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Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life

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Tomorrow is my surgery. I was not put on a surgical diet given my lower bmi so I have indulged in my Farewell to food Tour over the last 2 weeks. Indulged is an understatement. Tonight at midnight is my cut off. Am going out for my last supper (did someone mention I was going to be executed?) that will definiitely have fois gras on the menu. And then....enough!

Just got back from the grocery store where I purchased my post-surgical purchases for food for the next few weeks. I was studying the babyfood labels like it was the holy grail when a kind woman behind me asked me how old my baby is. Coulda been worse - she could have asked me when my baby is due!

I have been so distracted that when I picked up my pre-meds at the drugstore I backed into a guy in the parking lot while leaving. Add $1700 to the bill for the new me!

I am excited and anxious. I believe I have an excellent surgeon, good hubby support and the attitude to make this work. If only it wasn't for the "e" word. Exercise. But I will do what it takes to make this work.

Here's hoping. Think of me tomorrow at noon as I drift off to la la land.

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Best wishes to ya...enuf!!! (executed...LMBO) love it!!!

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Welcome to bandland, Enuf!

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How did it go enuf? thinking about you...hope you post and let us know soon.

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It went great! The build up to the surgery and any fear was not really warranted. My surgery was at 12. I was told to take some preop pills at 10 and be there for 11. 2 regular tylenol, a celebrix and a pill I looked up which seemed to be for seizure - which i don't suffer from but I suspected was protection for during anaethesia. Wrong.

Got to the clinic and waited but began to feel pretty loopy. When the nurse called me in to talk I have having trouble concentrated and didn't feel like myself. It wasn't till Dr. Cobourn attended that he said that the (seizure) pill was a relaxant. I"ll say - wish he gave me some for today. Surgery was quite the automotive line. Every busy clinic but everyone appeared caring and professional. I was released around 3:30. They told my husband when I was leaving to keep an eye on me to ensure i didn't stop breathing during the night. (I suspect it was a joke but she delivered it dead pan) Seriously!? So - have you ever tried to sleep with someone's beady eyes watching you.

Regardless, didn't sleep last night until 5:30 when I broke down and chewed one of my own sleeping pills. Woke up to the sound of the clinic phoning to see how things were.

I feel pretty good so far. Its day one after the surgery. Dr. Cobourn gave me demerol since I can't take Torodal - which has helped with the gas pains. I am strugging with drinking 64 oz of Water - when it must be at such a slow pace. Horray for unsweetened gelatin! Only wish I could find unsweetened popsicles in Ontario.

For those of you soon to be bandits I feel really pretty good. I remember doing sit ups (In 1983! - it was a good year). Well that is how my abdomen feels today. Like I did an enormous amount of sit ups. Its from the gas and stretching of the abdomen and stomach wall. That is the only discomfort I really have today is from the gas making it up to my shoulders. I have a shiastu massage chair that I bought on a whim years ago. Moved the laundry off it at 3 am and it really helped.So I suspect that what i heard about someone giving you karate chops to the upper back and shoulders will provide the same relief!

YOu have to be careful not to gulp your Water or Jello or you will get a very uncomfortable feeling.

Sooo - for all you wannabe bandits - relax and go for it - if my day one is any indication. Will write if things change. Not hungry really but the smell of bacon wafting up from my hubby's lunch has never been so yummy. Can you say passive-aggressive?

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Best wishes to ya...enuf!!! (executed...LMBO) love it!!!

Yup - so I now know what my last supper will be in jail after I oust hubby for cooking and eating bacon in front of me.

Lots of bread (really just a delivery system for butter) to start

fois gras (after hiding my PETA card)

duck breast with scalloped potatoes

chocolate cake and cappecino

Oh yes - if my day before surgery was any indication followed just before my midnight cut off time by plain lays potato chips and coke.

But all that is behind me now. I will learn to Love no like no tolerate no buy kale. One of these days.

You look like you are doing so well.

