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Jenny Craig - to do or not to do...

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I'm nearing @ my 5 month mark and lately it's been challenging eating and loosing weight - So... I went to Jenny Craig <JC> on Saturday and got started once again on Jenny and I certainly have mixed emotions about it and very curious (voice inside - "be careful what you wish for") what the LapBand community thinks, especially to those who have joined JC or Nutri-system post band.

I'll start with this - YES - I discussed with doc at my last visit and fill, he was concerned that it would be too many calories but other than that he didn't say "absolutely NOT". My issue right now is knowing what to put in my mouth and, more importantly, having it on hand so that when I'm ready to eat I have something available. I've been successful on JC in the past - twice I lost 30+lbs - but twice I put it back on because I AM an OVER-EATER! This time I have the band which is really helping with the overeating side of things - I firmly believe that it will help me for the remainder of my life - hence the reason I let a surgeon cut my abdomen - right - right :).

What I really like about JC, (besides I was fortunate to originally join when they were offering a lifetime enrollment so my food is discounted by 30% making it very reasonably priced to eat weekly) is the no brain involvement - it's good food portioned to the right size and if I follow the program it has lead me to lose about 2lbs a week. Plus, the food consists of all things, carbs, Protein, sugar, sodium, fat - everything - so I won't be eliminating anything to have to reintroduce it into my diet down the road. And I can eat off plan occasionally and still be safe.

What I hate about JC is eating out of a box. :( plus the additives that go into the box to keep it shelfable...

So here is my mindset and what I'm hoping for; I stay on the JC course, loose the next 50lbs over the next X amount of months and with the aid of the band be able to maintain my 150- self for the rest of my life.

Another thing that I believe, is this... if I didn't do JC now - that the weight WOULD come off, I just don't think it would come off as quickly. So, the two reasons I'm embarking yet again on the JC road is for the no thought involvement of my daily bread & for the proven results - I've hit a plateau right now and I need something to kick me over - I'm choosing JC and praying that it works...

I go in tomorrow to see my doc again for fill #4 - let's see what he says too. so what do YOU think?

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Well in your statement you have tried JC before and lost 30lbs but put it back on seems a bit over the top. Those diets never worked for us in the past and the reason it wont work no is because you can't be on it forever. Why pay all that money when your band will work if you learn how to use it. There are many ways you can have food readily available like cooking on your days off from work, freezing it and then you just have containers to take out that are already prepared and just heat and eat. I would not rely on anymore diet programs that never cured me of obesity before. I don't see the sense in it. Why not have things on hand that are healthier then prepackaged food. Prepackaged food from JC or any other weight loss center is filled with chemicals that your body does not need. Learn to eat with your band healthy foods and you don't need JC to do that. Spend what you are spending on them at the grocery store. What is wrong with making chicken salad, tuna salad, cottage cheese with some fruit. Certainly these are a no brainer to make. I refuse to let those kind of people take my money again when it never helped to begin with. Just my opinion for what it is worth.

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@@ccjll I understand what you are trying to accomplish with JC. There are some bandsters here who go back to weight watchers for the same reason. It's what they know. However what @@cheryl2586 said is true. It didn't work for you before and while it seems that it "could" work now and you could maintain the loss now, why would you want to do that and eat as you said out of a box when you can be eating fresh which is that much more nutritious and healthy for you?

I know it's not easy to suddenly change your life style. I am a working mother of 5. I have a full time job and a 2 hour commute each day when I get home from work at the end of the day the last thing I want to think about is making dinner or preparing my lunch for the next day!

When I was first banded I didn't do any of that. We didn't change our habits much we were still eating out and I was still grabbing on the go. I thought hey it's chicken and salad I'm eating the Protein first and salad is good for you! Yeah well, when I looked into it the salad was 500 calories adding the chicken made it 700 and that was with NO dressing!

So it was time to modify some behaviors, now I go home and I cook dinner, I make enough of what ever healthy 15 min or less meal that I can pack a lunch for the next day as I'm plating out the food. My Breakfast I always keep simple it's usually a Protein Bar or shake as mornings are a little tighter for me and I'm not so hungry.

