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May 2007 Banders

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My weight loss has been slow with long periods of plateau and then I notice my size change, then eventually a drop in the pounds.

WOW, keiko- 9cc in a 10cc band. I feel like a wimp! I had 2.1cc and couldn't handle it. My doctor removed 0.1 yesterday and now I feel great with only 2.0.

Melissa- hope your DH's recovery goes well, and also hope you were able to take yourself on that shopping spree!

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Manatee--- I just can't believe you want to lose another 10--where will it come from????

I never thought I'd post shirtless pics, but here you all go -- now you can see the 15-20 I'm still working on

Damn weight is just -hanging- on. Can't figure it out. Going tighter is NOT an option for me, I've become pretty intolerant of the fills lately :thumbup:



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So I got all of the sweets out of the house... I am hoping to get the bandwagon moving again. I have only lost about 5lbs. since February..............


I would be happy if those were my shirtless pics............I will have to have some plastics before I post any pics like that! Keep up the good work!

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mantee! you look fantastic! I got forty left to go and its slowed down a LOT since ive been back in maine and eating with the boys. I cook for three grown men when im here, and its VERY difficult to stay the line. even though im not seeing the scale move very much these days im still working out and trying to maintain activity and solid Proteins.

Twin, im with you on the plastics. Ive taken SOME photos for my own reference but im just not ready to do bathing suit pics for public consumption yet. I keep telling myself "its all relative".

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Hi Y'all!

I haven't posted in awhile. I think partly because I haven't lost any weight! Happily I haven't gained any either. The neat thing is that I am not a food addict anymore. I don't think about my next meal. I just eat 2 square meals a day. I know I should eat Breakfast more often but my coffee and Creamer just seems to be all that I want. I can still manage to eat anything pretty much if i eat real slow and chew real good. I even managed about a fourth of a hot dog on July 4th. But, I noticed they are not as good if you can't take a whopping big bite! I usually end up giving someone at the table the rest of my plate..eeeww I know but we call ourselve's Helen keller at my table..and just grab what we want some off the times! But, we do act proper when in public ;-) So from reading the posts it seems that most everyone else is in the same boat. Not too many of us reached goal. But, we have all done good and made a huge impact on our looks and health. I couldn't ask for more. I am a different person on the outside and inside. It feels really good. I think I will lose more weight..but it might only be 10 - 20lbs slowly.

Blessings all!


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So, yesterday I bought 33" waist jeans. Every brand is different, but that's the smallest I've had yet. $9 each on sale :biggrin:

I was curious about the mannequin, so I checked out what size they had on it. 32 waist!

Now, I'm not the same -shape- as Mr Plastic Abs there, but it's kinda cool to think I'm kinda close to that size. Interesting.

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I weighed in for the month and guess what? NOTHING changed! I really thought I would see a difference in the scale due to the fact that we were on vacation for a week (yes normally I would gain due to eating out alot etc, but we camped and didn't have access to junk food, Snacks etc) and I ate very small portions (mostly salads and tomatoes with skim mozzarella and fresh fruits/veggies) and snacked VERY little and was quite active but nothing changed. I'm really ticked off...to top it all off, now that i'm down 40#'s I'm getting regular periods (have only had about 3-5 in the past 4 years) and guess what came while on vacation? You guessed it, my TOM (while camping nonetheless) it sucked! Okay, i'm done venting and being negative....there is SOME good to this, I dropped another inch off of my waist and the scale states i'm down in % of body fat (previous to weight loss was 50% according to my scale-not sure how correct this is as it's just a digital scale you stand on, but it has always stated this number consistently and then it had dropped to 48% a couple months ago with the majority of my weight loss but this month it dropped to 47%) so I guess even though I haven't lost i'm less "FAT"...whoo hoo (sarcastic and ticked off) thanks for listening ......or er :thumbup: reading ..

I'm losing again...I know your all going "and what's wrong with that?" It's just weird to me because I try and try and NOTHING and then I lose like 2 lbs just like that! It makes no sense when you do the whole calories in, calories out calculation, but that's always how I work. I weighed Tuesday and was down 1 lb and weighed again yesterday and another whole pound down...usually they go in 5 lb increments so i'll try again tomorrow and see if at least if nothing else i'm consistent.

