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My surgery was NO picnic and this is NOT the easy way out....

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I had my sleeve gastrectomy done on February 26,2014 I had been preparing for surgery since September of last year. I had all the pre op testing done including the echocardiogram and stress tests. I passed all the tests with flying colors and was assured that I was healthy enough for the surgery.

I started out at 333 lbs at 5'7. I felt great before surgery. I went into this surgery thinking that I'd do fine as that is what all my tests indicated. I woke up the day right after surgery with extreme pain in my left shoulder and under my left breast. I panicked a little wondering why this was occuring and thought maybe it was my heart. The nurses told me that the pain was from the gas accumulation and was from the pressure on the phrenic nerve as they have to fill the abdomen with gas for the laparascopic surgery and that gas will cause much pain and discomfort after surgery. The tiny insicions on my abdoment were sealed with skin glue and my abdomen didn't hurt at all at first because the doctor I have uses long acting injections in the abdomen surgical sights that numbs the pain locally for up to three days post op.

I was given morphine in my IV for the phrenic nerve pain which was intense. They said I had all the pain med allowed while I was in the recovery room and after waiting for hours in recovery, I was finally taken to my room bed and all. My back was hurting so bad from laying in the bed flat for so long and from the time I spent in surgery as well. I wanted to get out of bed immediately when i got to my room (they let me sit up in a chair) My back was killing me by then. I asked for pain med and they gave it to me as it had been enough time now to have it again. I had Iv's in my arm and went back to bed after the pain subsided. To my dismay I was told that my blood pressure was dangerously high and so was my heart rate. They had to give me blood pressure meds through the IV and still it was hard to stabilize my Blood pressure and heart rate. I had extreme nausea and could hardly even drink Water without intense nausea. I was given a sugar free popsicle (in place of ice chips) with my Clear liquids tray. The popscle was the only thing that i could tolerate without nausea and even that was hard to finish. My face was flushed and red, my head was hurting so bad and my heart was racing. I've never been on Blood pressure meds so this was new for me. I felt feverish yet they said my fever was not high at all. I remember ordering chicken broth, a Protein shake, and Jello. I took one spoon of the broth.... it was horrible. Then i took one bite of jello.... i felt nauseated. I couldn't even look at the Protein Drink. The next time I ordered hot tea ... I drank a few sips of that and it stayed down. I tried some apple juice diluted half and half with Water. I immediately vommited that up. I did get the test for leaks in my stomach and had to swallow this nasty white solution ..... Good News... I had no leaks.

The nausea never got better in spite of three different nausea meds I was only able to drink my one ounce of water down every fifteen minutes on Day three after I was given Reglan IV.... Then the horrible part came. they made me take my pain med in a liquid form to drink. It was a red liquid version of Hydrocodone..... OMG It was the most discusting thing to try to take especially with my nausea. I fought with every ounce of strength I had NOT to vommit this horrible stuff. I was only able to keep it down if they gave me two anti nausea meds before the medication. The doctor told me that nausea is common after the sleeve gastrectomy and that the sleeve patients seem to suffer with it more than the other sugeries..... I wonder why?

Finally to my delight i was able to go home on Day 4 but I still felt so sick and my blood pressure was still high but now I was told that i had to be on blood pressure medications but that I probably would not have to stay on them as he said that many patients blood pressure stabilize after a few weeks after surgery but I'd have to see my primary care physician to determine that. First day home, I felt so bad... but I was able to keep my water down as i was still on Clear Liquids and Protein drinks which still I wanted no part of at all. Since then I've gotten a lttle better every day but still very weak I lost almost ten pounds in the first week after all this I went through.

I had my one week post op visit and Doctor said i was doing well. I was able to start my Protein shakes finally and did well with the liquid diet ... now he said I could progress to soft foods that were given in a list.... plain yoghurt, cottage cheese, soft scrambled eggs as tolerated, laughing cow cheese, oatmeal and creamed Soups and then mashed potatoes ..... no more than one half cup of one item per meal...... Had a hard time with soft foods at first but now I'm doing better except with the scrambled eggs. it's a struggle getting all my water in though.