Trust me there are sooo many meals you can make really quickly that are healthy for you. Even my kids will eat with us.

If you feel that JC is going to help you it's not a bad thing for you to try, but I think you could do it much better, fresh and more nutritious on your own. Just my 2cents.

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I agree with the above answers, and will add my own, short answer.

One of the main reasons I got banded was to release myself from the On Program/Off Program mentality that diets such as JC, WW etc imposed on me. This On/Off way of thinking was unhealthy and never successful in the longterm. In fact, it just led to seeing foods as "good" or 'bad" and always always always led me to binge on the "bad" foods once I deviated from the structure of the "diet",

This is why I see a red flag in your statement: And I can eat off plan occasionally and still be safe.

I totally understand your reasoning, don't get me wrong. But I think it would be a great exercise for you to truly reflect on why you got WLS, and what you want, mentally, from your band. We all want weight loss, of course, but the true and essential value to me from my lapband is the mental change of how I approach my eating and my food. I really value that I'm never on or off a program, because my lapband is always there...dimming my appetite and controling my portions.

What I wanted from my band is for it to turn me into a "normal" eater. A normal eater who chooses sensibly from an array of all foods. I am very grateful for my weight loss, certainly, but even more grateful for the release from the "diet" mentality that I had before I got banded.

I hope this helps you.

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Why not just fall back to lean cuisine/smart ones etc for those meals you can't plan? I do. I eat progresso Soups a couple times a week. I eat a lean cuisine at least once a week. Usually its for lunch since lunch is time limited.

I've got my Breakfast meals that I rely on. I'm sort of tired of them and would love a Belgian waffle :o smothered in strawberries and cream(for another topic someday) but that aint gonna happen. Supper is one of those meals that's easy to plan out and we eat leftovers probably 2-3 times a week.

My only fear with JC would be there are so many processed foods in those meals and it seems like it would be difficult to find meals that adhered to the Protein first and then veggies? Don't they have a lot of processed flours and potatoes?


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well... I do hear all of you loud and clear, that's the reason I posted this - I sure wish there was a book out there that published a 4 week menu of eat this and the results were proven, the food easily prepared and the portions were stated. I've been looking and looking and looking - So coping out a little here with JC because it's already done - EASY... plus I'm more satisfied than I have ever been with these foods b/c after being banded for 5 months my appetite is way down - something I believe will be maintained forever now that I AM banded... NO? Because before the way I gained the weight back was from pigging out for an entire year, day after day 5,000+ calories - something I don't believe that I'll be capable of doing ever again b/c of the band... no???

And honestly the food is good - I had Cranberry Almond Cereal w milk, black Beans corn and orzo Pasta for lunch and turkey, mashed potatoes and green Beans for dinner - how is that any different than making the stuff myself? I'll tell you how it's different, once it's gone there isn't anymore to eat - no leftovers and no temptations to eat more than I should b/c at this stage even eating 200 more calories slows the weightloss - which is different from maintenance and gaining.

I completely GET that this banded life is so much more than the amount of food you put into your pie hole - I get that I am a Food Addict and I have to deal with that - that I have to learn how not to be triggered by shoveling food into my mouth to comfort the suck ass day that I've had... so, this really isn't about that - this is simply about what am I going to eat today. And now I look at my menu, and I'm like - oh - I get to have an omelet with potatoes, tuna salad & peaches for lunch and Salisbury steak for dinner - it's just a bit of a reprieve and pressure off from menu planning - I know I'll be back to that - that's life. Simply.

I've got a question from the posts above:

  1. Learn how to use the band... hmmmmm I think I'm learning quite well thank you - I eat WAY less than I did pre-band and I don't eat bread, Cookies and ice cream... I went from eating an average of 5,000 calories a day to eating 1200 or less and eating way more lean Protein... is there something I'm missing with my education on the band? Fortunately for me now I eat a good helping and I'm satisfied for quite a few hours and I don't snack and I'm in really good spirits - plus I made it to the gym 5 days in one week this past week and even did lunges for the first time in nearly 5 years... why, I think I'm learning quite well - does doing JC mean I'm failing and I'm not learning to use the band?

