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Pre-Banding In AZ

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Yes, those pills made me sick too. Yick! My surgery went really well and I'm feeling pretty good right now. I believe they saw something they didn't like on my husband's xrays, so cross your fingers for him. ;)

How did yours go? How you feeling, did you end up staying overnight? I did just because, though I'm sure I didn't need to.

I'll be thinking happy thoughts your way. Best wishes while you heal. :)

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I also went to the WLIAZ. Dr. DeBarros did my surgery on May 21st. The hospital staff was great. The hospital itself was very old and in need of work. I was just so impressed how organized the whole day was. When I went into admitting, they had all my medical records, meds, what I was in there for. It went like well oiled machine.

I have hypocalcaemia which means my Calcium is always low. There are not a lot of doctors that know how to treat this disease. However, Dr DeBarros as very familiar with it and decided to keep me overnight to make sure all went well.

Unfortunately, it did not. I had to have a bag of Calcium the next morning and I was not released until Tuesday night.

I have a ton of pain at the port site, and I’m learning how to eat and drink which is weird if you think about it.

Although I am in a lot of pain, I know I can do all of this on my own if necessary. Having someone stop in and check on the two of you you will be fine.

I have been droping hints that he get it done and he said no way!

Good luck to both of you!


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Hey Virginia,

I bet I saw you at the hospital while we were both there! hehe. :)

Are you doing alright? I've got a lot of pain at the port site too, but I think this is where it's going to hurt the most for now. I keep myself on the pain meds as much as possible so I don't have to deal with the pain.

You've been dropping hints to your husband to get the band? I know my husband is being a big baby about his surgery. He's being a big ole cranky butt. :) But, its understandable I suppose.

How've you been doing with head hunger? I've been craving whatever I see on tv. hehe. But it goes away fairly quickly and I haven't had a big issue with doing just liquids post-op.

I hope SELaine comes back to check in soon, I'm starting to get concerned for her well being.

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I have a ton of pain at the port site. It makes getting up and down difficult. This had better subside by Monday. That is when I go back to work. I only remember one gal to the right against the wall and her husand was tall as well but I didn't think he need the band so it must have been someone else. You can e-mail me privately if you would like. virginiann@cox.net

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Hello all! Here I am! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to check in. It's been a crazy week; I'm sure you both know!

Virginia- It was great meeting you at the hospital! Your husband seems great, too.

LilMonkey- Were you the lady with medium/long brown hair?

How is your husband doing now?

My surgery went OK. The first thing I remember was being woken up to do the barrium x-ray. It was awful. I just kept thinking to myself, "OMG, I'm not even awake yet. I haven't even stood up yet, much less walked, and here they are trying to put me in all of these herrendous positions". I didn't have any balance and couldn't even keep my eyes open. There was a nurse there standing by me as they moved the table up and down yelling in my ear to wake-up and drink, wake-up and roll-over, etc. They could clearly see I wasn't fully awake yet, so you think they could have waited a few hours; especially since I was spending the night.

After that, I was back to my room and things progressed from there. Apparently, my first IV was not inserted correctly and it hurt like hell. Everytime they inserted medicine in it I had an awful burning sensation. I have had Iv's before but they have never hurt like this. Anyway, once back to the room the IV machine kept beeping. Four times the nurse would come in and turn it off and back on again because it wasn't flowing. Finally she called the lab and had someone come and insert a new IV. After that, everything was fine. On the arm where I had my first IV I am still swollen with a bruise on the inside of my arm that goes from the wrist up to the elbow.

My port sight still hurts and I have had gas pains. Today I have felt a big lump in my chest and can't figure out if it's gas or the feeling of being full. I think it's gas and hope it goes away soon. So far, so good on the liquid diet, although I don't think I'm getting enough Protein. After two weeks of Protein drinks, I have pretty much had it.

What have you all done about your incisions? Did you take your bandages off? And when you did, did you take the tapes off under them, too? I did. I'm hoping I didn't make a mistake.

Thanks for the support. I have my post-op appt. on Friday June 1.

Virginia-- where do you live?

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Forgot to mention, I am still pretty swollen. I came home 10 pounds heavier than I went it, and today I was still 4 pounds heavier. I know I just need time to heal and loose the extra Water weight and gas from surgery. Have either of you weighed in yet?

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I was the one with longish brownish/reddish hair and bangs..

Glad to have you back! I was starting to get a little concerned. Yeah it's been a crazy week. My husband and I are both doing well. Gas pains come and go, and I hope they go for good soon. :D

They did pretty much the same thing to me with the xray right after I woke up. I didn't have much of a problem staying awake, but I was in terrible pain so I whined the whole time. I was like.. They want me to lay on my side?! Are you kidding me!! hehe

So far I just took the bandages off. Dr. Orris said the tape would come off on its own, so I'm just leaving it on for now. How do your incisions look without the tape? Everything seem sealed as it should?

