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HI! I just found the board tonight and am glad I did. I am in the process of gathering information for a band. I had not heard of them until about 2-3 months ago while trying to find another "diet" and talking to a friend of mine (who is a nurse). I'm tired of dieting (not to say the bad influences that they have had on my five daughters! with me yo yoing for the last 10 years). The more I read the more I feel this is the best way for me to go. I have fought weight loss/gain/loss/gain problems from the time I was in Jr. High. I lost a bunch of weight just before I met my husband (went from a size 18 to a size 9 in a year) and then got pregnant. I gained 65 pounds with her. That was 21 years ago (she'll be 21 in June). I then waited (and didn't care about my weight gain at that time, I wasn't "too horrible" and besides I had a new baby) two and a half years and got pregnant with my 2nd daughter. I didn't wait between kids, I had four babies in less than 4 years. They are 11 months apart, four times with the exception of the last one who is 18 months from the one just before her. I was losing weight and exercising when I discovered the surprise pregnancy of the last one. From there I have just kept fighting weight. :help:

My family history is that of obesity and I lost my mother in 1998 when she was 56 years old. I am now 42 and looking at either facing the facts that I won't live to see all of my grandchildren OR taking ahold of what the obesity has done to my family and fight it like H***. Well, I guess since I'm here, you all know what choice I have made. :)

I think I can say I"m the only one I know of who has GAINED on several of the diets following them to a "T". So trying another one of then at this point is NOT an option. I fight depression, severe osteoarthritis in my feet, knees, back and hip. I have had two knee surgeries on my left knee and one on my right. I have GERD as well as pre-diabetes (which is also another family hand me down!).

I am looking for as much info as I can to take to my GP on the 26th of this month. He is a great doctor and I have before brought him information about other medications/ideas and he listens and helps me with either deciding they are good and moving forward or bad and directing me to another source/help. I think he will be happy that I want to take control of my weight and my life! He has been telling me to exercise and eat less. Why is it that people cannot understand that if I could exercise I would? I have a hard time walking long enough to get groceries, but I will say that I REFUSE to ride the little cart and have only used wheelchairs if there is absolutely NO possible way for me to walk.

I want to LIVE, LAUGH and ENJOY my up and coming new grand baby and to watch him/her grow up as well as any other's my girls may bless me with. I want to WATCH my girls as they marry, succeed in college and move on with their lives. But I also want to be able to WALK down the aisles as the mother of the bride and NOT roll down it. Thus, I need help! And at this point the Band is the source of what I feel will keep me on the help line for the rest of my life. I LOVE healthy food, but I am hungry ALL the time....and thus, I eat. At this point my 5'4" frame is holding up (barely) 310 pounds. I KNOW that there is a small sexy woman under all of this fat....but I only see the fat lady at this point. And as I have always said, it ain't over until the fat lady sings...well this fat lady will hopefully be singing this fall when they roll my stretcher into surgery and I can begin a new life!

Can't wait to hear from you all and your stories! I need lots of support too! My brother's all live out of state. My parents are gone, my in-laws are gone. I have my husband of 22 years and 5 girls and my best friend in Canada that will be support. But they will never (except my best friend as she has weight problems too!) totally understand the hurt when someone looks at you and points, or a child makes fun of your child because you are fat. The world is mean and I want to survive it now more than ever! I want to be ME! Finally!

sorry, i have a lip problem (well, lol, finger problem when typing), family calls it diarehha of the lip.


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Welcome to LBT! My heart broke for you as I read your story and I felt your pain. :hug:No one understands the pain you feel emotionally as an overweight person and I often think if they had to walk one day in our shoes, they would view things totally different. We can't do anything about people's ignorance but we can change ourselves and I am excited when I meet someone who wants to take control of their lives! Getting the band has been the best thing I have ever done (outside of marrying my dh of course :)). I have struggled with my weight my entire life and thought that I would never lose it. I am now down 90 lbs. and I have a hard time believing that I am doing this! I just wanted to pass on my encouragment to you and let you know that we are all here for you. LBT is full of not only knowledge, but excellent people! I wish you the best of luck on your journey and can't wait to have you join us in bandland! Keep us posted on how everything is going!!

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Thanks for the welcome Denise!