Despite my comments i have a positive attitude and am going to try and do this to the letter. I was frankly surprised today on how small my sips of Water have to be. What is a normal meal for you these day. Your stats look so promising! YOu have done so well in a limited time frame. Here's hoping I can as well. Frankly i am 5 9 and yesterday wieght 213. But I swear that each breast weighs 13 pounds. That is what finally did it for me. When i married my husband in 2005 I wieght 155 - which was always and average and good weight for me. My bra size was 36 d. My bra size is now 40GG. Yikes.

What have been your biggest challenges

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enuf so glad you came through so spectcularly!!! I don't mind your attitude...you made me laugh...that is good. my hubs came into the living room a hundred times the first night too...I slept in the recliner for my first few days. To tell you the truth I really haven't had any issues or complains...I merely ask alot of questions on here about things that I am experiencing and get alot of good feed back from everyone. The gas was not an issue for me either...I had to have a hernia repaired while he was in there...so my pain I believe actually came from that. My major issue right now is trying to get some exercise in...I've had my knees replaced so they are alittle uncomfortable at times. So I think I am going back to the wellness center near my home and get some Water aerobics into my routine. you take time to heal...my doctor told me to be patience with myself...take those first 6 weeks as best you can and then move on to chapter two...learning to eat really slow, chew, chew, chew...wait a minute or two between bites...and stop when your band says ok I've had enough. Your liquids right now will soon become mushy and then soft food choices, if you need ideas send me a message...I'll try to help you out. Evreyone of us are different...but I have read alot on here...so I will try to have a suggestion or idea or two for you. You take care of yourself and hope to see either more posts or a message from you every now or then okay? :D :lol: :rolleyes: :) :P ;)

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Day 2 after the surgery. I had a hernia repaired as well I guess which is why the pain in the shoulder is not going away. When I drink the pain increases. For the life of me there is no way I can possibly drink 62 oz of Water yet. I am trying to get down an isogenix shake (have a lot of them from previous failed diets - as well as xenonal, frozen jenny craig meals, Pork rinds from Atkins etc... you all know the routine. I am still positive and optomistic but am sure not feeling great

Am still so glad I did this though. Turning over a new leaf - or is that lease. hmmmmm . my stomach rumblings scared the heck out of my cat this afternoon who was all curled up with me.

The good thing is that i am being gentle with myself and giving myself a chance for r and r. I have a lot of empathy for my friends out their with kids. who have to keep pluggin regardless of how you feel.

How is everybody doing?

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Day 4!! Feeling pretty good - a little drugged out so I think the demerol has got to stop.

I am not hungry physically, although it is hard to get myself to SIP flluids and not gulp them down. Gas pains very seldom; but when they come - look out! My incisions look a lot better than I anticipated (at least through the gauze that is protecting them). Maybe its sorta like soft lighting on a movie set.

All hubby wants to hears is "I'm fine, great, peachy" He asks the question: so you are feeling really good eh? ("Eh" - because we are canadians after all) Honestly though I do feel pretty good. I was supposed to be back at work on Tuesday but think I am going to put it off a few more days.

Best part - got on the scale today. Last time I looked at those evil numbers it was 213. Today its 203. But before I schedule the parade I know that I have literally had no food since last Tuesday night (the last night of my "Farewell to food Tour" when I indulged in everything I could eat. ) So if I could eat a full meal today (which of course would not be possible) I would likely only be down 3-4 pounds. I'll take it!!!

Bottom line on Day 4 - A great decision to get this band. Now lets see what the next week brings!