I'm just wondering this - has anyone been banded and used JC, WW or NS to shed some of the weight and get used to eating small portions? With all due respect to the four who have commented - if you haven't tried this WITH the band and gained all the weight back - well how do YOU know it's bound to fail? I like facts - if you look at my posts I write facts, I don't point my finger and shake it saying you should do this or that - I say "I did this & In my experience"... Cheryl it sounds like you've got a bad taste in your mouth (no pun intended ha) from these programs like they did you WRONG... I'm interested in how they did you wrong - if you don't mind sharing? Facts please - not "why don't you"... I'm truly interested :)

Has anyone tried these programs post band and have you been successful - ie, lost what they need to lose and have maintained outside of the program? If you have used these programs but were not successful - why weren't you?

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My general thought....if what you (the general you, not specifically you) were doing wasn't working, you need to find something else, and maybe this will be your answer. I'm 100% supportive of searching around and finding what will work for you. I would give any new plan a couple of weeks before moving on.

Having said that...the issue I see is that you are "only" five months out from surgery and I worry that you're trying to "cheat" the band, do what is familiar and comfortable rather than explore new ideas and new ways of eating. Most successful people seem to completely change the way they are eating.

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Edited by Leepers

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@ccjll your post was a bit harsh to people who are trying to support you in your question on this board.

If you like facts, and only facts. Ask your doctor because the fact is that he/she is the only person who's advice you should be taking on your band and your health.

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hmmmm... harsh isn't what I was trying for - as for getting facts from my doc about when he did ww, jc or ns while having a lapband - not probable - no?

I'm just saying here that I'm looking for information from those who have actually tried these diets - not those who know they don't work (without a band) - I already know that - I'm looking for someone(s) who have lapbands and who have also done these programs post op... I'm not trying to be harsh nor slap the hand of those trying to be supportive i'm merely looking for anyone out there who fits this description.

Again, I completely get that it's better to eat real food not from a box - I get that - and I like how chickie explained that it looks like I may be "cheating" the system - yes - that i can agree with b/c I'm looking for a more stable reliable immediate gratification results - so if JC can give that to me - well, I'm ok with that because I BELIEVE that the band will help me from gaining weight back b/c it's nearly impossible to over eat - which is MY problem - I over eat - I don't necessarily eat the wrong food - I over eat all foods... so, I AM looking for the shortest distance between 194lbs and 140lbs - yes I AM! So, if this sets me up for failure and there is someone out there who this failure has happened to - well that is the story I am looking for here. Like I said in my original post "be careful what you ask for" I get IT!!!

Further - go back and read Cheryl's post - it says "Learn to eat with your band healthy foods and you don't need JC to do that. Spend what you are spending on them at the grocery store. What is wrong with making chicken salad, tuna salad, cottage cheese with some fruit. Certainly these are a no brainer to make. I refuse to let those kind of people take my money again when it never helped to begin with."

This sounds like a scolding - and if I wanted to make all of the stuff I'm getting in JC neat little boxes it cost me far more than $70 a week. I'm just saying what I'd like to hear is "I did this and this is the results" - that's all I'm saying (I would call that facts but it might be the auditor in me). Not being harsh - look we're all tired of freaking dieting - but life is one big fat freaking diet - the reason I put a band around my stomach is to prevent me from over eating so dieting can go out the window... right - well that's my case.

anyway - it doesn't seem like anyone here has done any of these programs post op... maybe I'll be the first one. I'll let you know how it turns out - little cheater me - maybe I need to change my user name :)


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@@ccjll As I stated in my post, if your good with it give it a go. I have done those programs pre-band and sadly they didn't work for me I never lost any weight.

It has worked for you in the past and it might be a great way to give it a go now as it's all pre-measured and packaged for you and as long as it's in your calorie range and nutrition range again I say go for it.

For me, it was easier to just shop and cook for my husband and I as we are both banded and definitely more cost effective.

As for scolding...just as I thought you were being harsh, :blush: some people just come across that way an their intentions are spot on.

