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Hey everybody!

So glad to see your updates - we did it! So sending positive thought for those to follow.

My update:

I was reborn as a my new sleeved self at 3:15pm on 14 April! Dr did the hiatal hernia at the same time so that combined with a still fatty liver made my operation just over 2:15hrs long.

I was scheduled for 2pm surgery but when I checked in they said I'd go in at 1pm instead. Yep. I sooked like a champion waiting on the bed but some Drs in training and the theatre staff calmed me down. My surgeon said the operation went really well :-)

Recovery room however was another story - 1 and a half hours for them to get my pain low enough on a scale of 1 - 10 before they would transfer me to the ward. But we got there. It was hell for me not sure how you some of the others managed, your pain tolerances must be high. I can honestly say at that point I wondered what the hell I had chosen to do to myself..... Right at that point I had real regret. And that regret has now waned every hour since day 2.... ;-)

Could not fault the nursing staff @ the Wesley - magnificent care in there. Only gripe was after the first night they left me in the room right by the nurses station which was soooo noisy. No sleep anytime of night or day unless knocked out with morphine then only an hour or so at a time. They moved me to another room for my last night though - that was awesome.

A lady had the same hernia and sleeve operation as me and with Dr Martin (hers was before mine) wow - what a trooper - she was up off the bed going to the loo by herself during the first night and went home at 11:30am the next day! sleeve star - so happy for her. I ended up staying in for 3 nights due to inability to get enough fluids in. Everyone is just so different.

The barium aniseed swallow wasn't too bad - a bit hard to get down but I didn't heave - had a 5minute delay from oesophagus to sleeve - but for day two Dr was happy with this and mainly due to hernia repair.

What I would recommend:

- Heat packs for shoulders for gas pain nurses bring these whenever you need

- adult cegas fast dissolving crystals (no Water required) to get gas moving;

first two days teaspoon sized Water swallows anymore for me created air trap pain as the entry to my stomach was so swollen and narrow;

- Dipping my spoon into free fluids and licking or just sucking off the liquid rather than small measure in the spoon - I found I could get more down taking it this way and less painful;

- Asking for liquid pain relief rather than tablets when the injections stop;

- sublingual anti nausea tablets dissolved really quickly under the tongue too;

-Hydrolyte pops - only half at a time but helps if you are dehydrating when drip is removed

- Walking every couple if hours was most helpful of all;

- Packing 'just in case' feminine hygiene supplies - I was not due for 12 days but hey - day3 post op saw me having an earlier period :-/

Well that's me for now - I'll be stalking you posts and updating in a few days. Thanks for all you thoughts and well wishes.

Get well and onto losses everyone!

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Ok New sleevers, can't wait any longer for the updates...I tried to let u all rest but enuff already...I'm dying to know how it went and how u feel!?!? Hope all is well...

HAAA . Well Well I'm down 10 lbs at 7 days post op! I'm getting all my Protein in, taking Vitamins, & benifiber - I was not going to weigh until my 2 week follow up. However, I have had 3 blisters pop up under my steri strips & had to go in to dr to make sure there is no infection on my incisions! The blisters are under the tape away f/ the incisions...

TMI ALERT! I have had 2 # 2's...in my week post op! ????

I just started walking yesterday & I'm only walking 1 mile a day! Not fast at all more like a cool stroll! There ya go!

How are you doing?