I am so happy though I had this done. I finally feel free from my food addiction. I no longer am tempted to eat fast food or things I'm not supposed to have as I know that I CANNOT eat them.....as it would cause me great discomfort. I am doing well with measuring my food and can't wait to my next visit in ten days from tomorrow when they will let me add Protein foods to my diet so I will feel like I finally can eat some REAL food. ground beef or turkey, white fish.... but I'm worried if I will be able to tolerate this or not. I am still drinking at least one Protein Shake a day but need to be drinking two.... It seems so very hard to get all my liquids in since i have to wait before meals to drink and then afterwards.

I just wanted to tell anyone that wants this done that please don't think this surgery is going to be a piece of cake.... it's not. And make sure you do everything the doctor tells you to do. I was upset at all the pre op testing that i had to do but now I understand that it was for my own good and still wonder why i had such a bad reaction to surgery while others do not. My surgery in itself was a success and I have very little scarring on my five little incision lines..... My doctor is excellent and I'd refer him to anyone but my reaction to surgery was a stress reaction to surgery that cause my blood pressure to skyrocket. so any of you with Blood Pressure issues out there please get it under control before surgery..... I am looking forward to seeing my weight drop and for the first time in my life i feel so free...... I won't even try to overeat..... it's not worth it. I am sticking with my diet one hundred percent....... I didn't go through all this and risking my life for nothing. I plan to use this tool I have suffered for to my greatest advantage that will help me to get healthy again. I am taking all my Vitamins and Calcium faithfully........ I am getting better everyday...... :)

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I had surgery on 2/25. I also had a lot of discomfort from the gas they use to expand the abdominal cavity. It seemed to take about a week to finally be absorbed and stop bothering me. For Protein, I bought platinum Hydro whey. Look into it. It's super easy absorbing 30gr per serving and taste ok. I'm having a hard time getting my protein any other way. Love the sugar free Popsicles. I think I'm down 25-30 lbs. from the 25th.

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I had my surgery on March 14, not a week out yet. The Protein taste so nasty the first time I drank it I threw it up. Getting my liquids down but not my Protein, I will have to call my doctor and see if there is something else. I too have the shoulder pain in my left shoulder still. Be glad when that goes away. Looking forward to week 2 when I can eat cream Soups in lieu of this broth

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Thanks for sharing your story. My surgery date was the 3rd March and I came round from the surgery in agony, I had had previous abdominal surgery although not on my stomach and had sailed through it so I assumed this would be the same, how wrong was I, I was in agony from the gas and felt like something was sticking and then ripping in my stomach. The slightest movement was leaving me in agony. I ended up bruised at the bottom of my belly and they dont know why.
I am a couple of weeks out and the pain has mostly subsided and I feel so much better. Moving is no longer sore and I am able to drink "normally" I am getting sick of cream Soups now though lol. I still can not tolerate Protein Shakes they are the only thing that makes me vomit so I see the nutritionalist tomorrow and will see what she suggests. I have been craving meat this week lol but will stick to the diet and to what they say.

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Your recovery sounds very similair to mine. The nausea was one of the worst parts for me, it wouldn't go away. It was so bad i was up the entire first night in recovery crying. Nausea meds didn't help, and my blood pressure was also dangerously high. I was dripping sweat, crying, it was just a nightmare. I read stories on here about such easy recoveries and mine was FAR from easy. I really wasn't expecting it to be that rough, but guess everyone is different. That's why you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else.

Happy to say i'm over a year post op and doing well now and it was all worth it in the end!

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I am glad that you shared this.... I was beginning to think that i was one of the onely one's that had a horrific time after surgery.... the nausea was the worst part. If I could have only had my Clear Liquids like Jello or broth without feeling like i was going to vommit all the time, it would have certainly made me feel better. The nurses kept telling me you can't vomit..... but i did a few times. I couldn't help it. I'm sort of glad I had to go thru hell in a way now because when i remember what i went through to have this surgery it makes me want to succeeed with my weight loss all the more.... Sometimes we have to suffer in life to reach or goals and this is no different. Anyone who thinks that this is the easy way out is so wrong. I'm still suffering..... now i can hardly eat anything..... the soft food is good but it's not like having real food. I won't be able to eat a real meal for six weeks post op ...I still have a lot of gas pains and my stomach makes all sorts of weird noises after i eat..... I have ten days to go to get to phase 3..... I am having trouble still getting my fluids in. Today I didn't eat anything yet so I could work on my Water intake. Yesterday I ate three small soft meals but didn't have time to get all of my fluids in because you have to wait so long after you eat to drink....... I started feeling bad last night so i figured that i didn't get enough Water ing....... I guess it will get better in time....... Thanks to everyone for your comments.

