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PCOS and telling my friends

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Hi to all!

I am planning to have my sleeve at the end of April! I am 5'3 192 lbs and have sever PCOS. I was curious to all the twenty somethings to know if you told your friends and if so how did you go about telling them. Also how did you handle going to bars and when they wanted to grab pizza or fro yo you know all the typical stuff us twenty year olds have to deal with. Also to all the girls with PCOS how fast did the weight come off I know it depends on the person, but I am just curious! at end I would like to get down to 120.


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I got my sleeve done jan 14, 2014 and I am done 50lbs. I did tell some of my friends. Some are very supportive and some not so much. When going out with friends I try to find things that doesn't just revolve around food. It is difficult but doable.

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I was 25 when I had the surgery< i had it 7 months ago, and am now 26. I have had severe PCOS since I was 16/17. Going without a period for over 8 months once. I can feel the cyst 'pop' at times and know the familair abdominal pain and cramping. Having PCOS was a major reason for me wanting the surgery, doctors always told me it is really difficult to lose weight with PCOS, not only physically but the carb cravings and feeling of hopelessness. I am a very social person and going out to bars is something that my friends and I do often. I'm going to be honest with you, they say you are not supposed to drink but I waited the 8 weeks post off to drink, I still went out just was the DD for the 2 months. I know many people post op that still drink. I no longer can drink beer or whiskey or sugary mixed drinks. I now stick to vodka and Water with crystal light or mio flavoring. Low calorie and doesn't give me heart burn. Skinny cocktails are low calorie without the heartburn and many restaurants have the skinny "low cal" options, applebees, cheesevake factory, and so on. I've always been very opebn about my weight issue and my friends all knew from the beginning of my journey that I was having the surgery. For the first few months post op it is very difficult to go out to eat and so on, because you really can't tolerate much. But I really didn't mind going out and not eating because I knew I wasn't able to, the temptation wasn't there like it would be if I was just dieting, I would have caved to the cravings. Like I said before my surgery was only 7 months ago, I'm 5' 9'', when I left the hospital I was 311 lbs, today I am 201, that's 110 lbs down in only 7 months. With the PCOS I was nervous about it slowing my weight loss but I feel like my weight came off quickly. I am not at my goal yet but very close. I am also on the depo shot which I thought would also slow my weight loss, but It has not. I am able to find healthy food options just about anytime I go out to eat with friends and family. Just make sure that when you make a choice while out to eat to keep Protein in mind. Fro yo is delicious and I still get it every month or so. I'm from a small town and just about everyone I know and those I don't know, know I had the surgery. I've had nothing but support from everyone. I know some people that have hid the fact that they had surgery, but I embrace it. It was an amazing tool that has helped me to be a healthier person and I am grateful for it, not embarrassed of it. Anyone who is a true friend would only be supportive of your decision. I hope this helps Good luck.

Edited by Jaymeson1

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Hi LynnLee I was 27 when I had the surgery and I only told my close friends and family. I mentioned it to a few co-works and now it seems that's all they ask me about. I had my surgery 12/23/13 and as of today Im down 60lbs I was 351 the day of and Im currently 291. Im so excited about what is to come. I still go out and I had my first drink 2 months out I notice I can not drink frozen margritas well at all they burn. But I can handle vodka and wine I stay away from carbonated drinks they make me feel like I want to burp and I have a hard time doing that. When I go places were everyone is eating I always think there going to say why is the Big girl eating so little so I always make a job like .... Im staying away from carbs or Im watching my Figure. People really do support that. When I told some of my friends and family everyone was not for the surgery they felt I could do it on my own I just had to remind them that its my body and my life and Im doing what I think is best for me. I wouldnt look back for a second. I can still enjoy a bite of all the things I like Im just focusing on making better choices. Temptation is everywhere I might want pizza trust me when you take one bite you will feel so full you will wish you choose salad or yogurt. Yogurt is my new best friend I eat it with fruit, granola and even vegie flavored crackers. I mix it with ranch seasoning its pretty good.~ Good Luck Be Strong

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Hi to all!