You may/may not be the only one doing the JC so do let us know how it goes. I know there are some WW peeps on here, not sure about the other systems like JC and Nutrisystem but there are so many people I'm sure there are some out there who have given it a go.

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So why are you eating out of a box? With the same effort and a hell of a lot less money, you should preplan your meals. It's the same thing they are doing, except they are charging you more and it doesn't taste as good as if you'd made it yourself. It's not that hard. Make a full amount of whatever dish, then label, date and freeze it. Be your own JC and learn to manage your weight the proper way. I don't see the rationale in having the band and still needing another control method. If it's for convenience, that's one thing, but there are far too many resources for easy recipes - without the carbs, preservatives and sodium found in prepackaged foods.

I'm nearing @ my 5 month mark and lately it's been challenging eating and loosing weight - So... I went to Jenny Craig <JC> on Saturday and got started once again on Jenny and I certainly have mixed emotions about it and very curious (voice inside - "be careful what you wish for") what the LapBand community thinks, especially to those who have joined JC or Nutri-system post band.

I'll start with this - YES - I discussed with doc at my last visit and fill, he was concerned that it would be too many calories but other than that he didn't say "absolutely NOT". My issue right now is knowing what to put in my mouth and, more importantly, having it on hand so that when I'm ready to eat I have something available. I've been successful on JC in the past - twice I lost 30+lbs - but twice I put it back on because I AM an OVER-EATER! This time I have the band which is really helping with the overeating side of things - I firmly believe that it will help me for the remainder of my life - hence the reason I let a surgeon cut my abdomen - right - right :).

What I really like about JC, (besides I was fortunate to originally join when they were offering a lifetime enrollment so my food is discounted by 30% making it very reasonably priced to eat weekly) is the no brain involvement - it's good food portioned to the right size and if I follow the program it has lead me to lose about 2lbs a week. Plus, the food consists of all things, carbs, Protein, sugar, sodium, fat - everything - so I won't be eliminating anything to have to reintroduce it into my diet down the road. And I can eat off plan occasionally and still be safe.

What I hate about JC is eating out of a box. :( plus the additives that go into the box to keep it shelfable...

So here is my mindset and what I'm hoping for; I stay on the JC course, loose the next 50lbs over the next X amount of months and with the aid of the band be able to maintain my 150- self for the rest of my life.

Another thing that I believe, is this... if I didn't do JC now - that the weight WOULD come off, I just don't think it would come off as quickly. So, the two reasons I'm embarking yet again on the JC road is for the no thought involvement of my daily bread & for the proven results - I've hit a plateau right now and I need something to kick me over - I'm choosing JC and praying that it works...

I go in tomorrow to see my doc again for fill #4 - let's see what he says too. so what do YOU think?

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Hi PrettyThick - so the "why" is because it's WAY less expensive (i have a lifetime membership and it costs me about $70 at most a week for all 21meals and 7 snacks) and WAY too convenient - I agree meal planning and making my own would be ideal but right now I'm looking for EASY and this is easy plus I have done well on JC before and the last time that I did I was down under 160lbs (I had lost almost 40lbs) then I turned 40, lost my job (bread winner for the family and never been let go - this was 2009) and got pregnant - can you say mid-life crisis - so I had my baby boy and never lost any of the weight - fast forward 3 years and I got approved for Lapband surgery. So now I am looking for no thinking and I'm feeling better now than ever b/c the band will ideally help me from gaining the weight back b/c now I cannot over eat.

My objective on this post was to see if there is anyone else out there who has done JC post op - I guess I should have titled this differently rather than to do or not to do - because I'm doing it :) I'm just curious who else has done it post op...

I won't be on it for long - I'll get tired of the food and I'll be back making my own healthy small meals :)

So why are you eating out of a box? With the same effort and a hell of a lot less money, you should preplan your meals. It's the same thing they are doing, except they are charging you more and it doesn't taste as good as if you'd made it yourself. It's not that hard. Make a full amount of whatever dish, then label, date and freeze it. Be your own JC and learn to manage your weight the proper way. I don't see the rationale in having the band and still needing another control method. If it's for convenience, that's one thing, but there are far too many resources for easy recipes - without the carbs, preservatives and sodium found in prepackaged foods.

