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I have never thrown up from any food so I can't offer much in that department. I've been really struggling to fit exercise into a daily routine. I've not been doing much at all. One of my excuses has been that I'll feel better and more motivated once I lose enough. I know that's just an excuse. I just bought a fit bit and I'm going to track my daily steps. I think when I see how far below 10k I am each day, I'll try to take more steps. This isn't the perfect solution but it's something I'll try and see if it helps. If you have one we can track our progress and support one another if that might help you. :)

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Hey there ladies! Great to hear from you -- it really helps me to know how you're doing :)

Regarding melon, I can't eat it either. It gets completely stuck and I have to throw it up. I think it's just too firm to go down the esophagus, which maybe can't exert as much force as it did before surgery? Also maybe it's too difficult to chew to liquid? I've tried a bit of melon juice with no problem, so I don't think it's the sugar. Anyway you're not the only one!

Regarding exercise, I'm getting in about 4-5 workouts/sessions per week -- 2-3 after work during the week and 2 on weekends. I have a job but no one at home to look after, otherwise I'm not sure how I'd do it. I'm really tired after work too. But I have a trainer I see twice a week, so that keeps me accountable. If I don't work out in between our sessions, he can sure tell! I don't enjoy it much, although it's fun to get stronger in measurable ways. But yeah, I have to force myself. Once I get going, the energy comes back even if I'm exhausted when I start.

All that said, you shouldn't beat yourself up! If you're sticking to your food plan and losing weight, then you know you're still progressing!

I had a FitBit but I washed it and it doesn't work. I'm considering getting another. It is indeed hard to get near 10K steps per day. My average day was more like 6K. But then again it doesn't always detect workouts either.

In spite of all my efforts, I'm stalled again, for a week now :( I also get quite hungry at night, so I'm having to really take it one day at a time as far as not straying. I have to admit I'm pretty sick of my protein/veggie routine. But as soon as I lose a pound, my attitude will change a lot. :)

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I haven't thrown up from any foods, either, but if I eat something and feel weird right away, I stop. The only thing I've had trouble with is carbs. I've tried whole wheat sandwich thins, toast, and whole wheat english muffin. After a bite or two it feels like a rock in my stomach! I'm so thankful for this because it's kept me away from carbs!!! I don't eat any sugar and rarely eat fruit (other than a bite or two (too many carbs!).

School starts up in another 3 weeks :( so I'll be back to work. My exercise plan is to go to the gym straight from work and do my workout. I know if I come home first I'll be too tired and never get my butt back off the couch! LOL Luckily, my gym is literally 5 minutes away from where I work! I also know if I'm doing something I love, I'll be more apt to keep it up, so I'll continue with my aqua classes 2 days a week, then supplement the rest of the days with treadmill, elliptical, weights, etc. Or I can swim any day I want! Sounds easy, but I'm sure it will be hard the first month until it becomes my new routine. My motto: Just do it and don't think about it!

Glad to hear you are all doing well! It's nice following you on MFP! Makes it feel like I'm doing this with a team!! :)

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Hi ladies, how's it going? I was doing okay for me, but I've been stalled for nearly a month :( Maybe I've been eating a tad more, but I'm really sticking to the plan -- no carbs except veggies, no sugar, etc. I do eat red meat a few times per week just out of boredom with chicken. I work out 4 times per week, twice with a trainer. I'm pretty sedentary otherwise, although I'm trying to walk more even around work. I've had maybe 3 glasses of wine since surgery. Is that enough to stall me??

I had to go on estrogen pills for 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off because my hot flashes came back with a vengeance after the surgery. That probably doesn't help weight loss.

I get hungry almost as bad as before surgery. The difference is I can't eat much, especially if I'm out with friends.

I went to see my surgeon last month and she was disappointed with only 9-10 lbs/month loss. She wants me to get to 12 lbs/month. Wait til she sees I lost 0 in September, OMG. She said I focus too much on calories and to stop counting them, worrying only about Protein. So I stopped doing MFP, but I think I need to start again.

On the good side, I've gone from size 26 to 22, and wow, that makes a big difference! Just bagged up a huge load of clothes that are too big and always will be!

I hope you're all doing well -- would love to hear from you!

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Hi Michelle!

My first thought was that it could be the estrogen pills, but I'm no expert! Sorry about your stall! Sounds like you are doing everything right.

I've been doing well. I'm still (and probably for the rest of my life) tracking what I eat. It's crazy how some seemingly harmless foods have SO many carbs or fat grams! I'm paranoid about gaining, so I monitor everything I eat! I know some on this forum have a different philosophy, but this works for me. I've been losing at a pretty steady 3 lbs. per week. I'm still only eating 600-800 calories daily and I think I've only hit 800 once. My goal is 75 grams of Protein, 30 grams or less of fat, and 50 grams or less of carbs per day. I was told no alcohol until 6 months out. Even then, I'm going to only have a sip or two on special occasions, since even small amounts always gives me headaches. I work out 4-5 times per week, but it's been a little spotty these past few weeks as I am adjusting back to work after summer break. I am on my feet and walking ALL day at work, though!

