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April 16th role call - who's with me!

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Bluesea - I sent you a PM. Sorry you're having trouble.

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1) height / weight starting our wls programs, 5'9 1/4 290 2) weight day of surgery, 271 3) weight seven week post op / pounds lost/gained, 237 lost 34 (53 since program start & 68 from highest) 4) goal weight-170 realistic 190 5) your biggest success this week, took Vitamins for first time without throwing up 6) your biggest struggle this week, regretting surgery on most days and having the flu

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1) height / weight starting our wls programs, 5'9 1/4 290 2) weight day of surgery, 271 3) weight seven week post op / pounds lost/gained, 237 lost 34 (53 since program start & 68 from highest) 4) goal weight-170 realistic 190 5) your biggest success this week, took Vitamins for first time without throwing up 6) your biggest struggle this week, regretting surgery on most days and having the flu

You are doing excellent why the regrets??

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Hi everyone! This time of the year is so crazy busy in my house. Here is my late update:

April 8th I weighed 251lbs 5"3

April 16th I weighed 240


36 pounds total! It's slow and steady

1- I'm proud that I have not given in to temptation! I was addicted to chocolate and diet coke before my surgery and I am proud to say I gave it up!

2-I just wish the weigh wasn't so slow coming off. I'm a teacher so two more weeks till summer break. I am happy to have the time then to exercise and hopefully speed things up!

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1. 260/5'2"

2. 250

3. 230

4. 170ish

5. Getting in more & more Water

6. Since I've been back to work have not made it to gym or worked out as much

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Butterflypinup - I'm sorry you are regretting surgery. What's going on?

I had a hard time with the Vitamins until I got past the first month of liquids only. I didn't throw up every time but I would get hot all over suddenly and start sweating and get super nauseous wishing I would throw up. But once I started foods that stopped. I still have to hold my nose when I take them and I shudder and get the heebie geebies but I don't have the weird hot flash thing. One of the veterans I know said my body was rejecting the sugar in the Vitamins. I don't know...

My surgeon gave me zofran for my nausea and told me to take my vitamins with applesauce and use sugar free cinnamon candies to help with nausea.

Hope this helps. Makes me sad you are regretting.....looks like your weight loss is great.

Edited by mysleeveid13

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I haven't really had one day without some kind of throwing up. I have an aversion to Protein which is seeming like everything but cottage cheese at this point. Only thing I seem to keep down along with peaches. I just want to eat something else without spitting up like a baby. I can't see to keep medicine or Vitamins down on a regular basis. I'm sure this is all temporary but I'm ready for a change. I also never feel full so if not measured too much will also make me throw up. My new name throwsupalotupus! Lol!

I just closed on a house and I'm leaving for ohio tomorrow. So with moving and a job promotion I think there just isn't enough time to work on my new lifestyle as well. Everything they told me not to do in the first year after surgery but how do you say no to bettering your life? :/

Good note though I put on a size 14 today for the first time in ten years....not comfy though. Lol. I got the keys to my first house and for the first time since surgery I can get up from a sitting or laying down position without becoming lightheaded or feeling like I'm going to pass out.

I really hate complaining but with the flu this week I think I just flatlined for a second on my positiveness. I think we will all hit a point where we wtf did I do to myself but I have to remind myself that all the downs that I'm describing are only temporary. :) so for today I am down but tomorrow is a new day! Hugs everyone! We must keep chugging away!

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Ugh. That stinks.....I hope it gets better quickly. But congratulations on all the huge accomplishments!

I'm sure it must be awful to throw up each day. I wasn't throwing up but felt like I was going to for about a week and I didn't do well mentally on just liquids. I was cooking for my kids because my husband was out of town and one day I just started bawling. I wanted food so bad. I called my best friend crying. She's very supportive but she had no idea what I was going through. I really was just feeling sorry for myself. It was still very early in the process and I just broke down and I really wasn't sick just mourning food, I guess. Sounds so stupid.

