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April 16th role call - who's with me!

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That's awesome!! I did get size 14 jeans but Lane Bryant so still women's cut but hoping that was my last purchase there!! Anyone find a place to sell their clothes? I have some great lane Bryant clothing....thinking I could sell it and use that $ to buy more clothes!

Don't be dissing your size 14's! That's a huge accomplishment!!!!!

As far as resale, there's always EBay if you want to invest the time. I have a few key pieces I may sell, but I don't have much as my fat girl clothes have been quite limited to 5 pairs of the same jeans and a few black shirts (see comment on "mommy outfit" above.).

My short-term strategy is to buy one pair of Diva jeans (only $29.99 at Old Navy) and wear them until they look too baggy and buy another pair in a size smaller. I also have some cropped yoga pants I wear. I'm lucky that I don't work much in the summer, so I don't need an expansive work wardrobe. It requires me to do laundry more often, but it's better than spending money on clothes I will wear for only a few weeks. Now that I have time, I need to crawl into the attic and retrieve all of the smaller size clothing I couldn't bear to depart with in 1999. This could be interesting (fashion wise!)

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Like you, I've got a lot of my 'skinny clothes' from 1998-2001 saved. At first I'd saved nearly everything. Finally a couple of years ago I culled it and donated everything but my very favorite (and still fashionable) shirts, jeans and slacks. Most of it is shirts size large to 1x and size 14-16 pants. I can't wait to be able to wear it!

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Your old clothes will probably be right in style since everything keeps coming back around.

So you know I've been complaining about horrible heartburn for weeks now. Currently I take carafate every 6 hours, 2 prilosec daily, and gaviscon for break through times. None of it is working. Called my surgeon today and he called in protonix. Guess what? The pharmacy said it's on back order and they call every day trying to get it. They even said I should call around to other pharmacies. No luck. Ugh!!! So I will call him back tomorrow to let him know we have to wait on it unless he can come up with something else.

They also want me to do an EGD, scope down the throat thing. So I'm hoping that it's just reflux and can be taken care of with the right meds. Just not fun feeling like I've got a huge lump in my throat that is on fire. Not complaining or getting down though because the weight is still coming off and I know a lot of people have it a whole lot worse off. Just wanted to get the right meds and be done with it.

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Your old clothes will probably be right in style since everything keeps coming back around.

So you know I've been complaining about horrible heartburn for weeks now. Currently I take carafate every 6 hours, 2 prilosec daily, and gaviscon for break through times. None of it is working. Called my surgeon today and he called in protonix. Guess what? The pharmacy said it's on back order and they call every day trying to get it. They even said I should call around to other pharmacies. No luck. Ugh!!! So I will call him back tomorrow to let him know we have to wait on it unless he can come up with something else.

They also want me to do an EGD, scope down the throat thing. So I'm hoping that it's just reflux and can be taken care of with the right meds. Just not fun feeling like I've got a huge lump in my throat that is on fire. Not complaining or getting down though because the weight is still coming off and I know a lot of people have it a whole lot worse off. Just wanted to get the right meds and be done with it.

So sorry to hear about the reflux and heart burn. Those are very unpleasant symptoms :(. I was prescribed protonix post surgery to take daily for 3 months as a precaution. Most days I forget to take it though. I remember reading that reflux/heartburn are the most common side effects post surgery and stomach ulcers are the #1 long-term serious complication. I remember reading reflux can happen when there is too much restriction. I hope you can find a solution that works for you soon and they discover why it's happening. I'm glad you are being proactive and seeking answers.

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Thank you!! I finally found a pharmacy that has my protonix so I'm picking it up in an hour! Hope it works.

On a random note.....I've had one sip of coffee post op and at the time, the sugar free Syrup etc that I used was so horrible I haven't tried it again since. But today, I wanted something cold and so after researching, I decided on a tall sugar free caramel lite frappucino. I was convinced it would be horrible because I've never been able to do sugar free anything prior to surgery...but I'm here to tell you it was soooooo delicious! It had low fat milk and sugar free everything and no whipped topping. I was so surprised. I'm sure the coffee was great for my reflux but heck, even cheese gives me heartburn so I figured I'd enjoy a treat.