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I thought I would give you an update...I was sleeved 4/14/14 as planned in Tijuana with Dr. Illan. After I arrived I had an EKG, a chest X-ray, and blood work. Later that afternoon it was show time. By this time I was more excited than nervous. They did give me a pill for nerves. I warned the anesthesiologist that I am a puker. I get violently ill every time I go under. She assured me this time would be different. I inwardly rolled my eyes. The 45 minute operation ended up being 2 hours due to an enlarged liver. I only did one week pre-op. In retrospect, I should have done two weeks. They didn't use a catheter so when I was back in my room I realized I had wet the bed. I am not sure if anyone noticed because I put the pad in the trash. I didn't have any gas pain. I did end up with a drain but no big deal. Since I didn't have gas pain I was lazy about walking. I slept as much as I could get away with. The nurses were super respectful about needing peace and quiet. The keep your door closed and come in with minimal intrusiveness. All of the nurses were the best ever. I only had one that was all business but not rude. My doctor was caring and so supportive. He took the time to get to know me before and after surgery. His partner Dr. Flores was even more personable if that is possible. I have never had such quality care in such a great facility. Even though I had done my research and was assured that all would be well, it is still a bit daunting to have surgery by oneself in a foreign country. I slept most of Tuesday. Wednesday I was released. Omar, the coordinator took me out for the most delicious broth after the final leak test (they gave me the films) then we checked into the hotel. What a nice hotel! After a nap Omar took the other woman and her husband sightseeing. I stayed in the hotel because I had to work. I laid out by the pool, the sat out on my balcony and listened to the birds. All this time I only had minor discomfort. Omar had provided me with drinks. The hotel does broth and a Popsicle each day. I slept like a baby. Dr. Flores came to check on me in the morning. Omar took us shopping. I need up buying so much stuff, he had to take me to Walmart to get me a second small suitcase. We went to the Farmacia where I bought a year's supply of B-12 shots, Retin-A, Imitrix, and Z-packs. I came back to the hotel where the doctor came to visit again. The only discomfort I have is when I breathe in deeply. Tomorrow I fly back home with fond memories and a new life.

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How is everyone feeling? I'm feeling human today. I've been able to drink more and get in more Protein. My total weight loss is 27lbs. 7lbs since Monday morning. I went to my 5yr olds Easter party today and felt really good, but was exhausted when we got home. I hope everyone is resuming somewhat normal activities. I've got a few weeks before I get to actually eat anything but so far I haven't cared.

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Casie u said it well . I feel the same.! Hope everyone is feeling ok and healing well!

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Hey guys, well tomorrow is my day April21st.. I'm

Beyond anxious. Wondering is my house clean enough the the hubby ok taking over my usually duties. Dear god I hope he feeds the dog. Etc I'm shakey and anxious yet excited and impatient. I just want to do it already and start healing. Any last tips?? My anxiety is so high I feel like I am about to pass out :( I know I am being a baby but I can't help it. Starting weight was 273lbs but now I'm weighing in at 253.2lbs after the preop diet... I really want to get down to 135-145lbs. Is that likely possible? I'm 24 athletic flexible etc... Sorry I'm rambling. Good luck fellow 21st sleeves!!

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Hey guys, well tomorrow is my day April21st.. I'm Beyond anxious. Wondering is my house clean enough the the hubby ok taking over my usually duties. Dear god I hope he feeds the dog. Etc I'm shakey and anxious yet excited and impatient. I just want to do it already and start healing. Any last tips?? My anxiety is so high I feel like I am about to pass out :( I know I am being a baby but I can't help it. Starting weight was 273lbs but now I'm weighing in at 253.2lbs after the preop diet... I really want to get down to 135-145lbs. Is that likely possible? I'm 24 athletic flexible etc... Sorry I'm rambling. Good luck fellow 21st sleeves!!

Good for you! AWESOME loss on the preop diet!! Yes, it is very possible to reach your goals and you will do it!!! Keep as strict to the rules/formula as possible!

Ohhh and if you can, Go to You Tube - search VSGTANYA2011- she was in a similar starting weight & you should see her now. Amazing results! You won't believe your eyes. You can go all the way back to her beginning videos - she did a week by week video! So awesome- Now On the weird side, she does not even know I exist however, she was a big inspiration for me to move forward w/ my VSG! Her videos are great. Last words of advice are to remember embrace the process - even if you are in pain after (hopefully not) just remind yourself you wanted this to overcome the fat pain life you were living! It will be a growing pain but it will be so worth it... Imagine how you will look & feel at your goal - take a deep breath & smile... Keep us updated on your progress. Best of luck to you!

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@ Erin414. - How are you doing post op? Swallow test, liquids, pain etc.??? I hope you are feeling ok! Keep us posted... If you feel in pain watch the successes stories on you tube!!! Welcome to the other side...