I am planning to have my sleeve at the end of April! I am 5'3 192 lbs and have sever PCOS. I was curious to all the twenty somethings to know if you told your friends and if so how did you go about telling them. Also how did you handle going to bars and when they wanted to grab pizza or fro yo you know all the typical stuff us twenty year olds have to deal with. Also to all the girls with PCOS how fast did the weight come off I know it depends on the person, but I am just curious! at end I would like to get down to 120.


Hello! I have bad PCOS as well, went thru 3 years and 2 IUIs to have my oldest kiddo a few years ago because of it. I would go an entire year pretty much without a period. I was told I couldn't get pregnant because I was too fat -by a doctor- when I was first trying to get pregnant and couldn't figure out what was going on. I gained about 50-60lbs in just 4-5 months! I was 220lbs at that time. After having my 2 girls, who are 13 months apart, I had issues with stress and not having time and needed up gaining more. I had my sleeve done 2 weeks ago today, an although I'm dealing with major head hunger issues I'm still excited about what's to come. Day before surgery I weighed 264 and today I weigh 245. My highest weight was 270 and that was in January of this year, I went on a major diet and exercised as much I could with 2 toddlers and severe asthma and knee pain. Now I can't wait to get out and run :). I am just now moving to the next stage for food, which for my doctor is purées but that includes so much more than you imagine it does at first. Oh btw I'm 25 :). I never went out much, but I was a heavy drinker when I would go so I plan to avoid the situation as best I can. My biggest issue is the no more Motrin. Motrin was my best friend for my aches and pains and not being able to take any NSAIDs kinda sucks. But hey, you get to be so much healthier :).

How did your surgery go? And how are you doing now?

Edited by healthmommy

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Hi! I'm 2 weeks post op and am down 17 pounds! I am so glad that y'all are having great reactions! I ended up telling a couple people and they were supportive of it! I am so glad I had the surgery even though I'm still healing I'm ready to have my energy level up!

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That is so awesome to hear that people are losing even with PCOS! I am only 23 years old (24 in two months) and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15. I have it severely, I have only had a period 2-3 times in my life! I am set to have the sleeve surgery on June 4th so only a little over two weeks from now! I hope I have as great a success as you guys because I feel like nothing has ever worked for me... If you guys have any helpful tips or just want someone to talk to, feel free to message me! I am going to need all the support I can get! :)

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I'm 26 and was sleeved 12/10/13. This weekend, I was comparing before and after pictures, and it just floors me. I started the process at 268 (289ish was my heaviest), lost 14 pre-op, and am down to 179.0. I'm trying very hard to hit the 100 lb mark by June 10th (6 mo. appointment). My goal is 140.

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006. I wouldn't call mine severe though. Symptom wise I really only had the string of pearls, insulin resistance, weight issues, and depression. I've been on Metformin for years. I tried Byetta for a while, lost 40lbs, because I was always sick as a dog, and then just couldn't stand it anymore. I gained the 40 back and then another 20. After a while I got on Victoza. Over the course of a year, I lost that extra 20, putting me right back where I started. Something had to give. I was sick of injecting myself every day. I was still miserable, depressed, and exhausted all the time.

While I was researching and making my decision to have surgery, I only discussed it with my closest friends and family. When I knew for sure that it was right for me, I told more people and some co-workers. As I got closer to surgery, I was so excited that I was pretty much telling everyone. Most negative responses were just for my safety. Especially because I was going to go to Mexico for it at first. My insurance doesn't cover it, and my mom actually found a cash-pay package an hour away that I couldn't pass up. Once I wasn't going to Mexico, it quieted a lot of people. Some people argued that I should be doing it on my own. That I could do it the "natural way". If one of my friends had told me they were having surgery, I would've said the same thing.

But I knew myself well enough to know that that wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to bet on my own will power and risk my own life anymore. I needed another tool. Something to carry me over the hump. Something that would break me out of PCOS and the depressed exhaustion cycle.