Our post-op is thursday. I simply cannot wait to get into mushies. Im soooooo sick of liquids. :P I doubt I'm getting my Protein either.. but I do try. I find sipping Protein shakes to be terrible terrible yuckiness, though. heh!

Virginia, are you taking the pain meds and if/when you do does the port pain go away or dull down at all?

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Oh my goodness! Am I to understand that all three of us were in the same hospital at the same time? Boy that is way cool.

I came out of the hospital 9 pounds heavier than when I went in. I about freaked until I remembered it has to be the junk they shove into you. I went into the hospital at 208 came out 217 and this morning I am back down to 211.

I too have this lump in my chest. I do not know what it is but I have noticed that if I drink to fast or gulp it is really noticeable. If I could only burp one good loud screaming burp I know I would feel better. But it keeps coming out the other end! and loud!

I was told to take the bandages off but leave the steri-strips on. But if your incision sites look good I wouldn't stress about it.

I am a big believer of pain meds. I have no kids at home, have no intentions on jumping in the car and going anywhere. I get up and move around and walk plenty. I will not be in pain, there is no reason to be, unless you feel susceptible to additions. The pain meds takes the edge of the port pain. It is a little easier to get up and down from my recliner with the meds. Getting out of bed in the morning, now that is another story. You would of thought that someone was spearing me in the side it hurts so bad.

So far I have not been hungry and yesterday I came up with an idea to get me to get my Protein and liquids in. I made a batch of Protein Drink mix with some instant pudding and set it in the freezer. When it was frozen I ate off of it till it was melted. Almost a full 10 oz I did the same for my Crystal lite. I made it into a slushy. So between that and my Soup and my decaff coffee in the morning I know I got in what I needed to. Other than that it has been a huge chore.

Do you gals work? If so when do you plan on going back, and what do you do?

I live on the West side Peoria/71st Ave.

My post op visit is on June 1, 2007 I think at 11am

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Hi, Dr. Debarros told me about the new band (I got it also). He said the difference is the inside of the band the part that inflates does not go all the way around the band. It has a section where there is no fill area due to the connection of the bank. Look at some pictures and you will see what I am talking about.

The new band does go all the way around, no gap. I could not find anything online about it either and I searched for ever! When I called the office to inquire about the new band they said it was the one replacing the old. So until Allergen updates their web site I guess this is all the info we will have.

If any of you know more let me know!


Banded 05/21/2007

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I felt quite well yesterday and thought I didn't need any more pain meds. By 6 o'clock last night I was really regretting it. So, I have decided to continue taking them for another day or two regardless of how I feel. I learned it's easier to keep the pain away than to try to treat it once you are hurting.

Nobody told me anything about the incisions. I specifically asked the nurse at the hospital before we left and she just kept saying "do what's on your paper". Well, the instructions say to remove bandages after three days. It didn't say ANYTHING about living the strips on. The bandages were all stuck to the strips and I figured it was all the same thing. Not until later when I was reading some posts did I realize everybody else was taking the bandages off but leaving the strips on. Oh, well. I'm hoping I didn't cause too much damage. The incisions seem to be healing fine.

Did you both receive the big, stretchy abdominal belt to wear? It does feel better to wear it (although hot!) but I was wondering how long we are supposed to keep it on and what it's purpose is.

I am glad to hear that I'm not the only one that gained weight. Reading the May posts today it seems like a lot of people lost a lot very quickly. One of the girls who was banded on the 22nd has lost 8 pounds. (I'm still up 2.5.)

I am a mom. I have a 5 and 2 year old. Luckily, it's a long weekend and my husband will be home, but come Tuesday I've got to be off the meds and able to run around and chase them for a full day. Good luck to you both going back to work.

Virginia.... my post-op is also Friday June 1 at 11am. How weird is that? I guess I'll see you there! I live clear on the other side of town in Gilbert. Once we all have recovered a bit, we should plan a time and place centrally located for us all to get together.

I'm moving around much more, but still pain at the port sight, especially when bending. Getting in and out of bed has been torture. I have had a difficult time sleeping because it hurts so much just to turn over. I'm hoping this will get better in a few days. I spent the first night home in the recliner with no attempt to even go up the stairs and try getting in bed. The last few nights I have started out in bed but ended up going back down to the recliner before morning.

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Selain, LilMonkey.. I love being able to chat with someone who are exactly walking in my same shoes! How cool is that?

Are you all still doing your heprin injections? Are you hungry? What are your first names?