So long story longer....I can totally understand how you can be feeling regret and I hope it gets better quickly. Glad we all are able to talk here. I don't think even our closest family and friends cam relate at all. Go enjoy you new life (as soon as you can.... ;)

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SW 204

Today I'm 179

I'm a little disappointed and I had a 3 week stall. Sometimes I can't help myself to think this is not going to work for me because I'm not losing a lot of weight.

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SW 204

Today I'm 179

I'm a little disappointed and I had a 3 week stall. Sometimes I can't help myself to think this is not going to work for me because I'm not losing a lot of weight.

Hi Karla, welcome to our group! When did you have your surgery? I had a 2 week stall last month so I know how you feel. But thats what it is, a stall. You will get past it and continue losing in your journey! Keep ya head up there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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Butterflypinup, I cant even lie I read your post yesterday and I started to reply but I couldnt figure out what to say to you. I feel for you, we all went thru our own obstacles with this surgery but I have to be honest with you...how is it possible that you vomit everyday? Have you told your Dr, cause this cant be normal. Its been almost 2 months since surgery and nausea and vomit shouldnt even be in the picture anymore. I have you in my prayers and I hope you start to feel better and be able to eat more solids. I hope you are seeing your Dr soon for another follow up. Please keep us posted. I know its hard to see it now but there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you.

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Ok I've got a new motivational update question we should all share!

What size clothing were you before & after (currently) surgery?


-shirt size=3X

-pants size=22

-bra size=44C


-shirt size=2X

-pants size=18

-bra size=42C

Answer the ones you only know :)

Edited by butterfly2014

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I'm also beginning to regret surgery. I've lost weight, but I'm just as unhappy now as I was before surgery. Yeah, my body feels a little better in some ways, but it also feels worse in some.

I miss being able to eat without feeling awful.

I miss being able to guzzle something to drink when I'm thirsty rather than having to sip for fear of throwing it up.

I miss being able to eat Pasta.

I miss being able to go to the bathroom without it burning (I'm nearly always dehydrated because I can't seem to drink enough).

I'm already sick to death of eating primarily Protein and even more sick of trying to find things that I can eat that I actually WANT to eat. I'm also sick of throwing up if I eat fast because I was so hungry because I skipped meals because of my previous sentence. I'm angry because I'm not losing weight, yet I've still got this restriction and all the above that comes with it.

They really do NOT prepare anyone for all of this. It's one thing to talk about how you can't eat this or that, but it's another thing entirely to actually live it. Some people probably have no issues with the changes, but I have and it honestly makes me bitter when I see someone posting that they're so happy with their surgery and they lost all this weight and had no pain and it was just soooo easy for them. Well, goody for you, but not everyone has it so easy.

It also annoys the crap out of me when I see someone posting that you shouldn't do this or that and they've never EVER cheated or done anything that their doctor told them not to. I've been avoiding these boards lately because of that kind of stuff. I found that it was making me feel much worse instead of better.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just nearing the end of my rope here. If I could go back, I would spend the nearly 10k that I shelled out on surgery on a personal trainer, shrink and dietitian/nutritionist instead.

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I'm also beginning to regret surgery. I've lost weight, but I'm just as unhappy now as I was before surgery. Yeah, my body feels a little better in some ways, but it also feels worse in some. I miss being able to eat without feeling awful. I miss being able to guzzle something to drink when I'm thirsty rather than having to sip for fear of throwing it up. I miss being able to eat Pasta. I miss being able to go to the bathroom without it burning (I'm nearly always dehydrated because I can't seem to drink enough). I'm already sick to death of eating primarily Protein and even more sick of trying to find things that I can eat that I actually WANT to eat. I'm also sick of throwing up if I eat fast because I was so hungry because I skipped meals because of my previous sentence. I'm angry because I'm not losing weight, yet I've still got this restriction and all the above that comes with it. They really do NOT prepare anyone for all of this. It's one thing to talk about how you can't eat this or that, but it's another thing entirely to actually live it. Some people probably have no issues with the changes, but I have and it honestly makes me bitter when I see someone posting that they're so happy with their surgery and they lost all this weight and had no pain and it was just soooo easy for them. Well, goody for you, but not everyone has it so easy. It also annoys the crap out of me when I see someone posting that you shouldn't do this or that and they've never EVER cheated or done anything that their doctor told them not to. I've been avoiding these boards lately because of that kind of stuff. I found that it was making me feel much worse instead of better. Sorry for the rant. I'm just nearing the end of my rope here. If I could go back, I would spend the nearly 10k that I shelled out on surgery on a personal trainer, shrink and dietitian/nutritionist instead.