Since my pre-op days (beginning last November) I've lost 116 lbs and have gone from a size 26-28 to a very loose 16!! I'm holding on to the 16's until the cooler weather is here and I can buy a few cheap pair of long pants and warmer tops (still in Capris and summer tops for now!).

HANG IN THERE!!! Talk to your NUT and don't worry! How are you feeling? I'm sure you have more energy, feel so much better from eating healthy and working out, and are a healthier person overall! Sometimes I forget that that is the most important thing, not the aesthetic!

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Wow, you're doing so well! Size 16 is amazing!! As is a steady 3 lbs/week, my word. How do you eat under 800 cal -- do you get hungry? I get so hungry in the afternoon and late evenings especially. It's easy for me to eat 1000 cal or even 1200 if I'm not careful, but I think I'm nearly always below 1000. I guess I'll know now, with MFP.

My doc told me to drink Water when I feel hungry, which I have been trying to do. But it doesn't really stop hunger headaches, sorry Doc!

I started charting my food again yesterday, and adjusted the MFP goals to 900 cals, 80 g Protein, 68 g carbs, 35 g fat.

I feel okay - definitely more mobile than before. I just need to see steady progress or I'm afraid I'll lose my will! :)

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I have been struggling over the past few weeks. A LOT! I have been under a lot of stress and emotional stuff so I find I have been doing what I always do which is eat. My food choices have been crap to say the least and I haven't been getting all of my Protein in either. My hair is falling out like CRAZY for at least 2 months now. I have been going over my alotted 1000 calories a day and I really haven't been excersizing at all. I have still been losing between 1-3 pounds a week but I am really disappointed with myself. I decided today to just start over, from stage 1 and work on keeping my food clean and try to process the stress/emotional stuff in a different way other than eating over it. I am committed to change actions, work on correcting my bad habits, and keep working towards my goal.

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I'm sorry you've been having a difficult time, miss mojo. At least you're still losing -- 72 lbs, I wish I were at that point! You should give yourself some love for losing at any pace! With emotional eating it could be so easy to even gain weight. I didn't succeed with the lap band so I know the fear and sense of failure.

Starting over is a great idea. And if you're finding it really hard, it's okay to ask for help, either here or from a professional or friends you trust?! And I depend on a phrase I've heard in the recovery world: 'one day at a time'. Every day is a mental battle for me, to not eat foods I love/crave. If I thought about how many more days of this I have ahead of me, I'd go crazy. So I just focus on making it to bed time without blowing it.

BTW since I started tracking on MFP I'm already doing better. Such a weird psychological effect!

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Hey Ladies! We are coming up fast on our 1 year surgiversary. How is everyone doing?

I have been struggling a lot. I am at a 98 pound loss and just want to get the last 31 pounds off but I am having a really hard time. To top things off I now have plantar fascistic and can't do my normal walking which I love to do. I am hanging in there but just having a hard time. If anyone has any words of wisdom or could lend some support I could really use some.

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Hi there! I've been thinking of you guys so much this month as well and wondering how you're doing, so thank you for posting an update!

98 lb is remarkable, and it's vital not to lose sight of that! Your profile pic looks amazing! If you're like me, you wouldn't have believed you could lose this much ever, never mind in less than a year!

My loss has continued to be very slow. I just hit 70 lbs today, but honestly I'm okay with that. I lost almost no weight (maybe 5 lbs) from December - March. I had to take a hard look at what I was eating. My 3 meals were all (usually) on plan, but I was in denial about two things: I was using regular sugared coffee Creamer (yes, I have to have coffee, sorry!) and my 'handful' of almonds in the afternoon was closer to a cup (500+ calories!!). So I switched to sugar free creamer and 1/2 a Protein bar in the afternoon, and the weight loss started again. Let's hope it keeps up. The main thing was I had such a blind spot about what I really taking in, I guess because I really really don't like sugar-free creamer. :)

I've continued to increase my exercise also in hopes of kick-starting my pokey metabolism. I usually do 5 sessions per week now. I started doing a Body Pump class at my gym, which uses light weights and your large muscles. And my friends convinced me to try Bikram hot yoga -- 90 mins at 105 deg F. I've done it about 10 times. It's so friggin' hot, but somehow I really like it. I think the heat shocks my system, and the postures activate digestion and metabolism. I'm slowly gaining flexibility and strength in different muscles. It seems to be helping me lose weight, although it's hard to know what affects what now.

Even room temp yoga might be a good option for you given your foot problems. You do have to stand on one foot at times -- does that hurt? I hurt my right elbow pulling on a weight machine, it hurts like hell 3 months on. I guess I need to see a doc. I can't work out my upper body very much right now :(

So what are you struggling with that's slowing your weight loss? For me, not losing can start a negative thought spiral of 'what use is all this!' but I find the support of family and friends, and their expectation that I'll never give up, really helps keep me going.

