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May 2007 Banders

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I was off line for a few days letting my shoulder heal and it took me forever to catch up on all of you and all your writings.

My shoulder is improving a little bit each day. The PT has me doing exercises with it to keep it from freezing up. I see the shoulder specialists tomorrow so I'm hoping for some pain relief in shot form.

I broke into a new decade, love to see those "9" numbers. I'm getting close to my halfway mark but it is going slowly. My plan was to start back to the gym next week when my kids went to school but my shoulder has set me back a few weeks so it's back to walking only.

With all that talk about hair falling out I started to pay attention to mine and noticed that it was shedding also. I drink Protein Shakes every day and take my Vitamins so I think it just happens to everyone to some extent.

I have days where my port will be sore still. I'm not sure why.

I have been sliming and PBing alot more since my last fill. I have gone back to mushys and very soft foods especially in the morning and for lunch. I have to eat really small bits of meat at a time to keep it down. I have to pay for fills now so even though I'm scheduled for another one in October I am going to wait till then to decide if I really need one or not.

When my weight loss slows or stalls or even bounces back up I find that it is usually because I am not eating enough calories and my body is going into starvation mode. I start eating more healthy foods and I start to drop again.

Good luck Everyone! You all are doing so great and if I could figure out how I would show you my before and now pics, even if I am only in my underwear.

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I hit 50# this AM...so I think I'll go look for a new shirt to treat myself (not sweets like b4band), well, maybe a SF NF Decaf Starbucks (pricey colored water)

Last couple of days I decided to get a couple new pairs of pants. I have to put on 2-3 pairs each morning to find one that will fit, then 1/2 way through the day that pair is hanging. I had to go to the regular women's department!!! ;) I actually had to stop myself from gravitating to the Plus department, but those clothes don't fit!!!

NSV...My DH (160# soaking wet) sat down on the edge of the bed last night and the side rail (oak) broke ;) (I couldn't help it, I had to smile). If it would have been me I would be sure it was my fat old butt, I would have felt soooo defeated...but it wasn't me!!! :whoo: LOL LOL LOL :)

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Hi All,

I haven't been on in a while. I went to see Dr. Heneghan today. He did an adjustment I now have 1.3 cc in my band. I thought I had 1.5 but .5 cc is among the missing LOL. I figured as much because I havev't felt restricted yet. So he gave me a .25 fill. I'm alittle bummed out because the weiht loss is almost nothing lately. And I thought I'd feel restricted by now. I'm almost 3 months out and have lost only 14# total since then. I'm trying with the walking but my feet and back are yelling at me if you know what I mean. bread is the only thing that I can't tolerate, it won't stay down. Thats something anyways because I love bread.

I'm keeping track of calories and I'm between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. and I'm staying away from junk and soft foods. Any suggestions from all the group would be appreciated.

Thanks, Sheila

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Sheila, Is there another exercise you could do? Bike, swimming, treadmill (may be easier on your body). You say youre staying away from high fat and soft foods but are you eating high protien foods?

It takes some people longer to get the scale moving. If its not moving you should try something different. If you always do the same you will get the same results. Maybe this fill will be enough to get things going!

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Sue11 - WAY TO GO on the 50# off for good...........YEA. I am almost there myself, 4 more pounds. It will happen, and the best part of this is it will not be coming back on. Keep up the good work!

Sheila - I hope this last fill helps you out. I have been lucky, had good restriction after my second fill. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else, we each have our own pace. Take care and good luck.

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I went to go see my doc yesterday...since I have been lifting weights I have had a lot of pressure in my port. They said everything was fine but I am not convinced. Does anyone know how you test to see if your port is flipped????? The scale is not being nice....even w/ me doing liquids for almost 2 days I have gainned a pound. I am not worried because TOM is almost here.

NSV.....my DH has this bench that he does incline sit up on....but I have to sit on the end because he will flip over w/ bench and all. Well I sit there and count for him.....and I have been doing this for months for him. Well yesterday I sat there like I always do....and the bench kept trying to flip over as he did his sit ups......I was too light!!!! Can you guys believe that!!!! LOL!!! He gave up and got on the floor to do his sit ups!!! LOL!!!



