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Crossfit and WLS - considering WLS

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I am new here. A little background: I have struggled with my weight most of my life starting in adolescence. In my late 20s, i reached near 300#.I lost about 35 pounds doing Atkins in the 2003 (no exercise). I started working out and running and doing triathlons in 2005 and dropped down to 230. I regained again in 2010 to 255#. That's when I started doing crossfit. I dropped down to 215, but due to a cross-country move this year I am back up to 240#.

I have been unable to lose even 2-3 pounds since. I still do crossfit 4 times a week, plus at least one day of extra heavy lifting.

Despite my best efforts in eating well, it just seems like my body is not responding. (I am 38 years old.) For the first time, I am seriously considering WLS.

Does any one have any experience similar to mine? Crossfit is important to me, and I realize any surgery will keep me from it for a period of time. However, I am concerned about losing muscle mass and losing my level of fitness. I know it sounds weird to say I am afraid of having weight loss surgery because I am afraid it will make me less fit, but that's how I feel. Despite my age and weight, I do a fairly good job of keeping up with and sometimes beating out my much leaner and much younger crossfit comrades.

However, body weight exercises (runnning, gymnastics movements, pull ups, rope climbs, etc) are where I struggle performance-wise and I know it is because of my weight.

I've been battling this for so long.

Any words of advice or anyone with a similar experience who can chime in would be much appreciated!


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Well, I was a person who couldn't run two blocks and less than a year post-op, I was winning my division in 5 & 10Ks. Once I was able to get the excess weight off, I was really able to move. Did I experience muscle loss? Sure. Way more than I anticipated. So, all that meant to me was I had to be more diligent with my weight training and recovery efforts. If you read this sub-forum, you will see from other's experience that living the sleeved life only increases athletic performance.

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Wow! I would think with your regiment, if you had the surgery, you would be back on track shortly and you wouldn't have a problem with maintenance or loose skin!!!

Good luck on your decision

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Ok, honestly I can't lift as much now as I once could. It's a little disappointing. But now that I'm close to goal I've increased my training. I know it'll take a while to be able to lift what I once did, but I know I can do it. You can too. And I know my body will be better because of it.

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Thanks PDXMan and Mrs RRn. RRn - were you training regularly before your surgery? For how long? How long after your surgery did you start again? How far off are you from what you used to be able to lift?

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I have three things in common with you:

1. I am 38

2. I do cross fit.

3. I did Atkins and was successful with it in the past.

Maybe there are more common attributes, but those stuck out for me.

That sounds like a pretty good match to me. Cross fit is a really exciting fitness challenge, but unlike you, I did not start doing it until reaching goal weight after WLS. It took me about 8 months to drop a whole me from 360 # to 180 # . I do have to say when I first started cross fit, I was fairly fit, but also fairly weak from running long distances (up to 20 miles, average 10 k) at least once a week for 3 months. I did lose the rest of my weight with running (230->180).

I do know from experience that cross fit really shine when you can push into elite fitness territory. I mean being able to knock out those pull-ups 50at a time, do those hand stand push ups against the wall, run those sub 5 minute miles. It is hard to do that when carrying extra weight, but I promise it becomes possible with dedication and practice. For you, the lbs will fall off, but more importantly, you will build an athletic and muscular body the more met cons you participate in. The met cons will do that by design, but you have to really strive for best results every single time. Just keep showing up and know today will be the day you get a 22 minute filthy 50. Lifting heavy on the Olympic lifts will build real strength. Do you enjoy the Olympic lifts? My favorite lifts are the squats (back, front) and PR'd around 220 and 320, respectively. Deadlifts PR'd at 420.

Cross fit and WLS can definitely coexist. And you can beat the pants off those younger and leaner folks over time as you get into the best athletic shape of your life. Just keep focused and actively seek to better your performance daily in something. That could be practicing skill such as double unders and rebound box jumps, cardio endurance such as sprinting a mile (aim for 5 min or less) or sprint rowing, muscle endurance such as burpee by death or pull up by death. Many things to just work on every day to seek top athleticism.

I am currently taking a little break from cross fit to do other things (p90x and insanity), but will return to it later in the year after I finish my beach body programs.

Keep it real and good luck!

Edited by Fiddleman

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Thanks, Fiddleman. That is encouraging. I also see that I used to live near you (Mill Creek).

I love lifting - I currently back squat 210#, deadlift 270#, strict press 105#. I hope to get my deadlift to 300+ and back squat to 250 this year. Our gym always does a lift before the WOD (which I do at least 4 times a week and up to six), plus I come exclusively for Oly sessions at least once a week. I usually stay after to work on a skill like double unders, pull ups, hand stand push ups, etc. I am a very strong rower, averaging around 1:45/500m.

I started my fitness journey by running - and have completed 15 half marathons and countless 5K, 10K, 12k 5 milers etc. SInce starting crossfit I have abandoned the long distance running (as I found that made me gain weight and impact to a bad ankle.) I still do 5K fun runs, but no more than that.

I competed in the crossfit open this year, and was mostly hampered by my lack of ability to do skills that are difficult because of my weight (chest to bar, toes to bar). Despite the fact that there were two work outs I could not complete because I couldn't do C2B or T2B, I still did fairly well.

All of that to say....I think I've reached my potential athletically at my current weight. Unfortunately, even after all of these years of trying different things with diet and exercise, I haven't made progress in weight loss which is why I am finally considering WLS.

Thanks for your insight and encouragement.

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This is embarrassing. I used to dead lift +200 and now I can't even do my body weight yet. (But then my body wt was +200). Seriously. Even at work I've noticed such a big change- I used to be able to lift and move patients without help. I feel so weak now.