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Hi @MichelleInCA. Sounds like you have the exercising down. I have never done yoga but right now we can't afford anything extra because my husband and I are trying to save for a house and we need all the money we can get.

The worst thing for me is the snacking between meals. I just feel hungry (could be head hunger....I'm not totally sure) or bored or whatever emotion I am feeling. I am working in therapy to work through the emotional eating issues. Since I have been snacking I have been going over my allotted 1,000 calories/day. I know what the problems are I am just having the WORST time stopping them. It's as if once I am in the habit then it just spirals.

I wandered away from this site for quite awhile but I am realizing now just how much I need the support and to connect with others who have had the same procedure and can understand what I am going through.

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Hi ladies! I'm so excited about our "Surgiversary!" I think you both are doing amazing! Keep up the good work! I can relate to the plantar fascitis, since I had it, too! I finally went to a podiatrist and got some insert supports which I wore for several months. I also iced it after exercise (on a frozen Water bottle) and even rolled it on a tennis ball. I did a lot of Water aerobics during those months!!

I hit my goal weight in January and am now 20 lbs. below goal (still in the normal BMI range, so not to worry!). I still eat low fat, very low carb and I exercise 4-5 days per week, either elliptical or running (I started running a few months ago). I've lost a total of 182 lbs. since October 2013 and 132 since surgery! It still feels surreal to me! Now I'm just trying to slow the weight loss, but I can still only eat a few ounces per sitting. I'll be seeing the NUT on the 27th at my one year check up, so I'm sure I'll get some advice then!

Wishing you all the best!!

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By the way: KEY for me was ditching the carbs! It was torture at first, but once I did, I didn't miss them! Now I'm kind of afraid to add them back because I don't want to start up the cravings again! I can't eat Pasta or rice at all! I've tried, and both make me throw up! I also find that if I don't drink enough fluids, it feels like I'm hungry, especially for sweets, so I drink a lot of Vitamin Water Zero and my new favorite, Bai5! I spurge on these and it gets me through! I also drank a TON of hot tea and SF Hot Cocoa this winter to get me through the evening snack attacks!

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Hi chicakdee80, I definitely get hungry, and I don't think it's only head hunger. I woke up starving at 4 this morning. I went back to sleep, of course, but the idea that this surgery ends hunger pangs isn't true for me. That lasted maybe a month after surgery. That's why I need a PM snack at work, or I can't think or get anything done. I also drink Water and SF gum, but it doesn't do the trick. So yeah, it's a struggle every day, and when I get by on 1/2 Protein bar I feel very proud of myself. You're not alone there.

I also don't feel exercise has such a huge effect for me weight wise? Hmm. I feel much stronger and healthier, but I haven't seen a correlation between high-exercise weeks and weight loss. I don't know, it's sort of a mystery how it all fits.

kpay10, wow, you have really blown the doors off this thing! Many congrats! I hope you're able to level off when you want to. Your pouch must be tiny - I can sure eat more than a few ounces at once. I can pound back a pretty large plate of cooked peppers and mushrooms for example! I bet your family and friends are amazed! If I can ask, how has your skin handled losing so quickly?

I hear you about carbs. I added some low-glycemic index ones (eg a bit of sweet potato or 1-2 multi-grain pita chips) because my nut said it would help with hunger and exercise energy. I am also afraid to add many other carbs because of the craving cycle they might set off. OTOH I don't feel it has to be zero carbs. I seem to be able to tolerate a bit without going over the mental edge.

I would also say that any given day, any one of us can start afresh. Yes, the further from the plan we've strayed, the harder it will be at first. But we've already shown how strong we are through this process. Just throwing in tiny bit of encouragement :D

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@kapay and @@MichelleInCA - Anyone who can give the carbs up is a total hero in my book. My NUT said that we are to fit the carbs in last (IF there is room). I have had a problem with this from the get go. I want/crave the carbs and have had a VERY hard time getting them out of my life because they are EVERYWHERE. My husband loves carbs and potatoes and Pasta and rice and snacky carby stuff. We live with my parents and have one cabinet for our food so asking him to put his carbs into another cabinet isn't going to work.

I just need to have enough resolve and will to say no. I know how hard it is, I did it before when I lost 99 pounds back in 2006-2007 when I did this crazy OA90 day diet. It was tough to detox from them but after that it was "okay" even though I never stopped craving them.

Today is the day I am going to start the detox. You both have given me something to strive for and look up to. Thank you both.

I need to get back to exercising. I don't have the money to go to a gym right now but my parents have an exercise bike I can use and I have a bicycle and those are supposed to be the best things to do when you have plantar fascistic. I am going to start there and see how it goes. I do much better with weight loss when I exercise.

Thank you so much for telling me where you are and offering words of encouragement and lending support. It really means a lot to me.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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