I want this lapband so badly I can literally taste it. LOL I am so jealous at times of my 6' 6" husband. I swear that guy can eat anything and everything AND DOES! he has a hard time understanding why I want to be thinner, I want to be healthy. He thinks (being German and Irish lol) that I am just fine as I am, BUT he also supports me in the choice that I have made. He knows the tears when I go to buy clothes and walk away with tears in my eyes because nothing fits. Being in mid America there isn't the choice out there that some people have, and being on a very limited income I can't afford to find clothes that I need. I have three pair of pants right now lol. BUT I refuse to buy more....I will get some summer things (I sew so will make some cute tops and find some capris on ebay) and then this fall, good Lord willing, I will begin my new journey. I have four graduations for the four youngest girls and I would just love to be able to say in May next year, yes thank you I have lost weight. And just smile to myself. :)

I will have to go about 3 hours away from home to have this done, and that leaves my 21 yr old (who is expecting her 2nd child, first one was stillborn Mother's Day weekend last year) to take care of the other kids. My 2nd oldest will be starting college this fall and on her own. Two of my kids already have weight issues (though the doctor won't say so to their faces and I almost wish he would!) but they have decided on their own that they are going to work on getting healthy this summer. I think the lapband will help my whole family. I only cook one kind of food, so if I'm watching what I am eating, the rest of the family will be too. :)

I have few friends, in fact, the one in Canada is basically it. I get so lonely sometimes and my husband who is a loner just doesn't understand that I want and NEED people to talk to. I want to be able to go back to work in a few years, even if it is part time, just for the social contact. I mean, I have two businesses that I run from home now, medical transcriptionist for my brother who is a geriatric psychiatrist and a sewing business that is run from online and I sew for babies/reborn dolls. But it just isn't the same. :)

Well, again thanks so much for replying! :) best get my transcriptions for the week done, I do have two sewing jobs to do plus finishing up another one.

have a great day!


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Welcome Grandmasoon2be!

I literally feel your pain! I have bilateral hip dysplasia. From the time of 3 to 13, I had 10 hip surgeries and a mother who felt she needed to comfort me with food.< /p>

I have always been over weight. But like you, I did not put on most of my weight until I had my 3 children.

I was banded on March 29, 2007. Only a week and a half ago.

I was scared to resort to something like this. So I thought!

Since I have had the surgery, it has been a blessing! Not just with the weight loss already, but the mind set that comes with it. I have learned to turn my back on foods I once overly enjoyed.... lol Have no taste for them now. Not to mention you will learn to understand that food is to feed your body with what it needs to survive. Not to feed your mind, emotions, bordom ect..... At least this is what I am getting from it.

The band will be body changing with time and effort. However, it has already changed my way of thinking about food, the way I eat, and who I am as an overweight person, who I will become as thinner, healthier person..... So many blessings!

I wish you well on your journey! If you ever would like to chat, please send me a message, It would be a pleasure to cheer you on with encouragement and friendship!

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Thanks so much Autumn444,

I see my doctor (GP) on the 26th of this month. I have mixed feelings about how he will take this, BUT he has been encouraging me to lose weight for the last three years (I had a different doc in the same practice until then, but he is on semi retirement and I decided to change before he left). He is a little thing and doesn't get it when he tells me to go for a walk (just a few blocks he says) that it is NOT possible for me to walk that far. I did grocery shopping last friday at Walmart, I had to quit before I was done just because I could no longer stand up, my knee, foot and lower back pain had me near tears.

I get tired of people (thin of coarse) who say, "well just quit eating so much and exercise" (one of my daughter's being a culprit of this mind set). They don't understand that "quit eating" is easier said than done. I llike, no LOVE food but not only that I love the compliments I get from cooking. I am 1/2 Swede and well, Swede's tend to think that the larger you are the happier you are cuz you have eaten so well, and that the mother must be takng good care of you since you have grown up so large. NOT a good train of thought. I don't know if ALL Swedes are like that but my family was.