Your recovery sounds very similair to mine. The nausea was one of the worst parts for me, it wouldn't go away. It was so bad i was up the entire first night in recovery crying. Nausea meds didn't help, and my blood pressure was also dangerously high. I was dripping sweat, crying, it was just a nightmare. I read stories on here about such easy recoveries and mine was FAR from easy. I really wasn't expecting it to be that rough, but guess everyone is different. That's why you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else.

Happy to say i'm over a year post op and doing well now and it was all worth it in the end!

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So glad everyone shared and I see everyone has recently had surgery.

I was on a 2 week strict liquid diet prior to surgery and I had mine March 7. And I was miserable. The things they do not tell you ahead of time like the extreme abdominal pain, the heartburn, nausea.

I take disolvable zofran twice a day to help with the nausea. I have days where I get all my fluids in, But then don't eat. Or eat and don't get my fluids in. Today is the first day I have taken half of the Vitamins and meds. I have found it easiest to crush them then blend them into my Protein shake.

My drs have me on a strict puree diet for 4 full weeks, at which I can advance to soft foods such as fish, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs. This will continue for another 4-6 week's before I can try normal foods.

I am really struggling with puree foods being too boring. Even tho it's only a couple of small bites per day, they don't have enough flavor. My favorite things are puree carrots and mashed potatoes. Also milk hasn't agreed with me, but that was before the anti nausea meds so I think I will try It again.

Suggestions for Protein powders. The carnation Breakfast essentials chocolate And vanilla are great. I also love the nectar strawberry mousse (mixed with milk) and the nectar Roadside Lemonade (mixed with water)

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you are like me Danielle.... it seem like the days when i get my food in are the days that i can't get all my Fluid in.... what to do? I'm having a 'drink' fest today and nothing to eat so far.....

The Zofran didn't work in itself for me.... I had to have IV reglan as well before i could take my liquid pain meds or I'd vomit them right back up. My DR. said that the nausea seems worse in sleeve patients for some reason than with the bypass patients. Oh great! I also had the hiatal hernia surgery done at the same time so I had more reasons to be nauseated than some I guess.

Is the carnation essentials low carb...... I'm trying to stay with low carb now to enhance my weight loss. I've never heard of nectar strawberry mousse.... that sounds yummy.....? Where can I get that from and I wonder how many carbs is in it.

I hope anyone reading this posts will realize that this surgery may not be as easy as they think. I had no idea how bad it would be really.... No one told me about the severe nausea and pain..... and the high blood pressure that would occur. I spent 4 days in the hospital and i was told it would only be one day. I'm glad I was at the hospital longer because I would have REALLY freaked out if i went home after one day and was vommitting like i was there for three days..... I had to take prescription nausea pills when i got home too. Lucky the insurance covered it because without insurance the meds would have cost me 240.00 for one script for thirty days. I had to get prior authorization for this med. The insurance refused it at first.... I was panicking because i couldn't afford that much money for one script.....I get very little nausea now thank God but it does hit me sometimes after drinking some of the Protein drinks.... ugh.....

So glad everyone shared and I see everyone has recently had surgery.

I was on a 2 week strict liquid diet prior to surgery and I had mine March 7. And I was miserable. The things they do not tell you ahead of time like the extreme abdominal pain, the heartburn, nausea.

I take disolvable zofran twice a day to help with the nausea. I have days where I get all my fluids in, But then don't eat. Or eat and don't get my fluids in. Today is the first day I have taken half of the Vitamins and meds. I have found it easiest to crush them then blend them into my Protein shake.

My drs have me on a strict puree diet for 4 full weeks, at which I can advance to soft foods such as fish, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs. This will continue for another 4-6 week's before I can try normal foods.

I am really struggling with puree foods being too boring. Even tho it's only a couple of small bites per day, they don't have enough flavor. My favorite things are puree carrots and mashed potatoes. Also milk hasn't agreed with me, but that was before the anti nausea meds so I think I will try It again.