Yesterday we drove up to Pulden and it was very difficult on our bumpy roads.

Dr. Debarros told me that the new band, as far as effectiveness is now on the same level as bypass. Why anyone would choose bypass in this day and age I'll never know. He also told me that he was waiting for this band so he could have it done. A friend of his is lying out from New York, and he is schedule next month.

We start on the full liqiud diet tomorrow and I am really looking forward to eating Yougert, puddings, creamed Soups, etc...

So does anyone think this weird pain in the center of our chest is the feeling of 'fullness' everyone is talking about? I keep walking around the house saying "if i could only burp" I know I would feel better.

Also, for those that were banded last week, how many of you are going back to work tomorrow? I am suppose to but I really feel I could take another day or two off. I'm just not up to par yet and my eating is so strange.

I am still up 2 pounds from my pre-surgery weight.

Okay this is turning into a book....


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Hi Virginia,

Yes, still doing the heprin injections. At least they are no big deal. I was worried about them at first. I was told I would have a LOT of bruising and that the shots would sting. So far, I've had neither.

I'm not quite sure if I've been hungry yet or not. I know I want food-- but only because I've been on liquids for three weeks now. The chest pain I had is pretty much gone. It sounds like you have the same thing. It took a day or two, but after getting a couple of good burps out it felt better. Now I have a weird internal feeling when I drink. I think it's the band. It's not painful or even uncomforatable, just different. Have either of you drank too much? For me, I've been good so far. I just try to sip throughout the day. I haven't experienced the "fullness" or the pain some have said they get when getting too much too fast. For that, I'm grateful, but I'm sure my time will come. I'm so excited to start the new portion of our diets tomorrow. Who knew I'd be so excited over SF pudding and blended Soup?

Virginia... what type of work do you do? I am a stay-at-home mom. My husband is going out of town on Tuesday, so I will be alone with the kids this week. I'm hoping I can handle it. They can be a handful and I have absolutely no strength to run after them now. That leads me to another question...... are you experiencing the fatigue that I am? Even when I don't take the lortab I am so exhausted and sleepy all the time! I could easily take 2-3 naps a day. I hope it fades soon. Anyway, I think if you need the extra days off of work you should take them.

Are you still wearing the belly brace thing they gave us at the hospital? Do you know how long we are supposed to wear it?

Let us know what you decide about work and good luck.


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Hi guys! I do not wear the brace they gave me because it was way too big and the night nurse (Rick) said he was going to get me a smaller one but he never did.

I took a look at the food list for phase two starting tomorrow and about freaked! I made up a list and my hubby went and got it all. I've been having such a bad day hugry wise, that I decided to make me some instant mash potatoes and ate some right now... they did not taste as good as I expected and I even added a little bit more butter. I figured a few hours was not going to make a huge difference. I was just geting so tired of cold, sweet and liquid. I have been nursing these potatoes for 40 minutes now.

I think I do have some restriction or it is just in my head. I guess this is something we all have to go through ourselves. I still have gas but not as bad as it was.

The site where my port is has the nastiest bruse I have ever seen. I tried on a pair of shorts today and it is not comfortable. I think I will have to go buy a couple of dressed to wear to work this next week.

I wish I could burp! But I can not. I have not taken any pain meds today but I think I will before bed.

I work at Bank of America. The call center on Buckeye and I-10. I respond to the e-mails people write from the Bank of Ameria web site. Therefore, I sit in a cube and answer e-mails all day. It is an awesome job, great benefits.

Was a blessing to have our Surgeon having the lap-band the same time we did!

Did you guys tell me your names?


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Hi again. I am having a similar problem with my belly brace. Although I have one, it is too big and doesn't do much good. It fit when I was in the hospital, but I think enough of the swelling has gone down that when I put it on it just hangs there. It's too bad because it really helped when I was able to wear it.

It sounds like you have a great job. You are lucky your insurance paid for your band. I had to pay cash for mine; I think LilMonkey and her husband did, too.

Are you having any trouble getting the potatoes down? I'm a little worried about the transition but I am so sick and tired of Protein shakes. Did anyone tell you how much Protein you should be getting? I am struggling to get in two full shakes a day. When I make them with milk they are 28 g. protein each. Some people on here have said they are required to have 70-90 grams of protein a day! Yikes! If that's the case, I'm no where close.

I think it will be a while before I can wear regular clothing as well. My port site is still very sore and it is right across my waist line where my pants sit. During the day I have been wearing elastic wasted work-out shorts and I have to put a bandage over that incision to keep my pants from rubbing on it.

Did you decide if you are going to work tomorrow? Is Memorial Day not a holiday for you at the bank?


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