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May 2007 Banders

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Melissa- That is SUPER! Wow for you!!

from Lizrbit- do i understand you right in that you have a total fill of nine cc's in a ten cc band and yet you feel no restriction?

Well, if you do the Math, that would seem right, but when I asked she told me it would really hold 11? I am not sure!

twinmommy- I want to know what to eat too! I talked to the nurse and she told me that certain foods were "soft" and that you can eat more of those things? Toast was one of those? Anyway, I have been emailing her what I can eat to see if she thinks I need a fill, LOL!

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Melissa....CONGRATS AND A BIG WOOOOHOOO for you! How exciting not to have to get that DAMN X in front of the Large!! I am at 218 and still I am not to that point yet....so YES I am jealouse!! JK!!!

Well I think it is time for a fill again. I was banded May 22, and my first fill was June 20th. I had great restriction.....I was never, ever hungry. I ate my regular meals because I knew I had to eat, but I wasnt hungry. Now I am hungry.....hungry when I wake up with my tummy talking to me....then its like 10 am and I am starving and my stomach making weird noises so I know its not head hunger!!! Last night I had some tuna.....then about 2 hours later I was hungry and up in the kitchen opening the fridge, and pantry looking for something!!! I havent done that since I was banded. Ya think its time for a fill??????

I also wanted to let you guys know that I have been walking Sunday-Thursday 2-3 miles. Well I never run because I usually feels awfull, I can feel my butt, and thigh fat flap when I run and that is not a pretty feeling. So since its been a while since I attempted all that I figured I felt strong an my 5 yr old and 9 yrs old wanted to race I would do a slow jog to see how the old body doing. I ran half the mile and there was NO flapping!!!! So I left my kids in the DUST!!!LOL!!! I wasnt doing the little walk jog thing...I was really RUNNING!! ARMS PUMPING, LEGS STRETCHING, FEET OF THE GROUND RUNNING!! IT FELT GREAT!! I didnt want to over do it, so I would run half a mile then walk, then run half the mile then walk. I did three miles!!! YEA ME!!! Well I am sore as hell today, but I feel GREAT!!



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Great going Melissa and Sandra!

I'm a tall, larger frame person with looong arms, so at my lowest I will likely be in an XL most of the time. After losing 36 pounds or so total, I still wear the same size top (big tummy), but the bottoms have gone down one size. It's going to be a while before I get to be really happy about clothing size, but that's ok. As long as I am healthier, I'm happy!

Today I got the go ahead from my Dr. to do abdominal weight-resistant machines!! Look out!

I probably need a 2nd fill, but I read somewhere (and I'll be darned if I can find it again) that the fills work better with a month or more in between. Since I'm still losing (I think...I weigh only every other Thursday so in one week) I'll keep this for the time being. It's nice not having to worry about things getting stuck just yet.


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yea Mellisa and Sandra!!!

I need a fill too- I'd been doing pretty well at mealtimes- around 1 cup of food but last night I was able to eat an entire stip steak (about 8 oz) without any problem. YIKES! Didn't even realized I had eaten the whole thing (talking too much at mealtime!) Last fill was around June 20 - have an appt next week.

Just need to keep portions controlled until then!

anyone else tempted to bring a food scale with them when they go to resturants? I still have a rough time on judging portion size

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When you are at a resturant, just draw imaginary lines on the plate in a big cross. Just eat what fits in one quarter of the plate.... everything else goes in a doggie bag or let someone else eat it. No need for a scale.< /span>

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Melissa....CONGRATS AND A BIG WOOOOHOOO for you! How exciting not to have to get that DAMN X in front of the Large!! I am at 218 and still I am not to that point yet....so YES I am jealouse!! JK!!!

Well I think it is time for a fill again. I was banded May 22, and my first fill was June 20th. I had great restriction.....I was never, ever hungry. I ate my regular meals because I knew I had to eat, but I wasnt hungry. Now I am hungry.....hungry when I wake up with my tummy talking to me....then its like 10 am and I am starving and my stomach making weird noises so I know its not head hunger!!! Last night I had some tuna.....then about 2 hours later I was hungry and up in the kitchen opening the fridge, and pantry looking for something!!! I havent done that since I was banded. Ya think its time for a fill??????