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enuf, great news! Glad it's been going well. I made the mistake of weighing myself within the first couple weeks of surgery and got so depressed because the scale actually went up, even though I had nothing but flipping Clear Liquids for a week before surgery and FULL liquids after surgery. SO UNFAIR!! Then the lovely people on this board calmed me down and told me my body was carrying surgery weight -- fluids, swelling, and God knows what from the actual surgery, and it can take WEEKS for the body to rid itself of that weight. They were right. I just kept to the plan my doctor gave me (800 calories a day and walking on the treadmill) and the weight started to come off after a couple of weeks, and now I'm losing a little at a good pace. I'm still on liquids until April 24th (who's counting?) but I keep reminding myself that it took me 52 years to get this body, and it's going to take a little longer than a week to get it thin. LOL. My ultimate goal is that, once the band starts doing its job (when I'm on solid foods), the band will help me recognize satiety signals, and I will be satisfied with less. I want to get down to a normal weight immediately, of course, but realistically, I know this will take me well over a year. I'm okay with that. I'm already in such a better place than I was a year ago -- heck, six months ago. Be patient and kind to yourself, and keep us posted!

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Thanks for the note "justWatchMe" It is really nice to touch base with people in my situation. And you are so right - it has taken me years to get to the point i am in terms of weight - we should be kind to ourselves while we take it off. Before I had the surgery I was in the grocery store buying my post surgical food. I picked up a 20 lb bag of potatoes and walked around the aisle for a minute while I came to grips with the fact that i needed to lose 3 of those bags and marvelled that my knees and ankles weren't giving me more trouble than they were.

For anybody reading this or worried about the surgery I can honestly say that i am recovering quickly and apparently quite well. Am actually looking forward to this journey. That is hard to say though as the smell of the cabbage rolls my hubby is heating up wafts through the house as I sit sipping my chicken broth.

I am 4 days out and need to start walking. I know. But the truth is that for the last 10 years I have engaged in NO exercise whatsoever. I bought a treadmill but 3 minutes on it baffs me out. Can't believe i admitted publically this sorry statement about myself. I know that if I really want to see a difference I need to exercise but that will be a bigger challenge for me than Portion Control I suspect.

I have always heard - "The joy is in the ride". Guess I will have to learn that the joy is in the walk.

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enuf so glad you are feeling pretty good!!! each day gets better. I wish I was up to exercising my knees hold me back badly, but will need to start something really soon that's for sure. I am happy that you are happy with your decision!!! Talk with you soon!!! :D

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Tomorrow is my scheduled date.. Excited, anxious, nervous... Have been working out 3/4 times a week at the gym for the last 4 months.. Lost about 20lbs.. Can't wait for the journey.. Had to plan it around spring break for work.. :)

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Was wondering how your last fill went, did you make it on the fluids for 24 hours then mushy food. If you posted I can't find it

enuf so glad you came through so spectcularly!!! I don't mind your attitude...you made me laugh...that is good. my hubs came into the living room a hundred times the first night too...I slept in the recliner for my first few days. To tell you the truth I really haven't had any issues or complains...I merely ask alot of questions on here about things that I am experiencing and get alot of good feed back from everyone. The gas was not an issue for me either...I had to have a hernia repaired while he was in there...so my pain I believe actually came from that. My major issue right now is trying to get some exercise in...I've had my knees replaced so they are alittle uncomfortable at times. So I think I am going back to the wellness center near my home and get some Water aerobics into my routine. you take time to heal...my doctor told me to be patience with myself...take those first 6 weeks as best you can and then move on to chapter two...learning to eat really slow, chew, chew, chew...wait a minute or two between bites...and stop when your band says ok I've had enough. Your liquids right now will soon become mushy and then soft food choices, if you need ideas send me a message...I'll try to help you out. Evreyone of us are different...but I have read alot on here...so I will try to have a suggestion or idea or two for you. You take care of yourself and hope to see either more posts or a message from you every now or then okay? :D :lol: :rolleyes: :) :P ;)

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So glad everything went good for you, you really sound positive and ready to carry on with the journey.

Exercise is my big issue especially having the stomach hernia as well but I have now got a personal trainer lined up and will starting with him in about 2 weeks... Very gently at first and then build up....bring on the next chapter.

I have 2 big evenings out coming up and don't know what size dresses to order now....never had that problem before it was alway huge!!! Feels good.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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