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Changes in diet can sometimes lead to hair loss

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

By Tara Parker-Pope, The Wall Street Journal

Dieters hoping to lose weight are discovering they're losing something else -- their hair.

The little-talked-about secret of the dieting industry is that a successful diet can also trigger Hair loss. As Americans struggle with obesity and tackle countless fad diets, some dermatologists say they are increasingly hearing complaints from perplexed dieters about thinning hair.

After Esther Sokol, a New York City records manager, lost nine pounds on the Atkins diet a few years ago, her hairdresser noticed her usually thick hair was beginning to thin. It was only after talking with doctors and hair experts that she learned her diet was the likely culprit.

"Diet was the only major change I'd made," says Ms. Sokol.

Hair loss can be triggered by a variety of factors including pregnancy, stress, surgery and age-related hormonal changes, to name a few. But few people realize that weight loss can also cause hair to shed, likely due to a nutritional deficiency. Although Iron deficiency is often associated with diet-related hair loss, a range of nutrient deficiencies can result in thinning hair, dermatologists say. Changes in levels of zinc, magnesium, Protein, essential fatty acids and Vitamins D, B and A can all trigger episodes of shedding hair. The problem affects both men and women, but women are more likely to notice it and seek treatment, say doctors.

The fact that so many different nutrients can be the culprit in hair loss means any diet can take a toll on the tresses.

The threat of thinning hair shouldn't discourage patients from losing weight, but it should convince them to avoid fad, quick-reduction diets, says Wilma Bergfeld, head of clinical research for the department of dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic. Such diets often lack proper nutrition, and rapid weight loss in itself is a stress on the body and can also trigger metabolism changes that affect Hair growth.

For hair health, doctors say the best weight-loss plans are reduced-calorie diets that promote gradual weight loss with healthful foods from all of the food groups. Diets low in protein and iron, such as vegetarian diets and very-low-fat diets, often result in deficiencies. But high-protein diets like Atkins that initially discourage fruits and vegetables can also trigger hair loss, says Dr. Bergfeld. The typical patient complains of thinning hair after losing about 20 pounds in a relatively short period of time, she says.

"We see it all the time," says Dr. Bergfeld. "If you start eating only one thing and you're not well balanced, you get into trouble."

A spokesman for Atkins referred questions to the company's Web site, which addresses hair loss in its frequently asked questions section, noting that any weight-loss plan can trigger hair loss. The site contends the Atkins diet is the "least likely" to cause hair loss. However, dermatologists say no scientific study has ever determined whether certain diets are more or less likely to cause hair loss.

In a healthy person, hair typically grows about an inch every two months. Hair has a three-phase life cycle -- the growing phase can last two to five years. A second, less-active phase lasts only about six weeks. A final resting phase lasts three to five months, before the hair falls out and new hair grows in. About 15 percent of hair follicles are in the resting phase at a time.

Abrupt changes in nutrition can disrupt the hair-growth cycle, causing hair follicles in the growing phase to convert to the resting phase too soon. This can mean a 20 percent to 30 percent or more increase in the number of daily hairs shed.

For many people, diet-related hair loss is temporary and may last only about two to six months. Once a person starts eating a more balanced diet, hair eventually comes back. In some people it may take one to two years to regain a full head of hair, dermatologists say.

Some dieters aren't even that lucky. A hair-shedding episode triggered by dieting may become a chronic problem if the dieter has a genetic predisposition for thinning hair, says Dr. Bergfeld and other doctors. In addition, hair loss triggered by dieting can be exacerbated by hormonal changes, stress or medications -- sending patients into a chronic cycle of hair shedding.

Ms. Sokol says she stopped the diet and has since regained the weight -- but her hair has never recovered. She says that if she had been aware of the link between weight loss and hair loss she probably wouldn't have tried the diet.

Dermatologists say they often advise dieters to take a Multivitamin with iron and keep weight loss to a pace of one to two pounds a week. Dieters with a family history of thinning hair or baldness should be especially careful about proper nutrition and slow weight loss. Patients considering obesity surgery, which often results in rapid weight loss, should also talk to their doctor about ways to protect their hair. In addition to nutrition supplements, patients who experience thinning hair after dieting or for other reasons are advised to avoid chemical treatments like bleach or permanents that weaken hair. Minoxidil, the active ingredient in the topical treatment Rogaine, is often recommended for chronic hair loss, although it doesn't work for everyone and has to be used consistently or the hair shedding will return, notes Brooklyn dermatologist Morris Westfried, medical director of the New York Hair Loss Center who published one of the first reports on minoxidil. For men, the oral medication Propecia may also help improve thinning hair. Hair extensions and transplants are also an option, but they can be expensive.