I also wanted to let you guys know that I have been walking Sunday-Thursday 2-3 miles. Well I never run because I usually feels awfull, I can feel my butt, and thigh fat flap when I run and that is not a pretty feeling. So since its been a while since I attempted all that I figured I felt strong an my 5 yr old and 9 yrs old wanted to race I would do a slow jog to see how the old body doing. I ran half the mile and there was NO flapping!!!! So I left my kids in the DUST!!!LOL!!! I wasnt doing the little walk jog thing...I was really RUNNING!! ARMS PUMPING, LEGS STRETCHING, FEET OF THE GROUND RUNNING!! IT FELT GREAT!! I didnt want to over do it, so I would run half a mile then walk, then run half the mile then walk. I did three miles!!! YEA ME!!! Well I am sore as hell today, but I feel GREAT!!



Good for you on this NSV!!!! You Rock!

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Jsrico......running, how cool! Great Job!!! Good for you, what an NSV!!!

Mcgreen, great job on the weight loss so far, I was banded the same day and I am down 33 lbs. I went to the doc today but did not get a fill. I have not had one yet but he said as long as I am still losing and not starving that I should hold off. As far as portions, I am okay during the day, its at dinner that I feel I can eat more but my family is already trained to take my portion!!!!! Thank goodness for growing boys....there aren't any leftovers for me to snack on LOL.

Keep up the good work,


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When you are at a resturant, just draw imaginary lines on the plate in a big cross. Just eat what fits in one quarter of the plate.... everything else goes in a doggie bag or let someone else eat it. No need for a scale.< /span>

thanks for the suggestion! I end up eating out more than I'd like due to work/family stuff so even though I order well ( chicken, fish, veggies with some beef. mmmm. beef- yum!) portions are still hard for me :D

Mcgreen, great job on the weight loss so far, I was banded the same day and I am down 33 lbs. I went to the doc today but did not get a fill. I have not had one yet but he said as long as I am still losing and not starving that I should hold off. As far as portions, I am okay during the day, its at dinner that I feel I can eat more but my family is already trained to take my portion!!!!! Thank goodness for growing boys....there aren't any leftovers for me to snack on LOL.

Keep up the good work,


yea-we're band twins! :clap2: You are doing GREAT with your weight loss! I agree that evenings are the worst in being able to eat much more - the band feels much looser to me. I don't know that I needed my first fill a month ago- I was losing and had some restriction but its definitely less noticeable now. Good for you for being able to do so well without having to tighten the band! I know myself and I like to push/test - can I eat X and not gain weight? Having a bit more restriction will hopefully keep my binge urges at bay. I want to still be able to eat meat so I don't want to be very tight. I'm thinking 1.4 cc (I was 1.2 last time in a 4cc band)

yea for the May bandsters! It looks like everyone is doing well!

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Melissa....CONGRATS AND A BIG WOOOOHOOO for you! How exciting not to have to get that DAMN X in front of the Large!! I am at 218 and still I am not to that point yet....so YES I am jealouse!! JK!!!

Well I think it is time for a fill again. I was banded May 22, and my first fill was June 20th. I had great restriction.....I was never, ever hungry. I ate my regular meals because I knew I had to eat, but I wasnt hungry. Now I am hungry.....hungry when I wake up with my tummy talking to me....then its like 10 am and I am starving and my stomach making weird noises so I know its not head hunger!!! Last night I had some tuna.....then about 2 hours later I was hungry and up in the kitchen opening the fridge, and pantry looking for something!!! I havent done that since I was banded. Ya think its time for a fill??????

I also wanted to let you guys know that I have been walking Sunday-Thursday 2-3 miles. Well I never run because I usually feels awfull, I can feel my butt, and thigh fat flap when I run and that is not a pretty feeling. So since its been a while since I attempted all that I figured I felt strong an my 5 yr old and 9 yrs old wanted to race I would do a slow jog to see how the old body doing. I ran half the mile and there was NO flapping!!!! So I left my kids in the DUST!!!LOL!!! I wasnt doing the little walk jog thing...I was really RUNNING!! ARMS PUMPING, LEGS STRETCHING, FEET OF THE GROUND RUNNING!! IT FELT GREAT!! I didnt want to over do it, so I would run half a mile then walk, then run half the mile then walk. I did three miles!!! YEA ME!!! Well I am sore as hell today, but I feel GREAT!!



