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advice wanted: calorie counts and losing last pounds

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I need advice and I'm curious about how others got to their goal weight.

I've had my lap band for a year and a half. I've lost 130 pounds after the band (211 total) and have 40-50 more pounds to go until my personal goal. I workout 4-6 times a week; spin class, weights/barbell strength class, cycling outside, TRX, light running, Water aerobics. My average calorie intake a day is 1300 and I generally don't eat back my calories after working out. I get 70-100g Protein per day and drink about 100oz of Water a day. I have my moments of weakness but they are still generally within my daily calorie count; Peanut Butter is my weakness. About once every 10-14 days I'll go over my calorie count by 500-800 calories to mix things up. -- I have a 10cc band and it's filled to about 9 right now. But, I don't feel much restriction. I can still nibble on just about anything, but I can't eat even close to what I used to; I can handle eggs at dinner but not Breakfast, I can eat raw veggies in small bites/quantity, sweets go down way to easy, white bread is tough but crackers are fine. My diet is usually yogurt and coffee with sweat cream for Breakfast, low carb lunch around 300 calories (cottage cheese and canned salmon is a good example), dinner varies and usually has higher carbs since I'm a muncher but still count calories and around 400 calories.

I'm stuck and I can't seem to lose anything!!! I have a body lift (major plastic surgery) scheduled at the end of September and my Dr would like me to lose 20-30. It's still 6 months off but I need to lose it now! What kinds of things do you recommend to get this last 40-50 off.. heck, even just the 20-30? When people say it gets harder, they aren't kidding!! I know that your comments are simply that and not doctor's advice so feel free to be open with your responses. Also, band veterans, what is your average calorie count per day? Again, I know that everyone is different but I'm just really curious. It seems that low is normal and healthy for weight loss surgery folks but I would really like feedback. (My stats: 5'10", current weight 250)

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First congrats on your success. You are doing great!

I am not a bandster (sleever here) but as I am also down to the last part of weight loss I have recently been working on eliminating grazing. Even though under total cals goal for day (also 1300 for me and I'm also 5-10) I find that if I graze throughout day I struggle to lose. Now I have been working to ensure that there are at least 3 hours between any meal or snack. I eat more at a meal or snack and don't nibble in between. Supposedly this gives body time to burn fat. Evaluate insulin has chance to go back down. If constantly eating (even protein) insulin is released and excess energy gets stored as fat.

Also I keep sugar grams as low as possible 25-35 max a day.

This seems to be helping me in the past couple weeks to move the scale. I guess I just need a strict regimen and no grazing.

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Earlier in my postOp active loss phase, I embarked on a strenuous and faithful log of calories/activities and kept meticulous record for 18 months. I was in constant sub-1800 calorie days with many in the 1500-1600 range, sometimes less. Very few days over 1800. Lots of as-vigorous-exercise as I could manage in walking, outdoor chores, gardening, wood splitting, etc.

I didn't lose a pound in that period. My pants size did come down 2 sizes, and my shirt went from XL to 'some' merely "L" size.

I was still 20 # from goal. Haven't got there. Yet.

I'm not sure just how realistic my goal was.

Just had my 50th High School reunion. Even at present size, I was less weight than 50 years ago.

So I can really answer your question, but I'm glad to see there's company on the journey which seems so worthy yet continues to stymie others as well as myself.

On a related note, my A1c reading for the last 3 months went from 7.0 down to 6.4!!! My weight was a mere 3# less. So I continue to trudge toward my elusive goal.

Years ago I was told by one of my docs that "Some of us are built like Greek gods.....while others more like goddam Greeks".....

I've often wondered what he meant.

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My current calorie intake is around 2500 but is about to go down to 1600-1800 now that cycling season is back.

You didn't say anything about how your clothes fit or if you ever tracked inches lost? With all the exercise, especially weights, you could be replacing fat with muscle.