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I bought Tropicana fruit Squeeze at Sam's (35cal for 15.2oz.) Yummy! I can't do Crystal Light much, so one of these a day is my treat.

I went through my closet and got out all of the clothes that are to big on me and listed them in different plus size lots on ebay. I made about $350.00 between all of the lots. Now I can go and buy some more clothes.

I went out shopping with a friend the other night and we went to Chick-Fil-A after. Needless to say I got sick. Does anyone else not want to go out to eat anymore, because it is just not fun? I told hubby that it is just like a waste of my time. Really weird, considering that use to be my favorite thing to do.

I am so close to 50lbs., I can smell it! I think I am going to buy a coach purse when I get there. I have always been a purse and shoe freak (since buying clothes has always been depressing). Maybe in another 50 lbs. I will be a clothes freak!

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Hey Ragdoll,

Thanks for the advice I have a bike and I'm going to give that a try. I'm eating a hi Protein low carb diet usually. lots of fresh veggies this time of year yummy.

You know I was reading your post of how to find time to exercise with little children. Someone mentioned preparing food ahead of time or at least knowing what you will prepare. I remember the same problem many moons ago LOL( I have Grandchildren now) . But I remember the crockpot working well to feed the family when time was short. a whole chicken and veggies or pot roast or stew. yOU CAN PREPARE THE NIGHT BEFORE AND COOK ON LOW ALL DAY. Lots of good recipes online at cook sites let me know if you need the sites, I'd behappy to forward a list to you.

Thanks again, Sheila

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Laura P.

Thanks for the reply, I know its a low progress I just have to keep upbeat about it, and seeing all the victories people are having helps alot. Good Luck to you too.


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Way to go with your weight loss. You are a success on ebay I see also.Good Dollar return. Make sure yuo treat youself you deserve it. Do you really have twins? I was one myself, had lots of fun with my brother. Well take care and continued good luck. Sheila

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Twin Mom,

Great idea to sell the cloths on ebay. I have just been getting rid of mine one piece at a time. I am kinda in a stuck mode right now. Not losing any weight. I just called the doc's office and moved my fill up to next week (3rd fill). I would get it today if they had an opening. I had hot chicken wings today for lunch. They didn't have any good lean meat selections...so I thought what the heck, I'll try these. At least it is better than no protien. I had no problem with it getting stuck. I think I def need a fill! Trying not to be discouraged. This is the slowest process...I need to not complain though cause I don't want to rush my life away. Or I will be skinny but older !


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So I got my first fill today......what a weird sensation!!! You guys have all been through it but wow, it felt very alien to me!!!

My doc said 3-4 days of liquids!!!! I am hungry just thinking about it!!! This should jump start the weight loss again though. The doc's scale said 38lbs lost and 39% of my excess body fat. Yippee!

Thanks for all the support!

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Yippee! I hit 50 pounds today too! I like the idea of buying a coach purse but I don't know if I can make myself spend that much on a purse. Six more pounds and I will be half way there! I need to come up with a good reward.

Thanks for the article on Hair loss. Guess I better make myself take all those Vitamins. I have noticed a bit more hair coming out lately.

I saw the orthopedic shoulder specialist today and it looks like my tendonitis has caused my shoulder to freeze up and I have a large Calcium deposit that may require surgery and rotator cuff repair. He gave me a shot with cortizone, steroids, and novicane in it that hurt like heck. Then I had physical Therapy on it where they hooked up the electrodes and run electrical currents through the swollen muscles. That actually felt good. He figures 3-6 weeks of therapy to get it moving again. Yuk!

I'm having a hard time staying motivated to walk, drink my Protein Shakes, and take all my vitamins. Anyone else struggling with this?

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metalband - My doc says two days of liquid then on to soft. I found it hard to wait that long. It brought back memories of weeks and weeks on liquids. . . . . not fun.

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