The only things different i'm doing are: trying to nibble more throughout the day (which is hard because I have to break the Water rule to do that but I NEED To get all my water for the day in and I can't just drink it all at once and waiting an hour after EACH nibble would be impossible to get it all in) so every time I prepare something for my 3 year old I take a "test" bite and then i'm eating 2-3 almonds after each 'large' meal...(by large I mean more than a nibble, but usually it's less than 1/2 cup of food)(almonds=I read in one of my health magazines that's suppose to help weight loss)

Keep your fingers crossed that this one goes in a 5+ lb increment and I reach that elusive "Onderland" by the end of July!!!! :thumbs_down:

Edited by Mischievous1

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I tend to lose weight in "clumps" as well. I kind of like it that way! I don't weigh very often, so that surely has some to do with it. Now that my losses are slowing way down it is even harder to not be slightly discouraged though.

Every other Monday I sit on a panel of post-ops for my surgeon's psychologist. It's a day-long behavioral health seminar (we come in while they are having lunch to tell our stories and take questions) and it really helps to keep me focused and accountable. I always weigh on those days so I'll know the most current weight loss number to relay.

I need to get back to my lapband "roots" and have already picked up my exercise even more and I'm tracking my food again, too. These last 20 pounds or so are going to be hard, but I can do it and you can too, Mischievous! I'll be waiting to hear you are in ONEderland later this month.


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I tend to lose weight in "clumps" as well. I kind of like it that way! I don't weigh very often, so that surely has some to do with it. Now that my losses are slowing way down it is even harder to not be slightly discouraged though.

Every other Monday I sit on a panel of post-ops for my surgeon's psychologist. It's a day-long behavioral health seminar (we come in while they are having lunch to tell our stories and take questions) and it really helps to keep me focused and accountable. I always weigh on those days so I'll know the most current weight loss number to relay.

I need to get back to my lapband "roots" and have already picked up my exercise even more and I'm tracking my food again, too. These last 20 pounds or so are going to be hard, but I can do it and you can too, Mischievous! I'll be waiting to hear you are in ONEderland later this month.


I REALLY hope so i've been hitting the gym hard and trying to get enough food in and Water as well so i'm REALLY hopeful to hit it by end of month I think I will stay off the scale so it doesn't discourage me as hope doesn't always seem to work for me. I have gotten rid of any chocolate out of the house as even though I can't eat much I was tending to sneak a treat in the evening and maybe that is slowing my metabolism by wreaking havoc on the blood sugar...keep them crossed for me.:smile2:

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OK, just to get up to date, in June the doc didn't think I was losing good, so he sent me to get an upper GI to see how well my band is slowing the liquid. Last week I went to see the doc, and the test results showed there's very little restriction! So the doc somehow measured to see how much Fluid was in the band and it turned out to be measured at 5 instead of 9, which is what he supposedly has filled me with over the yeaar. So he filled me up to 5 1/2. Now, I'm supposed to see him in 5 weeks, but what I'm going to ask him is what happened to all the fluid in all the fills he supposedly gave me? Do I have a leak? All I know is now I'm hungrier and eating more than before I saw him. On the one hand that means I can still be filled a lot more, but now I'm worried that there's a problem with my band and it will need to be replaced.

BTW, I'm glad to see that others have been losing in spurts. Manatee, what a terrific job you've done. If I had a 33" waist I'd be taking pictures of me too!:embaressed_smile:



Edited by keiko

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Thoughts on a support meeting

When one starts the journey toward a band, one gets showered with advice. Some of the most common advice involves so-called 'support systems', where the banded person is supposed to make sure they are surrounded by caring, nurturing, happy people who will cheer and encourage every lost pound and every non-scale-victory.

Thank the non-existent God that I am not the type that requires those people. First, shiny happy people annoy me, and second, it's simply not fair to be that kind of burden when most people are up to their ears in dealing with their own demons.