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Thank you!! I finally found a pharmacy that has my protonix so I'm picking it up in an hour! Hope it works.

On a random note.....I've had one sip of coffee post op and at the time, the sugar free Syrup etc that I used was so horrible I haven't tried it again since. But today, I wanted something cold and so after researching, I decided on a tall sugar free caramel lite frappucino. I was convinced it would be horrible because I've never been able to do sugar free anything prior to surgery...but I'm here to tell you it was soooooo delicious! It had low fat milk and sugar free everything and no whipped topping. I was so surprised. I'm sure the coffee was great for my reflux but heck, even cheese gives me heartburn so I figured I'd enjoy a treat.

I hate to burst your bubble, but that frappuchino probably had between 500 - 550 calories in it. Assuming you're talking Starbucks, they add a surgery powder to it. You're best to stick to regular iced coffee with non fat milk / sugar free flavoring!


Actually, I stand corrected. It's under 200 calories but that's a lot of carbs!

Edited by Bluesea71

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Ok the one I looked at said 83 calories. I didn't realize it still had 20 carbs in it without the sugar. Where the heck did the carbs come from???? But this is what I saw



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Ok the one I looked at said 83 calories. I didn't realize it still had 20 carbs in it without the sugar. Where the heck did the carbs come from???? But this is what I saw

I went to the Starbucks website to get the details. It looks like yours is from my fitness pal. I often notice discrepancies on that site and the loseit app too. Regardless, it still is less than the 1000 calories plus in a regular one. But if our total caloric intact is around 600-800 calories per day, 83-190 calories seems like a lot. My belief is everything in moderation. If I start denying myself things, I start rebelling and craving them more. It sounds like a great treat once in awhile and adjust your calories as needed. I find myself only being able to tolerate only a 1/4 of coffee post surgery. It gave me the worst upset stomach this morning and made me late for work :(

Update: actually, I don't think mine is for the sugar-free Carmel Syrup. So yours may be correct. Hard to navigate on my iPhone.

Edited by Bluesea71

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Happy 9 week sleeviversary everyone! Summer is here and for me, I'm hoping that equals more time to focus on fitness and lifestyle changes I have been too busy to do since surgery due to my work schedule! I've noticed we've had a decline in our weekly checkins the last few weeks. This check in is not to compare stats or judge each other, it's to keep us accountable and stay on target and support each other! If you're struggling, let us be there for you for support! We will all be successful! I just know it!

1) height / weight starting our wls programs:

2) weight day of surgery:

3) weight 9 week post op / pounds lost/gained:

4) goal weight:

5) your biggest success this week:

6) your biggest struggle this week:

Edited by Bluesea71

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1. Height - 5'8 1/2", starting weight - 375lbs

2. Weight day of surgery - 357lbs

3. Weight today - 311lbs. Lost a total of 63lbs since starting, lost about 3lbs this week

4. Final goal weight is 180lbs. Mini-goal weight is anything under 300lbs.

5. Biggest success - Getting in more fluids. I can drink a lot more at one time now. Not sure if that's good or bad!

6. Still having trouble finding foods to eat. Also, I still can't keep myself from drinking with meals.

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1) height / weight starting our wls programs: 236

2) weight day of surgery: 226

3) weight 9 week post op / pounds lost/gained: 196.5 - 1.1 pound loss.

I'll take it as long as it's moving in the right direction! The closer I get to my goal weight, the more I'm recognizing how important exercise will play into the equation. I'm 36 pounds away from my 160 realistic goal weight. Time to get moving! It will be much easier now that I'm not working much this summer.

4) goal weight: 190 (mini goal by 7/4), 160 (surgeon's goal) , 140 (stretch goal - although I've never been that small before as an adult)

5) your biggest success this week: not gaining weight despite rebelling A LOT this week.