At my 3 month follow-up, my PCOS lab work was all normal. I halved my testosterone and insulin levels. The only thing I take is BC (and my Vitamins :D). No more Migraines. No more nausea. No more fatigue. I'm energetic and happy. I even talk faster. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I work with a personal trainer. I log everything I eat. I go to a weekly support group at my clinic. It was right for me. I'm using my sleeve exactly how I planned to and knew I would. I still have some more work to do.. I mostly just consume Protein shakes and bars, meat (seafood really..), and cheese. I don't like veggies, and I'm trying to learn new ways of preparing and incorporating them. That's the only way to complete this lifestyle change.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat, but here are some things I didn't consider..
  • Rapid weight loss can cause significant gallbladder issues. I still have an occasional pain/spasm in my stomach. I don't have gallstones. It isn't inflamed. They think my gallbladder may not be functioning at 100% anymore. If that's the case, they'll recommend I have it removed. Another surgery.... :(
  • Very basically, all the surgery does is let you crash diet without feeling hungry. And I mean crash diet. There are days where driving home from the gym feels dangerous. My vision will get wonky and I feel like fainting. I say often that I have a ton more day to day energy (moving fast), but poor workout energy. Personal training gets tough. I rarely "feel the burn". My strength gives out before that, and I literally just can't do it. I'm hoping that once I reach my goal, and I increase my calories to maintain, I'll have more strength. I'd be so much worse off if I wasn't working out!
  • There's a "window of opportunity". I'm obsessed with meeting my goal ASAP. I didn't know about the honeymoon period until after I'd been sleeved. I'm still only 5+ months out, but I hear that hunger returns, sometimes to exactly how it'd been, and that you'll be able to eat significantly more down the road. Apparently your body adjusts to the decreased calories and you stop auto-burning. Losing weight gets harder. I'm racing to my goal so that I can learn maintenance before the hunger and metabolism changes.

There's more that I can't think of right now. Sorry for the long post!

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I'm glad to hear all these success stories cause my brain seems to always try to find something negative with this surgery coming up. I keep thinking that I'm gonna be this weird exception that doesn't lose weight because of my PCOS. I'm just ready to get this started, I can't wait to not feel so helpless anymore!

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Before you know it, the helpless feeling will be gone. You'll feel liberated and in control. :)

It's pretty much impossible not to lose weight in such a calorie deficit, regardless of PCOS. Like my Basic Metabolic Rate is 1,624 calories. That's how many I use just by being awake and my body functioning. Based on my activity level (moderate exercise 3/5 times a week), my formulated caloric need is 2,436 calories a day. I keep my calories under 600 a day. If you follow your doctor's recommended diet plan, you will lose significant weight quickly. Don't worry, and stick to the plan!

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Thanks for the words of encouragement! I just got home from my pre-op EGD and talked with my surgeon. He said everything looked good and I am officially good to go! June 4th here we come, only two weeks to go!!!

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We are the same height but I was a little bit heavier (211), I had surgery March 18, 2013.

I am not quiet at my goal but I have lost about 75 pounds, my periods have been appearing regularly (without any assistance from medication) for the past six months. So I am pleased that my body did react well to the surgery and I think the PCOS is under control now without any effort.

I do go out with my friends and drink but I do try to keep my drinks pretty simple. I love tequila gimlets (it is a good substitution for an old favorite margaritas) or vodka and some chaser that is low in sugar. I stay away from mixed fruity drinks or carbonated drinks. When we go out to eat, I mostly eat an appetizer or get wings for my meal. I didn't tell my friends about my surgery but I was always a picky eater so they don't really question what I am ordering. They know I workout a lot and see the weight loss so they just must assume I am being healthier.

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Thanks for the words of encouragement! I just got home from my pre-op EGD and talked with my surgeon. He said everything looked good and I am officially good to go! June 4th here we come, only two weeks to go!!!

Super congrats! Those two weeks are going to fly by.

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Super congrats! Those two weeks are going to fly by.

I'm sure they will! I'm getting so nervous!!! But I'm excited at the same time! I'm just ready to get this done and start seeing results!

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Hey everyone I am 23 getting the sleeve in a little over 2 weeks.I have severe PCOS I was diagnosed at 15. I currently weigh 310lbs. I have not had my period in almost 2 years even when I was getting my period it was never regular. The mood swings are killing me. I am hoping they will mellow out after surgery.

I started my liquid diet today and it is proving to be tough (I am a little dizzy now at the end of the day) I am really nervous. How have you all handled telling friends and family. My family knows and about 4 of my closest friends but I am nervous that people will think I am taking the "easy way out". I know that is not the case but I have always been all too aware of what others think of me. Any advice?

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