are some antibiotics that can be used to treat pseudomonas that are safe to take during pregnancy. Are any of those an option for you?

Thank you so much for sharing this! And to Sarah as well for your concern. It really means alot to me. I have an appt w/ my surgeon next week, and will definately ask her about this! We'll see what she says!!!!!:D

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Thank you all for your kind words and your appreciation of me telling my story.

In resonse to the bubble butt girl's rude and insensitive post: I'm glad that you are one of the lucky ones that received good follow-up care w/ your complications.

Well, I did my research and I knew my doc's track record. I knew your doc's track record as well and there have been posts here where I tried to warn people. They can choose to listen and verify or not. But many people will choose price over quality. You can't protect people from themselves sometimes.

And no offense, but DUH - what you spoke of in your reply is already a given. People know that complications can arise.... whether you're in America, Mexico, or the North Pole.

Complications can arise as they did with you but most don't write off an entire country because they picked one of the worst surgeons available. It's bigotted to blame an entire country because of one bad surgeon.

My point is >>>>>>>>> If you go to another country for surgery AND have complications, you could be in big trouble, like so many of us!!

Actually, your point was quite clear. You wrote:

I know you may be determined and feel like this is the only way, BUT IF you have any complications, you're in bad shape!

This simply isn't accurate. We are NOT in bad shape if we did our research and did not pick the cheapest doc available. I mean com'on, your doc has one of the worst track records around, he has no respect from his own peers yet YOU chose HIM! He didn't choose you.

No American doctor wants to touch you with a 10ft pole, and getting help from your original foreign surgeon group is difficult at best.

This is also not accurate. Typically the same docs that won't touch a Mexican banded patient will ALSO not see patients banded by American docs. If Dr. American A bands me, it is quite likely that Dr. American B won't follow up since he didn't do the surgery. So it is NOT just about Mexican bands, it is about bands placed by someone other than the treating MD. If you have complications from ANY surgeon, good luck in finding any other surgeon to fix the problem.

To make blanket statements like this is simply inaccurate and misleading.

I'm sure there are legitimate surgeons across the borders that actually care about your health - and that's great, i'm happy you found one! But you don't know that about them until/unless you have a complication. Why take a risk like that on your life?

I didn't take a risk with my life. *I* did my work, *I* did my research, I didn't choose the cheapest doc. I did have complications (unrelated to my surgeon) and my surgeon and my US doc were right there with me the whole time. They both do whatever is necessary and in my best interest.

I drove to Mexico and verified credentials, I had a friend who is a trauma surgeon call lots of his MD friends in Mexico and ask them who THEY would go to if they were looking at being banded and they ALL said Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I joined the doc's egroup and asked many questions of tons of other patients and asked what their opinions were. I verifed, checked, researched, and turned every stone looking for dirt on my doc and I couldn't find any. Know why? Because HE is good and HE takes care of his patients. I found people with complications and asked what they did, what the doc did, how everything was taken care of. I already knew these things before I had surgery.

In all fairness you really have to take some of the blame here. You didn't do your work. You didn't act as a good patient taking care of yourself. If you would have done even minimal research you would have known what your doc was about before surgery. Instead you choose to blame an entire country for the actions of one really bad doctor.

More likely than not, they're just in it for the money, and consider their hands washed of you as soon as you step out of their clinic. They have no legal responsibilities to follow up w/ you.... so why would they?

The doctors in Mexico are just like the doctors in the US. None of them have a legal responsibility to follow up. A doc can (and they do) fire people as patients all the time. And they are allowed to do so. You seem to be under the impression that all American docs are goodness and light and all Mexican docs are evil and greedy. I have news for you, people are people. The good docs regardless of country depend on reputation for future business. They HAVE a good reputation because they follow up and take care of problems. The bad doctors survive on being the cheapest. It is up to the patient to do their research, to pick a good doc, and to secure follow up care in the US before having surgery in Mexico.

So, let me go back, i'm sorry.

Yes people, you can have complications if you have surgery in the states (for those of you born on Mars and didn't already know that!). The difference is, you can get treatment here much easier, and keep the complications to a minimum.

We are to take your word for this, right? Have a band placed by a US doc and see how many options you have for other bariatric surgeons to follow up on your care.

Despite your hateful reply, i'm glad you told your side of the story. Like I mentioned, there are TONS of success stories that should definately be shared just as much as the horror stories.

Just because you disagree with me does not make me hateful. Just because I pointed out the fact that you didn't do your job as a patient just as your doc didn't do his job as a doctor... this does not make me hateful. You may not like what I say but that is a far cry from hateful. *I* am not the one painting an entire country as evil and greedy because of one experience regardless of the skill and care of other docs within that country.

Also my point in posting this thread is that hopefully one would do much research before choosing a surgeon. If I had known of all the complaints from patients on this website alone from my surgeon, my health would not be in such danger as it is now.

I am sorry you have had to experience this. Sincerely, I am. If I could change it I swear to you I would without a 2nd thought. But honestly, the time for research on ANY doc, regardless of country, is before the surgery, not after the complications. There are plenty of docs within the US that I wouldn't go to. But if a US doc did something stupid to me that does not mean I would tell everyone to avoid ALL US docs.

This isn't a question of right or wrong. You can quote and debate every sentence I write for all I care. But what you don't realize is that you are not in any way proving me wrong. I stand by my post and will continue to warn as many people as possible. And I think you should continue to tell your story as well. :D

My only concern with your post is that you don't tell the entire story. You don't know for a fact that the infection came from this doc. But let's say you do know for a fact that the infection came from Mexico. Why slam dunk every Mexican surgeon because you didn't pick the best surgeon to begin with?

I have a hunch your infection did come from your surgeon just because I know his track record. I would give you the benefit of the doubt over him any 'ol day and I don't even know you. My issue is with claiming it is dangerous to go to the GOOD docs because you picked one of the worst and cheapest docs in all of Mexico and the US.

I don't blame you for warning people of your doc, *I* warn people of your doc. But just because you picked a crappy doctor this does not mean all Mexican docs are the same. That simply isn't fair and it isn't true. If you find that attitude hateful, so be it. I'm not likely to change your mind. But it doesn't change the facts, not even a little.

BTW, I know nothing about the exact location of your infection. If it is the wound itself there are some great treatments you can use. If the infection is under the skin, you are left with antibiotics.

Do some research on vinegar whirlpools. You will find that your type of bacteria cannot survive in vinegar, such as 2 cups of vinegar DILUTED in a bathtub with Water circulating with Water jets two times daily. The equipment to turn your bathtub into a whirlpool is about $100 at costco. I'm not suggesting you do this, just a point of research.

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