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May 2007 Banders

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If it wasn't for the port pain, I would be exercising like a mad woman, but I am too afraid. I still think it was worth it. I know I will succeed this time and that is a feeling that I have never had before!

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Thanks. I can't wait to go to the doc. I don't want to be a downer but I am still having lots of port pain, when I move certain ways it feels like its ripping out!! I hope he does not have to reposition it!! Other than that I feel great but I still cannot laugh, sneeze or bend over.....it getting old.

So to not be a downer.....thanks for all the support. You are all great!! I love this site!!!! It is alway better to end on a high note!!!

I had those same types of problelm for almost 3 1/2 weeks. BUt one morning I woke up in my chair and that pain was gone. I was finally able to sleep in my bed and not in a chair.

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I had those same types of problelm for almost 3 1/2 weeks. BUt one morning I woke up in my chair and that pain was gone. I was finally able to sleep in my bed and not in a chair.

my port pain has gotten significantly better the past few days- I'm a little over 2 weeks out and found that I was waking up on my stomach with a little port tenderness- before I couldn't even think of rolling over. My bras still bug me so every other day I go for a light bandless bra- not as supportive but doesn't rub either

so let me ask y'all something - I went to the band doctor's support group last night and there were about 20 -30 people there and most have them have been banded > 6 months and most of them had lost only 20-40 lbs! That freaked me out! So it could be a selected group- the ones who are doing well don't feel like they need the support whereas the ones who are struggling do but it really depressed me. How could they not have lost more than that?? The upside is that they had been consistently gaining for years prior to their band and by doing the band they stopped that and are down some but omg. It really stressed me!

This isn't meaning to take anything away from those women but good grief!

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my port pain has gotten significantly better the past few days- I'm a little over 2 weeks out and found that I was waking up on my stomach with a little port tenderness- before I couldn't even think of rolling over. My bras still bug me so every other day I go for a light bandless bra- not as supportive but doesn't rub either

so let me ask y'all something - I went to the band doctor's support group last night and there were about 20 -30 people there and most have them have been banded > 6 months and most of them had lost only 20-40 lbs! That freaked me out! So it could be a selected group- the ones who are doing well don't feel like they need the support whereas the ones who are struggling do but it really depressed me. How could they not have lost more than that?? The upside is that they had been consistently gaining for years prior to their band and by doing the band they stopped that and are down some but omg. It really stressed me!

This isn't meaning to take anything away from those women but good grief!

I feel the same way. I talked to a lady in the Dr.'s office today and she said that she had only lost 35lbs for the past year since surgery. That amazed me. It kinda scared me. I'm thinking I've already passed that but am I going to get stuck. That's why I 'm trying so to loose this wieght I never ever want to wiegh 489lbs ever ever again:)

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Hello everyone -

A few things to try and catch up.....

PORT PAIN - I still have it when I bend over and twist around. Go figure that I keep dropping everything in sight so I have been practicing my leg lunges without the tummy muscles, the thighs are getting exercise. I am just two weeks yesterday post op. I am sleeping well on my back and my right side but cannot yet lay on my left. In the morning I feel really good and since I started work full time again on Monday, I am lasting about one hour more each day (today I was ok until about 4:00 or so)... I am hoping the port pain goes away cause i really want to wear jeans and I am still wearing all my clothes pre-everything.

To date I have lost almost 22 lbs... About 12 pre-op and 10 post op which is almost 3/4 lb a day which I think is good. (I did cheat once on my 10 day pre op diet, had a sausage hot dog and popcorn). I felt horrible as well, BUT I just got up the next day and told myself, I have made this committment and will take it meal by meal and made it through the rest of the pre-op "cleanse". Remember to those of you still struggling (I saw a few posts earlier today) it is for your liver - not only will it help with the surgery, it will help with RECOVERY as well. AND you will feel a sense of accomplishment! I made sure and still do drink my Protein Drinks before I get too hungry, otherwise I am a mess. One thing I did do that wasn't really approved, cause I just didn't like the plain Protein drinks is I found the UNSWEETENED Soy Milk, used about 2-3 oz of that, the rest Water and it helped keep me full and now I really love the Champion chocolate protein shakes!

Another thing too keep in mind is the higher the BMI the faster the weight comes off. It is purely a ratio issue with numbers, percentage wise it usually works out the same.

EXERCISE - I have been walking a little, not very much, but I do consider going back to work this my exercise right now. It is a desk job but with a lot of activity so i get up and down a lot and by the end of the day I am so exhausted and by back is so sore with my port hurting, I just come home and relax. Tomorrow I have to fly with a customer to Reno to tour our warehouse there and it is only about 400,000 square feet, plus the walking at the airports (it is a day trip) and I am concerned I won't make it an can see someome wheeling me back to my gate tomorrow night in a wheelchair. I figure that will cover me for the weekend.