I love having people that know what I am going through and what I am looking toward. :) I would like to know how long your recovery has been and how long you spent in the hospital. I am trying to figure all of this out, in tune with my grandbaby's birth. LOL Oh, and I'm going to Canada before this is done as well. I will be in Canada from July 26th until August 13th. My girlfriend (I call her my sis :) ) will be turning 40 on the 10th so I want to be there for that. Kim (daughter) due August 26th and I want to do recovery while she is on maternity (or there abouts) because I will be watching the little one while mom and dad work, at least for a while, they don't trust anyone else to watch the baby, not that it hurts my feelings any lol. I can't wait for that one. Kim is talking 2-3 weeks recovery time before she goes back to work, soooooooooo.....I'm hoping to work everything out so that I can have the lap band in that time space...though I know it will also depend on doctors and insurance and all of that.

I'm excited that there is something out there that can help me help myself! And that there are boards like this at which I can find new friends who have also been through the surgery, and shrinking and can share things with me. :)

Hugs! Laurie

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Hi Grandmasoon2b Good luck with this.I know i would do this again. I have spent years yo yoing i really hated myself for allowing myself to get to this place. I only told a few friends and family of course, i really had alot of support from them I will say i did alot of research before i told them so i had answers for there questions, but to be honest i was doing it with or without there blessings. For the first time i did something just for me. I am married to a wonderful man and have three terrific girls, but i hated being the fat mom and wife. I knew there was this fit, beautiful exciting skinny person waiting inside. I was banded on 12/22/06 and have lost 43 lbs gone from a 26 to 18 i am working out daily i am so excited about what life has in store for me i am ready to start this new adventure. Good Luck and keep us posted

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Hi Laurie,

Well now, so many new and exciting things are coming your way! I can understand wanting to be fit and healthy for the up and coming events. I have a 16 year old who is in many activities in school. I am usually the mom that helps out. Trying to do this with bum hips and weight baring down on them has become a nightmare. I have 2 kids in the 5th grade. Soon to be in junior high. I dont want to be the fat mom. I understand where your feelings come from. This is one of the major reasons I took this step to get the band.

Recovery was not hard, but it wasnt easy either. I stayed in the hospital a day longer equalling 2 days total. It was because I had nausea problems, and also could not get around very well because of the weekness in my hips. Anastetic does slow one down.

When I did get home, my husband was a God send! He took a week off work to help me. He did the shopping, took care of the kids, cleaned the house, and prepared meals... Including my own. He also helped me get up and into bed when I was to sore to do it myself.

You will be sore. There really is no getting out of that. You and I are the same hight and about the same weight, so I feel for the most part, I can say that you will be sore. Gas pain was not to bad for me. It was more the pain of where the port is. It still is tender, and I still need to take care not to twist to much to avoid cringing.

I have lost a total of 31lbs since surgery. I did not have to go on a liquid diet like most on here did prior to surgery. I just had a liquid fast the day before surgery. this is because my labs/bloodwork came back clean.

You doctor may require you to go on a liquid diet prior to your surgery. By far this will be the hardest of the journey. That and getting a hold on the psychological issues of eating. I understand the community and relationship of eating. I come from an Irish family that thrives on food, family, laughter, and celebration. But I am understanding that this can coincide with me and my lapband. I know I can have the luxery to cook/prepare meals for my family, without needing to indulge as I once did. I have lost my taste for a lot of the foods I once loved... And its okay.... I find it to be a blessing. This I felt was going to be my hardest obstical, only to find that my body is altering it for me.

Please do get into the doctors and investigate your choices Laurie, I believe it will be the best thing you ever did for yourself.

I will be here to cheer you on!


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Laurie, I can understand your pain. I am having Lapband on June 7. I have been researching it for over a year, and at first the place I emailed said my bmi was not high enough. But then a year later, as my weight and depression grew. I am 48 and had a heart scare in November that triggered me to get serious about something. I had been to weight watchers so many times since I was 21 that I really could not bare to go there again. I had been successful, but to no surprise, I gained it back.

I talked to a woman who works for me who had bypass surgery. she told me about the surgeons and the doctors at St. Mary's hospital in Richmond. I started contacting them and talking to them. They were concerned at first about my bmi, 36, but after listing my health issues, that convinced them. My MD. too was not so supportive, he said it was ok, but felt all my energy investigating could be used dieting and exercising! Easy for a light weight to say! I had to see a Pshychologist, attend orientations, and meet with the nurse practioner. My surgery is scheduled for June 7. I was disappointed that I have a 2 month waite, but it is worth it.