Wow, I too wonder at times if I'm doing the right thing. I will be sleeved Monday . I also am self pay. I have had people say to me , why don't you get a personal trainer nutritionist and therapist instead. I've been there and done that. I lose, and regain ...

But, I am willing to jump through all the hoops to get to a goal I have had for 20+ years! To be thin. To be healthy . For life!

Do you have people around you that have had the surgery ? I do, and they all have no regrets. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I really hope you get to a point where you no longer have the regret you are having now. Just try to focus on why you made your decision.

I can understand your feelings I have yet to get my sleeve, but it's human to wonder if such a drastic step is worth it! Best of luck to you! How long have you been out? I have 3 relatives that have had it done. They're all about a year or so out. And love it! Hope you get to that happy place soon...

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I'm also beginning to regret surgery. I've lost weight, but I'm just as unhappy now as I was before surgery. Yeah, my body feels a little better in some ways, but it also feels worse in some. I miss being able to eat without feeling awful. I miss being able to guzzle something to drink when I'm thirsty rather than having to sip for fear of throwing it up. I miss being able to eat Pasta. I miss being able to go to the bathroom without it burning (I'm nearly always dehydrated because I can't seem to drink enough). I'm already sick to death of eating primarily Protein and even more sick of trying to find things that I can eat that I actually WANT to eat. I'm also sick of throwing up if I eat fast because I was so hungry because I skipped meals because of my previous sentence. I'm angry because I'm not losing weight, yet I've still got this restriction and all the above that comes with it. They really do NOT prepare anyone for all of this. It's one thing to talk about how you can't eat this or that, but it's another thing entirely to actually live it. Some people probably have no issues with the changes, but I have and it honestly makes me bitter when I see someone posting that they're so happy with their surgery and they lost all this weight and had no pain and it was just soooo easy for them. Well, goody for you, but not everyone has it so easy. It also annoys the crap out of me when I see someone posting that you shouldn't do this or that and they've never EVER cheated or done anything that their doctor told them not to. I've been avoiding these boards lately because of that kind of stuff. I found that it was making me feel much worse instead of better. Sorry for the rant. I'm just nearing the end of my rope here. If I could go back, I would spend the nearly 10k that I shelled out on surgery on a personal trainer, shrink and dietitian/nutritionist instead.

Wow, I too wonder at times if I'm doing the right thing. I will be sleeved Monday . I also am self pay. I have had people say to me , why don't you get a personal trainer nutritionist and therapist instead. I've been there and done that. I lose, and regain ...

But, I am willing to jump through all the hoops to get to a goal I have had for 20+ years! To be thin. To be healthy . For life!

Do you have people around you that have had the surgery ? I do, and they all have no regrets. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I really hope you get to a point where you no longer have the regret you are having now. Just try to focus on why you made your decision.

I can understand your feelings I have yet to get my sleeve, but it's human to wonder if such a drastic step is worth it! Best of luck to you! How long have you been out? I have 3 relatives that have had it done. They're all about a year or so out. And love it! Hope you get to that happy place soon...

I was sleeved on April 16, so not far from two months. I guess I just expected it to get better as time went on, not worse. I'm having more problems eating without feeling awful now than I did when I was a week out.

I've wanted to be slim again since I lost nearly 100lbs between the ages of 16-18. However, I don't know that this was the right move for me.

Unfortunately I have no one I can talk with about this. My husband and I recently moved from Alabama to Illinois, so I don't even have my friends here. That probably isn't helping with my depression.

I know that this is the right answer for some people and I wish them much success. I'm just thinking more and more that it wasn't right for me and unfortunately it's not like I can change it.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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