I'm nearing @ my 5 month mark and lately it's been challenging eating and loosing weight - So... I went to Jenny Craig <JC> on Saturday and got started once again on Jenny and I certainly have mixed emotions about it and very curious (voice inside - "be careful what you wish for") what the LapBand community thinks, especially to those who have joined JC or Nutri-system post band.

I'll start with this - YES - I discussed with doc at my last visit and fill, he was concerned that it would be too many calories but other than that he didn't say "absolutely NOT". My issue right now is knowing what to put in my mouth and, more importantly, having it on hand so that when I'm ready to eat I have something available. I've been successful on JC in the past - twice I lost 30+lbs - but twice I put it back on because I AM an OVER-EATER! This time I have the band which is really helping with the overeating side of things - I firmly believe that it will help me for the remainder of my life - hence the reason I let a surgeon cut my abdomen - right - right :).

What I really like about JC, (besides I was fortunate to originally join when they were offering a lifetime enrollment so my food is discounted by 30% making it very reasonably priced to eat weekly) is the no brain involvement - it's good food portioned to the right size and if I follow the program it has lead me to lose about 2lbs a week. Plus, the food consists of all things, carbs, Protein, sugar, sodium, fat - everything - so I won't be eliminating anything to have to reintroduce it into my diet down the road. And I can eat off plan occasionally and still be safe.

What I hate about JC is eating out of a box. :( plus the additives that go into the box to keep it shelfable...

So here is my mindset and what I'm hoping for; I stay on the JC course, loose the next 50lbs over the next X amount of months and with the aid of the band be able to maintain my 150- self for the rest of my life.

Another thing that I believe, is this... if I didn't do JC now - that the weight WOULD come off, I just don't think it would come off as quickly. So, the two reasons I'm embarking yet again on the JC road is for the no thought involvement of my daily bread & for the proven results - I've hit a plateau right now and I need something to kick me over - I'm choosing JC and praying that it works...

I go in tomorrow to see my doc again for fill #4 - let's see what he says too. so what do YOU think?

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I agree with the above answers, and will add my own, short answer.

One of the main reasons I got banded was to release myself from the On Program/Off Program mentality that diets such as JC, WW etc imposed on me. This On/Off way of thinking was unhealthy and never successful in the longterm. In fact, it just led to seeing foods as "good" or 'bad" and always always always led me to binge on the "bad" foods once I deviated from the structure of the "diet",

This is why I see a red flag in your statement: And I can eat off plan occasionally and still be safe.

I totally understand your reasoning, don't get me wrong. But I think it would be a great exercise for you to truly reflect on why you got WLS, and what you want, mentally, from your band. We all want weight loss, of course, but the true and essential value to me from my lapband is the mental change of how I approach my eating and my food. I really value that I'm never on or off a program, because my lapband is always there...dimming my appetite and controling my portions.

What I wanted from my band is for it to turn me into a "normal" eater. A normal eater who chooses sensibly from an array of all foods. I am very grateful for my weight loss, certainly, but even more grateful for the release from the "diet" mentality that I had before I got banded.

I hope this helps you.

I could not have put this any better myself. Exactly how I feel on ALL counts.

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CCJill- I get it I really do! I completely understand wanting to race to the finishline, BUT if I may?? I think everyone who posted is honestly just trying to help.

You asked for facts so here you go. No, I have not tried these programs post band, I'm not saying they're good or bad because I honestly don't know but what I do know is a fact is that you can't eat out of a box for the rest of your life which leads to what are you going to do when you hit you're goal weight? Are you going to continue with the program forever? If so that's great, just something to think about, because I don't know of anyone who stayed on JC or any other pre-packaged diet forever. When you get to the finishline and you're not sure how you got there how are you going to stay there? I think what others are saying is you have to train your mind not just your stomach or your mouth. The mind is the most important assest or enemy we have so we have to get that in tip top shape first.

I hope this helps and that you do whatever is best for YOU to succeed. Just think further down the line than 6 months, that's all I'm saying.

I wish you the best in whatever you decide!!!

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