1300 is a bit high for women from what I gather on this forum. Most of the women are around 900-1200. Maybe if you mix it up and only consume 1000/day 3-4 days a week?

It sounds like you're almost too tight? It seems like you have plenty of restriction?

Carbs are my enemy. I reduce carbs to near nothing when I'm trying to lose weight. I'll eat no crackers, potatoes. Limited rice and Beans. Mostly Proteins and veggies.

Lastly, I find it very difficult to track calories. But when I do for a couple of days, I always disappoint myself in how many calories I am consuming. It's never as low as I fantasized. Try counting for a few days. My nutritionist had me do this and I found I was eating 300-500 more calories per day than I thought. I eliminated some unnecessary foods and immediately started to lose weight.

Maybe talk to your nutritionist?

Otherwise, I'm envious of your journey so far.


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I take my current BMR, which is now 1653 calories. To lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, I cut out 750 calories a day, which brings my daily calorie goal to 900. I burn about 730 calories a day doing 65+ minutes of cardio. I do eat some of those calories back, so I usually net between 800-1000 calories a day. About once a week, I have a 1200-1400 calorie day. So far, this is helping me lose between 5 to 8 pounds a month. Congrats to YOU on the success of your weight loss journey!

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I take my current BMR, which is now 1653 calories. To lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, I cut out 750 calories a day, which brings my daily calorie goal to 900. I burn about 730 calories a day doing 65+ minutes of cardio. I do eat some of those calories back, so I usually net between 800-1000 calories a day. About once a week, I have a 1200-1400 calorie day. So far, this is helping me lose between 5 to 8 pounds a month. Congrats to YOU on the success of your weight loss journey!

I'm trying to work the math here? How many calories do you consume on a normal day? What do you mean you "net" 800-1000/calories?

Not being critical but I too want to work off this extra winter weight I put on. Are you saying you cut out 750 and work off 730=1480/day?

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I went below goal but I was eating very high Protein and only 4 cups of veggies a day with no other carbs, fruit or dairy. The only way you are going to achieve your goal is to pull out all the stops. Let go of the carbs completely except for vegetables and NO fruit either. I also never went above 1,000 calories on any given day and I never exercised one bit while losing weight. Your body gets used to the same thing day in and day out and most people tend to eat the same foods every single day or at least every single week. I never eat the same thing in a 3 week period because your body gets used to the same thing over and over. Give up the Protein Bars and shakes and eat what meat, eggs and cottage cheese you can consume. Its the only way it will come off and give yourself a rest day in between your exercise. Your body gets used to the everyday gym and you are just maintaining. If you want to lose the other 20lbs do what I said and it will come off. If you can eat beef consume all you can it takes longer to digest therefore making you burn more calories.

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I'm trying to work the math here? How many calories do you consume on a normal day? What do you mean you "net" 800-1000/calories?

Not being critical but I too want to work off this extra winter weight I put on. Are you saying you cut out 750 and work off 730=1480/day?

I need 1653 a day to maintain (according to BMR)

To lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, I need to cut out 750 calories a day (750x7 days = 5250 calories a week to cut out)

1653-750= 900 (rounded)

So that's what I set my calorie goal as on MyFitnessPal.

I burn around 730/day doing 65+ minutes of cardio.

If I eat 900 minus the 730 I burn, I would only be netting 170 calories a day..... Way too low, so I can eat up to around 1500.

1500 minus the 730 I burn equals 770 a day (Which brings me a little below my 900 calorie a day goal).

I sure hope this makes sense bc it seems difficult to explain as I'm typing.... LOL

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I need 1653 a day to maintain (according to BMR

It does make sense! The net calories confused me.