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Hi everyone! i am 5 days post op! i started at 268 i am 248 today. took my first shower and removed the gauze. i am not hungry at all but i miss the sensation of chewing. Things smell funny and sorbets taste super sweet. i couldn't stomach Jello yet. is anyone else having serious gas pains? its like in my chest and everytime i pass gas it seems internal or i am going to poop myself i know too much info but its strange!! i feel achy and sore, its hard getting p from sitting position but its manageable. im still taking liquid Percocet for pain but instead of every 4 hours i am doing every 7 hours to stretch it out. i am sleeping on the couch w hubby bc i can't lay down yet. i have been walking everyday- i walked an hour yesterday i think i overdid it. any advice or things i should prepare for? lol hope everyone is doing great! sorry i was MIA for a few days- between surgery and my mom had a stroke it has been a long week.

any advice???

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Anyone come up with good ways to get Protein in ?

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Hi everyone! i am 5 days post op! i started at 268 i am 248 today. took my first shower and removed the gauze. i am not hungry at all but i miss the sensation of chewing. Things smell funny and sorbets taste super sweet. i couldn't stomach Jello yet. is anyone else having serious gas pains? its like in my chest and everytime i pass gas it seems internal or i am going to poop myself i know too much info but its strange!! i feel achy and sore, its hard getting p from sitting position but its manageable. im still taking liquid Percocet for pain but instead of every 4 hours i am doing every 7 hours to stretch it out. i am sleeping on the couch w hubby bc i can't lay down yet. i have been walking everyday- i walked an hour yesterday i think i overdid it. any advice or things i should prepare for? lol hope everyone is doing great! sorry i was MIA for a few days- between surgery and my mom had a stroke it has been a long week.

any advice???

Seems like you and I are doing bout the same. I am having a hard time getting the Proteins in but I'm trying. I just had some chicken flavored broth with unjury chicken Protein powder blended in. I'm eating runny oatmeal with Protein Powder mixed in. I'm also eating potato Soup with the Protein Powder mixed in. I mix low calorie Gatorade with equal parts Water and that is helping me get the fluids in. I still pee orange but I don't feel dehydrated. Walking helps with getting the gas out. I have noticed when I wake up and walk to the potty my joints aren't nearly as stiff and sore as they had been.

We had surgery on the same day the 21st!!!! Whoo hoo. I have my husband to help me get up from sitting; or else I try to roll my body. They gave me liquid hydrocodone and acetaminaphine mixture but I haven't taken that since 530 am. I took motrin for the pain at 950 am and haven't taken anything since then.

Edited by webhopper

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Anyone come up with good ways to get Protein in ?

I'm feeling amazing too! And I don't feel any hunger its so freaking amazing to be free from the desire to stuff my face with food omg!

Just mix the powders in with whatever you are eating and drinking

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Hey guys, well tomorrow is my day April21st.. I'm Beyond anxious. Wondering is my house clean enough the the hubby ok taking over my usually duties. Dear god I hope he feeds the dog. Etc I'm shakey and anxious yet excited and impatient. I just want to do it already and start healing. Any last tips?? My anxiety is so high I feel like I am about to pass out :( I know I am being a baby but I can't help it. Starting weight was 273lbs but now I'm weighing in at 253.2lbs after the preop diet... I really want to get down to 135-145lbs. Is that likely possible? I'm 24 athletic flexible etc... Sorry I'm rambling. Good luck fellow 21st sleeves!!

How are you doing post op?

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How are all the 4/14 sleevers doing? I'm feeling great, but my loss has stalled out for some reason. It's incredibly frustrating. I've lost 11lbs since my surgery date for a total of 31lbs, but I don't know why the scale hasn't moved in over a week. I'm following orders and trying to get all my Protein and liquid in but it's difficult. I look forward to hearing from others.

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Funny thing I was sleeved on April 14th as well and just discovered this is side of the forum...funny thing..... Last time I went to the doctor I know that I lost 20 pounds post op... Overall, I'm feeling great and know that I have probably lost a couple of pounds but I'm not sure how much since haven't weighed myself lately....What is your daily food schedule like????

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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