I packaged up four separate mini Protein Shake deals to take with me and will try and drink a lot of water as well ( I also suck at getting all my water down each day).

I guess I felt like I had a lot to get out today - sorry for such a long post, I am just learning so much. At work and other places so many people are uneducated about the band and why I got it that I don't get a lot of support outside of this forum and my immediate family ( even some of my friends couldn't understand why I did this. I feel so much better already and would do it again tomorrow. So thank you all for listening!!!

Regards -


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Keep your head up and everything will work it self out. People even your friends sometimes dont understand what we are through. So I feel like you made a great decision to better yourself so keep it up.:)

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Hope everyone is doing well. I am now 5 weeks out and feeling great. I still sometimes have have a slight pulling sensation at my port site. I now have an appointment for my first fill, June 18th. I can't wait, I am able to eat way too much and get hungry way too soon after a meal. I know that some of it is head hunger but most of it is not.

I have only told a few people about my surgery, nobody at work knowes. I am so glad that I did not tell everyone, because just the few I have told are driving me nuts. I talk to my sister about every other day, and she alway ask "Well how much have you lost?" I try to explain to her that yes I am loosing but this is the healing stage of my surgery and it is slower now. And we went out to eat with to a wedding, one of my friends who knowes was there, I felt like she was watching every bite I was taking, she even asked me once "Are you sure you can eat that?" I told her YES, I do know what I am supposed to eat and not eat. Oh well, maybe I am just being silly, but I am glad I only told a few people. Is anyone else going through this?

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Yes! I feel like my friends and family have turned into the food Police! This last week and a half I haven't lost anything and am just sitting at the same weight. I know it's pretty normal before your first fill but I'm frustrated and all those bad habits of eating the wrong choices are starting to haunt me big time. I don't get my first fill until the 25th and it can't come soon enough. I told a few people who felt they needed to tell the world so now even strangers come up and ask me about it. It's uncomfortable now that Im not losing right now. Anyone else?

My port pain is much better but by the end of the day I feel it. The swelling is starting to go down a little but I can't feel where the port is. There is still a pocket of liquid around it. Things are getting better though. I still have those days where I am exhausted by 7pm and want to go to bed. My kids are out of school on Friday so I can sleep in after that. Yea!!!

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I go in for my 1st fill today (hope I see you there, Stacey!). Does anyone have any experiences with it (good or bad)?? I read somewhere to eat softer foods on the day of the fill, and to be prepared to do liquids for a day or so afterwards, followed by mushies, then solid food.

I am SO READY to eat a salad!! :hungry: I have been able to eat most anything, as long as it is not doughy, and if I eat s-l-o-w-l-y! I know I am supposed to be on mushies still, but if you chew your food 7,000 times, it IS mushy!! HA!! (I know I am rationalizing why I ate some things I shouldn't, but I just could NOT do the Protein Shakes anymore!) I have eaten some crackers, chips, and crunchier things, but try to stick to yogurt, sf puddings, mushy chicken salad, and Soups. I really don't care to see another pile of mashed potatoes again...or at least for awhile!

I have lost 14 pounds since the surgery, so I feel good about that, but the scales have not moved (have even gone up & down) for the past week. I am soooo ready for a fill! Like Samiam, I could also eat a horse! (as long as it is not served with mashed potatoes)

Please let me know what your fill is like, and how you are doing since. I know some of those who had their bands placed before I did (on the 11th) still have not gone in for a fill. Dr. Spivak says you have to be 4 weeks out...I guess other dr's recommend waiting longer.

Hope everyone is doing well! :(

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You guys are amazing!! What weight loss! I agree about not weighing every day, to much. Try to contain it to a week, because your body changes and may frustrate you when you really did not gain.

It is interesting reading the May and June thread to see the stages we go through! Tomorrow is my day!!!!!!!I am a little bit nervous, but very excited. I will be praying for a smooth ride!


Good luck. Make sure you keep us posted with your progress. You'll do great.


Look at you!! That is amazing. Keep up the great job.


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LauraP and Wenjea too, I know exactly how you feel. I've had people asking me 'how's that band thing working out for you' and 'how much weight have you lost so far?'. i'd like to swat them! i keep telling them that this is a healing stage for me and that i won't see the real weight loss until later on. I don't want to go into a lot of detail either. I've been on my scales and I have seen them move downward (and upward then downward too for that matter!), but I'm waiting to see how I do at the doctors office before I actually count the pounds lost. My scales and his are different for one thing and for another, there's time in between my weighing on his and not the daily jumping on and off that I normally do (does that make sense at all?).

Anyway, I just wanted to say that y'all aren't alone w/ the food police deal. I go for my first fill next week and hope to see more restriction then.