6) your biggest struggle this week: my freezer broke about a month ago and doesn't stay much cooler than my refrigerator. I had to throw much of its contents away. I know prepping low-cal/mini size meals ahead of time would help me stay on track. I'm finding myself repeating old behavior of not eating my first meal until 1 or 2 in the afternoon and then grabbing something convenient. Today it was a slice of pizza. Now granted I can only eat 1/2 a slice instead of 5 slices pre-surgery, but it isn't the recommended protein! Breaking down and forking out the $3000 for a new refrigerator this weekend.

Edited by Bluesea71

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I'm glad I'm not alone in the old behaviour, Bluesea! My schedule is really wonky because I'm working from home, so sometimes 'breakfast' is at 7am, sometimes it's at 2pm. Sometimes I forget to eat it and don't have anything until lunch - by which time I'm starving and usually eat too fast and either throw up or feel like throwing up. I also tend to make less smart choices when I wait too long because I just want some food.

I have to confess, I've also kinda gone outside of what's recommended at times. I do drink soda on occasion (though only a sip or two at a time) and I eat things that I probably shouldn't. Like today I had a Club Royale from Jason's Deli. It was honey ham, turkey, bacon, lettuce, Tomato, swiss and cheddar cheeses and spicy mustard. This wouldn't have been too bad if I hadn't eaten the croissant as well. :-/ Granted, it took me three hours to eat the entire sandwich and I didn't eat the chips, but it's still a very stupid choice. It has 680 calories, 36g of fat, 40 net carbs and 48g of Protein. That has me at my limit on fat and carbs and puts me close to calories, yet I still need 50g of Protein. And that's if I don't eat anything else for the rest of the evening. It was so frickin GOOD though!!

I've found that my cravings for certain foods haven't gone away (most specifically Pasta, certain breads and Cookies - though even a bite of Cookies, ice cream or anything sugar filled makes me nauseous) and I definitely haven't found that I'm not hungry. Apparently they didn't get all of the part of my stomach with that silly hunger hormone or something. It would make this much easier if I didn't get hungry!

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1) height / weight starting our wls programs: 5' 7" / 255

2) weight day of surgery: 243

3) weight 9 week post op / pounds lost/gained: 201.8 / 4 lbs / 53.2 total (weird I keep ending up on .8 when I weigh)

4) goal weight: 150ish

5) your biggest success this week: making it to the gym 4-5 times during the week after returning to work and then going to Six Flags or White Water and walking or swimming on the weekends.

6) your biggest struggle this week: reflux....changed me to protonix and having an endoscopy done on Friday. Please pray that it's just reflux and it goes away instead of being some kind of stricture or other weirdness with my sleeve. No medicine has worked and I have heartburn pretty much from my first sip of drink or bite of food up until I fall asleep. Ugh. Again, not complaining because I'd rather have this than something horrible going on.

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1) height / weight starting our wls programs:

5 9 3/4 290

2) weight day of surgery:271

3) weight 9 week post op / pounds lost/gained: 233

4) goal weight:

170 or 190 lol

5) your biggest success this week:moved into new house without passing out ;)

6) your biggest struggle this week: fatigue. I don't know how I even get out of bed I'm surrounded by boxes and no drive to unpack. I think the stress and the lack of nutrients is making me depressed but I'm pressing on!

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Melodica.... I used to drink a lot (I mean like 3-4 glasses) of soda or sweet tea, etc when I ate. I knew this part would be tough for me so I purposely make sure a drink is not available when I'm eating. So if I'm eating at the dinner table with my family, I put my drink in the fridge until the 30 mins have passed after my meal. If we go out to eat, I either tell them I will wait to order a drink until later and get it "to go" or if I order one I sit it on the other side of the table so I can't reach it.

I'm not trying to be bossy or anything, just telling you what has worked for someone that normally drank a heck of a lot more than everyone else at the table during meal times. I felt I should share since I thought it was a rule I would surely break, but ended up adhering to it.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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