I can relate to isolating youself and not wanting to go many places.It is hard when you feel so down on yourself. I am an extrovert and this is hard for me, but I get down on myself and don't feel like wearing clothes that are tight and I feel uncomfortable. My husband is also thin, and never complains about my weight and sais he loves me any way? well he says that and then makes comments, like maybe you should not eat that jelly bean!

I am a grandmother, of an 18 month old girl, she is my motivation too. Like you, I want to be around to see her grow up. I love having her, but keeping up with her is tough and I am only 48! that is not good:phanvan

I hope your doctor appointment goes well. does your insurance cover the band? that is a big decision too.

can't wait to hear more.

Denise - losing 90lbs wow! that alone should motivate Laurie, me and others. :clap2:


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Hi Janine,

Thanks for replying! I don't know what I would do if my DH contradicted himself like that. Bill is VERY VERY supportive and has eaten some of the weirdest things I know of because that was what I was cooking.....down to cabbage Soup <any one done THAT diet?>.

I have a BMI of 53 and from what I have researched my insurance (I'm on medicaid due to disability) they will cover it. I don't know what kind of hoops I will have to jump through to have it, but I'll do just about anything they want at this point. I have yet to talk to anyone who is from Nebraska and has medicaid and has had the lap band done.

I'm thrilled for you and that you get to have it done so soon! I'm jealous too lol. I want it YESTERDAY!

I have spent late nights researching and thinking things through trying to come up with more questions and such.

Oh, I thought of another one for those who have already had it done. With the port, can you see it since it is placed so close to the skin? And you said it didn't hurt to get it filled, is it like poking yourself with a sewing needle? I'm really not good with needles, but like I said, I will do ANYTHING to get healthy and enjoy my life!

Hugs! <and congrats to you ALL for making the choice and losing the weight, soon I will follow!>


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Bill is VERY VERY supportive and has eaten some of the weirdest things I know of because that was what I was cooking.....down to cabbage Soup <any one done THAT diet?>.

Oh yeah! I did that stupid diet along with several others that were just as ridiculous. The only thing I got out of the cabbage soup diet was a disgusting meal. :speechles Sure glad those days are over!

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My poor family! I don't know how many "weird" diets I tried. Interesting what desperation will lead you to isn't it?

I loved Atkins, but with my "hungry all the time" I gained weight on it. My brother lost and bragged and I gained. I hated him! The one that did the best for me was Richard Simmon's food nmover. I lost 80 lbs with it, met him in person and everything....and then gained it all back PLUS 30 lbs. :) GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I think I have had it with "diets". I am looking forward to the band where I can learn to eat healthy and in SMALL amounts....:(


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I have been trying to lose weight for so long and nothing worked. I had my first grandson a year ago. I had such a hard time getting down on the floor to play with him and then trying to get back up. I also, like you decided I wanted to be around to watch him grow up. He is alot of the resaon I decided to have the lapband put on. I live in Southern California and my insurance turned me down. I had no high blood pressure, diabeties or problems that come with being overweight. I figured it was just a matter of time before I did. I made the choice to go to Mexico to have Dr Ortiz do the surgery.He was wonderful, everyone there was. I absolutely have no regrets. Spent one night in the hospital, one at the hotel. I was back to work on the 4th day. Hardly any pain. I am feeling great! And I can see the weight starting to come off. I feel like I finally will be able to keep the weight off. I wish you the best.


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I'm glad that you were able to get it! Self pay is not an option for me unfortuantely. I will have to beg, plead <or beat up> medicaid if they deny me. :confused: I'm anxious to see how every is doing with their bands and watch the weight come off with all of you....and am HOPING to join you all in August or September.



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If you don't mind, how much does it cost with self pay? One of my friends is thinking about it, but I told her I did not know, guessing maybe around 20,000.?

I am glad it went well with Dr. Ortiz. That group also has a website, blog. did you know that?


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I paid 8500.00 that covered everything. I live in California, so I drove. Airfare would be additional, if you have to fly in but they pick you up at the airport. Glad to answer any questions you have. I can't say enough about how great they were, everyone was so nice and it was a really nice hospital.


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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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