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LauraP and Wenjea too, I know exactly how you feel. I've had people asking me 'how's that band thing working out for you' and 'how much weight have you lost so far?'. i'd like to swat them! i keep telling them that this is a healing stage for me and that i won't see the real weight loss until later on. I don't want to go into a lot of detail either. I've been on my scales and I have seen them move downward (and upward then downward too for that matter!), but I'm waiting to see how I do at the doctors office before I actually count the pounds lost. My scales and his are different for one thing and for another, there's time in between my weighing on his and not the daily jumping on and off that I normally do (does that make sense at all?).

Anyway, I just wanted to say that y'all aren't alone w/ the food police deal. I go for my first fill next week and hope to see more restriction then.

Crabcake, I know exactly what you, LauraP, and Wenjea are talking about! I visited my mom this past weekend (she is one of the few folks that I told about the band)...I felt like I was under the magnifying glass! "I think I can tell you've lost weight...how much have you lost?...can you eat brisket yet? - that's what I fixed for everybody...now, tell me again about getting filled up?..." I was ready to scream! I know she means well, but right now I am highly sensitive about the subject! I guess I'm having a hard time relating to people without weight issues? Thanks for the support I am getting on this board - it helps so much!

As far as the pounds lost...I have just been too afraid to step on the scales! My husband had them out during the first week, but I couldn't get on! I guess I'm afraid it will not show a loss yet and set me up for disappointment, so I have abandoned the scales completely. I go for my first fill today and will accept what the doc's scales tell me. Then I hope I can change my ticker to show something positive!~

Wish me luck! Kathy (mommytokk): good luck to you at 1:00!!

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I am sooooo happy for all of you that have come this far. We deserve a big applause or something! LOL!! I am two weeks post-op....I went to see Dr. Spivak yesterday, well actually his nurse. My stiches in my belly button were feeling, looking kind of weird. They were infected and they cut some out....it hurt, but I guess that is the infection. Well I am down 15 pounds since my surgery. YEA ME! My scale at home is not very reliable....I can get on it 4 times and every time it is different.....but I keep getting on till I see a number I like!! LOL!!! Does anyone else do that?? How about shift your body, or exhale till the number makes me happy!! LOL!! Well I am gonna throw that scale away.....but I might buy a new one. I did walk yester day for a whole hour....me and my 6 year old daughter....I even ran a little and I could tell my belly was still sore so I had to cut that out real quick! Well I am scheduled for a fill in 2 weeks....so for now I am gonna concentrate on exersizing and drinking my water! I am terrified of the fill....I saw the needle....I dont think its gonna be very pleasant. YIKES


Dr. Hadar Spivak

Houston, Texas

Highest weight 255


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I am sooooo happy for all of you that have come this far. We deserve a big applause or something! LOL!! I am two weeks post-op....I went to see Dr. Spivak yesterday, well actually his nurse. My stiches in my belly button were feeling, looking kind of weird. They were infected and they cut some out....it hurt, but I guess that is the infection. Well I am down 15 pounds since my surgery. YEA ME! My scale at home is not very reliable....I can get on it 4 times and every time it is different.....but I keep getting on till I see a number I like!! LOL!!! Does anyone else do that?? How about shift your body, or exhale till the number makes me happy!! LOL!! Well I am gonna throw that scale away.....but I might buy a new one. I did walk yester day for a whole hour....me and my 6 year old daughter....I even ran a little and I could tell my belly was still sore so I had to cut that out real quick! Well I am scheduled for a fill in 2 weeks....so for now I am gonna concentrate on exersizing and drinking my water! I am terrified of the fill....I saw the needle....I dont think its gonna be very pleasant. YIKES


Dr. Hadar Spivak

Houston, Texas

Highest weight 255

Surgery weight 242

Current weight 227

Goal weight 175

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Hope everyone is doing well. I am now 5 weeks out and feeling great. I still sometimes have have a slight pulling sensation at my port site. I now have an appointment for my first fill, June 18th. I can't wait, I am able to eat way too much and get hungry way too soon after a meal. I know that some of it is head hunger but most of it is not.

I have only told a few people about my surgery, nobody at work knowes. I am so glad that I did not tell everyone, because just the few I have told are driving me nuts. I talk to my sister about every other day, and she alway ask "Well how much have you lost?" I try to explain to her that yes I am loosing but this is the healing stage of my surgery and it is slower now. And we went out to eat with to a wedding, one of my friends who knowes was there, I felt like she was watching every bite I was taking, she even asked me once "Are you sure you can eat that?" I told her YES, I do know what I am supposed to eat and not eat. Oh well, maybe I am just being silly, but I am glad I only told a few people. Is anyone else going through this?

Yes, but the funny thing is it is from my husband. Anytime I go to eat something he asks if that is ok for me to eat, or is that "on your diet". Normally, I suppose he is correct in that mashed potatoes would not be on my "diet", but it's the mushy stage and it is allowed!


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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