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Well, I am new to this forum and I need desperate help. I am 10 1\2 years out first surgery and 7 years out from revision due to a botched surgery the first time. I got down to 120 after second surgery but I was sickly thin. So I purposely gained 10 pounds. Over the last few years I've gained about 5 pounds a year. Well, I had a full hysterectomy least year and was thrown into menopause and put on a high dose of estrogen. I've gained monthly since then. Now I'm up to almost 160 and I'm scared. I don't know what to do. I don't eat sweets at all. I drink tons of green tea a day and focus mainly on eating meat and veggies. I do eat some carbs. I can eat a regular meal depending on what it is. Can't eat Pasta very much or bread so I stay away from those. I do eat granola bars but not too often. I don't know what to eat or how much! I don't know how many calories I should be eating. I don't really exercise because I'm a full time elementary teacher. I get up at 5 a.m. and get home at 6 p.m. I cook dinner, grade papers, spend time with my teenagers and am in bed by 10:00. Can someone please help me? I don't have any support here and feel lost.

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Jenmarie.... As most would remind you, eat Protein, protein, and more protein. Maybe you could start tracking your calories. I use MyFitnessPal. It makes me very accountable for every bite of food I choose to put in my mouth. As mentioned in the above status, I try to eat around 900 calories a day (to potentially lose 1 1/2 pounds a week), so that is the calorie goal I plug in to my food diary. I personally cut out or severely limit my carbs that come in the form of flour, bread products, sweets, Pasta, white rice, and white potatoes. Not everyone exercises, but I personally exercise as much as six days a week. My husband and I are both teachers and we, too, have teenage boys. We leave school and exercise before coming home... At least on Thurs and Fri. Then, we exercise on Sat snd Sun. Do you have the band? If so, is it time to get an adjustment? We only have eight more weeks to our school year. I guess you're counting down too!

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Well, I am new to this forum and I need desperate help. I am 10 1\2 years out first surgery and 7 years out from revision due to a botched surgery the first time. I got down to 120 after second surgery but I was sickly thin. So I purposely gained 10 pounds. Over the last few years I've gained about 5 pounds a year. Well, I had a full hysterectomy least year and was thrown into menopause and put on a high dose of estrogen. I've gained monthly since then. Now I'm up to almost 160 and I'm scared. I don't know what to do. I don't eat sweets at all. I drink tons of green tea a day and focus mainly on eating meat and veggies. I do eat some carbs. I can eat a regular meal depending on what it is. Can't eat Pasta very much or bread so I stay away from those. I do eat granola bars but not too often. I don't know what to eat or how much! I don't know how many calories I should be eating. I don't really exercise because I'm a full time elementary teacher. I get up at 5 a.m. and get home at 6 p.m. I cook dinner, grade papers, spend time with my teenagers and am in bed by 10:00. Can someone please help me? I don't have any support here and feel lost.

You're new here so take this as it's intended. For more people to see your post, you need to start a new topic/thread? There are only 9 people following this thread. If you start a new topic, hundreds of people will see it. So, go to the forums page, click on general weight loss surgery forum. You should see a box that says New Topic? Click on it and then paste what you just posted here and you should get a good response. Most of the forum members posting here are lap banders so we may not know enough about what Bypass patients should eat? Hope you find help?

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1300 not too much for 5-10inch women BMR is 1950 for me and probably up there for OP too. On days I exercise I eat 1500 to 1700 cals. Just my opinion but I don't recommend lowering calories to lose faster. It's only a temporary solution and then maintenance harder. I do recommend tracking every crumb in My Fitness pal to make sure you are actually within whatever calorie limit you need. It sure can creep up if you don't. To get to the finish line I have stopped all the grazing. Keep up the resistance training too. And make sure the Protein is 60+ grams and sugar grams are 25-35g at most. Other than that I do not worry about carbs since they are a last in food for me. Though I have more than most people at around 100g a day. A lot are from legumes, Beans, nuts etc.

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Thank you, everyone, for all the great comments!! It really is nice for everyone to go into such detail on their personal journeys. food, weight, exercise, and our safe journey is such an incredible balancing act.

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