However, I recently decided to attend a gastric banding support meeting at the local hospital. I did so for a few reasons: I was asked to attend by the gastric banding coordinator, I was curious, and I needed to see if there were any resources out there to help me fix my freaking head. Honestly, I didn't expect to get a whole lot out of the meeting. In truth, it was far more interesting and far less useful than I was expecting. I'm not certain it was a waste of time, and thus am considering attending the one next month.

So, why more interesting than expected?

I picked up a lot of tips from the other bandsters, especially about food choices and such. It was also interesting to see who had done well and who hadn't, and to listen to both camps explain why. The coordinator/facilitator kept the flow going, allowing few flat spots and no hostile attacks. All in all a positive environment.

But less useful?

Yes, less useful than I had hoped. There were very few people who had been banded longer than I, and of those none were nearing the end of their journey. As such, the conversations were still all about the physical end of this process. What can we eat, how to deal with stuck food, who should we tell about the band. All very legitimate topics, but not really anything I needed to discuss. I threw the word 'dysmorphia' out there once, and the blank looks around the room told me all I needed to know. These people don't have a clue yet what's headed their way. There's nothing here for me.

So why am I considering going to the next meeting?

Two reasons: there's a guest speaker next time, a psychologist (or psychiatrist, I forget which) that specializes in eating disorders. She's mainly a bulimic/anorexic person, but I would think that she has some experience in body image issues. After all, isn't that the core of anorexia?

Second, I think maybe there's something I can offer the others. Obviously I don't want to scare them, but maybe I can offer some advice and perspective to the ones that are two weeks or three month out from the surgery. Maybe. One more meeting, and reevaluate from there.

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Hi everyone..it has been forever since I posted. I have started reading the most current and will work my way backwards. It looks like I am not the only one struggling. Trust me when I say this, it is ALL my fault. I lost my job last September and didnt find a new one until March of this year. I also had a problem with my doctor and decided to start with a new one. ... I FINALLY saved up enough money for a fill ($300!)and went today. I am here to pledge my devotion to working again with my band. Like so many others, I am happy to say although I had hoped to be at goal by now and I haven't gotten there, I fluxuate with the same 5 lbs and I am proud of myself for that!

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Thoughts on a support meeting

But less useful?

Yes, less useful than I had hoped. There were very few people who had been banded longer than I, and of those none were nearing the end of their journey. As such, the conversations were still all about the physical end of this process. What can we eat, how to deal with stuck food, who should we tell about the band. All very legitimate topics, but not really anything I needed to discuss. I threw the word 'dysmorphia' out there once, and the blank looks around the room told me all I needed to know. These people don't have a clue yet what's headed their way. There's nothing here for me.

So why am I considering going to the next meeting?

Two reasons: there's a guest speaker next time, a psychologist (or psychiatrist, I forget which) that specializes in eating disorders. She's mainly a bulimic/anorexic person, but I would think that she has some experience in body image issues. After all, isn't that the core of anorexia?

Second, I think maybe there's something I can offer the others. Obviously I don't want to scare them, but maybe I can offer some advice and perspective to the ones that are two weeks or three month out from the surgery. Maybe. One more meeting, and reevaluate from there.

:biggrin: OK, Manatee, I give up. What does the word mean? I used the Microsoft thesaurus, as well as their other search options and it couldn't come up with a synonym.

Are you talking about a disconnect between how you think you look and what the mirror, scale actually says?

If so, I can understand that, since I've experienced that. However, at my age I'm not concerned so much about how I look to myself or others, it's how I FEEL now. Not that I don't care if I look slovenly, I just don't care if my skin is wrinkled or my boobs sag. What's important to me now is how much my knees and feet don't hurt so much, how much less winded I am when I walk up the stairs. These are the things that interest me now. I'm not discounting what you might be experiencing, but perhaps you might look at it from a different perspective.

I hope you find an answer to what you're seeking.

:svengo: Good luck,


Edited by keiko

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"Body dysmorphia" aka "body dysmorphic disorder": pathological preoccupation with an imagined or slight physical defect of one's body to the point of causing significant stress or behavioral impairment in several areas (as work and personal relationships)

In my case, it means I'm actually more unhappy with my body now with the small spare tire than I was when I was huge -- because when I was huge I simply ignored the body shape entirely.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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