Suggestions for protein powders. The carnation Breakfast essentials chocolate And vanilla are great. I also love the nectar strawberry mousse (mixed with milk) and the nectar Roadside Lemonade (mixed with water)

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P.S Danielle.... if they told us everything that we could experience in detail after surgery then we might not have wanted to have it at all..... Good thing they didn't tell me EVERYTHING that could happen...... I'm still glad that i had it done.... No regrets....

you are like me Danielle.... it seem like the days when i get my food in are the days that i can't get all my Fluid in.... what to do? I'm having a 'drink' fest today and nothing to eat so far.....

The Zofran didn't work in itself for me.... I had to have IV reglan as well before i could take my liquid pain meds or I'd vomit them right back up. My DR. said that the nausea seems worse in sleeve patients for some reason than with the bypass patients. Oh great! I also had the hiatal hernia surgery done at the same time so I had more reasons to be nauseated than some I guess.

Is the carnation essentials low carb...... I'm trying to stay with low carb now to enhance my weight loss. I've never heard of nectar strawberry mousse.... that sounds yummy.....? Where can I get that from and I wonder how many carbs is in it.

I hope anyone reading this posts will realize that this surgery may not be as easy as they think. I had no idea how bad it would be really.... No one told me about the severe nausea and pain..... and the high blood pressure that would occur. I spent 4 days in the hospital and i was told it would only be one day. I'm glad I was at the hospital longer because I would have REALLY freaked out if i went home after one day and was vommitting like i was there for three days..... I had to take prescription nausea pills when i got home too. Lucky the insurance covered it because without insurance the meds would have cost me 240.00 for one script for thirty days. I had to get prior authorization for this med. The insurance refused it at first.... I was panicking because i couldn't afford that much money for one script.....I get very little nausea now thank God but it does hit me sometimes after drinking some of the Protein drinks.... ugh.....

So glad everyone shared and I see everyone has recently had surgery.

I was on a 2 week strict liquid diet prior to surgery and I had mine March 7. And I was miserable. The things they do not tell you ahead of time like the extreme abdominal pain, the heartburn, nausea.

I take disolvable zofran twice a day to help with the nausea. I have days where I get all my fluids in, But then don't eat. Or eat and don't get my fluids in. Today is the first day I have taken half of the Vitamins and meds. I have found it easiest to crush them then blend them into my Protein shake.

My drs have me on a strict puree diet for 4 full weeks, at which I can advance to soft foods such as fish, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs. This will continue for another 4-6 week's before I can try normal foods.

I am really struggling with puree foods being too boring. Even tho it's only a couple of small bites per day, they don't have enough flavor. My favorite things are puree carrots and mashed potatoes. Also milk hasn't agreed with me, but that was before the anti nausea meds so I think I will try It again.

Suggestions for protein powders. The carnation breakfast essentials chocolate And vanilla are great. I also love the nectar strawberry mousse (mixed with milk) and the nectar Roadside Lemonade (mixed with water)

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Some of my nausea could have been from the liquid pain meds but I ruled that out by stopping it all together. Those prob wasnt great because I feel like it took me Longer than it should have to get moving, but it was so gross I couldn't stomach it. I've just been without. But still need the zofran.

I agree if they told us everything we probably would have gone with a Lucerne of diets And failures instead of getting this tool now to change our lives. I keep telling myself it will pay off as I know it will.

The carnation Breakfast essentials and the nectar are low carb. The carnation is the No sugar added one it's a blue box. It has 60 calories And 12g of carbs. This is what they had me on during my pre op liquid diet. I mix it with skim milk. It can be purchased at your local grocery store or Wal-Mart although my local Wal-Mart is usually out I usually have to go to the regular grocery store for it

The nectar brand has 15 flavors. Ive only tried 3. It is 100 calories per scoop and 0 carbs and 23g of Protein. It came highly v recommend by my dietician bcuz he said it is a Protein isolate and not a protein blend which means u absorb all of the protein. The cheapest place I've found this is online. At my location Vitamin shoppe it was $45-$55, but it is cheaper at www.mybariatricpantry.com shipping was under a week and they also have a sample pack for like $20 where they will send you 10 different individual flavors to try.

For another great flavor a patient who had the bypass came in to one of our classes and mixed the 2 together (which makes a couple servings) And it was great. A strawberry chocolate concoction but not too sweet

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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