That is so awesome! That is what I want to do, be a runner! That is one of my long term goals. Right now, I am just swimming and playing in the pool, LOL!

Congrats to everyone else too, sounds like we will make it!!

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Hello everyone -

I had a fill on the 29th - the Dr. put in 1.8 cc in a 4cc band - It worked GREAT the first few weeks, but this week has been pure torture. I am hungrier than I have been since even starting my Protein liquid diet pre-surgery! I ended up moving my follow up appt from the 30th to tomorrow and am SO glad I did. I HATE being hungry to the point it feels like my stomach is jumping out of my skin.

I still have a Protein Drink for Breakfast (sometimes I make a Decaf unsweetened soy latte and add the chocolate Protein Powder for a mocha)

tuna or a lean cuisine for lunch and by dinner I am starving. I am trying to stay at 800 calories a day which is tough now (remembering when I struggled to get enough food in for the day.

I am going to see if I can go up to 2.5 cc on the next fill. I feel some restriction when I do eat but it doesn't last for long. Is this a similar story for most people trying to find their sweet spot?

I am stuck at a plateau as well but think I am still loosing inches (I am really short)

CONGRATS to all of you!

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Yea LJ on losing inches!! that's great!

LOL moment here- I was reading and running my hand right along my necklace- it hits right below my collar bones and I felt this lump.. I immediately freak out and then realize its a rib! I can actually feel ribs now!!!


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Yea LJ on losing inches!! that's great!

LOL moment here- I was reading and running my hand right along my necklace- it hits right below my collar bones and I felt this lump.. I immediately freak out and then realize its a rib! I can actually feel ribs now!!!


That was a much needed laugh for me! I would be jumping up and down and getting everyone else to feel the bone too!!!

Congrats to you! Maybe we should be recording these NSVs somewhere.

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I have been desperate because I gainned 2 lbs. this weeks so I have been eating my Protein, drinking my Water and walking/running everyday. So I finnally just lost 1 pound. I am hopping I will be down another one in the a.m. I know that I am going to plateau, but that doesnt mean I like it! Just frustrates me because I eat what I am supposed to, and follow the rules but yet I AM STUCK!! Hell stuck would be better than actually gainning!!



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I get a newsletter from the Bob Greene's Best Life Diet website. Today I got this one. I thought I would share it beacuse we are seem to be getting to the point where the weight loss is slowing down and maybe hitting our first plateau. I know it helped me to read this.

Nearly every dieter gets to a point where the weight loss slows or, worse, comes to a grinding halt. Even if you don't start regaining, it can be frustrating to see your progress slow, especially if you haven't reached your goal weight yet. Experts call this phase a plateau--and arriving here is actually a sign you're on the right track.

"The first 10 percent of your weight loss happens more easily, so when you get to a point where you have less fat, your body has to readjust to the new composition," says Audrey Cross, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in New York City. It does this by slowing metabolism and holding on more stubbornly to the remaining fat. But now is not the time to give up! The tips below can help you stay positive--and stay the course.

Look at a plateau as an opportunity. Try not to get discouraged. Instead, recognize the plateau as a positive sign that you're ready for a few more changes.

Shop for new clothes. "Women tend to wear their larger clothes and put off buying new ones until they hit their goal weight. But you deserve a new look right now," Cross says. So go out and buy yourself some transitional clothes today. "It's amazing how flattering the correct clothing size can be."

Don't obsess over the scale.< /strong> Your body is changing in ways that aren't reflected on the scale. Because a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat, you may not notice a drop in actual weight, Cross explains. But muscle takes up less space in your body than fat, so you may find some extra room in your clothes.

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Laura P,

Thanks I needed to hear that! I get soooooo discouraged when I eat so much less plus exersize and nothing happens on the scale....it just makes want to go eat a greasy double cheese burger and a super sized fries plus some cheese cake!!!LOL I am trying w/ all my might not to give up an screw this up royally!! I am hanging on!!



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