My daily "regular" bench press weight was 75-100. Now 45 feels heavy. For leg press, I'd workout with 1000, haven't even tried that yet. I focused on cardio and light hand weights while losing weight (5-10 lbs each) as well as some body-wt exercises (squats, push-ups). Push-ups are different when you have a lot less to push up. LOL. I didn't realized I'd lose so much strength-- especially since I can't throw my weight into things.

But on a more positive note, I can see some pretty cool changes in my body & I really believe I can get it looking and feeling like I want it to. That's exciting. It's a huge work in progress.

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Mrs RRn - thanks for the update! congrats on getting to your goal weight! I'm sure that once you start lifting heavy again, you'll get back. But losing strength is part of what scares me about WLS. I am going to attend an informational meeting next week. I'll see if I can have my fears addressed.

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I wasn't anywhere near as experienced with CrossFit as you are when I went in for surgery. But I had been doing it for about 2-3 months. I had to be out for a strict 6-7 weeks before I was able to start up again. I wasn't even in the books for most of the workouts, or even CF total, so I can't speak to that.

Our starting weights are kind of similar but I am 5'5" (you must be taller.) I was 44, and around 238-243 when I was approved for surgery. I may have dipped to 235 or so, but I really didn't lose a single pound doing CrossFit from August until October, when I was sleeved.

However, I'm at 182 now, so it's close to a 60 pound loss. My weight loss is maybe not as rapid as some, but I am happy with it. I strive to work out 3 days per week, and I try to swim occasionally too, but February-April are my crazy months at work and I am just coming up for air now. The goal is to get back up to 4 days a week in the next couple of months.

The biggest thing that I have noticed is that I am wearing smaller clothing than the last time I was this weight. I'm getting into size 12 jeans and 14 dress pants. The last time I was this weight, I was strictly in 14W and 16. So I really do think that has everything to do with having been working out beforehand, and since.

One other note is that I am okay with the rate of loss; I eat well and probably more calories than some WLS patients, because I expect this to be a lifetime thing. The exercise is a key part of the plan, in my opinion. Good luck!

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I am new here. A little background: I have struggled with my weight most of my life starting in adolescence. In my late 20s, i reached near 300#.I lost about 35 pounds doing Atkins in the 2003 (no exercise). I started working out and running and doing triathlons in 2005 and dropped down to 230. I regained again in 2010 to 255#. That's when I started doing crossfit. I dropped down to 215, but due to a cross-country move this year I am back up to 240#.

I have been unable to lose even 2-3 pounds since. I still do crossfit 4 times a week, plus at least one day of extra heavy lifting.

Despite my best efforts in eating well, it just seems like my body is not responding. (I am 38 years old.) For the first time, I am seriously considering WLS.

Does any one have any experience similar to mine? Crossfit is important to me, and I realize any surgery will keep me from it for a period of time. However, I am concerned about losing muscle mass and losing my level of fitness. I know it sounds weird to say I am afraid of having weight loss surgery because I am afraid it will make me less fit, but that's how I feel. Despite my age and weight, I do a fairly good job of keeping up with and sometimes beating out my much leaner and much younger crossfit comrades.

However, body weight exercises (runnning, gymnastics movements, pull ups, rope climbs, etc) are where I struggle performance-wise and I know it is because of my weight.

I've been battling this for so long.

Any words of advice or anyone with a similar experience who can chime in would be much appreciated!


My 2 sisters do cross fit and love it. For me I do cardiovascular at gym and started lifting weights at 2.5 months. I have done weight training ever since surgery. I think it is important. now i feel I am stronger then I have ever been.

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Thanks, Fluff! We do sound somewhat similar. I'm somewhere between 5'6 and 5'7, so a bit taller than you are. I currently am wearing a size 16 or 14W in pants. I have shrunk in size since starting crossfit even though my weight hasn't really changed that dramatically. It's encouraging to hear that you have transitioned from surgery back into WODs. I realize it will seem like a "step back" initially, but part of me is scared if I stop, I won't go back! I've been crossfitting for 3.5 years and I still remember how painful it was to start up! :)

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I didn't start crossfit until after my band so I may not be too helpful but I found I had to make myself increase running see more of a difference on the scale. Which helped in my wods too! My body comp had changed the whole so I was looking leaner and more fit but running really helped on the scale.

Also I had to ignore my docs calorie limits of 1500 because that was sending my body into starvation mode and turning my muscle to fat. I ate more Protein, fruit, veggies etc. My prs did go down as I lost weight but with time and good form they started creeping back up!

Now I'm 8 months pregnant and still cf 3 to 4 days a week. Can't wait to get back on track after baby!

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CFMAMA.....your original post sounds a lot like me and my thought process before surgery. I think there have been some good replies on here and I can't really add a lot other than to reaffirm that you should make sure to try to 1-get in adequate Protein and 2-lift (when cleared by Dr) the first few months after the sleeve. You probably know already that these two things will help you retain muscle during weight loss and I can attest that it certainly helped me get back to my original pre-sleeve strength.

Your lifts are incredible and amazing! I can certainly relate to the fear of not being able to keep muscle after WLS and being hesitant due to this concern. It can be challenging, but for me, I've been able to get back to full strength (pre-surgery strength) and I did it fairly quickly......around 7 months post op or so. I'm not saying this is typical or that everyone can expect it, but for me, I did it.....but it is a lot of work and requires me to be quite mindful of what I'm eating and how I'm lifting. Wish you the best and if you decide to have WLS....I think you'll be glad you did it. :)

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Aroundhky, thank you so much for your response. Everyone's situation and bodies are certainly different, but I do think that a crossfitter getting WLS is a pretty rare occurrence. So having someone with a little experience with it is helpful!

While I continue research and consider doing WLS, I am going to give eattoperform.com a shot and see what happens. Thanks again!

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